Instruments and indicator Lights
Instruments and indicator Lights
Instrument cluster overview
The instrument cluster is the central information center for the driver.
F ig. 3 In str ument cluster ove rview
CD Eng ine coolant temperature gauge 10
@ Ta chome ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- with status indicator
OFF . . . . . 75
- with status indicator
READY . . . 80
@ Turn signa ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
© Disp lay with
- Drive r informat io n system . . . . . 23
- Indicator lig hts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
® Tachometer
@ Fue l level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
a) Tips
The instr ument ill umination for the needles
and dia ls t urns on when the ignition is turned
on and t he lights are turne d off. T he ill umina
t ion fo r the d ia ls reduces autom atic ally and
eventually tu rns off as brig htn ess outs ide in
creases. Th is function remi nds the driver to
t u rn the headlig hts on at the appropriate
Engine coolant temperature gauge
The engine coo lant gauge CD i=;, page 10, fig. 3
only works when the ign ition is on. To prevent
damage to your engine, please note the follow
i ng important poi nts :
Engin e cold
If only the LEDs at the bottom of the gauge t urn
on, the engine has not reached operating tem
perature yet. Avoid high engine speeds, heavy en
gine loads and heavy thrott le app lications.
No rmal temperatu re
The eng ine has reac hed its operating tempera
ture once the LEDs up to the center of the ga uge
turn on under normal driving conditions. The
LEDs higher up may turn on when the eng ine is
under heavy load or the exterior temperature is
high . This is no need to worry as long as the.
warning light in the instrument clus ter does not
ill uminat e. If the L EDs in the uppe r area of the
display and the in dicator light . in the inst ru
men t cluster d isp lay tur n on, the coo lant tempe r
atu re is too hig h
i=;,page 15.
- Always observe t he warn ing in ~ page 218,
befo re open ing t he hood and checking the
engine coolant level.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
N \!) ,....,
-Never open the engine hood if you see or
hear steam, or if you see engine coolant
dripping from the engine compartment. You
could burn yourself. Let the engine cool off
first until you can no longer see or hear steam or coolant escap ing .
Q) Note
-Mounting additional lights or accessories in
front of the air inlets reduces the cooling ef
fect of the radiator. At h igh outside temper
atures or high engine load, the eng ine could
- The front spo iler has been designed to prop
erly distribute the cooling air when the veh i
cle is moving. If the spoiler is damaged, this
could reduce the cooling effect and the en
gine could then overheat. Ask your author
ized Audi dealer for assistance.
The tachometer displays the engine speed in rev
olutions per minute (RPM).
You shou ld shift to the next lowest gear when the
speed is below 1500 RPM . The beginn ing of the
red zone in the tachometer indicates the maxi
mum permissible engine speed for all gears once
the engine has been broken in and when it is
warmed up to operating temperature. Before reaching the red zone, you should shift into the
next h igher gear, choose the Dor S selector lever
position, or remove your foot from the accelera
tor pedal.
CD Note
The tachometer needle© c::> page 10, fig. 3
should only be in the red zone briefly: other
w ise, this increases the risk of engine dam-
age. The location where the red zone beg ins
varies depend ing on the eng ine.
@, For the sake of the environment
Upshift ing early helps you to save fuel and re
duce operating noise.
In strum ent s a nd indicato r li ghts
Fuel level
The fue l gauge only works when the ignition is
on. If the fue l level drops below 2.6 gallons (10
liters), the bottom LED turns red and the indica
tor light
t]J turns on c::> page 21. The bottom
LED blinks red when the fuel leve l is very low .
T he possible range based on the current f uel lev
el is shown in tab@c::>
page 23, fig . 4 .
For the tank capacity in your veh icle, refer to the
T echnical Data c::>
page 2 72.
CD Note
Never drive until the tank is completely emp
ty. The irregular supply of fue l that resu lts
from t hat can cause the eng ine to misfire. Un
combusted fuel w il l then enter the exhaust
system . This can cause overheat ing and dam
age to the catalytic converter.
Indicator lights
The ind icator lights in the instrument cluster
blink or turn on. They indicate funct ions or ma l
funct ions c::>
Messages may appear with some indicator lights .
A warn ing s ignal will sound at the same time.
T he ind icator lights and messages in the cente r
of the displays may be replaced by other d isplays .
T o show them again, se lect the tab for ind icator
lights and messages using the m ultifunction
steering wheel c::>
page 23. If there are several
malfunctions, you can display them one at a time
using the thumbwheel.
Some indicators lights in the display can turn on
in several colors.
- Failure to heed warning lights and other im
portant veh icle information may result in
serious personal injury or veh icle damage.
- Whenever stalled or stopped for repair,
move the vehicle a safe d istance off the
road, stop the engine, and turn on the emer-
gency flasher c::>
page 46. .,,.
workshop and have the malfunction corrected.
- If the brake warning/indicator light does
not go out after a few seconds and the park
ing brake is released, or lights up while you
are driving, the fluid level in the brake fluid
reservoir is too low. If you believe that it is
safe to do so, proceed immediately at low
speed to the nearest authorized Audi dealer
or qualified repair facility and have the
brake system inspected.
- Always keep in mind that after several brake
applications, you will need greater pressure
on the brake pedal to stop your vehicle. Do
not rely on strained brakes to respond with
maximum stopping power in critical situa
tions. You must allow for increased braking
distances. The extra distance used up by
fading brakes could lead to an accident.
PARK/( ®) Electromechanical parking brake
The warning/indicator light monitors the elec
tromechanical parking broke.
If the indicator light- (USA models)/ .
(Canada models) turns on, the parking brake was
set .
- (USA models) • (Canada models) Cau
tion: Vehicle parked too steep
If the indicator light blinks and the message ap
pears, there is not enough braking power to keep
the vehicle from rolling. The brakes have over
heated. The vehicle could roll away even on a
small incline.
Press brake pedal to release parking brake
To release the parking brake, press the brake ped
al and press the button~ or start driving with
starting assist at the same time ¢
page 79.
Please release parking brake
To release the parking brake manually, press the
brake pedal and press the button
(2) at the same
~ time. The parking brake only releases automati-
j cally if the driver's safety belt is fastened. 'SI:
; Ill Parking brake!
Instruments and indicator lights
If the Ill indicator light turns on and this mes
sage appears, there is a parking brake malfunc
tion. Drive to your authorized Audi dealer or
qualified workshop immediately to have the mal
function corrected.
- L Engine cooling system malfunction
A malfunction in the engine cooling system must
be repaired as soon as possible.
• Switch off engine and check coolant level
If the indicator light turns on and the message
appears, the coolant temperature is too high or
the coolant level is too low.
"' Pull
off the road.
"'Stop the vehicle.
"'Turn off the engine.
"'Check coolant level¢
page 224.
"'Add coolant if necessary ¢ page 225.
"'Continue driving only after the engine coolant
warning/indicator light goes out.
"' Contact your authorized Audi dealer for assis-
tance if necessary.
If the engine coolant level is correct, then the ra
diator fan may be the cause of the malfunction.
• Coolant temperature too high! Please let en
gine run with vehicle stationary
If the indicator light turns on and the message
appears, let the engine run at idle for a few mi
nutes to cool down.
= -
-If your vehicle should break down for me
chanical or other reasons, park at a safe dis
tance from moving traffic, turn
off the en
gine and turn on the hazard warning lights
¢ page 46, Emergency flasher.
-Never open the hood if you see or hear
steam or coolant escaping from the engine
compartment - you risk being scalded. Wait
until you can no longer see or hear steam or
coolant escaping.
- The engine compartment of any vehicle is a
dangerous area. Before you perform any
work in the engine compartment, turn of
Warm and cold
Warm and cold
Climate control system
Applies to veh icles: w ith three -zone cl imate cont ro l or fo ur
zo ne automat ic climate co ntrol
The climate control system warms, cools and
adds humidity to the a ir in the veh icle interior . It
is the most effect ive when the windows a nd sun
roof* are closed . If the temperature inside the
pa rked vehicle becomes ve ry wa rm, opening the
w indow briefly will speed up the coo lin g p rocess.
In all heating mode functions except
defrost, the
b lowe r only sw itches to a highe r speed once the
engine coolant has reached a cer tain tempera
t ure.
Condensation from the cooling system can dr ip
and form a puddl e of water unde r the veh icle .
T his is normal and does no t mean there is a leak .
Pollutant filter
The pollutant filter removes pollutants s uc h as
dust and pol len from the a ir .
The air pollutants filter must be changed at the
interva ls specified in your Warranty
& Mainte
nance booklet, so that the a ir cond it io ne r can
p roperly work.
I f you drive your vehicle in an area with h igh air
pollut ion, the filter may need to be changed
more frequently than spec ified in you r Audi War
& Maintenance booklet . If i n doubt , ask
your author ized Audi Se rv ice Advisor for advice .
Key coded setting s
Three-zone climate control: T he b lowe r setting
a nd a ir dist ribution are stored automatically and
assigned to the remote contro l key that is i n use.
Four -zone automatic climate con trol: Th e cli
ma te con tro l sett ings a re a utomat ic all y stored
and assigned to the remote con trol key that is in
Reduced visibility is dangerous and can cause
accide nts .
- For safe driving it is very important that a ll
w indows be free o f ice, snow and condensa
tion .
- Comp letely fam iliarize yourse lf wit h the
prope r use and f unction of the heat ing and
ve ntilation system and espec ially how to de
fog and defrost t he windows .
- Never use the winds hield wiper/washer sys
tem in free zing weathe r until you have
wa rmed t he w indshie ld fi rst, using the heat
ing a nd venti lation system. The washer sol u
tio n m ay free ze on t he windsh ie ld and re
duce visibility.
W Note
- I f you s uspect that the air conditioner has
bee n damage d, sw itch the syste m off to
a void furthe r dam age and have it inspec ted
by a q ualified dea lership .
- Repairs to the Audi air conditioner re quire
speci al techn ic al know ledge and spec ia l
tools . Con ta ct an au thori zed A udi dea ler for
assistance .
@ For the sake of the environment
By reducing the amou nt of f uel you use, you
a lso reduce the amo unt of poll utants emitted
i nto the a ir.
@ Tips
- Keep the air i nta ke s lo ts (i n front o f the
windshield) free from ice, snow and debris
in o rder to maintain the proper function of
the climate contro l system.
- Th e energy manageme nt system may switch
t h e seat heating * or r ear w indow defroster
off temporarily. These systems are availab le
again as soon as t he energy balance has
been restored.
- Air escapes t hrough vents under the rear
w indow. When plac ing items of cloth ing on
t h e luggage compartment cove r, ensure
t h at the openi ngs are not covered.
Warm and cold
At both of these settings, the climate control sys
tem runs continuously at maximum cooling or heating power. There is no temperat ure regula
Adju st ing th e bl ow er[!]
You can ad just the volume of air generated by the
b lower to yo ur preference. To have the blower
reg ulated automatically, press the
!AUTO I button .
~ Adjusting air d istribution
You ca n manually se lect the vents whe re the air
w ill flow. To have the air distrib ution regu lated
automatically, press the
! AUTO ! button.
~ Adjusting seat heating * /se at vent ilation*
Pressing the button switches the seat heating/
seat ventilat ion on at the highest setting ( leve l
3). The LEDs indicate the tempe ratu re leve l. To
red uce the tempe ratu re, p ress the butto n aga in.
To switch the seat heating/seat venti lation off,
press the button repeatedly until the LED turns
off .
After 10 minutes, the seat heating automat ica lly
switches from leve l 3 to leve l 2 .
I@ FRONT I Switching the defroster on /off
The windsh ield and s ide windows are defrosted
or cleared of condensation as quickly as possible.
The max imum amo unt of air flows ma inly from
t he ven ts below the w indshie ld. Rec irc ulat ion
mode switches off . The temperature shou ld be
set to approximately 22
The IAUTOI b utton swi tches the defroster off.
IOiil REAR I Switching the rear window defogger
on /off
The rear w indow heater only operates when the
eng ine is running.
It sw itches off automatically
after a few m in utes, depend ing on the outs ide
To prevent the rear w indow heater from switc h
ing off a utomat ica lly, press and hold the
!l:iil REAR I
button fo r more t han 2 seconds. This rema ins
stored until the ignition is switched off.
I SYNC I Sy nchron izat ion
When synchroni zation is swi tched on, the set
tings for the driver's side a re applied to the front
passenger's side (except for seat heating/ventila
tion*). The settings in the rear are also synchron ized. Synchronization switches off if the settings
are adjusted on the front passenger's side or in
the rear.
You can synchronize the settings in a row by
pressing and holding a control. For example, to
apply the settings for the front passenger's side
to the driver's side, press and ho ld the control on
the front passenger's side. The same applies to
the rear .
Residual he at*
With the ign ition turned off, you can activate the
residual heat function by pressing the
[!:I button
<=> fig . 76 . The residua l heat from the coolant is
u sed to heat the veh icle interior. The residual
heat funct ion switches off automatically after
about 30 minutes.
Air vents
You can open or close the center and rear vents in
the cockpit and the vents in the rear center con
sole and door pillars using the ridged thumb
whee ls . T he levers adjust the direct ion of the air
flow from the vents.
- You should no t use the re ci rculation mode
for an extended period since no fresh air is drawn in. With the a ir-conditioning switched
off, the windows can fog up, which increases
the risk of an accident.
- Individ ua ls with red uced sensitivity to pain
or temperat ure could deve lop burns when
using the seat heating f unction. To reduce
the risk of inj ury, these indiv iduals should
not use seat heating .
(D Note
To avoid damage to the heating e lements in
the seats, do not kneel on the seats or place heavy loads on a small area of the seat.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
-After the engine has been switched off , the
radiator fan can cont in ue to run for up to 10
minutes - even with the ign ition sw itched
off . It can a lso switch on again after some
t i me if t he coolant tern pera ture rises as the
result of a heat bu ildup or if the engine is
ho t and the engi ne compa rtmen t is addi
ti onal ly he ate d by the su n's ra ys.
(D Note
Do not stop the engine imme diate ly afte r
ha rd or extend ed dr iving . K eep the engi ne
r u nning for app roximately two m inutes to
p reven t exces sive heat build-up.
Turn off ignition before leaving car
This message appea rs and a war ning tone sounds
if you open the d river's doo r whe n the ignition is
switche d on .
Press brake ped al to start engine
This message appears if you do not press the
brake peda l when starting the engine.
Ill Is key in the vehicle?
This indi ca tor light tur ns on and t his message ap
pears i f the ignit ion key was removed from the
ve hicl e when the e ngine was ru nning . If the igni
tion key is no longer in the vehicle, you cannot
switch on the ignit ion or start the engine once
you stop it. You also cannot lock the veh icle from
the outside.
Shift to P , otherwise vehicle can roll away.
Doors do not lock if lev er is not in P.
This message appears for sa fe ty reasons if the
tra nsmission is not i n the P position when you
switch the ignition off . Move the selector lever to
the P pos ition . Otherwise the vehicle is not pro
tected from roll ing and it cannot be locked.
DJ Key is not recognized . Hold back of key
again st ma rked a rea. See owner's manual
If the i ndic ator lig ht turns on and th is mess age
appears, there is a malfunction ~
page 77.
Driv ing
Turn off ignition before leaving car. Battery is
di scha rging
T his dr iver message appears if the drive r's door is
o pened wh ile the ign ition is switched on. Always
switch off the ignition if you are leav ing t he veh i
cle . Refer to
¢ page 81.
Shift to P and turn off ignition b efore leaving
car , otherwise vehicle can roll away
This message appears if the drive r's door is
opened wh ile the ign ition is switched on and the
sele ctor lever is not in the P position . Move the
se lector lever in to the P posi tion a nd switch the
i gnition off when you exit the vehicle . Otherwise
t h e vehicle co uld ro ll. Refer to ¢
page 81.
Starting the engine when there is a
It may not be possible to start the engine under
certain circumstances, for example if the battery
in the vehicle key is drained , if interference is af
fected the key or if there
is a system malfunc
tion .
Fig . 8 2 Ce nte r c onsol e/master key : s tar ting t he e ngin e
w hen t here is a ma lf un ctio n
Requirement: The message Key is not recog
nized. Hold back of key against marked are a.
Se e owner 's manual
is displayed and the DJ indi
c ator lig ht tu rns on.
.. Hold the master key i n the location indicated as
shown in the illustration
f>l) ¢ fig . 82 .
.. Press the brake pedal ¢ A. in Starting the en
gine on page
.. Press the
~ IS_ T_A_ R_T _E_N_G-IN_E_S_ T_O_P ~I bu tton. The
eng ine will start .
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
braking effect to slow the vehicle. Use of the
brakes alone can cause them to overheat and fail.
Air suspension*
When driving with a trailer, activate the trailer
mode of the air suspension. Switch the air sus
pension trailer mode on when you are towing a
trailer. This will limit the regulation by the air
suspension while driving. Select in the MMI:
ICARI function button > (Car)* systems control
Vehicle settings> Air susp.: towing>
Coolant temperature
The coolant temperature gauge c::> page 10 must
be observed carefully. The coolant temperature
can increase if you drive on long inclines in a low
gear at high engine speeds . Reduce your speed
immediately if the LEDs in the top part of the dis
play turn on .
For more information about indicator lights, re
fer to.
c::> page 15.
Anyone not properly restrained in a moving
vehicle is at a much greater risk in an acci
dent . Never let anyone ride in your car who is
not properly wearing the restraints provided
by Audi.
Trailer mode notes
Important to know
Your vehicle handles differently when towing a trailer because of the additional weight and dif
ferent weight distribution . Safety, performance
and economy will greatly depend on how careful
ly you load your trailer and operate your rig.
Before you actually tow your trailer, practice
turning, stopping and backing up in an area away
from traffic . Keep practicing until you have be
come completely familiar with the way your vehi
cle-trailer combination behaves and responds.
Backing up is difficult and requires practice. Back
ing up with a trailer generally requires steering
Trailer mode
action opposite to that when backing up your ve
hicle without a trailer.
Maintain a greater distance between your vehicle
and the one in front of you . You will need more
room to stop. To compensate for the trailer, you
will need a larger than normal turning radius.
When passing, remember that you cannot accel
erate as fast as you normally would because of
the added load. Make sure you have enough room
to pass. After passing, allow plenty of room for
your trailer before changing lanes again.
Avoid jerky starts, sharp turns or rapid lane
(D Tips
- Do not tow a trailer during the break-in peri
od of your vehicle.
- If you tow a trailer, your Audi may require
more frequent maintenance due to the ex
tra load
c::> page 2 7 4.
Parking on a slope
Do not park on a slope with a trailer. If it cannot
be avoided, do so only after doing the following:
When parking:
" Apply the foot brake.
" Have someone place chocks under both the ve
hicle and the trailer wheels.
"With chocks in place, slowly release the brakes
until the wheel chocks absorb the load.
"Turn the wheels towards the curb.
... Apply the parking brake.
"Select the P selector lever position.
When restarting after parking:
"Apply the foot brake.
"Start the engine.
"Select the D/S selector lever position.
"Release the parking brake and slowly pull out
and away from the wheel chocks.
"Stop and have someone retrieve the wheel
chocks .
Checking and Fill in g
Checking and Filling
Releasing the engine hood
The engine hood is released from inside the vehi
Fig. 1 86 Driver footwell: release lever
Fig. 187 Rocker sw itch under the hood
Make s ure the wiper arms are not ra ised up from
the windshield . Otherwise the paint could be
damaged .
.. Wi th the driver's door open, pu ll the lever un
der the instrument panel in the direction of the arrow
c::> fig. 186.
.. Raise the hood s lightly c::> _A .
.. Press the rocker switch under the hood upward
Q fig. 187. This releases the catch.
.. Open the hood.
Hot engine coo lant can burn you.
- To reduce the risk of being burned, never
open the hood if yo u see or hear steam or
coolant escap ing from the engine compa rt
me nt. Wait until no steam or coo lant can be
seen or heard before carefully open ing the
Working in the engine compartment
Be especially careful whenever you work in the
engine compartment.
Whenever you mu st perform any w ork in the
engine comp artment , for example checking and
filling d iff erent fluid s, the re i s a risk of injury ,
burns and accidents. To p revent pe rsonal injur y
alwa ys ob serv e the follow ing WARNING S. The
engi ne compartment o f an y vehicle is a h azard
ous are a
i::>_6 .
To help avo id injury, before you check any
thing under the hood:
- Turn off the engine.
- Switch off the ignition.
- App ly the parking brake.
- Move selector leve r to P (Park).
- Always le t the eng ine cool down. Hot com-
ponents wi ll burn skin on contact .
-To reduce the risk of bei ng bur ned, never
open the hood if you see or hear steam o r
coo lant escaping from the engine compart
ment . Wait unt il no steam o r coolant can be
seen or heard before carefully open ing the
- Keep c hildren away from the engine com
partment .
- Never sp ill fluids on hot engine compo
nents. They can cause a fire.
- Never touch the radiator fan. The auxiliary
electric fan is temperature cont ro lled and
can switch on suddenly.
- Never open the coolant reservoir cap when
the engine is sti ll warm. The coolant system
is pressur ized and hot coo lant co uld spray
- Protect your face, hands and arm from
steam or hot engine coolant by placing a
thick rag ove r the cap w hen you open the
coo lant reservoir.