M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Automatic transmission S tronic, tiptronic
The automat ic transm iss ion is controlled elec
tronically. The transmission upshifts or down
shifts automatically depending on which drive
program is selected.
When a
moderate driving style is used, the
transmission selects the most econom ical driving
mode. The transmiss ion upshifts at a lower RPM
and downshifts at a higher RPM to improve fuel
The transmission switches to a sporty mode after a kick-down or when the driver uses a
sporty driv
ing style
cha racterized by quick accelerator pedal
movements, heavy acceleration, frequent
changes in speed and traveling at the maximum
If desired, the driver can also select the gears
manually (tiptronic mode) ¢ page 111.
Various automat ic tr ansm issions may be instal
led, depending on the model:
S tronic transmission
The S tronic is a dual -clutch transmission . Power
is transferred using two clutches that work inde
pendently from one another. They replace the
torque converter used in conventional automat ic
transmissions and a llow the vehicle to accelerate
without a noticeable interruption in traction.
tiptronic transmission
In the tiptronic transmission, power is transfer
r ed by a torque converter.
Automatic transmission
Selector lever positions
Fig. 116 Disp lay in the instrument cluste r: selector lever
posit ion
T he selec tor lever pos ition engaged appea rs next
to the se lector lever as well as in the instrument
cluster display.
P -Park
In this selector lever position the transmission is
mechanica lly locked . Engage P only when the ve
hicle is
completely stopped¢.& in Driving the
automatic transmission on page 109.
To shift in or out of posit ion P, you must first
press and hold the brake pedal and then press
the release button in the selector lever hand le
whi le moving the selector lever to or from P. You
can sh ift out of this position only with the igni
tion on.
R -Reverse
Select R only when the vehicle is at a full stop
and the engine is running at idle speed¢ .& in
Driving the automatic transmission on
page 109.
Before you move the selector lever to R, press
both the button in the hand le of the selector lev
and the brake pedal at the same time.
When the ignition is on, the backup lights illumi
nate when the selector lever is moved into R.
N -Neutral
The transm iss io n is in neutral in this pos ition.
Sh ift to this position for standing with the brakes
¢ .& in Driving the automatic transmis-
sion on page 109. .,.
M N <( I.J ""'. rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
will switch on again automatically when
conditions have returned to normal.
Steering recommendation
The ESC helps to stabilize the vehicle by changing
the steering torque.
In vehicles with dynam ic steering*, ESC also
he lps to stabilize the steering in critical situa
Selective wheel to rque control
Selective wheel torque control is used when driv
ing on curves . The front wheel on the inside of
the curve or both wheels on the i nside of the
curv e are braked selectively as needed . This al
lows more precise dr iving in curves.
Automatic post-collision braking system
The "Automatic post-collision braking system"
can help to reduce the risk of sliding and of other
collis ions after an accident. If the airbag control
module detects a coll is ion above a ce rtain veh icle
speed, the vehicle is braked by the ESC.
The vehicle does not brake automatically if:
- the driver presses the acce lerator pedal, or
- the braking force generated by the pressed
brake pedal is greater than the braking force
that would be initiated by the system, or
- the ESC, the brake system or the vehicle electri
ca l system are not functioning.
Switching on/off
Intelligent Technology
-The ESC and its integrated systems cannot
overcome the limits posed by natural phys i
cal laws. This is especially important on slip
pe ry or wet roads. If the systems begin act
ing to stabilize your vehicle, you should im
mediately alter your speed to match the
road and traffic conditions. Do not let the in
creased safety provided tempt you into tak
ing risks. This could increase your risk of a
collis ion.
- Please note the r isk of a collision increases
when driving fast, especially thro ugh curves
and on slippery or wet roads, and when driv
ing too close to objects ahead. The ESC and its integrated systems cannot always pre
vent collisions· there is still a risk of acc i
- Press the accelerator pedal carefully when
accelerating on even, slippery surfaces such
as ice and snow. The drive wheels can spin
even when these control systems are instal
led and this can affect driving stability and
i n crease the r isk of a coll ision .
(j) Tips
-ABS and ASR only function correctly when
all four wheels are equipped with identical
tires. Different tire s izes can lead to a reduc
tion in engine power .
- You may hear noises when the systems de
scribed are working.
ESC turns on automatically when you start the engine .
Fig. 178 Center console: !J, OFF butto n
The following examples are unusual situations
where it may make sense to switch sport mode
on in orde r to allow the wheels to sp in:
- Rocking the vehicle to free it when it is stuck
- Driving in deep snow or on loose ground
- Driving with snow chains
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Emergency assistance
Warning triangle
A pp lies to vehicles: Wi th wa rning tri angl e
\,-------:----- 11
Fig. 200 Luggage co mpa rtment l id : wa rnin g t ria n gle
The warning triangle p laced in the vehicle at the
factory is located in the luggage compartment .
• To open the cover, turn the locking mechanism
and pull the cover downward .
• Remove the warn ing triangle from its holder .
The luggage compartmen t lid is only designed to
hold the warning triangle offered by the original
accessories program .
Vehicle tool kit
Vehicle tool kit and jack
The vehicle tool kit is located in the luggage
comportment under the cargo floor cover .
Fig. 201 Lugg age co mpartment : ca rgo f loo r cover folded
up ward/ spa r e ti re
Em erg en cy ass is tan ce
Fig. 202 Trun k lid: Vehicl e too l kit
• Fold the floor to the seatback with the help of
t he hand le.
• Tu rn the handwheel counter-clockwise
r=;, fig. 201 and remove the spare tire to reach
the vehicle tool kit.
T he onboard tool kit includes :
- Hooks to remove the wheel covers*
- Plastic hook to remove wheel bol t covers"
- Wheel bolt wrench
- Alignment pin for changing wheels
- Screwdriver with reversib le b lade
- Tow ing eye
- Jack
Before storing the jack , make sure it is wound
back down as far as it will go .
'"' -Im proper use of the vehicle jack can cause se
rious pe rsonal injuries .
- Never use the screw driver hex head to
tighten wheel bolts, since the bolts cannot attain the necessary tightening torque if yo u
use the hex head, po ten tially causing an ac
- The fa ctory-supplied jack is intended only
for your ve hicle model. Unde r no circum
stances shou ld it be used to lift heavy
vehicles or other loads; you risk injuring
yourse lf.
- Never start the engi ne when the vehicle is
raised, which could cause an accident.
- Support the vehicle securely with appropri
ate stands if work is to be pe rformed under
neath the vehicle; otherwise, there is a po
tential risk for injury.
Emergency assistance
After changing a wheel
A wheel change is not complete without the do
ing the following .
• Always store the vehicle tool kit, the jack* and
the replaced tire in the luggage compartment
¢page 132.
• Check the tire pressure on the spare wheel im
med iately after mounting it.
• As soon as possible, have the
tightening tor
on all wheel bolts checked with a torq ue
wrench . The correct tightening torque is 90 ft
lb (120 Nm).
• Have the flat tire
replaced as soon as possible.
@ Tips
-If you notice that the wheel bolts are cor
roded and difficult to turn while changing a
tire, they should be replaced before you
check the tightening torque.
- Drive at reduced speed until you have the
tightening torques checked .
- After changing a wheel, the tire pressure in
all four tires must be checked/corrected and
the tire pressure mon itor ing indicator must
be stored in the MMI
¢ page 252.
Decorative wheel covers
App lies to veh icles: w ith decorative wheel covers
The decorative wheel covers must be removed
first to access the wheel bolts .
Fig. 203 Changing a wheel : Removing the wheel cover
• Insert the hook (provided with the vehicle tool
kit) in the hole in the wheel hub cover.
• Pull off the
decorative wheel cover¢ fig. 203.
Wheels with wheel bolt caps
Applies to vehicles: wi th whee l bo lts with caps
The caps must be removed first from the wheel
bolts before the bolts can be unscrewed .
Fig. 204 Changing a wheel: removing th e wheel bolt caps
• Push the plastic clip (provided with the vehicle
tool kit) over the whee l bolt cap until the inner
retainers on the clip align with the edge of the
cover .
• Remove the cap with the
plastic clip (vehicle
tool k it)
~ fig . 204 .
• Place the caps over the wheel bolts and push
them back on.
The caps are to protect and keep the wheel bolts
Loosening and tightening the wheel bolts
The wheel bolts must be loosened before raising
the vehicle.
Fig. 205 Changing a wheel: loosen ing the whee l bo lts
Emergency assistance
-If the spare tire has to be installed in the incor
rect direction, use the spare tire only tempora
rily s ince the tire will not be able to achieve its
optimum performance characteristics with re gard to aquaplaning, noise and wear.
- We recommend that you pay particular atten
tion to this fact during wet weather and that
you adjust your speed to match road condi
- Replace the flat tire with a new one and have it
installed on your vehicle as soon as possible to
restore the handling advantages of a unid irec
tiona l tire .
Notes on wheel changing
Please read the information r=:> page 240, New
tires or wheels
if you are going to use a spa re tire
which is diffe rent from the tires on your vehicle.
After you change a tire:
-Check the tire pressure on the spare immedi
ately after installation.
- Have the wheel bolt tightening torque
checked with a torque wrench as soon as pos
sible by your authorized Audi dealer or a
qualified service station.
- With steel and alloy wheel rims, the wheel
bolts are correctly tightened at a torque of 90
ft lb (120 Nm).
- If you notice that the wheel bolts are corroded
and difficult to turn while changing a tire,
they should be replaced before you check the
tightening torque.
- Replace the flat tire with a new one and have
it installed on your vehicle as soon as possi
ble. Remount the wheel cover .
Until then, drive with extra care and at reduced
speeds .
-If you are going to equip your vehicle with
tires or rims which differ from those which
were factory installed, then be sure to read
the information
r=;, page 240, New tires or
wheels .
-Always make sure the damaged wheel or
even a flat tire and the jack and tool kit are
properly secured in the luggage compart
ment and are not loose in the passenger
- In an accident or sudden maneuver they
could fly forward, injuring anyone in the ve
- Always store damaged wheel, jack and tools
securely in the luggage compartment. Oth
erwise, in an accident or sudden maneuver
they could fly forward, causing injury to pas
sengers in the vehicle.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
N \!) ,....,
Technical d at a
Gasoline engines
A7 3.0, 6 cylinder
Maximum output SAE net hp@rpnn 333 @ 5300 -6500
Maximum torque SAE net lb-ft@ rpm 325@ 2900 -5300
Displacement CID (cm
) 182 (2995)
Engine oil with filter change
Fuel Premium un lead ed (9 1 A KI), ¢ page 210, Gasoline
57 4.0, 8 cylinder
Maximum output SAE net hp@ rpnn 450 @ 5800 -6400
Maximum torque SAE net lb
-ft@ rpm 406@ 1400 -5700
Displacement CID (cm
) 243.7 (3993)
Engine oil with filter change
Fuel Pr emi um un lead ed (9 1 AKI), ¢ page 210, Gasoline
Diesel engines
A7 3.0 TOI, 6 cylinder
Maximum output SA E net hp@rpnn
Maximum torque SAE net lb-ft@ rpm
Displacement C
ID (cm
Engine oil with filter change1
Fuel UL SD N o. 2 , ¢ page 211, Diesel fuel
l) For specific engine oil capacities, please see
the mos t current informat ion for the USA at
h ttp ://www.audiusa.com/he lp/maintenance or
for Canada at http://www.audi.ca/ca/brand/ en/
your_audi/audi_services _and/Care _and _Mainte
nance/schedu le . html or call 800-822-2834. 239@ 3500
428@ 1750 -2250
181 (2967)
27 3