M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
N \!) ,....,
-Never open the engine hood if you see or
hear steam, or if you see engine coolant
dripping from the engine compartment. You
could burn yourself. Let the engine cool off
first until you can no longer see or hear steam or coolant escap ing .
Q) Note
-Mounting additional lights or accessories in
front of the air inlets reduces the cooling ef
fect of the radiator. At h igh outside temper
atures or high engine load, the eng ine could
- The front spo iler has been designed to prop
erly distribute the cooling air when the veh i
cle is moving. If the spoiler is damaged, this
could reduce the cooling effect and the en
gine could then overheat. Ask your author
ized Audi dealer for assistance.
The tachometer displays the engine speed in rev
olutions per minute (RPM).
You shou ld shift to the next lowest gear when the
speed is below 1500 RPM . The beginn ing of the
red zone in the tachometer indicates the maxi
mum permissible engine speed for all gears once
the engine has been broken in and when it is
warmed up to operating temperature. Before reaching the red zone, you should shift into the
next h igher gear, choose the Dor S selector lever
position, or remove your foot from the accelera
tor pedal.
CD Note
The tachometer needle© c::> page 10, fig. 3
should only be in the red zone briefly: other
w ise, this increases the risk of engine dam-
age. The location where the red zone beg ins
varies depend ing on the eng ine.
@, For the sake of the environment
Upshift ing early helps you to save fuel and re
duce operating noise.
In strum ent s a nd indicato r li ghts
Fuel level
The fue l gauge only works when the ignition is
on. If the fue l level drops below 2.6 gallons (10
liters), the bottom LED turns red and the indica
tor light
t]J turns on c::> page 21. The bottom
LED blinks red when the fuel leve l is very low .
T he possible range based on the current f uel lev
el is shown in tab@c::>
page 23, fig . 4 .
For the tank capacity in your veh icle, refer to the
T echnical Data c::>
page 2 72.
CD Note
Never drive until the tank is completely emp
ty. The irregular supply of fue l that resu lts
from t hat can cause the eng ine to misfire. Un
combusted fuel w il l then enter the exhaust
system . This can cause overheat ing and dam
age to the catalytic converter.
Indicator lights
The ind icator lights in the instrument cluster
blink or turn on. They indicate funct ions or ma l
funct ions c::>
Messages may appear with some indicator lights .
A warn ing s ignal will sound at the same time.
T he ind icator lights and messages in the cente r
of the displays may be replaced by other d isplays .
T o show them again, se lect the tab for ind icator
lights and messages using the m ultifunction
steering wheel c::>
page 23. If there are several
malfunctions, you can display them one at a time
using the thumbwheel.
Some indicators lights in the display can turn on
in several colors.
- Failure to heed warning lights and other im
portant veh icle information may result in
serious personal injury or veh icle damage.
- Whenever stalled or stopped for repair,
move the vehicle a safe d istance off the
road, stop the engine, and turn on the emer-
gency flasher c::>
page 46. .,,.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
Electromechanical parking brake
opage 15
Tire pressure mon itoring system
o page 251
Tire pressure monitoring system
opage 251
Electronic power control ./ (alter
native to
o page20
Glow plug system
(alternative to
[m )
Malfunction indicator Lamp (MIL)
Diese l particulate fi lter* clogged
o page20
Engine speed limitation
opage 21
Engine oil level
o page 17
Engine oil sensor
o page 21
Request to warm eng ine by driv
in g
o page 21
opage 16
Tank system
opage 21
Windshie ld washer fluid level
o page 21
Windshie ld wipers
o page 21
Remote contro l key
o page 75
Remote contro l key
o page 77
Battery in remote control key
opage 31
Defective light bulb warning
opage 21
Instruments and indicator lights
Rear fog light(s)
opage 21
Headlight range control
opage 22
adaptive light*
opage 22
Light-/rain sensor faulty
opoge 22
Audi active lane assist*
o page 95
Transmission (tiptronic)
opage 112
- S tron ic
opage 112
Electronic steering column lock
opage 17
Engine start system
opage 17
Brake booster
opage 18
Electromechanical steering, dy
namic steering*./
o page 192
Air suspension*
opoge 17
Sport differential*
opage 22
Rear spoiler
opage 193
Refill Ad Blue*
opage 214
AdBlue malfunction*
opoge 214
Other indicator lights
Turn signals
o page22
USA models: Cruise control*
opage 83
Canada models: Cruise control*
opage 83
Adaptive cruise control *
Instruments and indicator lights
th e e ngine and allow it to coo l. Follow the
warning stickers¢
page 218 .
(D Note
Do not conti nue d riving if the . symbo l ill u
minates. There is a malfunction in the engine
cooling system -you could damage your en
D Battery
This warning/indicator light detects a malfunc
t ion in the generator or in the vehicle's electrical
sys tem.
The . warning/indicator lig ht ill uminates when
you switch on the ignition and must go out after
the engine has started.
• Alternator fault: Battery i s not being charg
If th e i nd ic ator lig ht tur ns on and the message
a ppears, the re is a m alfunction in the genera tor
or ve hicle elec trical system .
D rive to you r autho rized Aud i dea le r o r q ualified
wo rkshop imme dia tely. Because the ve hicl e b at
t ery is d isch arging, t urn off all unne cessa ry e lec
tr ica l equipmen t su ch as the radio. Seek p rofes
sional assistance if the batte ry charge level is too
low .
(•) Low battery : battery will be charged while
I f t he i ndi cator lig ht t urns on and the message
ap pears, t he re m ay be limi ted star ting abili ty.
If t his message turns off after a litt le w hile, the
battery cha rged enoug h wh ile d riving .
If the message does not turn off, have your au
thor ized Audi dealer or qualified workshop cor
rect the malfunct ion .
~ Engine stop while driving
• Engine stopped: No power ste ering and
brake support .
There is a malfunct ion in the engine or in the fuel
supp ly system .
More force is needed to s teer and brake the mov
ing vehicle when the engi ne is stopped.
If the ve
hicle is roll ing, try to stop it caref ully on the side
of the road away from moving traffic . See an au
thori zed Audi dea ler or authorized Audi Serv ice
Fac ility for assistance .
If the engine s tops w hile driving, you will
need to use mo re fo rce t o brake the vehicl e.
T his in cr eases the r is k of an a cc iden t. The re
will s till be powe r stee ring if the igni tion is
switched on while the vehicle is rolling and
there is suff ic ient battery charge. Ot herwise,
you must use greate r force whe n steer ing.
,~ - Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to pu t
on your safety bel t.
The . war ning/ indica to r li gh t illum ina tes w hen
the ignit io n is swit ched on to rem ind the driver
and any fron t passenger to p ut on the safety belt .
Additionally, an acoustic warni ng (gong) will a lso
sound .
Fo r more Info rm ation ¢
page 135, i Safety belt
warning light.
"t:::r. Engine oil pressure malfunction
The red engine oil p ressure warning symbol re
quires immediate service or repair . Driving with a
low-oil -pressure indication is likely to inflict se
vere damage to the engine.
• Swit ch off engine and check oil level
If th e indicato r ligh t turns on and the message
appea rs, the o il pressure is too low .
.. Pull off the road.
.. Stop the vehicle .
.. Tur n off the engi ne .
.. Check the engine oil level ¢ page 2 2 2 .
"'If the eng ine o il level is too low, add eng ine oi l
page 22 2. Make sure th at the oil press ure
warning symbol. appears no longer in the
disp lay before you start driving again .
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
~ If the engine oil leve l is corre ct and the indic a
tor lig ht st ill tur ns on, tur n th e eng ine off and
do not continue driving . Seek p rofess ional as
s istance .
(D Tips
- The engine oil pressure symbol. is not
an indicator for a low engine oil level. Do
not rely on it. Instead, check the oil level in
your engine at regular intervals, preferably each time you refuel, and always before
going on a long trip.
- The yellow oil level warning indication
requires oil refill or workshop service with
out delay. Do not wait until the red oil pressure warning. starts to flash before
you respond to the low oil level warning
Ill. By then, your engine may already have
suffered serious damage.
'1::1' ., Engine oil
• Please add oil immediately.
Add oil imm ed iat ely Q page 220.
Ill Add oil max. XL. You may continue driving
Add the amount of oi l ind icated in t he display im
c> page 220 .
~- Steering lock
• Do not drive vehicle: Steering defective
There is a malf unct io n in the electron ic steeri ng
lo ck . You cann ot tur n the ign iti on on.
D o
not tow your ve hicle beca use it ca nnot be
steere d. See an a uthorize d Au di dea le r o r auth or
i z ed Audi Service Fac ility for assistance .
11!11 Steering lock: System fault Please contact
T here i s a ma lfu nction in t he ele ctronic st eering
l o ck.
Dr ive to an aut ho rize d Au di dea ler or au th o riz ed
A udi S ervice Fa cilit y imm ediate ly to have t he
m alfun ction co rre ct ed .
Instruments and indicator lights
Do not tow yo ur ve hicl e when ther e is a mal
f u nctio n in the electronic st ee rin g l ock -th is
in creas es th e ris k of an acci dent.
©-Engine start system
• Engine start system fault. Please contact
Do not switch the igniti on off because yo u may
not be abl e to switch it on again .
Drive to an auth orized A udi dealer or au tho rized
A udi Se rv ice Facility imme diately to have th e
malfu ncti on corrected .
II! Engine start system fault . Please contact
T he re is a mal func tio n in the e ngine st art ing sys
Dr ive to an au thor ized A udi de aler or au tho riz ed
A udi Se rv ic e Fac ility im me diate ly to h ave the
malfu nction co rre cted .
0 Air suspension
• Air suspension: System fault You can drive
slowly (max . speed 60 km/h)
The re is a m alfunc tion t hat can re sul t in res trict
ed drivi ng stabi lity .
C are full y dr ive at a m ax im um spee d of 3 5 m ph
( 60 km /h ) to your au thor ized A udi d ealer o r
qualifie d wo rksh op to have the m alfu nct ion co r
r ecte d.
• Air suspension: Service mode. Vehicle can
only be moved with restri ctions
Car efu lly dr ive to your aut hor iz e d Audi d ealer or
qualifie d wo rksh op i mm edia tely to hav e the s erv
i c e mo de dea cti vate d .
rl Air suspension: System fault
The re is a system mal function that can res ult in
rest ricted d riving stability o r reduced gr ound
clea rance. .,..
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
N \!) ,....,
@ Tips
For additional information on the diesel par
ticulate fi lter, refer to ¢
page 198.
!?) Engine speed limitation
App lies to vehicles: with e ngin e speed limitat ion
Ill Engine speed maximum XXXX RPM
The engine speed is automatically limited to the
speed displayed in the instrument cluster. This
protects the eng ine from overheating.
The engine speed limitation deactivates once the
engine is no longer in the critical temperature
range and you have released the accelerator ped
If the engine speed limitation was activated by
an engine control malfunction, the
Im indicator
light also turns on. Make sure that the speed
does not go above the speed d isplayed. Drive to
an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility immediately to have the malfunc
tion corrected .
.., Engine oil sensor
• Oil level! Sensor defective
If the symbol illuminates, contact your author
ized Audi dealer and have the oil sensor inspect
ed. Until you have th is done, check the oil level
each time you refuel just to be on the safe side
¢page 222.
f Engine warm-up request
n Please warm up engine
Fuel has entered the engine oil, either from low
outside temperatures or frequent short d rives.
Drive until the engine is warm so that the fuel in
the eng ine oi l wi ll evaporate. Avoid high eng ine
speeds, full accelerating and heavy engine loads
when doing this .
Bil Fuel tank system
Ii] Please refuel
Instruments and indicator lights
If the indicator light turns on for the first time
and the message appears, there are about 2.6
gallons (10 liters) of fue l left in the tank.
Ii] Fuel tank system malfunction! Contact deal
T he re is a malfunction in the fuel tank system.
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Serv ice Facility immediately to have the
malfunction corrected .
{!) Tips
More information on refueling is available on
¢ page 212.
• Washer fluid level
m Please refill washer fluid
Fill the washer fluid for the windshield washer
system and the headlight washer system* when
the ignition is switched off ¢
page 231.
• Windshield wipers
m Windshield wiper defective
There is a malfunction with the windsh ield wip
ers .
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Serv ice Facility immediately to have the
malfunction corrected .
~/0$ Defective light bulb warn ing
If the J:!1 ind icator light turns on, a light has
failed. The message ind icates the location of the
light. If the
[tD indicator light a lso turns on, then
a rear fog light has failed. The position of the in
dicator light corresponds with the location on the
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
A udi Service Facility immed iately to have the
malfunction corrected.
Vehicle lights: Malfunction
There is a malfunction in the headlights or the
light switch.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
Corro sion
There may be a tendency fo r dirt to bui ld up on
the brake pads and corrosion to fo rm on the discs
if the car is not driven regularly or only for short
trips with little use of the brakes.
If the b rakes are not used frequently, or if corro
sion has formed on the discs, it is advisab le to
off the pads and discs by braking firmly a
few times from a moderately high speed
c=> .&, .
Faults in the brake sy stem
If you should not ice a sudden increase in brake
pedal travel, then one of the two brake circuits
may have fai led
c=> .&, .
Low brake flu id level
Malfunct ions can occur in the brake system if the
brake fluid level is too low. The brake flu id leve l is
monitored e lectronically.
Br ake boo ste r
The brake booster works w ith vacuum pressure
which is created only when the engine is running
~ ,& .
Brake lining wear sta tu s
Brake lining wear may be checked by visual in
spection of the condition of the brake pads
through the openings in the wheel. If necessary,
the wheel may be removed for this inspection
c=> page 2 55, Replacing wheels.
- New brake pads don't have the best stop
ping power and must be "broken-in" during
the initial 250 mi les ( 400 km) . You can com
pensate for this by pressing the brake peda l
more firmly. This a lso applies later when
new pads are installed.
- You should perform braking maneuvers for
the purpose of clean ing the brake system
only if road conditions perm it. Other road
users must not be put at risk -you may
cause an accident!
- Before descending a steep grade, reduce
speed and shift transmiss ion into a lower
gear or lower driving range. Do not ride the
In te llig ent T echnolog y
brakes or hold the peda l down too long o r
too often. This could cause the brakes to get
hot and dimin ish braking effic iency.
- Do not "ride the brakes" by rest ing your foot
on the pedal when you do not intend to
brake. This may cause the brakes to over
heat, premature wear and increased stop
ping distance .
- Under certain cl imatic and operat ing condi
tions such as passing through water , dr iv ing
in heavy rain or afte r washing the veh icle,
the effect iveness of the brakes can be re
duced. In winter, ice c an accumulate on the
b rake pads, lin ings, discs and drums. Care
fu lly apply brakes for a test . Brakes will dry
and ice coatings will be cleaned
off after a
few ca reful brake app lications.
- Driving for an extended period of t ime on
salt-covered roads without using your
brakes can a lso affect braking efficiency.
off accumulated salt coating from
brake discs and pads with a few careful
brake applications.
- If you damage the front spoiler, or if you in
stall a different spoiler, be su re the air f low
to the front brakes is not obstructed . Other
wise the brake system could overheat reduc ing the effect iveness of the entire brake sys
- Fai lure of one brake circuit will impa ir th e
b rak ing capability res ulting in an increased
s topping distance. Avoid driving the vehicle
a nd have it towed to the nearest Aud i dea ler
or qualified workshop .
- Never let the vehi cle roll to a s top with the
engine shut
off .
- If the b rake booste r is no t working, the
b rake peda l must be pressed cons iderably
harder to make up for the lack of booster as
Intelligent Technology
Improp er operat ion of the rear spoiler can
cause crushing injuries.
- Always make sure that nobody, espec ially
children , is in the way when the rea r spo ile r
i s deployed or retracted.
@ Note
- Neve r push on the vehicle on the rear spoi l
er. Th is co uld cause damage .
- To prevent damage to the rear spoiler do
not lean or p lace anyth ing on it.
- Only ope rate the rear spoi ler manually when
the luggage compartment lid is close and
the rear spo iler moving parts are not
blocked . Ot herwise, damage could occur.
(D Tips
Clean the rear spoiler compartment every 2 to
3 mont hs. To function correct ly, the rear
sp oiler must be free of ice, sn ow and leav es.
Energy management
The starting ability is optimized
The energy management system manages the
ele ctrical energy distribu tion and op timi zes the
availability of elec trical energy for starting the
engine .
Whe n a ve hicle wit h a co nven tional e nergy sys
tem is not dr iven for a long time, the ba tte ry is
d rained by equipmen t (fo r example the immobil
izer). In certa in circ umstances, there cou ld may
not be eno ugh energy to start the engine .
Your veh icle i s equ ipped w ith an intellige nt ener
gy managemen t system for distr ibuting electr ic i
ty . Th is significantly improves the starti ng ability
a nd increases the battery life .
T he energy m anagemen t sys tem Is made up of
battery diagno sis, idling current management
and dynamic energy management.
Battery diagnosis
T he batte ry diagnos is determines the ba tte ry
ch arge leve l. The sen sors de te ct the ba tte ry, the
batte ry current, an d the batte ry tempera ture.
The c urrent charge leve l and the perfo rmance of
t h e battery are determined based on th is.
Idling current management
The idling cur ren t management decr eases the
energy used wh ile pa rke d. Wi th the eng ine
switched off, it manages the energy dis trib ution
to t he d ifferent e lectr ica l components . Date from
battery diagnos is is ta ken into acco unt for this .
Depend ing on the batte ry charge leve l, elec trical
equipmen t is switched off one item afte r th e o th
e r, to prevent the battery from dra ining and to
r etain the starting ability.
Dynamic energy management
While driv ing , d ynam ic ene rgy man agement dis
t ribu tes the ap propri ate amount of energy to the
e lectrica l equ ipment. It controls the battery
c h arge level so t hat more ene rgy is not use d then
i s be ing generated in order to maintain an opti
mal battery charge level.
(D Tips
- Energy management can not overcome the
laws of p hys ics. Note that the charge level
and length of the battery life a re limited.
- W he n the sta rting ability is endange red, the
(•j indicator light t urns on¢ page 16 .
What you should know
Maintaining the starting ability is the highest
priority .
A lot of st ress is placed on the ba ttery when dr iv
i ng sho rt distances, in t raff ic, and at cold t imes
of the year . A lot of ene rgy is used but little is
generated .
It is also critical when the engine is
not ru nning but e lectr ica l equipment is sw itched
o n. In th is case, energy is used but none is gener
In sit uat ions like this, energy ma nagement w ill
active ly regu lated the distribution of energy.
Long periods without use
If you do not drive yo ur vehicle for several days or
weeks, e lectr ica l equipment is grad ually scaled ..,.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1"1
N \!) ,....,
CD Note
-Vehicle components such as the engine ,
transmission, suspension or e lectr ical sys
tem can be severe ly damaged by driving
through water .
- Always switch the Start-Stop -System* off
when driving through water
c> page 80.
@ T ips
- Determine the depth before driving through
- Do not stop the vehicle, drive in reverse or
switch the eng ine off when driving through
- Keep in mind that oncoming vehicles may
create waves that raise the water level and
make it too deep for your vehicle to drive
through safely.
- Avoid driving through sa lt water (corrosion).
Catalytic converter
Applies to vehicles: with gasoline engine
It is very impor tan t tha t your emission control
system (catalyti c converter) is functioning prop
erly to ensure that your vehicle is running in an
environmentally sound manner .
... Always use lead-free gasoline c> page 210,
F uel supply .
... Never run the tank down all the way to empty .
.,. Never put too much motor oil in your engine
c> page 222, Adding engine oil~-
.,. Never try to push- or tow-start your veh icle.
The catalytic converter is an eff icient "clean-up"
dev ice bu ilt into the exhaust system of the vehi
cle . T he catalytic converter burns many of the
pollutants in the exhaust gas before they are re
l eased into the atmosphere.
The exclusive use of unleaded fuel is cr itically im
portant for the life of the catalyt ic converte r and
proper functioning o f the eng ine .
The temperature o f the exhaust system is
high, both when driving and after stopping
the engine .
Driving and th e en vir onm ent
- Never touch the exhaust tail pipes once they
have become hot. Th is could resu lt in burns.
- Do not park or operate the vehicle in areas
where the hot exhaust system may come in contact w ith dry grass, brush, fuel spill or
other material which can cause a fire.
- Do not app ly additional undercoating or
rustproofing on or near the exhaust mani
fold, exhaust pipes, catalytic converter or heat shields . During dr iving, the substance
used for undercoat ing could overheat and
cause a fire .
CD Note
-Be aware that just one tank filling with lead
fuel w ill already ser iously degrade the
performance of the catalyt ic converter .
- Do not exceed the correct engine oil level
¢ page 222.
-Do not drive until the fuel tank becomes
completely empty . The engine cou ld misfire .
Unburned fuel could also get into the ex
haust system and this cou ld cause the cata
lyt ic converter to overheat.
- Do not switch off the ignit io n while the veh i
cle is movi ng.
- Do not continue to ope rate your veh icle un
der these conditions, as othe rwise f uel can
reach the catalytic converter . This could re
sult in overheating of the co nve rter , requ ir
ing its replacement .
- T o assu re eff icient operation of the Emission
Contro l System:
- Have your vehicle maintained properly and
in accordance w ith the serv ice recommen
dat ions in your Warranty
& Maintena nce
booklet .
- Lack of proper maintenance as we ll as im
p roper use of the vehicle will impair the
function of the emission control system
and could lead to damage.
@ For the sake of the environment
Even when the Emiss ion Control System is op
erating properly, the exhaust gas can have a
su lfu r-like exhaus t gas sme ll unde r some op
erating states. Th is depends on the s ulf ur