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Operating locks with the key
In the event of a failure of the power locking sys
tem, the driver's door can be locked and un
locked at the lock cylinder.
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Fig . 22 Key turns for opening and closing.
• Remove the mechanical key¢ page 30.
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• Turn the mechanical key to position @¢ fig. 22
to unlock the driver's door .
• Turn the key to position @ to lock the driver 's
door ¢& .
Read and follow all WARNINGS¢&. in Gener
al description on page 32.
Locking and unlocking the vehicle from
Fig. 23 Dr iver 's door: power locking switch
Open ing and clo sing
Fig. 2 4 Rear power locking sw itch
• Press the button~ to lock the vehicle¢& .
• Press the button@! to unlock the veh icle.
If you lock the vehicle using the power locking
switch, please note the followi ng:
- You cannot open the doors or the rear lid from
outside (increased security, for example
when you are stopped at a red light).
- The diodes i n the power locking switches illumi
nate when all the doors are closed and locked .
- Front doors: you can unlock and open the doors
from the inside by pulling on the door handle.
- Rear doors: pull the door hand le
once to re
lease the lock. Pull the handle
again to open
the door .
- If you have a crash and the airbag is activated,
the doors automatically unlock.
-- The power lock ing switch works with the ig-
n ition off and automatically locks the entire
veh icle when it is actuated.
- On a vehicle locked from the outside the
power locking system switch is inoperative.
- Locked doors make it more difficult for
emergency workers to get into the veh icle,
which puts lives at r is k . Do not leave anyone
be hind in the vehi cle, especially c hildren .
(0 Tips
Your ve hicle is locked a utomat ica lly at a speed
of9 mph ( 15 km/h)
¢page 31. You can un
l ock the vehicle again using the opening func
tion in the power lo cking system sw itch.