Instruments and indicator lights
Drive to an authorized Aud i dea ler or authorized
Audi Service Faci lity immediately to have the
malfunct ion corrected .
II Air suspen sion : Vehicle too low Ground
clearance reduced
The gro und clea rance is very low due to a system
malfunct io n. Wait unt il t he air suspension sys
tem has res tored norma l ground clearance. Oth
erwise, conditions such as an uneven road sur
face can lead to vehicle damage .
~/ !f Safety systems
The JI (USA models)/ E,I (Canada mode ls) indi
cator light monitors the safety systems (e.g. air
bags, pretensioners) and illuminates for a few
seconds each time you switch the ignition on .
If the
r.l (USA models)/ E,I (Canada models) in
d icator light does not go out, or if it illum inates
while you are driving, or if it starts to blink, the n
there is a malfunction somewhe re in the system .
If the light does not ill uminate w hen you switch
the ign ition on , this also means the re is a mal
function .
If you have a mal func tion in the safety sys
t ems, contact your authorized A udi dealer im
mediately . Othe rwise the safety systems may
not work properly in an acci dent .
& Brake booster
U Brake servo : limited functional ity . You can
con tinue d riv ing. Con tact workshop
There is a malfunction in the brake booster. The
brake booster is availab le, but its effectiveness is
red uced. Braking behavior may be different from
how it normally functions and the brake peda l
may vibra te.
Drive to an a uthorized Audi dea ler or a uthorized
Aud i Service Fac ility immediately to have the
malfunct ion corrected.
r;. I[/; Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC)
If the ffl ind icator light blinks while driving , the
E S P or ASR (ant i-slip reg ulation) is act ively reg u
l ati ng .
If the
ffl ind icator light turns on, the system has
switched the ESC
off . In this case, you can switch
t h e ign it io n
off and t hen on to sw itch the ESC on
again. The indica tor ligh t turns
off when the sys
tem is functioning fu lly.
If the . indicator light tu rns on, ESC was
swi tched
off using the I~ OFF I bu tto n
~page 188 .
Stabilization control (ESC /ABS ) malfunction!
See owner' s manual
If the DJ ind icator light and the ABS indicator
li ght
fn:) (USA models) ;ti] (Canada models)
turn o n and the message appears, the ABS or
e lectronic differe ntia l lock is malfunc tioning. This
also ca uses the ESC to mal function. The br akes
sti ll fu nct ion with their no rma l powe r, b ut ABS is
not active.
D rive to your au thori zed A udi dealer or qualified
workshop immedia tely to have the mal func tion
corrected .
If the 1111 (USA models) ;II (Canada mod
e ls) b rake system indicator light turns on to
gether with the ABS and ESC ind icator lights,
the ABS/ESC regulat ing funct ion may have
failed. Functions that stabilize the vehicle are
n o longer availab le. This could cause the vehi
cle to swerve and increase the risk of slidi ng.
D rive ca refully to the nea rest authorized Audi
dealer o r othe r qualified workshop and have
the ma lf unc tion correc ted.
(D Tips
Fo r additional informat ion on ESC and ABS,
r efer to
~ pag e 188.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
N \!) ,....,
Audi drive select Driving settings
Drive select makes it possible to experience dif
ferent types of vehicle settings in one vehicle.
The driver can select
Comfort, Auto and Dynamic
modes in the Infotainment system to switch be
tween a sporty and a comfortable driving mode.
In the
Individual mode, the settings can be ad
justed to your personal preferences. This makes it possible to combine settings such as a sporty en
g ine tun ing with light steering.
Improper use of the Audi drive select can
cause collisions, other acc idents and serious
personal injury.
The follow ing systems are affected by drive se
Engine and transmission
Depending on the mode, the eng ine and the
transmission respond quicker or in a more bal
anced manner to acce lerator pedal movements.
I n the sporty dynamic mode, the transmission
shifts at higher RPMs.
Air suspension*
The adaptive air suspension/adaptive air suspen
sion sport*
(Air suspension in the MMI) is an
e lectronically controlled a ir suspension and
damping system. They are adjusted depending on
the selected driving mode, the driver's steering,
b raking and acce leration input and the road sur
face, vehicle speed and load. A sporty setting is generally used in vehicles with adaptive air sus
pension sport*.
The vehicle clearance varies depending on these lected mode and the speed.
The highway setting is activated automatically
when you drive above 75 mph (120 km/h) for
more than 30 seconds in the
Auto or Dynamic
Audi drive select
mode. The ground clearance is increased auto
matically if the speed drops below 44 mph (70
km/h) for more than 120 seconds.
T he steering adapts in terms of steer ing effort
and steering ratios . Indirect steering that moves
easily, like the steering in comfort mode, is best
suited to long drives on a highway. In contrast,
dynamic mode provides sporty, direct steering.
T he following applies to vehicles with dynamic
steering*: the steering ratio changes based on ve
hicle speed in order to maintain optimum steer
ing effort for the driver at all times. This sets the
steering to be less sensitive at higher speeds in
order to provide improved vehicle control. At re
duced speeds, however, steering is more direct in
order to keep the steering effort as minimal as
poss ible when the driver is maneuvering the vehi
cle. At low and average speeds, dynamic steer ing
additionally provides more responsive steering
Sport differential*
As a component of the all wheel dr ive system
¢ page 192, the Sport differential* dis
tributes the driving power to the rear axle de
pending on the sit uation. The distribution of
power varies depending on the selected mode,
from balanced (comfort) to agile (dynamic) . The
goal is a high level of agility and ability to accel
erate on curves. The vehicle is very responsive to
Curve light*
T he curve light adapts to driving on curves. The
pivoting action and the lighting are also adapted
to the mode.
Adaptive cruise control*
T he behav ior when accelerating can be adjusted
from comfortable to sporty, depending on the
drive select mode. Adaptive cruise control a lso
responds to the driving behavior of the vehicle
ahead in a more conservative or sporty manner. ..,_
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
After you have closed the settings, you are auto
matica lly driving in the
Individual driving mode.
Systems Comfort
air suspension* comfortable
Steering comfortable
Audi drive select
The equipment in your vehicle will determine
which settings you can adjust . The following ta
ble g ives an overview of the characteristics.
Auto Dynamic
balanced sporty
ba lanced sporty
ba lanced sporty
steering* comfortable/indirect ba lanced/direct sporty/direct
Sport differential* balanced
Adaptive cruise control* comfortable
Engine sound* subtle
a) Subtle in the se lector lever position D and sporty in S.
(D Tips
Your Ind ividual mode settings are automat i
cally stored and assigned to the remote con
trol key being used.
Raising/lowering the
A ppl ies to vehicles: with a daptive air s uspensio n
Raising the vehicle
You can ra ise your veh icle temporarily, for exam
p le to drive over a tall curb.
.,. Select the following in the Infota inment sys
tem: the
ICARI function button > Raise control
button .
.,. Wait for the arrows in the Infotainment system
display to stop blinking and the vehicle to reach
its fina l position.
Lowering the vehicle
.,. To lower the vehicle, select the follow ing in the
Infotainment system: the
! CARI function button
> Lower control button .
.,. Wait for the arrows in the Infotainment system
display to stop blinking and the vehicle to lower
completely .
(D Note
-Remember that your veh icle is not suitable
for driving offroad even when it is raised.
There is not enough ground clearance . ag
ile sporty
ba lanc ed sporty
subtle/sportyal sporty
- If the vehicle is raised, it wi ll lower auto
matically when driving 62 mph (100 km/h)
or faster.
Driver messages
App lies to vehicles: wit h adaptive a ir suspens ion
Air suspension : Vehicle is too high. Controlling
level. ..
Air suspension: Vehicle is too low. Controlling
level. ..
The driver message switches off when the level
control process is complete .