M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
(!) Door handle
Audi side assist d isplay
Power locking sw itches
Memory function buttons . ... .. .
Aud i side assist button .. .. .. .. .
A ir ven ts wit h thumbwheel
Control lever for :
- T urn signal and h igh b eam
- Audi act ive lane assist . .. .. .. .
- High be am assis t ..... .. .. .. .
@ M ultifunction steering wheel with :
- Horn
- Drive r's airbag .... ... .. .. .. .
- Drive r information sys tem but-
tons ... .. ... .. ..... ... .. .. .
- Audio/video , telephone, nav iga
t ion an d voice recogni tion b ut
- Stee ring wheel heat ing .. .. .. .
- Sh ift padd les (automatic t rans-
mission) . ........... .. .. .. .
® Instrum ent cluster .. ... .. .. .. .
@ H ead-up Display ..... .. .. .. .. .
@ W indshie ld washer system lever
@ Bu ttons for:
- MM I display
- Reset button for tr ip odomete r
@ Starting the eng ine if there is a
malfunction . ... .... ... .. .. .. .
'3 Knee airbag .... .... ... .... .. .
@ Steer ing whee l adjustment, de
pending on equipmen t:
- mechanical ..... ..... .... .. .
- electrical .. .. ..... ... .. .. .. .
@ Lever for:
- Cruise contro l system
- Adaptive cruise cont rol .. .. .. .
@ Button for switch ing the Head-up
Disp lay on/off , adjust ing the he ight
@ Inst rument illum ination ....... .
@ Eng ine hood re lease . ... .. .. .. .
@ Data Link Connector for On Bo ard
Diagnostics (OBD II) .......... .
1 11
7 7
2 7
@ L ight sw itch ... ... .. ..... .... .
@ Buttons for :
- All-weathe r lights
- Night vision ass istant . ....... .
- Rear fog lights ............. .
@ Power exterior m irror adj ustment
@ Rear lid switch . ... .......... . .
@ Powerw indows ...... .... .... .
@ MM I display
@ Emergency f lashers .......... . .
@ G love compartme nt ......... . .
@ Front passenger's airbag ... ... .
@ Drives (M MI)
@ Buttons/Ind icator lights fo r
- Start-Stop-System ......... . .
- Parking system .. .. ..... .... .
- Rear spoiler .. ............. . .
- Elect ron ic Stabilization Control
@ Climate controls, depending on ve
hicle equipment:
- Three-zone cl imate control ....
- Four-zone automatic climate con-
trol ...... .. .. ........ .... .
@) Storage compartment or ash tray
with c igaret te lighte r ..... ... . .
MMI controls
12-volt socket, (upho lde r
E lectromechanical parking brake
@ Se lector lever (a utomat ic transm is-
sion) ... .... .. .. .... .... ... . .
{i) Tips
4 7
58 ,58
59 ,59
10 7
- Some of the equipment o r fea tures s hown
in the genera l ill ustration may be st andard
equipment on your veh icle or may be op
tional eq uipment depending on you r model.
Always ask your author ized Audi dealer if
you have a question about your vehicle.
- Ope ration of the Multi Med ia Interface
(MMI) is described in a separate manua l.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Driver information
Fig. 4 Driver information system in th e instr ument cluster
Fig. 5 Display: example of the informat ion line
The driver information system conta ins informa
tion @ that is disp layed on tabs@¢
fig. 4 . The
following content is possible depending on vehi
cle equipment:
Tab C o ntent
1 Veh icle functions:
On-board computer ¢ page 24
Efficiency program* ¢ page 25
Digital speedometer
Cruise control *¢
page 83
Adapt ive cruise control and braking
¢ page85
Audi active lane assist*¢ page 94
Display darkened Ins
trument s and indi cator ligh ts
Tab Content
2 Ind icator lights and messages
Warning when a door, the hood or the rear lid is not closed
Service interval display¢
page 26
Speed warning system ¢ page 82
3 Night vision assistant* ¢page 104
4 Audio/video
s Telephone*
6 Navigat ion*
T he second and third tabs are only visible if at
least one indicator light or message is shown or if
that system is switched on.
The status line© is located in the bottom part of
the display ¢
fig. 4. It displays the exterior tem
perature, time, selector lever position, tripod
ometer and odometer .
For some vehicle functions, you can access the
trip information from the temporary memory
¢ page 25 in the line(!)¢ fig. 5.
-Never rely exclusively on the outside tem
perature display to determine if a road sur
face is icy or not. Keep in mind that road sur
faces, especially bridges and overpasses,
could be ice covered and slippery even at an
outside temperatu re above 4 1 °F (+S
- Always remember, even if the "snowflake"
symbol (ice warning) does not appear in the
d isp lay, black ice cou ld be on the road.
- Always reduce your speed and drive with
specia l care in cold weather cond itions when
the chance of encountering icy road surfaces
i n creases.
(0 Tips
- If the vehicle is stationary, or if you are driv
ing at a very low speed, the temperature
shown in the display might be slight ly high
er than the actual outside temperature. This
is caused by the heat being radi ated from
the engine . .,..
Opening and closing
Opening and closing
Key set
F ig . 17 Key set
@ Remote cont rol key w ith me chanical key
You can centrally lock and unlock your vehicle and
start the engine w it h the master key with remote
control. A mechanical key is integrated in the re
mote control key
o page 30 .
@ Eme rgen cy key
The emergency key is not intended for constant
use. It shou ld only be used in an emergency.
Keep it in a safe place and do not carry it on your
key ring.
K ey replacement
If you lose a key, contact your authorized A udi
dea ler immediately to have the
lost key disabled.
Be sure to bring all yo ur keys with you.
Personal comfo rt sett ings
If two peop le use one vehicle, i t is recommended
that each person always uses "their own" master
key. Whe n the ignition is switched off or when
the vehicle is locked, personal convenience set
tings for the fo llow ing systems are stored and as
signed to the remote master key.
- Automatic climate control
- Central lock ing system
- Amb ience lighti ng*
- Seat memory*
- Parking system*
- Adaptive cruise control*
- Audi active lane assist *
-Audi side assist *
- Aud i drive se lect
- Night vision assistant*
- Heated steering wheel*
The stored settings are automatically recalled
when you unlock the vehicle, when you open the
doors or when you switch the ignition on.
- Do not leave your vehicle u nattended. A l
ways take your ign ition key with you and
lo ck your vehicle. Entry by unau thori zed per
sons could end anger yo u or res ult in theft or
damage the vehicle .
- Do n ot leave ch ildren unattended in t he ve
h icle, especi ally wit h access to vehicle keys.
Ungua rded a ccess to the keys provides chil
dren t he opport unity to start the engine
and/or activate ve hicle systems such as the
power windows, etc. Unsupe rv ised ope ra
tion of any veh icle system by c hildren can
result i n serio us in ju ry .
(D Tips
- The operation o f the remote control key can
be temporarily d is rupted by interference
from transmitters in the vic inity of the vehi
cle working in the same freque ncy range
(e.g. a cell phone, radio e quipment).
- For security reasons, rep lacement keys are
only ava ilable from Audi dealers .
- For Declaration of Comp liance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada reg ulations
~page 277.
Removing the mechanical key
Fig. 18 Remote cont rol mas te r key: removing the mechani-
ca l key .,._
Opening and closing
- There are audio signals when closing the
luggage compartment lid with the remote
control key (vehicles with convenience key*)
or with the~ button in the driver's door.
- When the vehicle is locked, the luggage
compartment lid can be unlocked separately
by pressing the button
l a ! on the remote
control key. When the luggage compart ment lid is closed aga in, it locks automati
- You can close the luggage compartment lid
using the master key (vehicles with conven
i ence key*) up to a distance of approximate
l y 9 ft (3 m).
- The luggage compartment lid can be oper
ated by hand if the vehicle battery is low.
is necessary to use more force when doing
th is . Move the lid slowly to reduce the
amount of force needed.
Luggage compartment with movement
activated opening
Applies to veh icles: w ith conve nien ce key and senso r-contro l
led lugg age compart ment lid
Fig. 28 Rear of the veh icle : foot movement
Requirements You must be carrying your veh icle
key with you. You must be standing at the center
behind the luggage compartment lid. T he re
should be a distance of approximately 20 cm
from the rear of the vehicle. The ignition must be
switched off. Make sure you have firm footing.
.,. Swing yo ur foot back and forth below the
bumper ¢
fig. 28. Do not touch the bumper.
Once the system recognizes the movement, the
luggage compartment lid will open .
The luggage compartment lid will only open if
you make the movement as described. This pre-
vents the luggage compartment lid from opening
due to similar movements such as when you wa lk
between the rear of the vehicle and your garage
General information
In some situat ions, the function is limited or
temporarily unavailable. This may happen if:
- the luggage compartment lid was closed be
forehand .
-you park close to a hedge and the branches
move back and forth under the veh icle for a
long period of time.
-you clean your vehicle, for example with a pres
sure washer or in a car wash.
- there is heavy rain.
- the bumper is very dirty, for example after driv- ing on salt-covered roads.
- there is interference to the radio signal from
the vehicle key, suc h as from cell phones or re
mote controls.
Luggage compartment lid emergency
The luggage compartment lid can be released in
an emergency from inside the luggage compart
Fig. 29 Inside of the lu ggage compartme nt: access to the
e m ergency release
.,. Remove the emergency key ¢ page 30 .
.,. Pry the cover out using the eme rgency key
~fig. 29 .
.,. Press the lever in the direction of the arrow to
release the luggage compartment lid.
.. Make sure to use the right child restraint cor
rect ly to protect children ¢
page 167, Child
safety .
.. Sit properly in your seat and make sure that
your passengers do the same ¢
page 52, Gen
eral information.
.. Fasten your safety belt and wear it properly . Al
so instruct your passengers to fasten their safe
ty belts properly ¢
page 135.
What impairs driving safety?
Safe driving is directly related to the condition of
the vehicle, the driver as well as the driver's abili
ty to concentrate on the road without being dis
The driver is respons ible for the safety of the ve
hicle and all of its occ upan ts. If your ability to
drive is impaired , safety r isks for everybody in the
vehicle increase a nd you also become a hazard to
everyone else on the road ¢,A .Therefore:
.. Do not let yourself be distracted by passengers
or by using a cellular telephone .
.. NEVER drive when your driv ing ability is im
paired (by medications, alcohol, drugs, etc.).
.. Observe all traffic laws, rules of the road and
speed limits and plain common sense.
.,. ALWAYS adjust your speed to road, traffic and
weather cond itions.
.. Take frequent breaks on long trips. Do not dr ive
for more than two hours at a stretch .
.. Do NOT drive when you are t ired, under pres
sure or when you a re stressed.
Impaired driving safety increases the risk of
serious personal injury and death whenever a
vehicle is being used.
Driving safety
Correct passenger
seating positions
Proper seating position for the driver
The proper driver seating position is important
for safe, relaxed driving .
Fig. 144 Correct se ating position
For your own safety and to reduce the risk of in
jury in the event of an accident, we recommend
that you adjust the driver's seat to the following pos ition:
.. Adjust the driver's seat so that you can easily
push the pedals all the way to the floor while
keeping your knee(s) slightly bent¢,&. .
.,. Adjust the angle of the seatback so that it is in
an upright position so that your back comes in
fu ll contact wi th it when you dr ive .
.. Adjust the steer ing wheel so that there is a dis
tance of at least 10 inches (25 cm) between the
steering whee l and your breast bone¢
fig. 144.
If not possible, see your authorized A udi deal
ership about adaptive equipment.
.. Adjust the steering wheel so that the steering
wheel and airbag cover points at your chest and
not at your face .
.,. Grasp the top of the steer ing wheel with your
elbow(s) slightly bent .
.. For adjustable head restra ints: Adjust the head
restraint so the upper edge is as even as possi
b le with the top of your head. If that is not pos
sible, try to adjust the head restraint so that it
is as close to this position as possible. Move the
head restraint so that it is as close to the back
of the head as possible.
.. Fasten and wear safety belts correctly
¢page 138. IJJ,-
Airbag syste m
Objects between you and the a irbag w ill in
crease the risk of injury in a crash by interfer
ing with the way the airba g unfo lds and/or by
being pus hed into you as the airbag inflates.
- Always make sure nothing is in the front air-
bag depl oyment zone that could be struck
by the airbag when it inflates.
- Objects in the zone of a deploying a irbag
can become project iles when the airbag de
ploys and cause serious personal injury.
- Never hold things in your hands or on your
lap when the vehicle is in use .
- Never place accessor ies or other objects
(such as cup holders, telephone brackets,
note pads, navigation systems, or things
that are large, heavy, or bulky) on the doors; never attach then to the doors or the wind
shield; never place them over or near or at
tach them to the area marked ,.AIRBAG" on
the steering wheel, instrument pane l or the
seat backrests; never place them between
these a reas and you or any other person in
the vehicle .
- Never attach objects to the windshield
above the passenger front airbag, such as
accessory GPS navigation units or music players. Such objects co uld cause serious in
jury in a collision, especially when the a ir
bags inflate.
- Never recline the front passenger seat to transport objects. Items can also move into
the deployment area of the side airbags or
the front airbag dur ing breaking or in a sud
den maneuver . Objects near the a irbags can
fly dangerously th rough the passenger com
partment and ca use i njur y, partic ularly
when the seat is reclined and the airbags in
flate .
A person on the front passenge r seat, espe
cially infants and small children, wi ll receive
serious injuries and can even be killed by be
ing too close to the airbag when it inflates.
- Although the Advanced Airbag System in
your vehicle is designed to turn off the front
passenger airbag if an infant or a small child
is on the front passenger seat, nobody can
absolutely guarantee that dep loyment un
de r these specia l condit ions is impossible in
all conceivable situations that may happen
during the useful life of yo ur vehicle.
- The Advanced Airbag System can dep loy in
accordance with the ,,low risk" option for 3-
and 6-year-o ld children under the U.S. Fed
era l Standard if a c hild with e lectr ica l capac
itance greater than the combined capaci
tance of a typical one -yea r old infant re
strained in one of the forward facing or rear
ward-facing child seats with which your ve
hicle was certif ied is on the front passenger
seat and the other conditions for airbag de
ployment are met.
- Accident statistics have shown that children
are generally safer in the rear seat area than
in the front seating position .
- For their own safety, all ch ildren, especially
12 yea rs and younger, should a lways ride in
the back properly restrained for their age
and size .
Advanced front airbag system
Your veh icle is equipped with a front Advanced
A irbag System in compliance w ith United States
Federa l Mo tor Ve hicl e Safety Standa rd 208 asap
plicable at the time your vehicle was manufac
The front Advanced Airbag System supp lements
the safety be lts to p rov ide additional protec tion
f or the driver 's and front passenger 's heads and
u pper bodies in frontal crashes . The airbags in
flate only in fronta l impacts when the ve hicle de
ce lerat ion is high enough.
The front Advanced Airbag System for the front seat occ upants is not a s ubstitute for yo ur safety
belts. Rather , it is part of the overall occupant re
stra int system in your vehicle. A lways remember
that the airbag system can only he lp to protect
you, if you are sitting upr ight, wear ing your safe-
ty belt and wear ing it properly . Th is is why you
Airbag syste m
Objects between you and the airbag will in
crease the risk of injury in a crash by interfer
ing with the way the a irbag unfo lds or by be
ing pushed into you as the a irbag inflates .
- Never hold th ings in your hands or on your
lap when the vehicle is in use .
- Never transport items on or in the area of
the front passenger seat. Objects could
move into the area of the front airbags dur
ing braking or other sudden maneuvers and
become dangero us projectiles that can
ca use serio us pe rsonal injury if the airbags
- Never place or attach accessor ies or other
objects (such as cup holde rs, telephone
brackets, large, heavy or bu lky objects) on
the doors, over or near the area marked "AIRBAG" on the steer ing whee l, instru
ment pane l, seat backrests or between
those areas and yourse lf. These objects
could cause injury in a crash, especially
when the airbags inflate.
- Never recline the front passenger's seat to transport objects. Items can also move into
the area of the side airbag or the front air bag during braking or in a sudden maneu
ver. Objects near t he airbags c an become
project iles and cause injury, part icularly
when the seat is reclined .
- Never place or transpo rt obje cts on the
fron t passenger seat . Objects on the front
passenge r seat co uld cause the capacitive
sensor in the seat to signal to airbag system
that the seat is occupied by a person when it in fact is not , or that the person on the seat
is heav ier than he or she actually is . The
change in elect ric capac itance because of
s uch objects can cause the passenger front
airbag to be turned on when it should be off,
or can cause the airbag to work in a way that
is diffe ren t from the way it would have
worked without objects on the sea t.
- Always make sure that there is no thing on
the front passenger sea t that will cause the
capacit ive passenger detection system in
the seat to signa l to the Airbag System that
the seat is occup ied by a person when it is
not, or to signal that it is occupied by some
one who is heavier than the person actua lly
sitt ing on the seat . The presence of an ob
ject could ca use the passenger front a irbag
to be turned on when it should be off, or
could cause the airbag to work in a way that is different from the way it would have
wo rked witho ut the ob ject on the seat.
T he fine dus t created when airbags deploy can
cause breathing pro blems for people with a
h istory of asthma or other breath ing condi
- To reduce the risk of breathing p roblems,
those with asthma o r other respiratory con
ditions sho uld get fresh air right away by
getting out of the vehicle or opening win
dows or doors.
- If you are in a collision in which airbags de
ploy, wash your hands and face w ith m ild
soap and water before eat ing .
- Be careful not to get the dust into your eyes,
or into any cuts or scratches .
- If the resid ue should get into your eyes,
flush them w ith water.
Monitoring the
Advanced Airbag System
t!i Airbag monitoring indicator light
Two separate indicators monitor the function of
the Advanced Airbag System: the airbag moni
toring indicator light and the
The Advanced A irbag System as well as the side
airbags and side curtain airbags wit h ejection
mitigation features (incl uding the e lectronic con
trol unit, sensors and system w iring) are all
monitored continuously to make sure that they
are funct ioning properly whenever the ign ition is
o n. Every t ime you turn on t he ignit io n, the air
bag system indicato r light
fl will come on fo r a
few seconds (fun ct ion check).
Airbag syste m
(D Tips
If the capaciti ve passenger detection system
determines that the front passenger seat is
empty, the frontal airbag on the passenger
side w ill be turned off, and the
light w ill stay on.
Repair, care and disposal of the airbags
Parts of the a irbag system are installed at many
d iffe rent p laces on your Audi. Insta lling, remov
ing, servicing or repa iring a part in an area of the
veh icle can damage a part of an ai rbag system
and prevent that system from working properly
in a co llision.
There are some important thi ngs you have to
know to make sure that the effect iveness of the
system w ill not be impaired and that d isca rded
components do not cause injury or pollute the
-Improper care, servicing and repair proce
dures can increase the risk of personal injury
and death by preventing an a irbag from de
ploying when needed or deploying an airbag
- Never cover, obstruct, or change the steer ing wheel horn pad or airbag cover or the in
strument pane l or modify them in any way.
- Never attach any objects such as cup holders or te lephone mountings to the surfaces cov
ering the airbag units.
- For cleaning the ho rn pad or instrument
panel, use only a soft, dry cloth or one mois
tened with plain water. So lvents or cleaners
c ould damage the a irbag cover or change
the stiffness o r strength of the ma ter ial so
that the airbag cannot dep loy and protect
properly .
- Never repa ir, adjust, or change any parts of
the a irbag system.
- All work on the stee ring wheel, inst rument
panel, front seats or electrical system (in
cluding the installation of audio equipment,
cellular telephones and CB radios, etc.)
must be performed by a qualified technician
who has the training and special equipment necessary.
- For any work on the airbag system, we
strongly recommend that yo u see your au
thorized Audi dealer or qualified workshop.
- Never modify the front bumper or parts of
the vehicle body.
- Always make sure that the side airbag can
inflate w ithout interference:
- Never install seat covers or rep lacement
u pholstery over the front seatbacks that
have not been specifically approved by
A udi.
- Never use additional seat c ushions that
cover the areas where the side a irbags in
- Damage to the orig inal seat cove rs or to
the seam in the are a of the side ai rbag
module mus t always be repaired immedi
ate ly by an autho rized Aud i dealer.
- The a irb ag sys tem can deploy on ly on ce. Af
ter an airbag has been deployed, i t m ust be
rep laced with new replacement parts de
signed and approved especially fo r your A udi
model version. Replacement of complete
airbag systems or a irbag components must
be performed by qualified workshops only.
Ma ke sure that any airbag serv ice action is
e ntered in your Aud i Warranty
& Ma inte
nance booklet unde r
- For safety reasons in severe accidents, the
al ternator and starte r are separated from
the vehicle batte ry w ith a pyrotec hni c circ uit
interrupter .
- Work on the pyrotechnic c ircuit interrupt
er must on ly be performed by a qua lified
techn ic ians who have the experience, in
fo rmation and specia l tools necessa ry to
perfo rm the wor k safely.
- If the vehicle or the circuit interr upter is
scrapped, all app licable safety precautions
must be followed.