Instruments and indicator Lights
Instruments and indicator Lights
Instrument cluster overview
The instrument cluster is the central information center for the driver.
F ig. 3 In str ument cluster ove rview
CD Eng ine coolant temperature gauge 10
@ Ta chome ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
- with status indicator
OFF . . . . . 75
- with status indicator
READY . . . 80
@ Turn signa ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
© Disp lay with
- Drive r informat io n system . . . . . 23
- Indicator lig hts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
® Tachometer
@ Fue l level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
a) Tips
The instr ument ill umination for the needles
and dia ls t urns on when the ignition is turned
on and t he lights are turne d off. T he ill umina
t ion fo r the d ia ls reduces autom atic ally and
eventually tu rns off as brig htn ess outs ide in
creases. Th is function remi nds the driver to
t u rn the headlig hts on at the appropriate
Engine coolant temperature gauge
The engine coo lant gauge CD i=;, page 10, fig. 3
only works when the ign ition is on. To prevent
damage to your engine, please note the follow
i ng important poi nts :
Engin e cold
If only the LEDs at the bottom of the gauge t urn
on, the engine has not reached operating tem
perature yet. Avoid high engine speeds, heavy en
gine loads and heavy thrott le app lications.
No rmal temperatu re
The eng ine has reac hed its operating tempera
ture once the LEDs up to the center of the ga uge
turn on under normal driving conditions. The
LEDs higher up may turn on when the eng ine is
under heavy load or the exterior temperature is
high . This is no need to worry as long as the.
warning light in the instrument clus ter does not
ill uminat e. If the L EDs in the uppe r area of the
display and the in dicator light . in the inst ru
men t cluster d isp lay tur n on, the coo lant tempe r
atu re is too hig h
i=;,page 15.
- Always observe t he warn ing in ~ page 218,
befo re open ing t he hood and checking the
engine coolant level.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
N \!) ,....,
-Never open the engine hood if you see or
hear steam, or if you see engine coolant
dripping from the engine compartment. You
could burn yourself. Let the engine cool off
first until you can no longer see or hear steam or coolant escap ing .
Q) Note
-Mounting additional lights or accessories in
front of the air inlets reduces the cooling ef
fect of the radiator. At h igh outside temper
atures or high engine load, the eng ine could
- The front spo iler has been designed to prop
erly distribute the cooling air when the veh i
cle is moving. If the spoiler is damaged, this
could reduce the cooling effect and the en
gine could then overheat. Ask your author
ized Audi dealer for assistance.
The tachometer displays the engine speed in rev
olutions per minute (RPM).
You shou ld shift to the next lowest gear when the
speed is below 1500 RPM . The beginn ing of the
red zone in the tachometer indicates the maxi
mum permissible engine speed for all gears once
the engine has been broken in and when it is
warmed up to operating temperature. Before reaching the red zone, you should shift into the
next h igher gear, choose the Dor S selector lever
position, or remove your foot from the accelera
tor pedal.
CD Note
The tachometer needle© c::> page 10, fig. 3
should only be in the red zone briefly: other
w ise, this increases the risk of engine dam-
age. The location where the red zone beg ins
varies depend ing on the eng ine.
@, For the sake of the environment
Upshift ing early helps you to save fuel and re
duce operating noise.
In strum ent s a nd indicato r li ghts
Fuel level
The fue l gauge only works when the ignition is
on. If the fue l level drops below 2.6 gallons (10
liters), the bottom LED turns red and the indica
tor light
t]J turns on c::> page 21. The bottom
LED blinks red when the fuel leve l is very low .
T he possible range based on the current f uel lev
el is shown in tab@c::>
page 23, fig . 4 .
For the tank capacity in your veh icle, refer to the
T echnical Data c::>
page 2 72.
CD Note
Never drive until the tank is completely emp
ty. The irregular supply of fue l that resu lts
from t hat can cause the eng ine to misfire. Un
combusted fuel w il l then enter the exhaust
system . This can cause overheat ing and dam
age to the catalytic converter.
Indicator lights
The ind icator lights in the instrument cluster
blink or turn on. They indicate funct ions or ma l
funct ions c::>
Messages may appear with some indicator lights .
A warn ing s ignal will sound at the same time.
T he ind icator lights and messages in the cente r
of the displays may be replaced by other d isplays .
T o show them again, se lect the tab for ind icator
lights and messages using the m ultifunction
steering wheel c::>
page 23. If there are several
malfunctions, you can display them one at a time
using the thumbwheel.
Some indicators lights in the display can turn on
in several colors.
- Failure to heed warning lights and other im
portant veh icle information may result in
serious personal injury or veh icle damage.
- Whenever stalled or stopped for repair,
move the vehicle a safe d istance off the
road, stop the engine, and turn on the emer-
gency flasher c::>
page 46. .,,.
Instruments and indicator lights
Adaptive cruise contro l*
¢ page 87
Adaptive c ruise control *
¢page 87
Audi act ive lane assist*
¢ pag e 95
Start-S top-Sys tem*
c::> page80
High beam assist*
High beam
BRAKE /((JJ Brake system
The light illum inates when the ignition is switch
ed on .
It goes out after the engine has been
started. This indicates t hat the brake war ning
light is f unct ion ing properly.
If th e brak e warning light do es not light up
when the engine i s cranking, th ere may be a
malfun ction in th e elec trical sy stem . In thi s
c ase , conta ct your Audi deal er.
If the brake system warning/indicator light turns
on, there is a brake system malfunction .
1111 (USA models )8 (Canada models) Stop
v ehicle and check brak e fluid l eve l
If the indicator light t urns on and the message
appears, proceed as follows:
.. Pull
off the road .
.. Stop the vehicle .
.. Turn
off the engine.
.. Check the brake fluid level
c::> page 227 .
.. Contact your nearest authori zed repa ir facility if
necessary .
Warning! Fault in brake system. Contact dealer
If th e ABS indicato r light fll1J (U SA mode ls)/ ¢e 'A
(Canada models), the ESC indicator light DJ and
the brake system indicator lig ht
1111 (USA mod
els)/ . (Canada models) turn on and the mes-
sage appears, the ABS, ESC and braking dis tribu
tion are not working
¢ .&. .
Carefully drive to your author ized Audi de aler im
med iate ly to have the malfunc tion corrected
c::> &, .
1111 (USA models )/. (Canada models ) Park
ing brake : system f ault! Ple ase contact dealer
- If the ind icator light and the message appea r
when stationar y or after switching the igni
ti on on ,
check if you can release the pa rking
br ak e. After releasing the par king brake, care
fully drive to your author ized Audi dealer im
mediately to have the ma lf u nction corrected. If
you cannot release the parking bra ke, seek pro
fessiona l assistance .
- If the ind icator light and the message appear
while d riv ing , the eme rgency braking function
may not be avai lab le . It may not be possib le to
set the park ing brake or re lease it once it has
been set . Seek professiona l assistance.
(USA mode ls): If th e warning light
1111 and the
warning light
IJ appear together, immediately
contact your autho riz ed Audi dealer or qualif ied
workshop to have all brake pads inspected
c::> page 19.
When the light comes on, a n audible warning sig
nal is also given.
- Always observe the warn ings in
c::> page 218, before opening the hood and
checking the brake flu id.
- Dr iving with low brake f luid is a safety haz
ard. Stop the car and get professional assis
tance .
- If the
1111 (USA models) 8 (Canada mod
els) brake system indicato r light turns on to
gethe r with the ABS and ESC indicator
lights, the ABS/ESC regulat ing funct ion may
have fai le d . Fu nctions t hat stabili ze t he ve
hicle are no longe r avai lable. This could
cause t he ve hicl e to swe rve and inc rease the
ris k of sli ding. Drive carefully to the nearest
author ized Audi dealer or other qualified ..,.
Instruments and indicator lights
th e e ngine and allow it to coo l. Follow the
warning stickers¢
page 218 .
(D Note
Do not conti nue d riving if the . symbo l ill u
minates. There is a malfunction in the engine
cooling system -you could damage your en
D Battery
This warning/indicator light detects a malfunc
t ion in the generator or in the vehicle's electrical
sys tem.
The . warning/indicator lig ht ill uminates when
you switch on the ignition and must go out after
the engine has started.
• Alternator fault: Battery i s not being charg
If th e i nd ic ator lig ht tur ns on and the message
a ppears, the re is a m alfunction in the genera tor
or ve hicle elec trical system .
D rive to you r autho rized Aud i dea le r o r q ualified
wo rkshop imme dia tely. Because the ve hicl e b at
t ery is d isch arging, t urn off all unne cessa ry e lec
tr ica l equipmen t su ch as the radio. Seek p rofes
sional assistance if the batte ry charge level is too
low .
(•) Low battery : battery will be charged while
I f t he i ndi cator lig ht t urns on and the message
ap pears, t he re m ay be limi ted star ting abili ty.
If t his message turns off after a litt le w hile, the
battery cha rged enoug h wh ile d riving .
If the message does not turn off, have your au
thor ized Audi dealer or qualified workshop cor
rect the malfunct ion .
~ Engine stop while driving
• Engine stopped: No power ste ering and
brake support .
There is a malfunct ion in the engine or in the fuel
supp ly system .
More force is needed to s teer and brake the mov
ing vehicle when the engi ne is stopped.
If the ve
hicle is roll ing, try to stop it caref ully on the side
of the road away from moving traffic . See an au
thori zed Audi dea ler or authorized Audi Serv ice
Fac ility for assistance .
If the engine s tops w hile driving, you will
need to use mo re fo rce t o brake the vehicl e.
T his in cr eases the r is k of an a cc iden t. The re
will s till be powe r stee ring if the igni tion is
switched on while the vehicle is rolling and
there is suff ic ient battery charge. Ot herwise,
you must use greate r force whe n steer ing.
,~ - Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to pu t
on your safety bel t.
The . war ning/ indica to r li gh t illum ina tes w hen
the ignit io n is swit ched on to rem ind the driver
and any fron t passenger to p ut on the safety belt .
Additionally, an acoustic warni ng (gong) will a lso
sound .
Fo r more Info rm ation ¢
page 135, i Safety belt
warning light.
"t:::r. Engine oil pressure malfunction
The red engine oil p ressure warning symbol re
quires immediate service or repair . Driving with a
low-oil -pressure indication is likely to inflict se
vere damage to the engine.
• Swit ch off engine and check oil level
If th e indicato r ligh t turns on and the message
appea rs, the o il pressure is too low .
.. Pull off the road.
.. Stop the vehicle .
.. Tur n off the engi ne .
.. Check the engine oil level ¢ page 2 2 2 .
"'If the eng ine o il level is too low, add eng ine oi l
page 22 2. Make sure th at the oil press ure
warning symbol. appears no longer in the
disp lay before you start driving again .
Instruments and indicator lights
Drive to an authorized Aud i dea ler or authorized
Audi Service Faci lity immediately to have the
malfunct ion corrected .
II Air suspen sion : Vehicle too low Ground
clearance reduced
The gro und clea rance is very low due to a system
malfunct io n. Wait unt il t he air suspension sys
tem has res tored norma l ground clearance. Oth
erwise, conditions such as an uneven road sur
face can lead to vehicle damage .
~/ !f Safety systems
The JI (USA models)/ E,I (Canada mode ls) indi
cator light monitors the safety systems (e.g. air
bags, pretensioners) and illuminates for a few
seconds each time you switch the ignition on .
If the
r.l (USA models)/ E,I (Canada models) in
d icator light does not go out, or if it illum inates
while you are driving, or if it starts to blink, the n
there is a malfunction somewhe re in the system .
If the light does not ill uminate w hen you switch
the ign ition on , this also means the re is a mal
function .
If you have a mal func tion in the safety sys
t ems, contact your authorized A udi dealer im
mediately . Othe rwise the safety systems may
not work properly in an acci dent .
& Brake booster
U Brake servo : limited functional ity . You can
con tinue d riv ing. Con tact workshop
There is a malfunction in the brake booster. The
brake booster is availab le, but its effectiveness is
red uced. Braking behavior may be different from
how it normally functions and the brake peda l
may vibra te.
Drive to an a uthorized Audi dea ler or a uthorized
Aud i Service Fac ility immediately to have the
malfunct ion corrected.
r;. I[/; Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC)
If the ffl ind icator light blinks while driving , the
E S P or ASR (ant i-slip reg ulation) is act ively reg u
l ati ng .
If the
ffl ind icator light turns on, the system has
switched the ESC
off . In this case, you can switch
t h e ign it io n
off and t hen on to sw itch the ESC on
again. The indica tor ligh t turns
off when the sys
tem is functioning fu lly.
If the . indicator light tu rns on, ESC was
swi tched
off using the I~ OFF I bu tto n
~page 188 .
Stabilization control (ESC /ABS ) malfunction!
See owner' s manual
If the DJ ind icator light and the ABS indicator
li ght
fn:) (USA models) ;ti] (Canada models)
turn o n and the message appears, the ABS or
e lectronic differe ntia l lock is malfunc tioning. This
also ca uses the ESC to mal function. The br akes
sti ll fu nct ion with their no rma l powe r, b ut ABS is
not active.
D rive to your au thori zed A udi dealer or qualified
workshop immedia tely to have the mal func tion
corrected .
If the 1111 (USA models) ;II (Canada mod
e ls) b rake system indicator light turns on to
gether with the ABS and ESC ind icator lights,
the ABS/ESC regulat ing funct ion may have
failed. Functions that stabilize the vehicle are
n o longer availab le. This could cause the vehi
cle to swerve and increase the risk of slidi ng.
D rive ca refully to the nea rest authorized Audi
dealer o r othe r qualified workshop and have
the ma lf unc tion correc ted.
(D Tips
Fo r additional informat ion on ESC and ABS,
r efer to
~ pag e 188.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
ABS/(@)) Anti-lock braking system (ABS )
This warning/indicator light monitors the ABS
and the electronic differential lock (EDL) .
The warning/indicator light
,n:) (USA models) /
ill (Canada models) will come on for a few sec
onds when the ignition is switched on. The light
will go out after an automatic check sequence is
There is a malfunction in the ABS when:
-The warning/indicator light does not illuminate
when you switch the ign it ion on.
- The warning/indicator light does not go out af
ter a few seconds.
- The warning/indicator light illuminates while driving .
The ESC indicator light also illuminates if there is
a ma lfunction in the ABS . The message
tion control (ESC/ABS): Fault! See owner's man
also appears in the instrument cluster display
and a warning tone sounds.
The brake system will still respond even with
out the assistance of the ABS system. See your
authorized Audi dealer as soon as possible to re
store full braking performance.
For more infor
mat ion regarding the ABS ¢page 188.
Malfunction in the brake system
If the brake warning light¢ page 14 and the ABS
warn ing illuminate together there may be a mal
function in the ABS, and there may also be a mal
function in the brake system itself¢,& .
will not work and you will notice a change in
braking response and performance.
In the event of a malfunct ion in the brake sys
the warning/indicator light 1111 (USA mod
els)/. (Canada models) in the instrument clus
ter flashes ¢ page 14 .
Malfunction in the electronic differential
lock (EDL)
The ED L works together with the ABS . The ABS
warn ing light will come on if there is a malfunc
tion in the EDL system
c::> page 188 . See your au
thorized Audi dealer as soon as possible.
Instruments and indicator lights
-If the ,n:) (USA mode ls)/ ill (Canada mod
els) warn ing light does not go out, or if it
comes on while dr iv ing, the ABS system is
not working prope rly . The vehicle can then
be stopped only with the standard brakes
(without ABS) . You will not have the protec
tion ABS provides. Contact your Audi dealer
as soon as possible .
- USA models: If the
1111 warning light, the
G1 warning light and the ,n:) warning light
come on together, the rear wheels could
lock up first under hard braking . Rear wheel
lock-up can cause loss of vehicle control and
an accident. Have your vehicle repaired im
mediately by your author ized Audi dealer or
a qualified workshop . Dr ive slowly and avoid
sudden, hard brake applications .
- Canada models: If the brake warning light
• • the
DJ warning light and the ABS warn
ing light
ill come on together, the rear
wheels could lock up first under hard brak
ing. Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss o f ve
hicle control and an accident . Have your ve
hicle repaired immediately by your author
ized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop.
Drive s low ly and avoid sudden, hard brake
{0) Worn brake pads
EiJ Brake pads!
If the warning light i lluminates, immed iate ly
contact your authorized Audi dealer or qualified
workshop to have all brake pads inspected. On
USA models the warning light
EiJ comes on to
gether w ith the warning light
1111 . Both sets of
brake pads on an axle must always be replaced at
the same time .
Driving with bad b rakes can cause a collision
and serious personal injury .
Instruments and indicator lights
-If the warning light EiJ and the warning
11111 ) with the message Brake pads!
comes on in the instrument cluster display,
immediately contact your authorized Audi
dealer or qualified workshop to have all
brake pads checked or replaced if necessary.
EPC Electronic power control
Applies to vehicles: w ith gaso line engine
This warning/indicator ligh t monitors the elec
tronic power control .
The (m warning/indicator light (Electronic Powe r
Control) illuminates when you switch the ignition
on as a function check.
{!) Tips
If this warning/indicator light illuminates
while you are driving, then there is a malfunc
tion in the engine electronics. Have the mal
function corrected as soon as possible by your
authorized Audi dealer or qualified repair fa
W Glow plug system
App lies to vehicles: with diesel engine
The control light illuminates when the glow plug
system is active.
If the El indicator light illuminates, the glow
plug system is active . You should start the engine
immediate ly after the indicator light switches off.
The indicator light only illuminates for approxi
mately 1 second if the engine is warm or if the
outside temperature is above 46 QF (8 QC).
@ Tips
-If the glow plug indicator light illuminates
while driving, there is an engine control
malfunction. The engine should be checked
- If the indicator light does not illuminate at
all when switching the ignition on, there may be a malfunction in the glow plug sys
tem. The engine should be checked.
l) - : USA mo dels onl y
o Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) is part of
the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD II) system. The symbol
('4 lights up when the ignition is switch
ed on and will turn off after the engine has start
ed and has settled at a constant idle speed . This
indicates that the MIL is working properly.
The warning light illuminates when there is a
malfunction in the engine electronic system.
Contact your authorized Audi dealer and have the
malfunction corrected.
An improperly closed fuel filler cap may also
cause the MIL light to illuminate
¢ page 212.
For more information ¢ page 28.
~ Diesel particulate filter
Applies to vehicles: with diese l engine and diesel particulate
II Particulate filter: System fault See owner's
The diesel particulate fil ter requires regenera
tion . To support the filter's self -cleaning func
Drive for approximately 15 minutes with these
lector lever in the S position at a minimum speed
of 37 mph (60 km/h) and an engine speed of ap
proximately 2,000 RPM . The temperature in
crease that will result from this can burn off the
soot in the filter . T he symbol will switch off when
the cleaning is successful.
If the indicator light does
not turn off, drive im
mediate ly to an authorized Audi dealer or author
ized Audi Serv ice Facility to have the malfunction
Always adapt your speed to the current
weather, road and traffic conditions . You
should never disobey traffic laws in order to
follow driving recommendations.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
N \!) ,....,
@ Tips
For additional information on the diesel par
ticulate fi lter, refer to ¢
page 198.
!?) Engine speed limitation
App lies to vehicles: with e ngin e speed limitat ion
Ill Engine speed maximum XXXX RPM
The engine speed is automatically limited to the
speed displayed in the instrument cluster. This
protects the eng ine from overheating.
The engine speed limitation deactivates once the
engine is no longer in the critical temperature
range and you have released the accelerator ped
If the engine speed limitation was activated by
an engine control malfunction, the
Im indicator
light also turns on. Make sure that the speed
does not go above the speed d isplayed. Drive to
an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility immediately to have the malfunc
tion corrected .
.., Engine oil sensor
• Oil level! Sensor defective
If the symbol illuminates, contact your author
ized Audi dealer and have the oil sensor inspect
ed. Until you have th is done, check the oil level
each time you refuel just to be on the safe side
¢page 222.
f Engine warm-up request
n Please warm up engine
Fuel has entered the engine oil, either from low
outside temperatures or frequent short d rives.
Drive until the engine is warm so that the fuel in
the eng ine oi l wi ll evaporate. Avoid high eng ine
speeds, full accelerating and heavy engine loads
when doing this .
Bil Fuel tank system
Ii] Please refuel
Instruments and indicator lights
If the indicator light turns on for the first time
and the message appears, there are about 2.6
gallons (10 liters) of fue l left in the tank.
Ii] Fuel tank system malfunction! Contact deal
T he re is a malfunction in the fuel tank system.
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Serv ice Facility immediately to have the
malfunction corrected .
{!) Tips
More information on refueling is available on
¢ page 212.
• Washer fluid level
m Please refill washer fluid
Fill the washer fluid for the windshield washer
system and the headlight washer system* when
the ignition is switched off ¢
page 231.
• Windshield wipers
m Windshield wiper defective
There is a malfunction with the windsh ield wip
ers .
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Serv ice Facility immediately to have the
malfunction corrected .
~/0$ Defective light bulb warn ing
If the J:!1 ind icator light turns on, a light has
failed. The message ind icates the location of the
light. If the
[tD indicator light a lso turns on, then
a rear fog light has failed. The position of the in
dicator light corresponds with the location on the
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
A udi Service Facility immed iately to have the
malfunction corrected.
Vehicle lights: Malfunction
There is a malfunction in the headlights or the
light switch.