different tire speeds. For this rea
son, in case of emergency, only
use a spare tire* that is the same
circumference as the regular tires.
-Only use tire/rim combina
tions and suitable wheel bolts
that have been approved by
Audi. Otherwise, damage to
the vehicle and an accident
could result.
-For technical reasons, it is not possible to use tires from oth
er vehicles - in some cases,
you cannot even use tires from
the same vehicle model.
-Make sure that the tires you select have enough clearance
to the vehicle . Replacement
tires should not be chosen
simply based on the nominal
size, because tires with a dif
ferent construction can differ greatly even if they are the
same size. If there is not
enough clearance, the tires or
the vehicle can be damaged
and this can reduce driving
safety and increase the risk of
an accident.
-Only use tires that are more
than 6 years old when abso-
lutely necessary and drive
carefully when doing so.
-Do not use run-flat tires on your vehicle . Using them when
not permitted can lead to ve
hicle damage or accidents.
-If you install wheel covers on
the vehicle, make sure they al low enough air circulation to
cool the brake system. If they
do not, this could increase the
risk of an accident.
Tire wear/damage
Fig. 196 T ir e profi le : Treadwear indica
Tire wear
Check the tires regularly for wear.
-Inflation pressure that is too low
or high can increase tire wear
considerably .
-Driving quickly through curves,
rapid acceleration and heavy
braking increase tire wear.
-Have an authorized Audi dealer or authorized repair facility
av ailabl e cargo and luggag e
l oa d cap aci ty of your v ehi cle.
.,.Che ck th e tire sidew all
(¢ p ag e 233, fig. 1 9 5) to deter
mine the d esigna ted load ra ting
for a specifi c tire .
Wheel bolts and rims
Wheel bolts
Wheel bol ts m ust be clea n and loosen/t ighten
easi ly .
R ims
Rims with a bolted rim r ing* or w ith bolted wheel
covers * consist of mu ltiple piec es. These compo
nents we re bo lted toget he r us ing special bolts
a nd a special pro cedure. You must no t repair or
d isassemble th em ¢.&. .
Whee l bolts t hat are tightened or repaired in
co rrectly can become loose and resu lt in loss
o f vehicle control, which increases the risk of
an acc ident. For the correct tightening specifi
cat ion, refer to
¢ page 2 56, After changing a
wheel .
-Always keep the wheel bolts and the threads
in the wheel hub clean and free of grease .
- Only use wheel bo lts that fit the r im .
- Always have damaged rims repa ired by an
autho rized Aud i dealer or authorized repair
facility. Never repair or disassemble rims
you rself, because this increases the risk of
an acciden t.
Winter tires
Winte r tires sign ificantly improve the ve hicle's
handling when d riving i n w inte r condit io ns. Be
cause of the ir constr uction (wid th, compo und,
trea d patter n), s umme r tires p rov ide less tract ion
on ice and snow .
.,. Use w inte r tir es on all fou r wheels.
.,. On ly use winter tires that are approved fo r yo ur
.,. Please note that t he maxim um permitted
speed may be lower with winter tires ¢
_A .
Your authorized Audi dealer or authorized re
pair faci lity can inform you about the maximum
perm itted speed for your ti res .
.,. Check the tire pressure afte r instal ling whee ls
¢ page 243.
The effect iveness of w inter t ires is red uced great
ly when the tread is worn down to a dep th of
0.1 57 i nch ( 4 mm). The cha racterist ics of winter
ti res a lso de crease grea tly as the t ire ages, re
gardless of the remaining tre ad.
- Never drive faster than the max imum pe r
m itted speed for your tires. This co uld cause
the t ires to heat up too much . This increases
the risk of an accident because it can cause
the t ire to burst.
- Always adapt your dr iving to the road and
traffic cond itions. D rive carefully and reduce
your speed on icy or slippe ry roads. Even
win ter t ires ca n lose traction on black ice.
@ For the sake of the environment
Reinstall summer tires at the appropriate
time, beca use they provide better handling
when roads are free of snow and ice . Summer
tires cause less road noise, tire wear and fuel
consum ptio n.
(D Tips
You can a lso use all season tires instead of
winter tires. Please note that in some coun
tries where w inter t ires a re requir ed, only win
ter tires w ith the£ symbol may b e permit
' Snow chains
Snow chains improve traction in the snow .
.,. On ly install snow chai ns on the front w heels.
T his app lies also to vehicles with all wheel
dr ive*.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Emergency assistance
Warning triangle
A pp lies to vehicles: Wi th wa rning tri angl e
\,-------:----- 11
Fig. 200 Luggage co mpa rtment l id : wa rnin g t ria n gle
The warning triangle p laced in the vehicle at the
factory is located in the luggage compartment .
• To open the cover, turn the locking mechanism
and pull the cover downward .
• Remove the warn ing triangle from its holder .
The luggage compartmen t lid is only designed to
hold the warning triangle offered by the original
accessories program .
Vehicle tool kit
Vehicle tool kit and jack
The vehicle tool kit is located in the luggage
comportment under the cargo floor cover .
Fig. 201 Lugg age co mpartment : ca rgo f loo r cover folded
up ward/ spa r e ti re
Em erg en cy ass is tan ce
Fig. 202 Trun k lid: Vehicl e too l kit
• Fold the floor to the seatback with the help of
t he hand le.
• Tu rn the handwheel counter-clockwise
r=;, fig. 201 and remove the spare tire to reach
the vehicle tool kit.
T he onboard tool kit includes :
- Hooks to remove the wheel covers*
- Plastic hook to remove wheel bol t covers"
- Wheel bolt wrench
- Alignment pin for changing wheels
- Screwdriver with reversib le b lade
- Tow ing eye
- Jack
Before storing the jack , make sure it is wound
back down as far as it will go .
'"' -Im proper use of the vehicle jack can cause se
rious pe rsonal injuries .
- Never use the screw driver hex head to
tighten wheel bolts, since the bolts cannot attain the necessary tightening torque if yo u
use the hex head, po ten tially causing an ac
- The fa ctory-supplied jack is intended only
for your ve hicle model. Unde r no circum
stances shou ld it be used to lift heavy
vehicles or other loads; you risk injuring
yourse lf.
- Never start the engi ne when the vehicle is
raised, which could cause an accident.
- Support the vehicle securely with appropri
ate stands if work is to be pe rformed under
neath the vehicle; otherwise, there is a po
tential risk for injury.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
Replacing wheels
Before changing a wheel
Observe the following precautions for your own
and your passenger's safety when changing a
wheel .
.,. After you experience a tire failure, pull the car
well away from moving traffic and try to reach
level ground before you stop¢,& .
.. All passengers should
leave the car and move
to a safe location (for instance, beh ind the
guardrail) ¢ ,& .
.,. Engage the
parking brake to prevent your vehi
cle from rolling unintentiona lly ¢,& .
.. Move
selector lever to position P ¢ ,& .
1> lfyou are towing a trai ler, unhitch the trailer
from your vehicle .
.,. Take the
jack and the spare tire out of the lug
gage compartment
¢ page 253, ¢ page 254.
You or your passengers could be injured while
changing a wheel if you do not follow these
safety precautions:
- If you have a flat tir e, move a safe distance
off the road. T urn off the engine, turn the
emergency flashers on and use other warn
ing devices to alert other mo torists.
- Make sure that passengers wait in a safe
place away from the vehicle and well away
from the road and traffic.
- T o help prevent the vehicle from moving
sudden ly and possibly slipping off the jack,
always fully set the parking brake and block
the wheel diagonally opposite the wheel be ing changed. When one front wheel is lifted
off the ground, placing the Automatic Trans
mission in P (Park) will
not prevent the vehi
cle from moving.
- Before you change a wheel, be sure the
ground is level and firm . If necessary, use a
stu rdy board under the jack.
- Always store the vehicle tool kit, the jack
and the replaced tir e in the luggage com
partment ¢
page 132.
Emergency assistance
{!) Tips
Before changing the whee l, you must activate
the jacking mode, so that the automat ic con
trols for the Adapt ive Air Suspension* do not
make it more difficult to lift the vehicle with
the jack ¢
page 257 .
Changing a wheel
When you change a wheel , follow the sequence
described below step-by-s tep and in exactly tha t
order .
l. Activate the vehicle jack mode* ¢ page 2 5 7.
2. Remove the
decorative wheel cover*. For
more details see also¢
page 256, Decora
tive wheel covers
or¢ page 256, Wheels
with wheel bolt caps .
3. Loosen the wheel bolts ¢page 256.
4. Locate the pro per mounting point for the
jack and align the jack be low that point
¢page 257.
5. Raise the car with the jack¢ page 257 .
6. Remove the wheel with the flat tire and then
the spare ¢ page 259.
7. Tighten all wheel bolts ligh tly.
Lower the vehicle with the jack .
9. Use the wheel bolt w rench and
firmly tighten
all wheel bolts¢
page 256 .
10. Replace the decorative wheel cover*.
11. Deactivate the vehicle jack mode* in the
ICAR I funct ion button > (C ar)* systems
control button > Servicing & checks > Air
susp.: jack mode > Off .
The vehicle jack mode* switches off automatically
at speeds above 6 mph (10 km/h) .
.,&. WARNING ~ -
Always read and follow all WARNINGS and in
formation ¢
.& in Raising the vehicle on
page 258
and ¢ page 260.
Emergency assistance
After changing a wheel
A wheel change is not complete without the do
ing the following .
• Always store the vehicle tool kit, the jack* and
the replaced tire in the luggage compartment
¢page 132.
• Check the tire pressure on the spare wheel im
med iately after mounting it.
• As soon as possible, have the
tightening tor
on all wheel bolts checked with a torq ue
wrench . The correct tightening torque is 90 ft
lb (120 Nm).
• Have the flat tire
replaced as soon as possible.
@ Tips
-If you notice that the wheel bolts are cor
roded and difficult to turn while changing a
tire, they should be replaced before you
check the tightening torque.
- Drive at reduced speed until you have the
tightening torques checked .
- After changing a wheel, the tire pressure in
all four tires must be checked/corrected and
the tire pressure mon itor ing indicator must
be stored in the MMI
¢ page 252.
Decorative wheel covers
App lies to veh icles: w ith decorative wheel covers
The decorative wheel covers must be removed
first to access the wheel bolts .
Fig. 203 Changing a wheel : Removing the wheel cover
• Insert the hook (provided with the vehicle tool
kit) in the hole in the wheel hub cover.
• Pull off the
decorative wheel cover¢ fig. 203.
Wheels with wheel bolt caps
Applies to vehicles: wi th whee l bo lts with caps
The caps must be removed first from the wheel
bolts before the bolts can be unscrewed .
Fig. 204 Changing a wheel: removing th e wheel bolt caps
• Push the plastic clip (provided with the vehicle
tool kit) over the whee l bolt cap until the inner
retainers on the clip align with the edge of the
cover .
• Remove the cap with the
plastic clip (vehicle
tool k it)
~ fig . 204 .
• Place the caps over the wheel bolts and push
them back on.
The caps are to protect and keep the wheel bolts
Loosening and tightening the wheel bolts
The wheel bolts must be loosened before raising
the vehicle.
Fig. 205 Changing a wheel: loosen ing the whee l bo lts
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
• Slide the wh eel wr ench onto the wheel bolt as
far as it will go.
• Take tight hold of the
end of the wrench handle
and turn th e wheel bolts
counte r-cl oc kwi se
a bout one single turn in the direction of arrow
¢ fig . 205.
T ightening
• Slide th e wheel wrench onto the whee l bolt as
far as it w ill go .
• Take tight hold of the
end of the wrench handle
and turn each whee l bolt
cloc kwise until it i s
s eated .
- Do not use force or hurry when chang ing a
wheel· you can cause the vehicle to slip off
the jack and cause serious personal injur ies.
- Do not loosen the wheel bolts more than
one turn
before you raise the veh icle with
the jack. - You risk an injury .
(D Tips
-Never use the hexagonal socket in the han
dle of the screwdriver to loosen or tighten
the wheel bo lts.
- If a wheel bolt is
very tight, you may find it
easier to loosen by carefully pushing down
on the end of the whe el bo lt wrench w ith
one foot only . As you do so, hold on to the
car to keep your ba lance and take care not
to slip .
Emerg en cy ass is tan ce
Raising the vehicle
The vehicle must be lifted with the jock first be
fore the wheel con be removed.
Fig . 206 Sill pan els: ma rking s
O') ...
---~~ i~~:--~
F ig . 207 Sill: p osit ioning th e ve hicl e ja ck
• Activate the v eh icle jack mode* in the MMI:
!CARI function button > ( Car) * sys te m s control
> Ser vicin g & checks > Air su sp .: jack
mode > On .
• Engage the pa rki ng bra ke to prevent your vehi
cle from rolling un intent ionally .
"' Move the
sel ect or l ever to position P .
"' Fin d the mark ing (imprint) on the sill that is
nea rest the wheel that will be changed
fig. 206 . Behind the marking, there is a l ift
in g po int
on the sill for the vehicle jack.
• Vehicles with a sill: remove the
cover from the
sill before lifting the vehicle with a veh icle jack
¢ page 258.
"'Turn the vehicle jack located under the lifting
point on the sill to ra ise the jack until its arm @
fig . 207 is located under the designated plas
tic mount ¢ ,&. ¢0 .
"' Align the jack so that its arm@¢
fig. 207 en
gages i n the designated lift ing po int in the door
sill and the movable base @ lies f lat o n the
ground . The base @ must be
vertical under the
lifting point @. ..,.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Taking the wheel off/installing the spare
Follow these instructions step-by-step for chang
ing the wheel.
Fig. 209 Changing a wheel: using the screwdriver handle
(wi th the blade removed) to turn the bolts
Fig. 210 Changing a wheel: alignment pin inside the top
After you have loosened a ll wheel bolts and
raised the vehicle off the ground, remove and re
p lace the whee l as fo llows:
Removing the wheel
.. Use the hexagonal so cket in the screwdriver
to completely remove the topmost
whee l bolt and set it aside on a
clean surface
¢fig. 209.
.. Screw the threaded end of the alignment pin
from the tool kit hand-tight into the empty bolt
¢fig. 210.
.. The n remove the other wheel bo lts as descr ibed
above .
.. Take off the wheel leav ing the alignment pin in
the bo lt hole
Putting on the spare wheel
.. Lift the spare wheel and carefully slide it over
the alignment pin to guide it in place
¢0 .
Emergen cy assistance
.. Use the hexagonal socket in the screwdriver
handle to screw in and tighten all whee l bolts
.. Remove the alignment pin and insert and tight
en the remaining wheel bolt slightly like the
rest .
.. Turn the jack handle counter-clockwise to lower
the vehicle until the jack is fully re leased .
.. Use the wheel bolt wrench to tighten all wheel
bolts firmly
c;, page 256. Tighten them cross
from one bolt to the (approximate ly) op
posite one, to keep the whee l centered.
(D Note
When removing or installing the wheel, the
rim could hit the brake roto r and damage the
rotor. Work carefully and have a second per
son help you .
@ Tips
Never use the hexagonal socket in the handle
of the screwdriver to loosen or tighten the
whee l bolts.
- Pull the reversible blade from the screwdriv
er before you use the hexagonal socket in
the handle to turn the whee l bolts.
- When mount ing tires w ith
tread design
make sure the tread pattern is
pointed the right way
c;, page 259.
-The wheel bolts should be clean and easy to
turn. Check for dirt and corrosion on the
mating surfaces of both the wheel and the
hub. Remove all dirt from these surfaces be
fore remounting the wheel.
Tires with unidirectional tread design
Tires with unidirectional tread design must be
mounted with their tread pattern pointed in the
right direction .
Using a spare tire with a tread pattern
intended for use in a specific direction
When using a spare tir e with a tread pattern in
tended for use in a specific direction, please note
the following:
- The direction of rotation is marked by an arrow
on the side of the tire . .,.
Emergency assistance
-If the spare tire has to be installed in the incor
rect direction, use the spare tire only tempora
rily s ince the tire will not be able to achieve its
optimum performance characteristics with re gard to aquaplaning, noise and wear.
- We recommend that you pay particular atten
tion to this fact during wet weather and that
you adjust your speed to match road condi
- Replace the flat tire with a new one and have it
installed on your vehicle as soon as possible to
restore the handling advantages of a unid irec
tiona l tire .
Notes on wheel changing
Please read the information r=:> page 240, New
tires or wheels
if you are going to use a spa re tire
which is diffe rent from the tires on your vehicle.
After you change a tire:
-Check the tire pressure on the spare immedi
ately after installation.
- Have the wheel bolt tightening torque
checked with a torque wrench as soon as pos
sible by your authorized Audi dealer or a
qualified service station.
- With steel and alloy wheel rims, the wheel
bolts are correctly tightened at a torque of 90
ft lb (120 Nm).
- If you notice that the wheel bolts are corroded
and difficult to turn while changing a tire,
they should be replaced before you check the
tightening torque.
- Replace the flat tire with a new one and have
it installed on your vehicle as soon as possi
ble. Remount the wheel cover .
Until then, drive with extra care and at reduced
speeds .
-If you are going to equip your vehicle with
tires or rims which differ from those which
were factory installed, then be sure to read
the information
r=;, page 240, New tires or
wheels .
-Always make sure the damaged wheel or
even a flat tire and the jack and tool kit are
properly secured in the luggage compart
ment and are not loose in the passenger
- In an accident or sudden maneuver they
could fly forward, injuring anyone in the ve
- Always store damaged wheel, jack and tools
securely in the luggage compartment. Oth
erwise, in an accident or sudden maneuver
they could fly forward, causing injury to pas
sengers in the vehicle.