Warm and cold
mode switches off. The temperat ure shou ld be
set to approximately 72 ° F (22 °C).
IAU TOI button switches the defroster off.
I® REAR I Switching the rear window defogger
on /off
The rear w indow heater only operates when the
engine is r unning.
It sw itches off automatically
after a few m in utes, depending on the outs ide
To prevent the rear w indow heater from switch
off a utomat ica lly, press and hold the!@ R EAR I
but ton fo r more than 2 seconds. This rema ins
stored until the ignition is switched
Q:I Adjusting seat h eating *
Pressing the button switches the seat heating on
at the highes t setting (level 3) . T he LEDs indicate
the tempe rature leve l. To red uce the tempe ra
ture, press the button again. To switch the seat
off , press the button repeatedly until the
LED turns
off .
Afte r 10 minutes , the seat heat ing a utomat ica lly
sw itches from level 3 to leve l 2 .
Air vent s
You can open or close the center and rear vents in
the cockpit and the vents in the rear center con
sole using the r idged thumbwhee ls. The levers
adj ust the d irect ion of the a irf low from the vents.
- You should not use the recirculation mode
for an extended period since no fresh air is
drawn in . With the a ir-conditioning sw itched
off, the windows can fog up, which increases
the r isk of a n accident.
- Individuals w ith reduced sensitivity to pain
or temperatu re could develop burns when
using the seat heat ing f unct ion. To reduce
the r isk of inj ury, these indiv iduals should
not use seat heating.
(D Note
To avoid damage to the heat ing e lements in
the seats, do not kneel on the sea ts or place
h eavy loads on a sma ll area o f the seat .
Basic settings
Applies to vehicles: wit h three-zone climate control
The climate control system basic settings are ac
cessed in the Infotainment system.
~ Select: the I CARI funct ion button > ( Car )* S ys-
t e m s
control button > AC.
Au xilia ry heater*
In vehicles with diesel engines, the auxiliary heat
er helps to warm the vehicle interior more quick
ly. The aux iliary heater is controlled automatical
l y in the
A ut o setting .
Warm and cold
At both of these settings, the climate control sys
tem runs continuously at maximum cooling or heating power. There is no temperat ure regula
Adju st ing th e bl ow er[!]
You can ad just the volume of air generated by the
b lower to yo ur preference. To have the blower
reg ulated automatically, press the
!AUTO I button .
~ Adjusting air d istribution
You ca n manually se lect the vents whe re the air
w ill flow. To have the air distrib ution regu lated
automatically, press the
! AUTO ! button.
~ Adjusting seat heating * /se at vent ilation*
Pressing the button switches the seat heating/
seat ventilat ion on at the highest setting ( leve l
3). The LEDs indicate the tempe ratu re leve l. To
red uce the tempe ratu re, p ress the butto n aga in.
To switch the seat heating/seat venti lation off,
press the button repeatedly until the LED turns
off .
After 10 minutes, the seat heating automat ica lly
switches from leve l 3 to leve l 2 .
I@ FRONT I Switching the defroster on /off
The windsh ield and s ide windows are defrosted
or cleared of condensation as quickly as possible.
The max imum amo unt of air flows ma inly from
t he ven ts below the w indshie ld. Rec irc ulat ion
mode switches off . The temperature shou ld be
set to approximately 22
The IAUTOI b utton swi tches the defroster off.
IOiil REAR I Switching the rear window defogger
on /off
The rear w indow heater only operates when the
eng ine is running.
It sw itches off automatically
after a few m in utes, depend ing on the outs ide
To prevent the rear w indow heater from switc h
ing off a utomat ica lly, press and hold the
!l:iil REAR I
button fo r more t han 2 seconds. This rema ins
stored until the ignition is switched off.
I SYNC I Sy nchron izat ion
When synchroni zation is swi tched on, the set
tings for the driver's side a re applied to the front
passenger's side (except for seat heating/ventila
tion*). The settings in the rear are also synchron ized. Synchronization switches off if the settings
are adjusted on the front passenger's side or in
the rear.
You can synchronize the settings in a row by
pressing and holding a control. For example, to
apply the settings for the front passenger's side
to the driver's side, press and ho ld the control on
the front passenger's side. The same applies to
the rear .
Residual he at*
With the ign ition turned off, you can activate the
residual heat function by pressing the
[!:I button
<=> fig . 76 . The residua l heat from the coolant is
u sed to heat the veh icle interior. The residual
heat funct ion switches off automatically after
about 30 minutes.
Air vents
You can open or close the center and rear vents in
the cockpit and the vents in the rear center con
sole and door pillars using the ridged thumb
whee ls . T he levers adjust the direct ion of the air
flow from the vents.
- You should no t use the re ci rculation mode
for an extended period since no fresh air is drawn in. With the a ir-conditioning switched
off, the windows can fog up, which increases
the risk of an accident.
- Individ ua ls with red uced sensitivity to pain
or temperat ure could deve lop burns when
using the seat heating f unction. To reduce
the risk of inj ury, these indiv iduals should
not use seat heating .
(D Note
To avoid damage to the heating e lements in
the seats, do not kneel on the seats or place heavy loads on a small area of the seat.
Care and cleaning
Component S ituation Solution
Te xtiles
Deposits adhering to Vacuum cleaner
arti ficial leath er, the surface
Alca ntara Wate r-based depos its Absorben
t cloth and mild soap solutional
such as coffee, tea,
blood, etc.
Oil-based deposits Apply am ild soap solutional, blot away the disso lved oil or
such as oil, make-up, dye, treat afterwa rd with water, if necessary
Special deposits such Special stain remover, blot w ith absorbent materia l, treat
as ink, na il polish, la- afterward with mild soap so lution, if necessaryal
tex paint, shoe pol-
ish, etc.
Natural leather Fres h stains Wool cloth with a mild soap solut ional
Wate r-based depos its fresh stains: absorbent clot h
such as coffee, tea, d ried stains: stain remover suitable for leathe r
blood, etc.
Oil-based deposits Fresh stains: absorbent cloth and stain remover suitab le
such as oil, make- up, for leather
etc. dried stains: Oil cleaning spray
Special deposits such Spot remover sui table for leather
as ink, nai l polish, la -
tex paint, shoe pol-
ish, etc.
Care Regularly app ly condi tioning cream that protects from
lig ht and penet rates in to the mate rial. Use specially -col -
ored conditioning cream, if necessary.
Carbon part s Deposits clean the same way as plastic parts
al Mild soap sol ution: maxim um two tablespoons of neutral soap in 1 quar t (1 liter ) of water
The windshie ld may not be tre ate d wit h wa
t er- repelling win dsh ield co ating agents. Un
favorab le conditions such as wetness, dark
ness, or low s un can resu lt in increased glare.
Wiper blade chatter is also possible.
(D Note
- Headlights/tail light s
-Never clean headlights or ta il lights with a
dry cloth or sponge.
- Do not use any cleaning prod uct that con
tains alcohol, because they could cause cracks to form.
- Wheels
- Never use any paint polish or other abra
sive mate rials.
- Damage to the protective layer on the
rims such as sto ne chips or sc ratches must
be repaired immediately.
- Sensors /camera lenses
- N eve r use warm or ho t w at er to remove
snow or ice from the camera lens . This
could ca use the lens to crack.
- N eve r use abras ive cle an ing m ateria ls or
a lcohol to clea n the camera lens. This
could ca use scratches and cracks .
-Doo r windows
- Remove snow and ice on windows and ex-
terio r mirro rs with a p lastic scraper. To