2016 AUDI A7 wheel bolts

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Page 243 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual different tire  speeds.  For  this rea­
son,  in case  of  emergency,  only 
use  a  spare  tire*  that  is the  same 
circumference  as  the  regular  tires. 
-Only  use  tire/rim  combi

Page 250 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
av ailabl e cargo and luggag e 
l oa d cap aci ty of  your v ehi cle. 
.,.Che ck  th e tire  sidew all 
(¢ p ag e 233, fig. 1 9 5)  to  deter ­
mine the  d esigna ted load ra ting 
for  a sp

Page 255 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual M N <( I.J "". rl I.O 
" N I.O rl 
Emergency  assistance 
Warning  triangle 
A pp lies to  vehicles:  Wi th wa rning  tri angl e 
\,-------:----- 11 
Fig. 200 Luggage  co mpa rtment  l id : wa rni

Page 257 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual M N <( (.J 
SI: ,...., \!) 1.11 
N \!) ,...., 
Replacing  wheels 
Before changing  a wheel 
Observe the  following  precautions  for your  own 
and your  passengers  safety  when  changing  a 

Page 258 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Emergency assistance 
After  changing  a wheel 
A wheel  change  is not  complete  without the  do­
ing  the  following . 
• Always store  the  vehicle  tool  kit,  the  jack* and 
the  replaced  t

Page 259 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual M N <( I.J "". rl I.O 
" N I.O rl 
• Slide  the wh eel wr ench onto  the  wheel  bolt  as 
far  as  it will  go. 
•  Take tight  hold  of  the 
end of  the  wrench  handle 
and  turn

Page 261 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual M N <( I.J "". rl I.O 
" N I.O rl 
Taking the  wheel  off/installing  the  spare 
Follow  these instructions  step-by-step  for  chang­
ing  the  wheel. 
Fig.  209  Changing  a wheel:  using  the  s

Page 262 of 294

AUDI A7 2016  Owners Manual Emergency  assistance 
-If  the  spare  tire  has  to  be  installed  in the  incor­
rect  direction,  use the  spare  tire  only  tempora­
rily s ince  the  tire  will  not  be  able  to  achieve
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