Seats and storag e
Rear head restraints
Fig. 52 Rear seats: Head rest ra in t
Fig. 53 Rear head restra ints: release
If there is a passenger in the rear center seat ing
position* , slide the center head restraint* upward
at least to the next notch
~ ,&. .
Adjust ing th e he ad res trai nts
• To move the head restra int up, hold it at the
sides with both hands and slide it upward until
you feel it lock into place
c:> A in Proper adjust
ment of head restraints on page
• To move the head restraint down, press the
button -arrow-
c;> fig. 52 and slide the head re
stra int downward.
R emo ving the h ead re straint s
• Fold the backrest forward c:> page 64.
• Move the head restra int upward as far as it can
go .
• Press the release
c:> fig. 53 with the mechan ica l
key ~
page 30 and the b utton -a rrow-c:> fig . 52 .
Pull the head restraint out of the backrest at
the same time
c:> .&_ .
Installing the he ad re stra ints
• Slide the posts on the head restraint down into
the guides until you feel the posts lock into
place .
• Press the button -arrow-
c:> fig. 52 and s lide the
head restra int all the way down. You should not
be able to pull the head restra int out of the
So that the driver can have a better view to the rear, the head restraints should be pushed down
completely when the rear seats are not occupied.
- On ly remove the rear seat head restra ints
when necessary in order to install a c hild
seat . Install the head restraint again imme
diate ly once the child sea t is removed. Dr iv
ing without head restraints o r with head re
straints that are not properly adjusted in
creases the risk of serious or fatal neck in
jury dramatically.
- Read and heed a ll WARN INGS
c:> page 129 .
Memory function
Applies to vehicles : with memory f un ction
Us ing the memory function, you can quickly and
eas ily store a pe rsonal seat profi le for the driver
and front passenger and reca ll the settings . The
memory function is control led using the remote
control key and the memory buttons in the driv
er's/front passenger's door* .
The driver's seat profile is stored aga in and as
signed to the remote control key each time the
vehicle is locked. When you open the door, the
seat prof ile is automat ica lly recalled. If two peo
ple use the veh icle, it is recommended that each
person always uses "their own" remote control
Two seat p rofiles can be stored using the memory
buttons in the dr iver's/front passenger's door *.
Once they are stored, these seat profiles can be
selected at any time.
The following sett ings a re stored:
Seats and storag e
.. Press and ho ld the control knob until the ad
justing process is complete .
@ Tips
The lumbar support and upper thigh support
settings a re not transferred when aligning the
front passenger's seat with the driver's seat .
Applies to vehicles: with ashtray
Fig. 55 Center console: front ashtray~
F ig . 56 Door trim: rear ashtray
Opening /closing
.. To open the front ashtray, slide the cover up .
.. To close the front ashtray, p ress down on the
cover .
.. To open the rear ashtray, tap the cover on the
nm .
.. To empty the front asht ray, pu ll it upward and
out .
.. To empty the rea r ashtray, press the rear side of
the cover down when it is open
9 fig . 56. The
asht ray will lift up out o f its mount .
.. To insert the ashtray again, press it down into
the mount until it locks into place.
Never use the ashtray to ho ld paper, because
this increases the risk of a fire.
Cigarette lighter
Applies to vehicles: with cigarette lighter
F ig . 57 Center console: cigarette lighter
.. Push the knob on the cigarette lighter in .
.. Remove the c igarette lighter when it pops out .
The cigarette lighter on ly works when the ig
nition is switched on. Incorrect usage can lead
to serious injuries or burns. For this reason,
ch ildren should never be left u nattended in
the vehicle because th is increases the risk of
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
12 Volt sockets
Applies to vehicles: with 12-volt sockets
Fig. 58 Luggage compartme nt s ide trim panel: Socket
Fig. 59 Rear center console example: Sockets
0 0 9 (!) ., ID
~ To reach the 12-volt socket in the luggage com
partment, press the net down or remove the
bracket from the mounts
c::> fig. 58.
There are additional 12 Volt socket in the center
console under the center armrest* and in the rear
c::> fig. 59.
The 12-volt sockets can be used for electrical ac
cessories . The power usage must not exceed
120 watts.
The sockets and the electr ical accessories con
nected to them operate only when the igni
tion is switched on. Incorrect usage can lead
to serious injuries or burns. To reduce the risk
of injuries, never leave children unattended in
the vehicle with the vehicle key.
(D Note
- To reduce the risk of damage to the vehicle electrical system, never attempt to charge
the vehicle battery by connecting accesso
ries that provide power, such as solar panels
Seats and storage
or battery chargers, to the 12 Volt sockets
or the cigarette lighter .
- To reduce the risk of damage to the sockets,
only use plugs that fit correctly .
Fig. 60 Center console: cupho lder
Fig. 61 Rear center armrest: cup holder * extended
Front cupholder
~ To open the cupholder, tap the cover c::> fig. 60.
Rear cupholder*
~ To open the rea r cupholder, press on the sym
ii @ c::> fig . 61.
~ To adjust the arm @, swing it in the direction
of the arrow .
~ Place the beverage in the ho lder and release
the arm. The arm swings back by itself and au
tomatically secures the beverage.
~ To close the rear cupholder, press on the center
section between the two arms and push the cu
pholder in the slot as far as it will go .
Spilled hot liquid can cause an accident and
personal injury.
Seats and storage
-Never carry any beverage containers with
hot liquids, such as hot coffee or hot tea, in
the vehicle while it is moving. In case of an
accident, sudden braking or other vehicle movement, hot liquid could spill, causing
scalding burns . Spilled hot liquid can also
cause an accident and personal injury.
- Use only soft cups in the cupholder. Hard
cups and glasses can cause injury in an acci
- Never use the cupholder or adapter as an
ashtray- risk of fire.
(D Note
Only drink containers with lids should be car
ried in the cupholder. Liquid could spill out
and damage your vehicle's electronic equip
ment or stain the upholstery, etc.
Cooled glove compartment
A pp lies to ve hicles: w ith coole d glove compart men t
The cooled glove compartment only functions
when the AIC system is switched on.
Fig. 62 Glove compartment: switching cooling mode on/
• Turn the knob @counterclockwise to switch
cooling on. The symbols on the knob indicate
the correct position.
• Turn the knob @clockwise to switch cooling
The glove compartment cooling mode only func tions when the vehicle A/C system is switched on.
If the heating is switched on, switching the glove
compartment cooling mode off is recomme nded.
Always leave the lid on the glove compart
ment cover closed while driving to reduce the
risk of injury.
Additional storage
There are a variety of storage compartments and
fasteners in various places in the vehicle .
- Storage compartments in the doors
- Compartment in the glove compartment
(cooled*) . The glove compartment can be
locked using the mechanical key¢
page 30.
-Storage compartment for (sun)glasses* in the
roof (near the interior mirror)
- Storage compartments under the center armr
- Storage compartment on the rear side of the
seat* . The compartment can hold a maxi
mum weight of 1 kg.
- Compartments* on the back of the front seat
- Garment hooks on the sides of the pillars in the
rear of the vehicle and in the rear grab handles
- Compartment in the rear center armrest
- Storage in the trim panels in the luggage com-
-Always remove objects from the instrument
panel. Any items not stored could slide
around inside the vehicle while driving or
when accelerating or when applying the brakes or when driving around a corner.
- When you are driving make sure that any
thing you may have placed in the center con
sole or other storage locations cannot fall
out into the footwells. In case of sudden
braking you would not be able to brake or
accelerate .
- Always keep the lid of the compartment for
(sun)glasses* closed while driving to reduce
the risk of injury during a sudden braking
maneuver or in the event of an accident.
- Any articles of clothing that you have hung
up must not interfere with the driver's view.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
The coat hooks are designed only for light
weight clothing . Never hang any clothing
with hard, pointed or heavy objects in the
pockets on the coat hooks. During sudden
braking or in an accident -especially if the
airbag is deployed -these objects could in
jure any passengers inside the vehicle.
- To reduce the risk of personal injury in an ac
cident or sudden stop, always keep the
glove compartment closed while dr iv ing.
- Read and follow all WARNINGS
¢ page 163, Important safety instructions
on the side airbag system.
-Hang clothes in such a way that they do not
impair the driver's vision.
- The coat hooks must only be used for light
we ight clothing . Do not leave any heavy or
sharp edged objects in the pockets which
may in terfere with the sid e curtain airbag
deployment and can cause personal injury in
a crash .
- Do not use coat hangers for hanging cloth
ing on the coat hooks as this can interfere
with proper deployment of the side curtain
airbags in an accident.
- Do not hang heavy objects on the coat
hooks, as they could cause personal injury in
a sudden stop.
0 Note
Objects located on the rear shelf that rub
against the rear window could damage the
heating wires for the rear window defogger.
Seats and storage
Roof rack
Description and mounting locations
Additional cargo can be carried with a roof lug
gage rack.
Fig. 63 Roof rack attachm en t po ints
~ 0
0 ., m
.,. Always read and follow the instructions provid
ed by the roof rack manufacturer when instal
ling the roof rack system.
If luggage or cargo is to be carried on the roof,
you must observe the following:
- Only use roof racks approved for your vehicle .
These approved roof racks are the basis for a
complete roof rack system . Additional attach
ments or carrier systems are needed to trans
port luggage and sports equipment. We recom
mend using roof racks from the Audi original
accessories program.
- When installing the roof rack, make sure it is
only mounted on the designated locations on
the roof
c> fig. 63.
- We recommend that you keep the installation
instructions for your roof rack system together
with your Owner's literature in the vehicle.
When should the roof rack be removed?
- Before going through an automatic car wash (it
is best to ask the car wash operator for adv ice).
- When not in use, to reduce fuel consumption,
wind noise and to guard against theft.
A WARNING ,...___
- Use of an unapproved roof rack or incorrect
mounting of an approved roof rack can
cause the roof rack or the items attached to
it to fall off the roof onto the road.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Luggage compartment
Loading luggage compartment
Luggage items must be stowed securely.
"' (X) 0 9 Cl .,.
Fig. 64 P lace heavy objec ts as far fo rward as poss ib le .
Note the following to preserve the vehicle's good
handling characteristics .
.. Distribute the load as evenly as possible .
.. Place heavy objects as far fo rward as possib le
¢fig. 64 .
.. Secu re luggage items wi th the cargo ne t* or
with non-elastic retaining straps to the tie down r ings*
r=> page 65.
-Loose objects in the luggage compartment
can slide about suddenly and alter the vehi
cle's handling characteristics .
- Loose objects in the passenger compart
me nt can fly forward during abrupt maneu
vers or acc idents and injure occupants .
- Always store objects in the luggage com
partment and use suitab le straps, pa rticu
larly with heavy objects .
- When you transport heavy objects, always
remembe r that a change in t he center of
gravity may res ult in a change in the veh i
cl e's handling character istics.
- Follow all warnings
r=> page 126, Driving
@ Tips
The tire pressure must be adjusted to the load
- see the t ire pressure sticker located on the
driver's s ide B-pillar .
Seats and storage
Luggage compartment cover
The luggage compartment cover consists of two
,... a, 0 , 0
0 .,.
0 0. a)
F ig . 65 Cov er in the open lu ggag e compar tment lid
Fig . 66 Cov er behind the re ar bench seat
Removing the cover in the luggage
compartment lid
.. Remove the knobs @ r=> fig. 65 from the ba ll
mounts .
.. Pull the cover @ out of the retainers@in the
direction of the arrow.
Installing the co ve r in the luggage
compartm ent lid
.,._ Slide the cover upward into the retainers@.
.. Press the knobs
(I) onto the ball mounts.
Removing the cove r behind the rear bench
.,._ Pull the cover r=> fig. 66 back.
.. Pull the cover upward to release.
Installing the cover behind the rea r bench
s eat
.. Place the left and right s ides of the cover into
the mounts on the side trim.
.. Slide t he cover forward unt il it locks into place.
Seats and storag e
- To prevent accidents, never install the lug
gage compartment
cover unsecured.
- The luggage compartment
cover is not a
surface for storing objects . Objects placed
on the
cover cou ld endanger all vehicle oc
cupants during sudden brak ing maneuvers
or in a crash.
The defogger and antenna wires in the rear
w indow can be damaged by objects on the
luggage compartment
cover rubbing against
Enlarging cargo capacity of the vehicle
The seat backs can be folded forward to enlarge
the cargo capacity.
F ig. 67 Release handle on the seatback
Folding the s eatback forward
• When yo u pull the release lever @<=> fig. 67 in
the d irection o f the a rrow, the sa fe ty knob @
pops out far enough for the red marking on
knob to be visib le .
• Fo ld the seatback forward .
Raising the seatback
• Raise the seatback unt il it is securely latched
<=> A .When you can no longer see the red mark
on the safety knob @, the seat is latched.
-The backrest must always be securely latch
ed so that the safety belt of the center seat-
ing position can work proper ly to help pro
tect the occupant.
- The backrest must be securely latched in po
sition so that no items contained in the lug
gage compartment can slide forward upon
sudden braking.
- Always check whether the latch is fully en gaged by pu lling the seatback forward.
- Never allow safety belts to become dam
aged by being caught in door or seat hard
- Torn or frayed safety be lts can tear and
damaged be lt hardware can break in a crash.
Inspect the belts periodically. Belts show ing
damage to webbing, bindings, buckles, or
retractors must be replaced.
(D Note
- If you move the front seat back when t he
rear seat backrest is folded forward, you
cou ld damage the head res traints on the
rear seat .
- S lide the belt guide on the outside safety
belt all t he way up befo re fold ing the back
rest back forward . Make sure the seat belt is
no t pinched or damaged when the rear seat
backres t if folded back. Other objec ts
should be
removed from the rear seat bench
to protect the seatback from damage .
Seats and storage
Pass-through with ski
Preparing the pass-through
Applies to veh icles: with sk i sack
Long objects such as skis con be transported in
the ski sock*.
F ig. 72 Rear bench seat: open ing the pass-t hroug h
Opening the trunk pass-through
.. Fold the center armrest in the rear forward and
out .
.. Pull the release handle
c:> fig . 72 and fold down
the cover of the pass-through in the vehicle in
terior .
.. Open the rear lid .
.. Push the ski sack* through the opening from
the luggage compartment.
.. Secure the ski sack¢
page 66.
Closing the trunk pass-through
.. Open the rear lid .
.. Remove the ski sack from the trunk pass
.. Push the pass-thro ugh cover up inside the vehi
cle until it latches.
.. Raise the center armrest in the vehicle again.
.. Close the rear lid.
Objects must only be transported in the ski
sack since the ski sack can be secured . Ind ivid
ual objects cannot be secured. There is a risk
of injury .
@ Tips
You can a lso open the pass-through from the
l uggage compartment. Push the release but
ton down and push the cover forward.
Securing the ski sack
Applies to vehicles: with ski sack
The ski sock must be secured in the luggage com
Fig. 73 Luggage compartme nt: Secu ring the bag
Fig. 74 Securing t he objects in the ski sack
Securing the ski sack in the luggage
.. Th e ski sack has two belts with hooks on the
¢ fig . 73 @. Hang the hooks to the
rear fastening eyelets in the luggage compart
ment .
Securing the objects in the ski sack
.. Th ere is also a securing strap¢ fig. 74 @ in the
sack. Pull the strap taut using the free end of
the strap.
8_ WARNING ,._
-The ski sack is intended only for the trans
portation of skis and other light objects. To