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Driver's and front passenger's footwell . . 131
Pedal area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Storing cargo correct ly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Reporting Safety Defects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 5
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Why use safety belts? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Safety belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Belt tensioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Airbag system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Important informat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Front airbags ............... .. .... . .
Monitoring the Advanced Airbag System . 147
Knee airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Side airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
Side curtain airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
Child safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
I mportant informat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Child seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Securing chi ld seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
LATCH system (Lower anchorages and
tethers for children) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
Addit ional information 184
Audi pre sense . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Preventat ive passenger protection
Driver messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
Intelligent Technology . . . . . . . . . . 187
Notice about data recorded by the Event
Data Recorder and vehicle control
modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
E lect ron ic Stabilization Control (ES C) . . . . 188
Braking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Electromechanical steering, dynamic
steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
All whee l drive (quattro) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
Rear spoiler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Energy management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Driving and the environment . . . . 196
Breaking in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Avoid damag ing the vehicle . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Driving through water on roads . . . . . . . . 196
Cata lytic converter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Table of contents
Diesel particulate filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Placing your vehicle out of service . . . . . . 198
Econom ica l and env ironmentally-friendly
driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Trailer mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Driving with a trailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Tra iler mode notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Operating instructions . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Care and clean ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20S
Car washes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Cleaning and care information 206
Fuel and Refueling .......... ... .. 210
Gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Diesel fuel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Refueling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Selective catalytic reduction 214
Checking and Filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 18
Hood ... .. .. .. .. .. ........... .. .. .. 218
Engine compartment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
En gine oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Cooling system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Brake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Battery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Windshield/headlight washer container
Wheels ...... .. ............. .... .. 233
Wheels and Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Tire pressure monitoring system 251
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Emergency assistance . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Warning triangle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Vehicle tool kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Replacing wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
Fuses ....... ... .. .............. ... 261
Replacing fu ses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Driver sid e cockpit fuse assignment . . . . . 262
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Electromechanical parking brake
opage 15
Tire pressure mon itoring system
o page 251
Tire pressure monitoring system
opage 251
Electronic power control ./ (alter
native to
o page20
Glow plug system
(alternative to
[m )
Malfunction indicator Lamp (MIL)
Diese l particulate fi lter* clogged
o page20
Engine speed limitation
opage 21
Engine oil level
o page 17
Engine oil sensor
o page 21
Request to warm eng ine by driv
in g
o page 21
opage 16
Tank system
opage 21
Windshie ld washer fluid level
o page 21
Windshie ld wipers
o page 21
Remote contro l key
o page 75
Remote contro l key
o page 77
Battery in remote control key
opage 31
Defective light bulb warning
opage 21
Instruments and indicator lights
Rear fog light(s)
opage 21
Headlight range control
opage 22
adaptive light*
opage 22
Light-/rain sensor faulty
opoge 22
Audi active lane assist*
o page 95
Transmission (tiptronic)
opage 112
- S tron ic
opage 112
Electronic steering column lock
opage 17
Engine start system
opage 17
Brake booster
opage 18
Electromechanical steering, dy
namic steering*./
o page 192
Air suspension*
opoge 17
Sport differential*
opage 22
Rear spoiler
opage 193
Refill Ad Blue*
opage 214
AdBlue malfunction*
opoge 214
Other indicator lights
Turn signals
o page22
USA models: Cruise control*
opage 83
Canada models: Cruise control*
opage 83
Adaptive cruise control *
Instruments and indicator lights
th e e ngine and allow it to coo l. Follow the
warning stickers¢
page 218 .
(D Note
Do not conti nue d riving if the . symbo l ill u
minates. There is a malfunction in the engine
cooling system -you could damage your en
D Battery
This warning/indicator light detects a malfunc
t ion in the generator or in the vehicle's electrical
sys tem.
The . warning/indicator lig ht ill uminates when
you switch on the ignition and must go out after
the engine has started.
• Alternator fault: Battery i s not being charg
If th e i nd ic ator lig ht tur ns on and the message
a ppears, the re is a m alfunction in the genera tor
or ve hicle elec trical system .
D rive to you r autho rized Aud i dea le r o r q ualified
wo rkshop imme dia tely. Because the ve hicl e b at
t ery is d isch arging, t urn off all unne cessa ry e lec
tr ica l equipmen t su ch as the radio. Seek p rofes
sional assistance if the batte ry charge level is too
low .
(•) Low battery : battery will be charged while
I f t he i ndi cator lig ht t urns on and the message
ap pears, t he re m ay be limi ted star ting abili ty.
If t his message turns off after a litt le w hile, the
battery cha rged enoug h wh ile d riving .
If the message does not turn off, have your au
thor ized Audi dealer or qualified workshop cor
rect the malfunct ion .
~ Engine stop while driving
• Engine stopped: No power ste ering and
brake support .
There is a malfunct ion in the engine or in the fuel
supp ly system .
More force is needed to s teer and brake the mov
ing vehicle when the engi ne is stopped.
If the ve
hicle is roll ing, try to stop it caref ully on the side
of the road away from moving traffic . See an au
thori zed Audi dea ler or authorized Audi Serv ice
Fac ility for assistance .
If the engine s tops w hile driving, you will
need to use mo re fo rce t o brake the vehicl e.
T his in cr eases the r is k of an a cc iden t. The re
will s till be powe r stee ring if the igni tion is
switched on while the vehicle is rolling and
there is suff ic ient battery charge. Ot herwise,
you must use greate r force whe n steer ing.
,~ - Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to pu t
on your safety bel t.
The . war ning/ indica to r li gh t illum ina tes w hen
the ignit io n is swit ched on to rem ind the driver
and any fron t passenger to p ut on the safety belt .
Additionally, an acoustic warni ng (gong) will a lso
sound .
Fo r more Info rm ation ¢
page 135, i Safety belt
warning light.
"t:::r. Engine oil pressure malfunction
The red engine oil p ressure warning symbol re
quires immediate service or repair . Driving with a
low-oil -pressure indication is likely to inflict se
vere damage to the engine.
• Swit ch off engine and check oil level
If th e indicato r ligh t turns on and the message
appea rs, the o il pressure is too low .
.. Pull off the road.
.. Stop the vehicle .
.. Tur n off the engi ne .
.. Check the engine oil level ¢ page 2 2 2 .
"'If the eng ine o il level is too low, add eng ine oi l
page 22 2. Make sure th at the oil press ure
warning symbol. appears no longer in the
disp lay before you start driving again .
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~ If the engine oil leve l is corre ct and the indic a
tor lig ht st ill tur ns on, tur n th e eng ine off and
do not continue driving . Seek p rofess ional as
s istance .
(D Tips
- The engine oil pressure symbol. is not
an indicator for a low engine oil level. Do
not rely on it. Instead, check the oil level in
your engine at regular intervals, preferably each time you refuel, and always before
going on a long trip.
- The yellow oil level warning indication
requires oil refill or workshop service with
out delay. Do not wait until the red oil pressure warning. starts to flash before
you respond to the low oil level warning
Ill. By then, your engine may already have
suffered serious damage.
'1::1' ., Engine oil
• Please add oil immediately.
Add oil imm ed iat ely Q page 220.
Ill Add oil max. XL. You may continue driving
Add the amount of oi l ind icated in t he display im
c> page 220 .
~- Steering lock
• Do not drive vehicle: Steering defective
There is a malf unct io n in the electron ic steeri ng
lo ck . You cann ot tur n the ign iti on on.
D o
not tow your ve hicle beca use it ca nnot be
steere d. See an a uthorize d Au di dea le r o r auth or
i z ed Audi Service Fac ility for assistance .
11!11 Steering lock: System fault Please contact
T here i s a ma lfu nction in t he ele ctronic st eering
l o ck.
Dr ive to an aut ho rize d Au di dea ler or au th o riz ed
A udi S ervice Fa cilit y imm ediate ly to have t he
m alfun ction co rre ct ed .
Instruments and indicator lights
Do not tow yo ur ve hicl e when ther e is a mal
f u nctio n in the electronic st ee rin g l ock -th is
in creas es th e ris k of an acci dent.
©-Engine start system
• Engine start system fault. Please contact
Do not switch the igniti on off because yo u may
not be abl e to switch it on again .
Drive to an auth orized A udi dealer or au tho rized
A udi Se rv ice Facility imme diately to have th e
malfu ncti on corrected .
II! Engine start system fault . Please contact
T he re is a mal func tio n in the e ngine st art ing sys
Dr ive to an au thor ized A udi de aler or au tho riz ed
A udi Se rv ic e Fac ility im me diate ly to h ave the
malfu nction co rre cted .
0 Air suspension
• Air suspension: System fault You can drive
slowly (max . speed 60 km/h)
The re is a m alfunc tion t hat can re sul t in res trict
ed drivi ng stabi lity .
C are full y dr ive at a m ax im um spee d of 3 5 m ph
( 60 km /h ) to your au thor ized A udi d ealer o r
qualifie d wo rksh op to have the m alfu nct ion co r
r ecte d.
• Air suspension: Service mode. Vehicle can
only be moved with restri ctions
Car efu lly dr ive to your aut hor iz e d Audi d ealer or
qualifie d wo rksh op i mm edia tely to hav e the s erv
i c e mo de dea cti vate d .
rl Air suspension: System fault
The re is a system mal function that can res ult in
rest ricted d riving stability o r reduced gr ound
clea rance. .,..
Sw it c h ing th e ig nit ion on /off
If you wou ld like to switch the ignition on with
out starting the engine, fo llow these steps :
"' Press the
!START E NGIN E STOPI button with-
out pressing the brake pedal.
"'T o sw itch the ignition off, press the button
again. The needle in the tachomete r moves into
O FF pos ition.
The prewarm ing runs automati cally in diese l
vehicles when the ignition is switched on .
Equipment that uses a lot of electricity is switch
ed off temporar ily when you start the engine.
If the engine should not start immediately, the
starting process is automat ically stopped after a
short time . Repeat starting procedure .
Start-Stop-System *
Note the information inc:> page 80, S tar t-S top
Sys tem.
- Never allow the engine to ru n in confined
spaces, because this inc reases the r isk of as
phyx iat ion.
- Never t urn off the engine before the veh icle
has come to a comp lete stop .
- The brake booster and power steer ing no
longer function whe n you stop the engine.
You must use more fo rce when bra king or
stee ring. Be cause you cannot b rake and
steer as you us ually wou ld, this could lead
to accidents and se rious i njuries. These
functions are still active if the Start-Stop
System* has stopped the engine.
([) Note
Avoid high engine speed, fu ll th rottle , and
heavy eng ine load as lon g as the engine has
not reached operating temperature yet. You
co uld damage the engi ne .
@ For the sake of the environment
Do not let the engine r un while parked to
warm up. Beg in driving immed iately . This re
duces u nnecessary emissions .
(D Tips
-After starting a cold engine, there may be a
br ief per iod of increased noise because the
oil pressure must first bui ld up in the hy
draulic valve adjusters. This is normal and
not a cause for concern .
- If you leave the veh icle with the ignition
switched on, the ign ition w ill switch off af
ter a certain amount of time . Make sure that
electrical equipment such as the exterior
l ights a re switched off.
Stopping the engine
"' Br ing your vehi cle to a complete stop.
"' Move the se lector lever to the P o r N posit ion .
"' Press the
c:> page 75, fig . 81 .
Steering lock
The steering locks when yo u tur n the eng ine off
us ing the
I S TAR T ENGINE ST OP I button and open
the driver's doo r. The locked steering helps pre
vent vehicle theft.
Emergency off
If necessary, the engine can be switc hed off with
the se lecto r lever in the R or D/S posit ion. The en
gine stops if yo u press and hold the
I S TAR T ENGINE ST OP I button at speeds below
6 mph (10 km/h) and press the brake peda l.
-Never turn off the engine until the vehicle
has come to a complete stop.
- The brake booster and power steering only
work when the engine is running . If the en
gine is off , you have to use more force when
steering or braking. Because you cannot
steer and brake as you usually wou ld, this
could lead to crashes and serio us in ju ries.
- For safety reasons, you should always pa rk
your veh icle with the selector lever in P. Oth
erw ise, the vehicle could inadve rtently ro ll
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Corro sion
There may be a tendency fo r dirt to bui ld up on
the brake pads and corrosion to fo rm on the discs
if the car is not driven regularly or only for short
trips with little use of the brakes.
If the b rakes are not used frequently, or if corro
sion has formed on the discs, it is advisab le to
off the pads and discs by braking firmly a
few times from a moderately high speed
c=> .&, .
Faults in the brake sy stem
If you should not ice a sudden increase in brake
pedal travel, then one of the two brake circuits
may have fai led
c=> .&, .
Low brake flu id level
Malfunct ions can occur in the brake system if the
brake fluid level is too low. The brake flu id leve l is
monitored e lectronically.
Br ake boo ste r
The brake booster works w ith vacuum pressure
which is created only when the engine is running
~ ,& .
Brake lining wear sta tu s
Brake lining wear may be checked by visual in
spection of the condition of the brake pads
through the openings in the wheel. If necessary,
the wheel may be removed for this inspection
c=> page 2 55, Replacing wheels.
- New brake pads don't have the best stop
ping power and must be "broken-in" during
the initial 250 mi les ( 400 km) . You can com
pensate for this by pressing the brake peda l
more firmly. This a lso applies later when
new pads are installed.
- You should perform braking maneuvers for
the purpose of clean ing the brake system
only if road conditions perm it. Other road
users must not be put at risk -you may
cause an accident!
- Before descending a steep grade, reduce
speed and shift transmiss ion into a lower
gear or lower driving range. Do not ride the
In te llig ent T echnolog y
brakes or hold the peda l down too long o r
too often. This could cause the brakes to get
hot and dimin ish braking effic iency.
- Do not "ride the brakes" by rest ing your foot
on the pedal when you do not intend to
brake. This may cause the brakes to over
heat, premature wear and increased stop
ping distance .
- Under certain cl imatic and operat ing condi
tions such as passing through water , dr iv ing
in heavy rain or afte r washing the veh icle,
the effect iveness of the brakes can be re
duced. In winter, ice c an accumulate on the
b rake pads, lin ings, discs and drums. Care
fu lly apply brakes for a test . Brakes will dry
and ice coatings will be cleaned
off after a
few ca reful brake app lications.
- Driving for an extended period of t ime on
salt-covered roads without using your
brakes can a lso affect braking efficiency.
off accumulated salt coating from
brake discs and pads with a few careful
brake applications.
- If you damage the front spoiler, or if you in
stall a different spoiler, be su re the air f low
to the front brakes is not obstructed . Other
wise the brake system could overheat reduc ing the effect iveness of the entire brake sys
- Fai lure of one brake circuit will impa ir th e
b rak ing capability res ulting in an increased
s topping distance. Avoid driving the vehicle
a nd have it towed to the nearest Aud i dea ler
or qualified workshop .
- Never let the vehi cle roll to a s top with the
engine shut
off .
- If the b rake booste r is no t working, the
b rake peda l must be pressed cons iderably
harder to make up for the lack of booster as
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-Do not remove the engine cover under any
circumstances. This increases the risk of
- If work on the fuel system or the electrical
system is necessary :
- Always disconnect the battery.
- Never smoke or work near heaters or open
flames . Fluids in the engine compartment
could start a fire.
- Keep an approved fire extinguisher imme
diately available.
- To avoid electrical shock and personal injury
while the engine is running or being started,
never touch:
- Ignition cables
- Other components of the high voltage
electronic ignition system.
-If you must perform a check or repair with
the engine running:
- First, fully apply the parking brake, move
selector lever to P (Park).
- Always use extreme caution to prevent
clothing, jewelry, or long hair from getting
caught in the radiator fan, V-belts or other moving parts, or from contacting hot
parts. Tie back hair before starting, and do
not wear clothing that will hang or droop
into the engine.
- Minimize exposure to emission and chemi
cal hazards ¢.&. .
California Proposition 65 Warning:
- Engine exhaust, some of its constituents,
and certain vehicle components contain or
emit chemicals known to the State of Cali
fornia to cause cancer and birth defects and
reproductive harm. In addition, certain flu
ids contained in vehicles and certain prod
ucts of component wear contain or emit
Checking and Filling
chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and birth defects or other
reproductive harm.
- Battery posts, terminals and related acces
sories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and reproductive harms.
Wash hands after handling .
([) Note
When adding fluids, always make sure that
they are poured into the proper container or
filler opening, otherwise serious damage to
vehicle systems will occur .
® For the sake of the environment
To detect leaks in time, inspect the vehicle
floor pan from underneath regularly. If you
see spots from oil or other vehicle fluids, have
your vehicle inspected by an authorized Audi
dealer .
Closing the engine hood
.,.. Pull the hood down until the pressure from the
struts is reduced.
.,.. Let the hood
drop down and latch in place. Do
not try to push it shut;
it may fail to engage
¢ ,& .
--A hood that is not completely latched could
fly up and block your view while driving .
- When you close the engine hood, check it to
make sure the safety catch has properly en
gaged . The hood should be flush with the
surrounding vehicle body parts .
- If you notice while driving that the hood is
not secured properly, stop at once and close
it .
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~ Park your vehicle on a level surface.
~ Switch off the ignition .
~ Read the eng ine coolant leve l from the coolant
expansion tank
c> fig. 191, c> page 220,
fig. 188.
With a cold engine, the coolant level
should be between the "min" and "max" mark
i ngs. When the engine is warm, the level may
be s light ly above the "max" marking.
The location of the coolant expans ion tank can be
seen in the engine compartment illustrat ion
To obtain an accurate reading, the engine must
be sw itched
The expansion tank in you r vehicle is equipped
with an electric coolant level sensor.
When the coo lant level is too low, the warning
light in the Auto-Check System
c:> page 15 wi ll il
l uminate unti l you a dd coolant and the level has
been restored to norma l. Even though there is an
e lectric coolant level sensor, we still recommend
you check the coolant level from time to time.
Coolant loss
Coolant loss may i ndicate a leak in the coo ling
system . In the event of coo lant loss , the cooling
system should be inspected immed iate ly by your
author ized Audi dealer. It is not enough merely
to add coolant .
In a
sealed system, losses can occur only if the
boiling point of the coo lant is exceeded as a re
sult of overheat ing.
The cooling system is under pressure and can
get very hot. Reduce the risk of scalding from
hot coolant by following thes e steps.
- Turn off the engine and allow it to coo l
dow n.
- Protect yo ur face, hands and arms from es
caping fluid and steam by cove ring the cap
with a la rge, th ick rag.
- Turn the cap slowly and ve ry carefu lly in a
counte r-clockw ise direct io n wh ile a pplying
light, downwa rd pr essur e on the top of the
c ap.
Checking and Fillin g
-To avo id being burned, do not sp ill anti
freeze o r coolant on the exha ust system or
hot engine parts. Under certa in cond itions,
the ethylene glyco l in engi ne coo lant can
ca tch fire.
(D Note
Do not add any type o f radiator leak sea lant
to you r vehicle 's engi ne coolant . Add ing radia
tor repair fluid may adversely affect the func
tion and pe rformance of your coo ling system
and could r esult in damag e not cover ed by
your New Veh icle Limited Warranty.
Adding coolant
Be very careful when adding engine coolant.
Before you check a nyth ing in the eng ine compart
me nt,
always read and heed all WARNINGS
c> .&. in Working in the engine compartment on
page 218.
~ Requirement: T here must be a residua l amount
of coolant in the expansion tank
c:> (D .
~Tu rnoff the engi ne.
~ Le t the eng ine cool down.
~ Place a thick rag ove r the coo lan t expansion
t ank
c:>page 224, fig. 191 and carefully tw ist
t he cap coun ter- clockwise
c:> .&, .
~ Ad d coo lant mixed in the correc t ra tio
c:> page 224, Coolant up to the MAX marking .
~ Make sure that the fl uid leve l remains stab le.
Add more coo lant if necessary.
~ Twist the cap o n again tightly.
Rep lacement engine coo lant must confo rm to ex
act specifications
c> page 224, Coolant.
We recommend using only coo lant add it ive G1 2+
+ , G 13 or in an emergency G12+. Do
not use a
different additive. In an emergency use p lain wa
ter unt il you can get the correct add itive and can
restore the correct ratio. This should be done as
soon as possib le.
If you have lost a considerab le amou nt of cool
ant, then you shou ld add cold antifreeze and co ld
water only whe n the eng ine is co ld.
Always use
new engine coo lant w hen refilling.