Emerg enc y ass is tance
- Never use the jack supplied with your Audi
on another vehicle, particularly on a heavier
one. The jack is only suitable for use on the
vehicle it came w ith.
(D Tips
- Some of the on board items listed above are
provided on certain models only or are op
tiona l extras .
- Before you can raise your vehicle using the
jack, you must act ivate the jacking mode
c:> page257.
Space-saving spare tire {compact spare
The spare tire/wheel is located in the luggage
compartment under the cargo floor cover. It is
intended for short-term use only.
Taking out the sp are ti re
.,. Fo ld the floor to the seatback with the help of
the handle .
.,. Turn the large sc rew
c:> page 253, fig. 201 coun
te r-clockwise .
.,. Take out the spare tire .
.,. Always store the vehicle too l kit, the jack* and
the replaced tire in the luggage compartment
c:> page 132.
Using the spare tire (compact spare tir e)
The compact spare tire is only intended for emer
gen cies until you can reach a repair shop. Rep lace
it as qu ickly as possible with a standard wheel
and tire .
There are some rest rictions on the use of the
compact spare t ire. The compact spare t ire has
been designed specifically for yo ur type of vehi
It must not be swapped w ith a compact
spare tire from another type of vehicle.
Snow chains
F or technical reasons, the use of snow chains on
the compact spa re tire is
not permitted .
If you do have to drive w ith snow chains and a
front tire fails, mount the spare whee l w ith tire
instead of a rear t ire. Install the snow chains on
the rear t ire and use it to replace the defect ive
front tire.
- Never use the spare t ire if it is damaged or if
it is worn down to the tread wear indicators.
- If the spare tire is more than 6 years old,
use it only in an emergency and with ex
treme caution and careful driv ing.
- The spare tire is intended only for tempora
ry and short-term use.
It should be replaced
as soon as poss ible with the normal wheel
and tire .
- After mount ing the compact spare t ire, the
tire pressure must be checked as soon as
possible . The tire pressure of the compact
spare tire must be 4 .2 bar; otherwise, you
r is k havi ng an accident.
- Do not dr ive faster than SO mph (80 km/h) .
You risk hav ing an accident .
-Avoid full -thrott le acceleration, heavy brak
ing, and fast cornering . You risk hav ing an
accident .
- Never d rive us ing more than one spare
w heel and ti re . You r isk having an accident .
- Normal summer or w inter t ires must not be
mou nted on the compact spare wheel rim.
- For technical reasons , the use of tire chains
on the spa re tire is not permitted .
If it is
necessary to dr ive with tire chains, the spa re
w heel must be mounted on the front a xle in
t he event of a fla t in a re ar tire. The newly
avail able front whee l m ust th en be insta lled
in place of the rear wheel with the flat tire.
Insta lling the tire c hain before mounting
the whee l and tire is recommended.
- Loose items in the passenger compartment can cause se rious personal injury d uring
hard b raking o r in an accident. Never store
the inflatable spare t ire or jack and tools in
the passenge r compartment.
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Replacing wheels
Before changing a wheel
Observe the following precautions for your own
and your passenger's safety when changing a
wheel .
.,. After you experience a tire failure, pull the car
well away from moving traffic and try to reach
level ground before you stop¢,& .
.. All passengers should
leave the car and move
to a safe location (for instance, beh ind the
guardrail) ¢ ,& .
.,. Engage the
parking brake to prevent your vehi
cle from rolling unintentiona lly ¢,& .
.. Move
selector lever to position P ¢ ,& .
1> lfyou are towing a trai ler, unhitch the trailer
from your vehicle .
.,. Take the
jack and the spare tire out of the lug
gage compartment
¢ page 253, ¢ page 254.
You or your passengers could be injured while
changing a wheel if you do not follow these
safety precautions:
- If you have a flat tir e, move a safe distance
off the road. T urn off the engine, turn the
emergency flashers on and use other warn
ing devices to alert other mo torists.
- Make sure that passengers wait in a safe
place away from the vehicle and well away
from the road and traffic.
- T o help prevent the vehicle from moving
sudden ly and possibly slipping off the jack,
always fully set the parking brake and block
the wheel diagonally opposite the wheel be ing changed. When one front wheel is lifted
off the ground, placing the Automatic Trans
mission in P (Park) will
not prevent the vehi
cle from moving.
- Before you change a wheel, be sure the
ground is level and firm . If necessary, use a
stu rdy board under the jack.
- Always store the vehicle tool kit, the jack
and the replaced tir e in the luggage com
partment ¢
page 132.
Emergency assistance
{!) Tips
Before changing the whee l, you must activate
the jacking mode, so that the automat ic con
trols for the Adapt ive Air Suspension* do not
make it more difficult to lift the vehicle with
the jack ¢
page 257 .
Changing a wheel
When you change a wheel , follow the sequence
described below step-by-s tep and in exactly tha t
order .
l. Activate the vehicle jack mode* ¢ page 2 5 7.
2. Remove the
decorative wheel cover*. For
more details see also¢
page 256, Decora
tive wheel covers
or¢ page 256, Wheels
with wheel bolt caps .
3. Loosen the wheel bolts ¢page 256.
4. Locate the pro per mounting point for the
jack and align the jack be low that point
¢page 257.
5. Raise the car with the jack¢ page 257 .
6. Remove the wheel with the flat tire and then
the spare ¢ page 259.
7. Tighten all wheel bolts ligh tly.
Lower the vehicle with the jack .
9. Use the wheel bolt w rench and
firmly tighten
all wheel bolts¢
page 256 .
10. Replace the decorative wheel cover*.
11. Deactivate the vehicle jack mode* in the
ICAR I funct ion button > (C ar)* systems
control button > Servicing & checks > Air
susp.: jack mode > Off .
The vehicle jack mode* switches off automatically
at speeds above 6 mph (10 km/h) .
.,&. WARNING ~ -
Always read and follow all WARNINGS and in
formation ¢
.& in Raising the vehicle on
page 258
and ¢ page 260.