Opening and closing
Opening and closing
Key set
F ig . 17 Key set
@ Remote cont rol key w ith me chanical key
You can centrally lock and unlock your vehicle and
start the engine w it h the master key with remote
control. A mechanical key is integrated in the re
mote control key
o page 30 .
@ Eme rgen cy key
The emergency key is not intended for constant
use. It shou ld only be used in an emergency.
Keep it in a safe place and do not carry it on your
key ring.
K ey replacement
If you lose a key, contact your authorized A udi
dea ler immediately to have the
lost key disabled.
Be sure to bring all yo ur keys with you.
Personal comfo rt sett ings
If two peop le use one vehicle, i t is recommended
that each person always uses "their own" master
key. Whe n the ignition is switched off or when
the vehicle is locked, personal convenience set
tings for the fo llow ing systems are stored and as
signed to the remote master key.
- Automatic climate control
- Central lock ing system
- Amb ience lighti ng*
- Seat memory*
- Parking system*
- Adaptive cruise control*
- Audi active lane assist *
-Audi side assist *
- Aud i drive se lect
- Night vision assistant*
- Heated steering wheel*
The stored settings are automatically recalled
when you unlock the vehicle, when you open the
doors or when you switch the ignition on.
- Do not leave your vehicle u nattended. A l
ways take your ign ition key with you and
lo ck your vehicle. Entry by unau thori zed per
sons could end anger yo u or res ult in theft or
damage the vehicle .
- Do n ot leave ch ildren unattended in t he ve
h icle, especi ally wit h access to vehicle keys.
Ungua rded a ccess to the keys provides chil
dren t he opport unity to start the engine
and/or activate ve hicle systems such as the
power windows, etc. Unsupe rv ised ope ra
tion of any veh icle system by c hildren can
result i n serio us in ju ry .
(D Tips
- The operation o f the remote control key can
be temporarily d is rupted by interference
from transmitters in the vic inity of the vehi
cle working in the same freque ncy range
(e.g. a cell phone, radio e quipment).
- For security reasons, rep lacement keys are
only ava ilable from Audi dealers .
- For Declaration of Comp liance to United
States FCC and Industry Canada reg ulations
~page 277.
Removing the mechanical key
Fig. 18 Remote cont rol mas te r key: removing the mechani-
ca l key .,._
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
.. Press the release button @¢fig . 18.
.. Pull the mechanica l key @ out of the master
key .
Using the mechanica l key, you can:
- lock and unlock the storage compartment on
the passenger's s ide ¢
page 60.
- lock and unlock the vehicle manually
¢ page 35.
-lock the front and rear passenger doors me
chanically ¢
page 36.
LED and batteries in the remote control key
Fig. 1 9 Remote control key: Remov ing the batte ry h olde r
LED in the remote cont rol key
The LED @informs you about the funct ion of th e
remote control key .
.. If you press a button qu ickly, the LED blinks
.. If you press a button longer (convenience open
ing), the LED blinks several times .
.. If the LED does not blink, the remote control
key battery is dead. The
Ill indicator ligh t and
t h e m essage
Plea se change key batt ery appear.
Replace the ba tte ry.
Replacing the remote control key battery
.. Remove the emergency key¢ page 30 .
.,. Press the release butto n ® on the battery
holder and pull the battery ho lder out of the
master key in the direction of the ar row at the
same time.
.. Insert the new battery with the"+" facing
.. Push the battery holde r carefully into the mas
ter key.
.. Install the mechanical key.
Open ing and clo sing
@) For the sake of the environment
Dead batteries must be d ispose d of using
methods that wi ll not harm the environment .
Do not d ispose of t hem in ho useho ld trash.
@ Tips
The replacement battery must meet the same
spec ificat ions as t he origina l battery .
Electronic immobilizer
The immobilizer helps to prevent unauthorized
use of your vehicle .
A compute r ch ip ins ide you r key au toma tically
deact ivates the electronic immobilizer when the
key is inside the vehicle . When yo u remove the
key from the vehicle, the electronic immob ilizer
is aut omatically activated once again.
-Always take the key with you when you leave
the veh icle. The key can disarm the electronic
engine immobilizer and permit an unauthor
i zed person to start the engine and enab le op
e ra ti on o f the ve hicle sys tems s uch as powe r
window or power s unroo f lead ing t o serious
personal injury .
@ Tips
- T he ve hicle cannot be started if an una u
tho riz ed key is used. The vehicle may not
s ta rt if another radio device s uch as a key
for ano ther ve hicle or a transpo nder is locat
ed on the key ring .
- F or Declara tion of Comp liance to United
States FC C and In du stry Canada reg ulations
¢page 277 .
Central locking
General description
The power locking system locks or unlocks all
doors and the rear lid simultaneously.
You can lock and unlock the vehicle centrally . Yo u
have the following choices:
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Child safety lock
The child safety lock prevents the rear door from
being opened from the inside and the rear win
dows from be operated.
Fi g. 30 Section of the driver 's door: Child safety lock but
"' 0
0 ,,. !II
• To activate the child safety lock for the respec
tive rear door, press the left/right button
[!l in
the driver's door¢
fig. 30 . The LED in the but
ton turns on.
• To deactivate the ch ild safety lock for the re
spect ive rear doo r, press the left/r ight button
[!] in the driver's door. The L ED in the but ton
turns off.
The fo llow ing features are switched off:
- Interior door handle in the respective rear door,
- Power w indow switch in the respective rear
To activate the child safety lock on both sides,
you must press the
[!l buttons one after the oth
Always take the vehicle key with you when leaving the vehicle, even for a short period of
time . This applies particularly when ch ildren
remain in the veh icle. Otherw ise they cou ld
start the engine or operate ele ctrical equ ip
ment such as power windows.
Open ing and clo sing
Power Windows
The driver can control all power windows.
Fig. 31 Sect ion of the driver's door: controls
All power window swi tches a re eq uipped w ith a
two- stage function :
Opening the windows
U') N
<.!, ., m
• Press the switch to the fir st stop and hold it un
til the w indow reaches the desi red posit ion.
• To open the window comp letely, press the
sw itch down to the
s econd level brief ly.
Closing the windows
.,. Pull the sw itch to the fi rst stop and hold it until
the window reaches the des ired pos ition.
• To close the window comp letely, pull the switch
up to the
sec ond lev el b riefly.
Power window switches
@ Driver's door
® Passenger's door
© Left rear door
@ Right rear door
-- Always take the vehicle key with you when
leaving the vehicle, even for a shor t period
of t ime. This applies particularly when ch il
dren remain in the vehicle. Otherwise they
could start the engine or operate electrical
equipment such as power windows . The
power windows continue to f unction until
the dr iver's door or front passenger's door
has been opened.
Opening and closing
- Pay carefu l attent ion when closing the win
dows. It could cause injury by pinching.
- When locking the vehicle from outside, the
vehicle must be unoccupied since the win
dows can no longer be opened in an emer
(D Tips
- When you open the doors, the w indows au
tomatically lower about
0.4 inches
(10 mm).
- When the window in the driver's or passeng
er's door is completely open, it will raise ap
proximately 1 inch (25 mm) when the door
is opened . The window wi ll lower again
when you close the door.
- After the ignition has been switched off, the
windows can st ill be opened or closed for
10 m inutes. The power windows are
not switched off until the driver's door or
passenger's door has been opened.
Convenience opening
All of the windows and the sunroof* can be
opened at once.
The settings in the Infotainment system specify
which windows will open.
Convenience opening
.,. Press and hold the li button on the remote
control key until the windows reach their de
sired position and the sunroof* is tilted open.
Setting convenience opening in the
Infotainment system
.,. Select: the ICARI function button > (Car)* Sys
tems control button > Vehicle settings > Cen
tral locking > Long-press to open windows .
To enable convenience opening of the windows
and the roof*, the
Front windows , Rear windows
and Roof funct ions must be switched On.
For security reasons, the windows and the
sunroof* can only be opened with the remote
control key at a maximum d istance of approxi
mately 6 feet (2 meters) from the vehicle.
Correcting power window malfunctions
After disconnecting the vehicle battery, the one
touch up and down feature must be activated
.,. Pull the power window switch until the window
is completely raised.
.,. Release the switch and pull it again for at least
one second.
Fig. 32 Sect ion from headli ner: sunroof b utton
@ Tilting/sliding
.,. To tilt the sunroof completely, press the switch
briefly to the second level.
.,. To open the sunroof completely, pull the switch
briefly to the second level~.&_ .
.,. To select an intermediate position, press/pull
the switch to the first level until the desired po
sition is reached .
@ Opening/sliding (version 1)
.,. To move the roof into the reduced w ind no ise
position, press the button back briefly to the
second level. The roof will open all the way if
you press the button back to the second level
aga in.
.,. To close the sunroof completely, press the
sw itch forward briefly to the second level~.&_ .
.,. To select an intermedi ate position, press/pull
the switch forward/back to the first level until
the desired position is reached. ..,.
Lights and Vision
use this mirror to estimate distances of fol
lowing vehicles when changing lanes, you
could estimate incorrectly and cause an acci
dent .
CD Note
- If the mirror housing was moved by force
(for example, by running into an object
when maneuvering the vehicle), the mirror
must be folded all the way in using the pow
er folding function. The mirror housing
must not be moved back into place by hand
because this would impair the function of
the mirror mechanism.
- If you wash the vehicle in an automatic car
wash, you must fold the exterior mirrors in
to reduce the risk of damage to the mirrors. Never fold power folding exterior mirrors*
by hand. Only fold them in and out using
the power controls.
@ Tips
- If the power adjusting function malfunc
tions, the glass in both mirrors can be ad
justed by pressing on the edge of it by hand.
- The exterior mirror settings are stored with
the memory function*~
page 56.
Dimming the mirrors
Fig. 43 Automa tic dimming rearview mirror*
Manual anti-glare adjustment
~ Move the small lever (located on the bottom
edge of the mirror) to the rear.
Automatically dimming mirrors*
~ To dim the rearview mirror and both exterior
mirrors, press the@ button . The diode ®
0 ... M 9 :x:
turns on. The rearview and exterior mirrors dim
automat ically when light shines on them, for
example from headlights on a vehicle to the rear.
Electrolyte fluid can leak from automatic dim
ming mirrors if the glass is broken . Electrolyte
fluid can irritate skin, eyes and respiratory system.
- Repeated or prolonged exposure to electro
lyte can cause irritation to the respiratory
system, especially among people with asth
ma or other respiratory conditions. Get
fresh air immediately by leaving the vehicle
or, if that is not possible, open windows and
doors all the way.
- If electrolyte gets into the eyes, flush them
thoroughly with large amounts of clean wa
ter for at least 15 minutes; medical atten
tion is recommended.
- If electrolyte contacts skin, flush affected
area with clean water for at least 15 mi
nutes and then wash affected area with
soap and water; medical attention is recom
mended . Thoroughly wash affected clothing
and shoes before reuse.
- If swallowed and person is conscious, rinse
mouth with water for at least 15 minutes .
Do not induce vomiting unless instructed to
do so by medical professional. Get medical
attention immediately.
CD Note
Liquid electrolyte leaking from broken mirror
glass will damage any plastic surfaces it
comes in contact with . Clean up spilled elec
trolyte immediately with clean water and a
(j) Tips
- Switching off the dimming function of the
inside rear view mirror also deactivates the
automatic dimming function of the exterior
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
The coat hooks are designed only for light
weight clothing . Never hang any clothing
with hard, pointed or heavy objects in the
pockets on the coat hooks. During sudden
braking or in an accident -especially if the
airbag is deployed -these objects could in
jure any passengers inside the vehicle.
- To reduce the risk of personal injury in an ac
cident or sudden stop, always keep the
glove compartment closed while dr iv ing.
- Read and follow all WARNINGS
¢ page 163, Important safety instructions
on the side airbag system.
-Hang clothes in such a way that they do not
impair the driver's vision.
- The coat hooks must only be used for light
we ight clothing . Do not leave any heavy or
sharp edged objects in the pockets which
may in terfere with the sid e curtain airbag
deployment and can cause personal injury in
a crash .
- Do not use coat hangers for hanging cloth
ing on the coat hooks as this can interfere
with proper deployment of the side curtain
airbags in an accident.
- Do not hang heavy objects on the coat
hooks, as they could cause personal injury in
a sudden stop.
0 Note
Objects located on the rear shelf that rub
against the rear window could damage the
heating wires for the rear window defogger.
Seats and storage
Roof rack
Description and mounting locations
Additional cargo can be carried with a roof lug
gage rack.
Fig. 63 Roof rack attachm en t po ints
~ 0
0 ., m
.,. Always read and follow the instructions provid
ed by the roof rack manufacturer when instal
ling the roof rack system.
If luggage or cargo is to be carried on the roof,
you must observe the following:
- Only use roof racks approved for your vehicle .
These approved roof racks are the basis for a
complete roof rack system . Additional attach
ments or carrier systems are needed to trans
port luggage and sports equipment. We recom
mend using roof racks from the Audi original
accessories program.
- When installing the roof rack, make sure it is
only mounted on the designated locations on
the roof
c> fig. 63.
- We recommend that you keep the installation
instructions for your roof rack system together
with your Owner's literature in the vehicle.
When should the roof rack be removed?
- Before going through an automatic car wash (it
is best to ask the car wash operator for adv ice).
- When not in use, to reduce fuel consumption,
wind noise and to guard against theft.
A WARNING ,...___
- Use of an unapproved roof rack or incorrect
mounting of an approved roof rack can
cause the roof rack or the items attached to
it to fall off the roof onto the road.
Warm and cold
Warm and cold
Climate control system
Applies to veh icles: w ith three -zone cl imate cont ro l or fo ur
zo ne automat ic climate co ntrol
The climate control system warms, cools and
adds humidity to the a ir in the veh icle interior . It
is the most effect ive when the windows a nd sun
roof* are closed . If the temperature inside the
pa rked vehicle becomes ve ry wa rm, opening the
w indow briefly will speed up the coo lin g p rocess.
In all heating mode functions except
defrost, the
b lowe r only sw itches to a highe r speed once the
engine coolant has reached a cer tain tempera
t ure.
Condensation from the cooling system can dr ip
and form a puddl e of water unde r the veh icle .
T his is normal and does no t mean there is a leak .
Pollutant filter
The pollutant filter removes pollutants s uc h as
dust and pol len from the a ir .
The air pollutants filter must be changed at the
interva ls specified in your Warranty
& Mainte
nance booklet, so that the a ir cond it io ne r can
p roperly work.
I f you drive your vehicle in an area with h igh air
pollut ion, the filter may need to be changed
more frequently than spec ified in you r Audi War
& Maintenance booklet . If i n doubt , ask
your author ized Audi Se rv ice Advisor for advice .
Key coded setting s
Three-zone climate control: T he b lowe r setting
a nd a ir dist ribution are stored automatically and
assigned to the remote contro l key that is i n use.
Four -zone automatic climate con trol: Th e cli
ma te con tro l sett ings a re a utomat ic all y stored
and assigned to the remote con trol key that is in
Reduced visibility is dangerous and can cause
accide nts .
- For safe driving it is very important that a ll
w indows be free o f ice, snow and condensa
tion .
- Comp letely fam iliarize yourse lf wit h the
prope r use and f unction of the heat ing and
ve ntilation system and espec ially how to de
fog and defrost t he windows .
- Never use the winds hield wiper/washer sys
tem in free zing weathe r until you have
wa rmed t he w indshie ld fi rst, using the heat
ing a nd venti lation system. The washer sol u
tio n m ay free ze on t he windsh ie ld and re
duce visibility.
W Note
- I f you s uspect that the air conditioner has
bee n damage d, sw itch the syste m off to
a void furthe r dam age and have it inspec ted
by a q ualified dea lership .
- Repairs to the Audi air conditioner re quire
speci al techn ic al know ledge and spec ia l
tools . Con ta ct an au thori zed A udi dea ler for
assistance .
@ For the sake of the environment
By reducing the amou nt of f uel you use, you
a lso reduce the amo unt of poll utants emitted
i nto the a ir.
@ Tips
- Keep the air i nta ke s lo ts (i n front o f the
windshield) free from ice, snow and debris
in o rder to maintain the proper function of
the climate contro l system.
- Th e energy manageme nt system may switch
t h e seat heating * or r ear w indow defroster
off temporarily. These systems are availab le
again as soon as t he energy balance has
been restored.
- Air escapes t hrough vents under the rear
w indow. When plac ing items of cloth ing on
t h e luggage compartment cove r, ensure
t h at the openi ngs are not covered.
M N <( I.J -
"' N I.O rl
Three-zone climate control
Applies to vehicles: with three zone climate co ntrol
Fi g. 75 Three -zone climate co ntro l: cont rols
P ress the buttons to t urn the funct ions on o r off.
The dial adjusts the temperature and the blower.
The LED in a button will light up when the func
tion is sw itched on.
IAUTO I Switching automatic mode on
Automatic mode ma inta ins a constant tempera
ture inside the vehicle. A ir temperature, airflow
and a ir distribution are controlled automatica lly .
Adjusting the temperature
The temperature can be adjusted individ ually for
the dr iver and front passenge r us ing the dia ls ©
a nd @.
Adjusting the blower 88
Using the dial@, you can manually adjust the
amount of air generated by the blower to suit
your preferences . To have the b lowe r regulated
automatically, press the
! AUTO I button.
~ .~ .~ Adjusting air distribution
You can manually select the vents where the air
will flow . To have the air distribution regu lated
automatically, press the
! AU TO ! button .
1- 1 Sw itching recirculation mode on/off
In recirculation mode, the air ins ide the vehicle is
circu lated and fi ltered. This prevents the unfil-
Warm and cold
te red a ir o utside the vehicle from enter ing the
vehicle inte rior. We recommen d switc hing recir
cu lation mode on whe n driving through a tunnel
or when sitt ing in traffic ¢&. .
T he
!AUTO ! button or i
IOFFI Switching the climat e control system
on /off
T he !OFF ! button switches the climate con tro l
system on or off. It also switches on when yo u
press the b lower control. Airflow from outside is
blocked when the climate control system is
switched off .
IA/Cl Switching cooling mode on/off
The air is not coo led a nd hu midity i s not remove d
whe n coo ling mode is switched off. This can
ca use fog on the windows . The cooling mode
switches off automatica lly w hen there are cold
outside temperatures.
I @ F RONT I Switching th e defroster on /off
T he w indshield and side w indows a re defros ted
o r cleared of condensation as q uickl y as possib le .
The maxim um amount of air flows mainly from
vents below the windshield . Recirculation ..,.