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Front passenger side
cockpit fuse assignment
F ig. 21 3 Front passenger 's s ide of t he cockp it fuse pa nel
wit h plast ic cl ip
Fuse panel @ (red)
No. Equipment
1 Infotainment, CD changer
2 I nfotain ment (d isplay)
Fuse panel @ (brown)
No . Equipment
1 Climate control system
2 Climate con
trol sys tem (blower)
3 Diagnostic interface
4 Ele ctric al ignit ion loc k
5 Electro nic steer ing colum n lock
6 Steer ing column sw itch modu le
7 Power steering co lumn adjustment
8 Light switch
9 Head-up display
1 0 I
nstrument cluste r
1 1 Infotainment, DVD changer
Luggage compartment
fuse assignment
F ig . 214 Lu ggage compa rtm ent: fuse pa nel w ith plastic
cli p
Fuse panel @ (black)
No. Equipment
1 Trailer h
itch/220 vo lt socket
2 Trailer h itch/ climatize d cup holder
Trailer h itch/adjusting front passenger's
seat from the rear
4 El ec tromech anical p ar kin g bra ke
5 Electromecha nica l park ing brake
6 Fr ont door (front passenger 's side)
7 Rear exterior lig hti ng
8 Cent ral loc king, closing aid
9 Seat heating (front)
1 1 Seat heating (rear), climate control system
12 Trailer h itch
Fuse panel @ (r ed)
No. Equipment
1 L
eft safety be lt tensioner
2 R ight safety be lt tensione r
3 AdBlue tank (diesel engine)/f uel p ump
4 Ad B lue tank (diese l engi ne)/engine mount
(g asol ine engine)
Sensor -co ntrolled luggage compartment
li d
6 Air s uspension, adaptive dam pers
7 Rear door (fro nt passenge r's side)
8 Tail lig hts
9 Luggage compartment lid