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Audi oil quality standard
G as oli ne
VW 502 00 or
engi ne vw 504 00
Diese l vw 507 00
eng in e
Using the proper engine o il is important for the
functiona lity and service life of the engine. Your
engine was factory-fi lled with a high-quality oil
which can usually be used throughout the entire
@ Note
Your L imited New Vehicle Warranty does not
cover damage or malfunctions due to failure
to follow recommended maintenance and use
req uirements as set forth in the Audi Owner's
Manual and Warranty
& Maintenance booklet.
- Use only a high quality eng ine oil that ex-
pressly complies w ith the Audi o il quality
standard specified for your veh icle's engine.
Using any other oil can cause serious engine
damage .
- Do not mix any lubricants or other additives
into the engine oil. Doing so can cause en
gine damage.
(D Tips
If you need to add oil and there is none availa
ble that meets the Audi o il quality standard
your eng ine requires, you may add a total of
no more than 0.5 quart/liter of a high-quality
"synthet ic"oil that meets t he followi ng speci
- Vehicles with gaso line engine: ACEA A3 or
API SM with a viscosity g rade of SAE OW-30,
SAE SW-30 or SAE SW-40.
- Vehicles with diesel engine: AC EA C3 or
API CF with a v iscosi ty grade of SA E OW -30
or SA E SW-30.
- For more information abo ut eng ine oil that
has been approved for your vehicle, please
contact e ither your a uthorized Audi dea ler
or A udi Customer Relations at
1 (800) 822-2834 or visit our web site at
www.audiusa.com or www.aud icanada.ca.
Checking and Fillin g
Engine oil consumption
The engine in your vehicle depends on on ade
quate amount of oil to lubricate and cool oil of
its moving ports.
In order to provide effective lubricat ion and cool
i ng of internal engine components, all internal
combust ion eng ines consume a certain amount
of oil. Oil consumpt io n varies from eng ine to en
gine and may change sign ificantly over the life of
the engine. Typi cally, engines wi th a specified
break -in period (see
¢ page 196) consume more
o il during the b reak-in period than they consume
after oil consumption has stabilized .
Under normal cond itions, the rate of oil con
sumption depends on the quality and viscos ity of
the oil, the RPM (revolutions per min ute) at
which the engine is operated, the ambient tem
perature and road conditions. Further factors are
the amount of oil dilution from water condensa
t ion or fuel residue and the ox idation level of the
o il. As any engine is subject to wear as mileage
builds up, the oil consumption may increase over
t ime unt il replacement of worn components may
become necessary.
With all these variables coming into play, no
standard rate of oil consumpt ion can be estab
lished or spec ified . There is no alte rnative to reg
u la r and freq uent checking of the oil level, see
Note .
If the yellow engine o il leve l warning symbo l in
the instrument cluster
Ill li ghts up, you should
che ck the o il level as soon as possible
¢ page 222. Top off the oil at your earliest con
¢ page 222.
Before you check anythi ng i n the engine com-
partment, always read and heed a ll WARN
¢ &. in Working in the engine comport
ment on page 218.
(D Note
Driving wit h an insufficient oil level is likely to
cause severe damage to the engine.
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-The oil fi ller ca p m ust be prope rly secure d to
preve nt oil from being sprayed on t he hot
eng ine and exhaust system when t he engine
is runn ing -fire haza rd!
- If your skin has come i n contact w ith the en
gine oil, you m ust subsequently clea nse it
th oroughly.
@ Note
-Check the oil level using the MMI. If the
Please red uce oil le vel a p pears,
contact your author ized Audi dealer or other
qualified workshop to have excess o il ex
tracted if necessary .
-Audi do es not recommend th e use of o il
additiv es. They ma y damage th e engin e
and ad ve rs e ly affect your New Vehicle War
rant y.
@ For the sake of the environment
-Under no circumstances can the o il come in
contact with the sewage network o r the soil.
- Observe and follow lega l regu lations whe n
dispos ing of empty oil conta iners.
Changing the engine oil
We recommend that have your oil changed by an
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified service sta
Before you check anything in the engine compart
alw ay s re ad and heed all WARNINGS c> .&.
in Working in the engine compartment on
page 218 .
The engine oil must be changed according to the
interva ls specified in your Warranty
& Mainte
n ance booklet . This is ve ry important because the
lub ricat ing propert ies of o il diminish gradually
du ring normal vehi cle use.
Unde r some circumstances the engine o il should
be changed more frequently. Change oil more of
ten if you d rive mostly short distances, ope rate
the vehicle in dusty areas or unde r predom inantly
s top-a nd-go tr aff ic condit io ns, o r have you r vehi
cle whe re temperatures rema in below freezing
for extended periods .
Checking and Fillin g
Detergent additives in the oil will make fresh oil
l ook dark after the engine has been running for a
sho rt time. Th is is norma l and is not a reason to
change the oi l more often than recommended.
Beca use of the p roblem of p roper disposal, along
with t he specia l too ls and necessary expertise re
quired, we strongly recommend that yo u have
yo ur o il changed by an authorized
Audi dealer or
a qua lified service station.
If y ou choo se to change your oil yourself , please
note the following important informat ion:
To reduce the risk of personal in jury if you
must change the eng ine oi l in your vehicle
- Wear eye protect ion.
- To reduce the risk of burns from hot eng ine
oil, let the engine coo l down to the touch.
- W hen removing the o il dra in p lug with your
f ingers, stay as far away as possib le. Always
keep yo ur forearm parallel to the ground to
he lp prevent hot o il from running down your
- Dra in the oil into a container designed for
this purpose, one la rge enough to hold at
least the tota l amou nt of oil in yo ur engine.
- Engine oil is poisonous . Keep it we ll out of
the reach of ch ild ren .
- Continuous contact wit h used eng ine o il is
harmful to your skin. Always protect your
skin by washing oil off thoro ughly wi th soap
a nd water .
«I) Note
Never mix oil additives with yo ur engine oil.
These additives can damage your engine and
adverse ly affect your Aud i Limited New Vehi
cle Warranty.
@ For the sake of the environment
- Before changi ng your oil, first make sure
you know where you can prope rly dispose of
the used oi l.
- Always dispose of used eng ine oi l properly.
Do not dump it o n ga rden soi l, wooded
Checking and F ill in g
areas, into open streams or down sewage
- Recycle used engine o il by taking it to a used
engine oil collection facility in your area, or
contact a service station.
Cooling system
T he engine coolant performs two functions: it
keeps the engine from overheating and it pro
tects the engine from freezing in the winter .
The cooling sys tem is sealed and generally re
qu ires little attention .
T he cooling system has been filled at the facto ry
with a permanent coo lant wh ich does not need to
be changed . T he coolan t consists of a mixture of
specially condit ioned water and the manufactur
er's glycol-based coolant addit ive Gl3 ant ifreeze
with a nticorrosion add itives (50% fo r USA mod
e ls · 60% for Canadian mode ls). Thi s m ix tu re both
assures the ne cessary fros t protection and pro -
t ects meta l components in t he engine's cooling
system from corrosion and scaling. It a lso raises
the boiling point of the coolant.
D o not reduce the concentr ation o f the coo lant in
the summer by addi ng p la in water.
The propor
tion of coolant additive must be at least 50 %
but not more than 60 %
to maintain antifreeze
protection and cooling efficiency .
If the coolant
frost protection is too low, the coolant could
freeze and damage the ve hicle heati ng and en
g ine cooling system .
For year-round driving, antifreeze is added at the
factory for tempera tures down to:
- -3 1 °F (- 35°C)USA
- - 4 0 °F ( - 4 0 °C) Canada.
I f you must add coo lant, use a m ixt ur e of wate r
a nd coolant add it ive. Mixing the coolant additive
w ith d istilled w ate r is recommended.
Before yo u check any thing in t he engine com
par tment, always read and hee d all WA RN -
INGS ~ &. in Working in the engine compart
ment on page 218.
(D Note
- Be fore wi nter sets in, have the coo lant
checke d to see if the coolant additive in you r
vehicle is sufficient to meet the climate con ditions. This is espec ia lly impo rtant if you
live in a region where the winter is extreme
ly cold . If necessary, increase the p roportion
of coolan t addit ive to 60% .
- Whe n adding coolant additive to your cool
ing system, remember:
- We re commend usin g on ly cool ant addi
tive Gl2++ o r Gl3 (chec k the label) fo r
your ve hicle. This coo lant additive is avai l
ab le at aut horized Aud i dea le rs . Othe r
types of ant ifreeze can significant ly re
d uce co rrosion protection. The resulting
corrosion can cause a loss of coolant a nd
serious e ngine damage .
- Do not add any type of rad iator leak sealant
to your vehicle's engine coolant. Adding ra
diator repa ir fl uid may adverse ly affec t the
func tion and perfo rmance of your cooling
system a nd could result in d amage not cov
ere d by yo ur N ew Vehi cle Lim ited War ranty.
Checking the engine coolant level
The engine coolant level can be checked with a
quick glance.
Fi g. 1 91 Eng ine co mpar tmen t: c over on t he coo la nt expa n
sio n tan k
Befo re you check a nyth ing in the eng ine compart
men t,
always read and he ed all WARNINGS
~ A in Working in the engine compartmen t on
page 218. ..,.