M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
unlocked to give access to the vehicle
occupants from the outside.
- If the power locking system should ma l
funct ion, you can lock the driver's door us
i ng the mechanical key¢
page 36.
- If the power loc king system should fail, yo u
ca n still open the fuel tank flap in an emer
¢ page 214.
- You are we ll advised not to keep valuables
i nside an unattended vehicle, v is ible or not.
Even a properly locked ve hicle cannot pro
v ide the secur ity of a safe.
- If the LED in the upper edge of the driver's
door panel comes on for about 30 seconds
after the vehicle is locked, there is a mal
funct io n in the power locking or the anti
theft warning system. Have the malfunction
cor re cted by a n authorized A udi deal ersh ip
or q ualified repa ir facility.
Setting central locking
In the Infotainment system, you can set which
doors the central locking system will unlock .
.. Se lect : the ICAR I function button > (Car )* Sys
control button > Vehicle settings > Cen
tral locking *.
Door unlocking -
You can decide if All doors or
only t he
Dri ver should unlock . The luggage com
partment lid also unlocks when
All is selected. If
you select Dr iver in a veh icle w ith a convenience
k ey*, only the door w hose handle you pull w ill un
l oc k.
If you s elect
Driver , all the doo rs and l uggage
compartment lid wi ll u nlock if you press the~
b utton on the remote co ntrol mas ter key tw ice.
Disable tailgat e handle -If you se lect On , the
luggage compartment lid handle is locked . In
this case the luggage compa rtment lid can be
ope ned wi th the
l""'I b ut ton on the maste r key or
with the
! ""' I button* in the driver's door . In
ve hicl es w ith a convenience key *, you can still
open the l uggage compartment lid using the
h andle if an authorized master key is nea r the
prox imity sensor *.
Open ing and clo sing
Fold mirror s when lo cking * -
If you se lect On ,
th e exterior rearview mirrors fold i n automatical
ly when yo u press the
[ml button on the remote
control master key or touc h the sensor* in the
Lock when driving -If you select On, the vehicle
locks a utomatically when d riving . All of the doo rs
and the luggage compartment lid lock.
Tone when locking -if you select On, a tone will
sound when you lock the vehicle.
Locking and unlocking the vehicle with the
remote control
Fi g. 20 Re mote control: funct io n buttons
Eithe r the driver's door on ly or the ent ire vehicle
will unlock when the unloc k button
m (@ ) is
pressed once, depending on the settings in the
MMI ¢page33.
"'Press button m (@ ) to u nlock the vehicle
¢ fig. 20.
.. Press button~( @) to lock the vehicle ¢ A in
General description on page 32.
.,. Press button C;j (@ ) briefly to unlock t he rea r
lid .
• Push the red
I PANIC i button (@ ) to activate the
pa nic function . T he horn sounds and the turn
signa ls flash . P ush the red
!PANIC I b utton again
to deactivate the panic f unction .
If the vehicle is un loc ked and no doo r, the rea r lid
o r th e hood is opened wi thin 60 seconds, the ve
hicle lo cks i tsel f ag ain au toma tica lly. This feature
prevents the vehicle from being acc identally left
u nlocked over a long period of time . ..,.
Lights and Vision
Exterior Lighting
Switching the lights on and off
Fig. 35 Instrument panel: l ig ht switc h with all weat her
l ig hts
Light switch -f/
Turn the switch to the co rresponding posit ion.
When the lights are switched on, the
:oo: symbol
turns on .
O -The lights are off or the dayt ime running
lights are on:
-USA models: The daytime running lights will
come on automatically when the ignition is on
and the light switch <=.>
fig. 35 is in the O posi
t ion or the
AUTO position (only in daylight con
di tions) . The
Daytime running light s function
can be turned on and off in the MMI
<=.> page 45, 9 ,&. .
-Canada models: The daytime running lights
will come on automatically when the ignit ion is
on and the light switch
<=.> fig. 35 is in the O po
sition, the
: oo: position or the AUTO position
(only in daylight conditions)<=.>,&. .
AUTO -Automatic headlights switch on and off
depending on brightness, for examp le in twilight,
during rain or in tunnels .
:,oo : -Parking light
fD • Low beam headlight
~ -All weather lights
~ @II -Rear fog lights
<( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Lights and Vision
All-weather lights
The front lights are adjusted automatically so
that there is less glare for the driver from his or
her own lights, for example when roads are wet.
Automatic dynamic headlight range control
Your vehicle is equipped with a headlight range
control system so that the headlights do not
blind oncoming traffic if the vehicle load
changes. The headlight range also adjusts auto
matically when braking and accelerating.
Static cornering light*
The static cornering light depends on equipment
and only works when the light switch is in the AU·
TO position. The cornering light switches on au
tomatically at speeds up to approximately
44 mph (70 km) when the steering wheel is at a
certain angle . The area to the side of the vehicle
is illum inated better when turning.
-Automatic headlights are only intended to
assist the driver. They do not relieve the
driver of responsibility to check the head
lights and to turn them on manually accord
ing to the current light and visibility condi
tions . For example, fog cannot be detected
by the light sensors. So always switch on the
low beam under these weather conditions
and when driving in the dark fD.
- The rear fog lights should only be turned on
in accordance with traffic regulations, to
prevent g lare for traffic behind your vehicle.
- Please observe legal regulations when using
the lighting systems described.
(D Tips
- The light sensor for the automatic head
lights is in the rearview mirror mount.
Therefore, do not place any stickers in this
area on the windshield.
- Some functions of the exterior lighting can
be adjusted
<=.> page 45 .
-If you turn off the ignition while the exterior
lights are on and open the door, you will
hear a warning tone. .,.
Lights and Vi sion
- In cool or damp weather, the ins ide of the
headlights, turn signals and tail lights can
fog over due to the temperat ure difference
between the inside and outs ide. They w ill
clear shortly after switching them on. This
does not affect the service li fe of the light
i ng.
Turn signals and high beam lev er
The lever on the left side of the steering column
is used to operate the turn signals and the high
beam as well as the headlight flasher.
F ig . 36 Tu rn signa l and hig h beam lever
The turn s ignal and high beam leve r has the fol
lowing f unctions:
Turn signals ¢¢@@
0 ,.._ 0 ±
• Pu sh the lever up as far as it can go t o turn on
t he righ t turn s ignal or down to tu rn on the left
tu rn s ignal
c:> fig. 36 .
• Move the lever brief ly until you meet resistance
and release it to flas h three times.
• Move the lever (up or down) unti l you meet re
s istance and hold it there to determine the
flashing time for the tu rn s ignals.
High beam ~D @
• Push the lever forward to switch on the high
beam (vehicles with h igh beam assist *
• Pull the lever back towards you to switch off
the h igh beam.
Headlight flasher ~D ©
• Pull the lever toward the steering wheel to use
the headlight f lasher.
Notes on these features
- The turn signals on ly work w it h the ignition
sw itche d on. The indicato r lights
II or Bin
the instrument cl uster c:> page 11 also blink.
- After you have tu rned a corner, the turn s ignal
sw itches off automatically .
- Th e
high beam works on ly when the he ad ligh ts
are on. The indi cator light
II in the instr ume nt
cl uste r ill uminates when the high beams a re
- The
headligh t flasher works o nly as long as yo u
hold t he leve r - even if there are no lig hts
turned on. The indicator light
II in the instru
ment cluster i lluminates when you use the
headlight f lasher .
Do not use the high beam or head light flasher
if you know that th ese could blind oncoming
traffic .
High beam assist
Applies to veh icles: with high beam assist
Fig . 3 7 Turn signal and high beam lever: sw itc hing high
bea m ass ist o n/off
A camer a on the rea rview mirror moun t ca n de
tec t light sources from other road users . The high
beams switch on or off a utomat ica lly depen ding
o n the position of vehicles driving ahead and on
coming vehicles, the vehicle speed and othe r en
vironme nta l and traffic conditions.
Activating high beam assist
Req uirement: The AU TO light sw itch posit ion
must be selected and t he h igh beam assist m ust
be switched o n in the I nfotai nment system
c:> page45.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
N \!) ,....,
~ To activate the h igh beam assist, tap the lever
(D . The ID indicator light appears in
the instrument cluster disp lay and the high
beam assist is switched on/off automatically.
El indicator ligh t also turns on if the high
beams are switched on .
Switching the high beam s on/off manually
If the high beams did not switch on/off automat
ically as expected, you may switch them on or off
manually instead:
~ T o switch the high beams on man ually, tap the
lever forward
(D. The El indica tor light turns
~ To switch the high beams off manua lly, pull the
lever back@. The high beam assist is deacti
Operating the headlight flasher
~ To operate the headlight flasher when the high
beam assist is activated and high beams are
switched off, pull the lever back@. The high
beam assist remains act ive.
Messages in the instrument cluster display
r!IJ Audi adaptive light: system fault!
High beam assist: System fault
Drive to an authorized Aud i dealer or authorized
Aud i Service Fac ility immediately to have the
malfunct ion corrected. You can still switch the
hi gh beams on or off manually.
High beam assist : Unavailable No camera view
The camera view is blocked, for example by a
sticker or debr is.
The sensor is located between the interior rear
view mirror and the windshie ld. Therefore, do not
p lace any st ickers in this area on the windshield.
High beam assist is only intended to assist
the driver. The driver is still responsible for
controlling the headlights and switching
them manually depending on light and visibil
i t y cond itions. It may be necessary to operate
them manually in situations such as:
Lights and Vision
-In adverse weather conditions such as fog,
heavy ra in, blow ing snow or spray ing water.
- On roads where oncoming traffic may be
partially obscured, such as expressways.
- When there a re road users that do not have
sufficient lighting, such as bicyclers or
veh icles with dirty tail lamps.
- In tight curves and on steep slopes.
- I n poorly lit areas.
- With strong reflectors, such as signs.
-If the area of the windsh ield near the sensor
is fogged over, dirty, icy or covered with a
Adjusting the exterior lighting
The settings are adjusted in the MMI.
~ Select: !CARI function button> (Car)* systems
control button > Vehicle settings > Exterior
lighting .
Automatic headlights
You can adjust the following sett ings in the Auto
matic headlights
Headlights activation time -You can adjust if the
headlights switch on
Early , Med. or Late accord
ing to the sensit ivity of the light sensor.
Audi adaptive light* -You can switch adaptive
On and Off.
Automatic high beams*
You can switch the high beam assist on and off.
Daytime running lights
USA models:
You can switch the daytime running
on and off .
Canada models:
The function cannot be turned
off. It is activated automat ica lly each t ime the ig
nition is switched on. Th is menu item is show n
"greyed out".
Coming home, Leaving home
The coming home function illuminates the area
outside the vehicle when you switch the ignition off and open the driver's door. To turn the func-
t ion on, select
Lights when leaving car > On . ..,.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
.. To increase or reduce the brightness, turn the
knob and press it .
The inte rior lighting turns on when you switch
the headlights on whi le the ignition is on .
(D Tips
The setting is automat ically stored and as
signed to the remote control key that is in
Instrument illumination
The brightness of the illumination for the instru
ments, display and head-up display* can be ad
Fig. 41 Instrument illumination
.. Press the knob to release it.
.. Turn the knob toward" -" or"+" to reduce or in
crease the brightness.
.. Press the knob again to return it to its original
pos ition.
@ Tips
The instrument illumination for the needles
and dia ls turns on when the ignition is turned
on and the lights are turned off. The illumina
tion for the dials reduces automatically and
eventually turns off as brightness outside in
creases. This function reminds the driver to
turn the headlights on at the appropriate
Lights and Vision
Adjusting the exterior mirrors
Fig. 42 Driver 's doo r: knob fo r the exterior mirrors
Turn the knob to the desired position:
Q/P -Adjusting the left/right exterior mirror.
Move the knob in the des ired direction.
4iil -Heating the mirror glass depending on the
outside temperature.
8 -Folding exterior mirrors*. In the Infotain
ment system , you can select if the mirrors fold in
a utomat ically when you lock the vehicle
~page 33.
Front passenger's exterior mirror tilt
To help you see the curb when backing into a
parking space, the surface of the mirror tilts
slight ly . For this to happen, the knob must be in
the position for the front passenger's outside
You can adjust the tilted mirror surface by turn
ing the knob in the desired direction. When you
move out of reverse and into another gear, the
new mirror position is stored and assigned to the
key you are using.
T he m irror goes back into its orig inal position
once you drive forward faster than 9 mph (15
km/h) or switch the ign ition off.
-Curved (i . e. convex) mirror surfaces increase
your f ield of view . Remember that veh icles or
other objects will appear smaller and farther
away than when seen in a fla t mirror . If you
Lights and Vision
use this mirror to estimate distances of fol
lowing vehicles when changing lanes, you
could estimate incorrectly and cause an acci
dent .
CD Note
- If the mirror housing was moved by force
(for example, by running into an object
when maneuvering the vehicle), the mirror
must be folded all the way in using the pow
er folding function. The mirror housing
must not be moved back into place by hand
because this would impair the function of
the mirror mechanism.
- If you wash the vehicle in an automatic car
wash, you must fold the exterior mirrors in
to reduce the risk of damage to the mirrors. Never fold power folding exterior mirrors*
by hand. Only fold them in and out using
the power controls.
@ Tips
- If the power adjusting function malfunc
tions, the glass in both mirrors can be ad
justed by pressing on the edge of it by hand.
- The exterior mirror settings are stored with
the memory function*~
page 56.
Dimming the mirrors
Fig. 43 Automa tic dimming rearview mirror*
Manual anti-glare adjustment
~ Move the small lever (located on the bottom
edge of the mirror) to the rear.
Automatically dimming mirrors*
~ To dim the rearview mirror and both exterior
mirrors, press the@ button . The diode ®
0 ... M 9 :x:
turns on. The rearview and exterior mirrors dim
automat ically when light shines on them, for
example from headlights on a vehicle to the rear.
Electrolyte fluid can leak from automatic dim
ming mirrors if the glass is broken . Electrolyte
fluid can irritate skin, eyes and respiratory system.
- Repeated or prolonged exposure to electro
lyte can cause irritation to the respiratory
system, especially among people with asth
ma or other respiratory conditions. Get
fresh air immediately by leaving the vehicle
or, if that is not possible, open windows and
doors all the way.
- If electrolyte gets into the eyes, flush them
thoroughly with large amounts of clean wa
ter for at least 15 minutes; medical atten
tion is recommended.
- If electrolyte contacts skin, flush affected
area with clean water for at least 15 mi
nutes and then wash affected area with
soap and water; medical attention is recom
mended . Thoroughly wash affected clothing
and shoes before reuse.
- If swallowed and person is conscious, rinse
mouth with water for at least 15 minutes .
Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to
do so by medical professional. Get medical
attention immediately.
CD Note
Liquid electrolyte leaking from broken mirror
glass will damage any plastic surfaces it
comes in contact with . Clean up spilled elec
trolyte immediately with clean water and a
(j) Tips
- Switching off the dimming function of the
inside rear view mirror also deactivates the
automatic dimming function of the exterior
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
-The automatic dimming mirrors do not dim
when the interior lighting is turned on or
the reverse gear is selected .
-A utomatic dimming for the mirror only op
erates properly if the light striking the in
side mirror is not hindered in any way.
Sun visors
( J
Fig. 44 Front passenger's side: sun visor
The sun visors for the driver and passenger can
be released from their brackets and turned to
ward the doors (!).
The mirror light switches on when the cover over
the vanity mirror @opens.
Sun shade
Applies to vehicles: with sun shade
The sun shade is located on the luggage com
portment shelf.
@ 0
.___ •a_:__.~ ,~
Fig. 45 Sun shade in lowere d position
When the sun shade is in the lowered position, it
is secured in the retainer @.
.. To raise @ the sun shade, remove it from the
Lights and Vision
-Do not use the sun shade to secure cargo. The
luggage compartment cover is not a surface
for storing objects. Objects placed on the cov
er could endanger all vehicle occupants dur
i ng sudden braking maneuvers or in a crash.
Windshield wipers
Switching the windshield wipers on
Fig. 46 Windshie ld wiper lever
Move the windshie ld w iper lever to the corre
sponding position:
@ -Windshield wipers off
"' 0 :i:
switch on once the veh icle speed exceeds approx
imately 2 mph (4 km/h) and it is raining . The
highe r the ra in sensor sens itivity is set (switch @
to the right), the earlier the windshield wipe rs re
act to moisture on the windshield. You can deac
tivate rain sensor mode in the MMI, which wi ll
then activate intermittent mode . Select:
function button > (Car)* systems control button
> Driver assist > Rain sensor > Off. In intermit
tent mode, you can adjust the interval time using
the switch @.
@ -Slow wiping
@ -Fast wiping
@ -Single wipe . If you ho ld the lever in this posi
tion longer, the wipe rs switch from slow w iping
to fast wiping.
®-Clean the windshield. The wipers wipe one
t ime after several seconds of driving to remove
water drop lets. You can swit ch th is function off ..,.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Remote Memory button control key
Driver Driver Front passen-ger
Seat X X X
Stee ring wheel* X X
Both exterior X X
Remote control key
Applies to vehicles: with memory function
driver's seat profile can be assigned to the
remote control key when the vehicle is locked.
• Se lect: the ICARI function button > (Car)* Sys
contro l button > Vehicle settings > Driv
er's seat
> Remote control key > On .
(D Tips
If you do not wish to have the seat profile for
another driver assigned to the remote control
key, switch the memory function off in the In
fotainment system or using the IOFFI button
r=;;,page 57.
Memory buttons
Applies to vehicles: with memory function
Fig. 54 Driver's door: Memory function buttons
The memory buttons are located in the dr iver's/
front passenger's door*.
Switching the memory function on/off
• Press the IOFF i button to switch the memory
function on/off. The
LED in the button turns on
Seats and storage
when the memory function is off. Seat profiles
are neither stored nor recalled.
Storing a seat profile
• Press the lSET I button. When the word SET
lights up, the memory is ready to store set
.. Now press a memory button briefly.
A tone con
firms that the settings were stored .
Accessing a seat profile
• If the driver's door is open and the ignition is
switched off, press the memo ry button.
• If the driver's door is closed or the ignition is
switched on, press and hold the memory but
ton unti l the seat adjustment is complete .
-For safety reasons, the seat setting can on ly
be recalled when the veh icle is stationary
otherwise you risk having an accident.
- If necessary, you can stop the recall process
by pressing the !O FF ! button or any memory
button .
Adjusting the front passenger's seat in the
Infotainment system
Applies to vehicles: with memory function
The driver can move the front passenger's seat
into various positions.
Adjusting the front passenger's seat from
the driver's seat
• Select: the I CAR I function button > (Car)* Sys
control button > Vehicle settings > Seats
> Front passenger's seat > Adjust seat posi
tion .
• Yo u can now adjust the front passenger's seat
using the driver's seat buttons
r::;;, page 53,
fig. 48.
Align with driver's seat
• To transfer the settings from the driver's seat
to the front passenger's seat , select: the I CAR !
function button
> (Car)* Systems control but
> Vehicle settings > Seats > Front passeng-
er 's seat > Align with driver 's seat. ...,