Instruments and indicato r Lights
Economy tips
In certain situat ions, economy tips appear auto
matica lly for a short time in the efficiency pro
gram ~
fig. 10. If yo u follow these economy tips,
you can reduce your vehicle's fuel consumption.
To turn an economy tip off immediately after it
appears, press any button on the multifunction
steering whee l.
(D Tips
-If you e rase the data in the efficiency pro
gram, the values in the on-board computer
will a lso be reset.
- Once you have turned an economy tip off, it
will on ly appear again after you turn the ig
nition on again.
- The economy tips are not displayed in every
instance, but rather in intervals over a peri
od of t ime .
Fig . 11 Instrum ent cluste r: o dom eter an d res et butto n
The display of distance driven is shown in m iles
"mi" or kilometers "km". The units of measure
ment (kilometers/miles) can be changed in the
Infotainment system.
Upper odometer
The trip odometer shows the distance driven
since it was last reset . It can be used to measure
short distances. The last digit shows distances of
100 meters or 1/10 of a mile .
The trip odometer can be reset to zero by press
ing the reset button~-
Lower odometer
The lower odometer shows the total number o f
kilometers or miles that the vehicle has driven.
Malfunction indicator
If there is a malfunction in the instrument clus
ter ,
DEF will appear in the tr ip odometer display .
Have the malfunction corrected as soon as poss i
Time/date display
Fig. 12 Ins trumen t cl uster : T im e and dat e
The date, time of day and time and date format
can be set in the Infotainment system. Refer to
the Infotainment system operating manual fo r
When you open the dr iver's door, the date and
time appear in the instrument cluster display for
30 seconds .
Service interval display
The service interval display detects when your ve
hicle is due for service .
Fig. 13 Instrume nt cluster d ispl ay: service interv al displ ay
The service interval display works in two stages: ..,.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
-Inspection or oil change reminder: After a cer
tain distance driven, a message appears in the
instrument cluster display each time the igni
tion is switched on or off
c> fig. 13. The remain
ing distance or time is displayed briefly .
-Inspection or oil change due : If your vehicle is
due for an inspection or oil change or both, a
message appears br iefly in the instrument clus
ter display when switching the ignition on or
Inspection due! or Oil change due! or Oil
change and inspection due! .
Checking service intervals
You can check the remaining distance or time un
til the next oil change or next inspection n the
Car menu. To do th is, select: the ICAR !function
> (Car) * Systems control button > Service
& control
> Servi ce intervals .
Resetting the indicator
Your authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility will reset the service interval dis
play after performing service .
If you have changed the oil yourself, you must re
set the oil change interval.
To reset the indicator, select: the ICARI fu nct ion
> (Car)* System control button > Service
& control > Service intervals. Turn the control
knob downward to
Reset oil change interval and
press the control knob.
(D Note
- Only reset the oil change indicator if the o il
was changed.
- Fo llowing the service intervals is critical to
maintain ing the service life and value of
your vehicle, especially the engine. Even if
the mileage on the vehicle is low, do not ex
ceed the time for the next service.
- Calculating the time to the next oil change
i s interrupted when the vehicle battery is
disconnected. If the vehicle is not driven for
a long period of time, check the mainte
nance schedule so that you can follow the
maintenance interva ls.
Instruments and indicator lights
Head-up display
Applies to vehicles: wit h Head-up disp lay
Fig. 14 Examp le : Indicato rs i n th e Head -up dis play
Fig . 15 Instrument panel: head-up display knob
The Head-up display projects certain warnings or
selected information from the assistance sys
tems* or navigation* on the windsh ield . T he dis
play appears w ith in the dr iver's field of vision.
Switching on/off
... To switch the head-up d isplay on or off, press
the knob~
c> fig. 15.
Adjusting the height
The height of the display can be adjusted to the
individual driver.
... Make sur e you are seated correctly
r=!)page 127 .
... Tur n the knob~ to adjust the disp lay .
Settings in the Infotainment system
... Sele ct: the I CARI function button > (Car)* Sys
control button > Driver assistance > Head
up display > Head-up display contents or Dis-
play brightness. ..,
Instruments and indicato r Lights
Display content
In the Infotainment system, yo u can specify
which information should be displayed : For ex
ample , this can include navigation information*,
Adapt ive cruise control * or night vision assist *.
The display of certain information and some of
the red indicator lights cannot be hidden in the
Infotainment system.
Display brightness
You can adjust the display brightness in the Info
tainment system. The display brightness decreas
es automatically as th e amount of light decreas
es. The basic level of brightness is adjusted with
the instrument illum ination ¢
page 47.
(D Note
To prevent scratches on the gla ss covering the
Head-up display, do not place any objects in
the projection opening.
@ Tips
-Sunglasses with polar izat ion filters and un
favorable lighting conditions can affect the
- An optimum display depends on the seat
position and the height adjustment of the
head-up display.
- A specia l windshield is needed for the head
up display function.
- For informat ion on cleaning, refer to
Q ta
ble on page
On Board Diagnostic
System (OBD}
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL) ¢..ifl in the
instrument cluster is part of the On-Board Diag
nostic (OBD II) system.
The warning/indicator light illuminates when the
ignit ion is switched on and goes out after the en
gine starts and the idle has stabilized. This indi
cates that the MIL is working properly.
If the light does not go out after the engine is
started, or illuminates while you are dr iving, a
malfunction may exist in the engine system. If
the light illum inates , the catalytic converter
could be damaged.
Continue driving
with reduced power (avoiding
sustained high speeds and/or rapid accelerations)
and have the condition corrected. Contact your
authorized Aud i dea ler.
If the ligh t illuminates, the electronic speed lim
iter may also be ma lfunctioning . For more infor
mation ¢
page 29, Electronic speed limiter.
An improperly closed fuel filler cap may also
cause the MIL light to illuminate
Q page 212.
On-Board Diagnostics
Fig. 16 Locat io n of Data Link Co nnector (DLC)
On-Board Diagnostics monitors the components
of your emission control system. Each monitored
component in your engine system has been as
signed a code . In case o f a malfunct ion, the com
ponent will be identified and the fault stored as a
code in the control module memory .
The MIL light may also ill uminate if there is a
leak in the on-board f uel vapor recove ry system.
If the light illuminates after a refuelling, stop the
vehicle and make sure the fuel filler cap is prop
erly closed
c:> page 212.
In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the stor
ed data can only be displayed using special diag
nostic equipment (generic scan tool for 080).
In order to connect the specia l diagnostic equip
ment, push the plug into the Data Link Connector
(DLC). The DLC is located to the right of the hood
release ¢
fig. 16. ..,.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
unlocked to give access to the vehicle
occupants from the outside.
- If the power locking system should ma l
funct ion, you can lock the driver's door us
i ng the mechanical key¢
page 36.
- If the power loc king system should fail, yo u
ca n still open the fuel tank flap in an emer
¢ page 214.
- You are we ll advised not to keep valuables
i nside an unattended vehicle, v is ible or not.
Even a properly locked ve hicle cannot pro
v ide the secur ity of a safe.
- If the LED in the upper edge of the driver's
door panel comes on for about 30 seconds
after the vehicle is locked, there is a mal
funct io n in the power locking or the anti
theft warning system. Have the malfunction
cor re cted by a n authorized A udi deal ersh ip
or q ualified repa ir facility.
Setting central locking
In the Infotainment system, you can set which
doors the central locking system will unlock .
.. Se lect : the ICAR I function button > (Car )* Sys
control button > Vehicle settings > Cen
tral locking *.
Door unlocking -
You can decide if All doors or
only t he
Dri ver should unlock . The luggage com
partment lid also unlocks when
All is selected. If
you select Dr iver in a veh icle w ith a convenience
k ey*, only the door w hose handle you pull w ill un
l oc k.
If you s elect
Driver , all the doo rs and l uggage
compartment lid wi ll u nlock if you press the~
b utton on the remote co ntrol mas ter key tw ice.
Disable tailgat e handle -If you se lect On , the
luggage compartment lid handle is locked . In
this case the luggage compa rtment lid can be
ope ned wi th the
l""'I b ut ton on the maste r key or
with the
! ""' I button* in the driver's door . In
ve hicl es w ith a convenience key *, you can still
open the l uggage compartment lid using the
h andle if an authorized master key is nea r the
prox imity sensor *.
Open ing and clo sing
Fold mirror s when lo cking * -
If you se lect On ,
th e exterior rearview mirrors fold i n automatical
ly when yo u press the
[ml button on the remote
control master key or touc h the sensor* in the
Lock when driving -If you select On, the vehicle
locks a utomatically when d riving . All of the doo rs
and the luggage compartment lid lock.
Tone when locking -if you select On, a tone will
sound when you lock the vehicle.
Locking and unlocking the vehicle with the
remote control
Fi g. 20 Re mote control: funct io n buttons
Eithe r the driver's door on ly or the ent ire vehicle
will unlock when the unloc k button
m (@ ) is
pressed once, depending on the settings in the
MMI ¢page33.
"'Press button m (@ ) to u nlock the vehicle
¢ fig. 20.
.. Press button~( @) to lock the vehicle ¢ A in
General description on page 32.
.,. Press button C;j (@ ) briefly to unlock t he rea r
lid .
• Push the red
I PANIC i button (@ ) to activate the
pa nic function . T he horn sounds and the turn
signa ls flash . P ush the red
!PANIC I b utton again
to deactivate the panic f unction .
If the vehicle is un loc ked and no doo r, the rea r lid
o r th e hood is opened wi thin 60 seconds, the ve
hicle lo cks i tsel f ag ain au toma tica lly. This feature
prevents the vehicle from being acc identally left
u nlocked over a long period of time . ..,.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
the luggage compartment lid . There should be
at least 9 ft (3 m) of distance. Or
~ Press the Iii button in the luggage compart
ment lid
c::, fig. 2 7 (vehicles with convenience
key*). The remote control key must not be more
than approximate ly 4 ft (1.5 m) away from the
luggage compartment and it must not be in
s ide the veh icle. The luggage compartment lid
will automat ically close and lock . The vehicle
c::> & . Or
~ Press the handle in the luggage compartment
lid. The luggage compartment lid wi ll automat
ica lly close and lock
c::> &, .
Setting the lugg age compartment lid open
po sit ion
~ Bring the luggage compartment lid into the de
sired open pos ition
c::> (D. The position can be
stored at on ly one specific height .
~ Press and hold the la l button for at least four
seconds to store the new open position. A visu al and audio signal will follow .
~ To set a h igher open position, wait at least five
seconds and then carefu lly press the luggage
compartment lid upward.
~ Press and ho ld the l<=> I button again for at least
f our seconds and this wi ll store the new open
The opening/closing process w ill stop immedi
ately if:
- You pull the~ button in the driver's door, or
- You release the
l a l button on the remote con-
trol master key (veh icles with convenience
key*) , or
- You press the~ button or
Iii button (veh icles
with convenience key*) in the luggage compart
ment lid, or
- You push the handle in the luggage compart
ment lid , or
- You press against the luggage compartment lid against the d irection it is moving, or
- when something blocks the luggage compart
ment lid or makes it diff icult for the lid to
move .
If you press the handle or one of the~ or
Iii but
tons (vehicles with convenience key*) now, the
Op ening and cl osing
luggage compartment lid will either open or
close, depending on what angle it was at.
-Read and follow all WARNINGS c::> page 31,
General description.
- After closing the rear lid, always pull up on
it to make sure that it is properly closed.
Otherwise it could open suddenly when the
veh icle is moving.
- To help prevent poisono us exhaust gas from
be ing drawn into the veh icle, always keep
the rear lid closed while driving. Never
transport objects larger than those which fit
comp lete ly into the luggage area, because
then the rear lid cannot be fu lly closed.
- Never leave your vehicle unattended espe
cially with the rea r lid left open. A child
could crawl i nto the car through the luggage
compartment and pu ll the lid shut , becom
ing trapped and unable to get out. To reduce
the risk of personal injury, never let ch ildren
p lay in or aro und your vehicle . Always keep
the rear lid as well as the vehicle doors
closed when not in use.
- Never close the rear lid inattentive ly or with
out checking first. Although the clos ing
force of the rear lid is lim ited, you can still
serious ly injure yourse lf or others .
- Always ensure that no one is within range of
the rear lid when it is moving, in part icular
close to the hinges and the upper and lower
edges -fingers or hands can be pinched .
- Never try to interfere with the rear lid or
help it when it is be ing opened o r closed au
tomatically .
@ Note
The luggage compartment lid can bump into
objects such as the garage ceiling when open
i ng and become damaged.
(D Tips
- The settings in the Infotainment system de
termine if the luggage compartment lid can
be opened using the hand le r::;, page 33 . ..,
3 7
Opening and closing
- Pay carefu l attent ion when closing the win
dows. It could cause injury by pinching.
- When locking the vehicle from outside, the
vehicle must be unoccupied since the win
dows can no longer be opened in an emer
(D Tips
- When you open the doors, the w indows au
tomatically lower about
0.4 inches
(10 mm).
- When the window in the driver's or passeng
er's door is completely open, it will raise ap
proximately 1 inch (25 mm) when the door
is opened . The window wi ll lower again
when you close the door.
- After the ignition has been switched off, the
windows can st ill be opened or closed for
10 m inutes. The power windows are
not switched off until the driver's door or
passenger's door has been opened.
Convenience opening
All of the windows and the sunroof* can be
opened at once.
The settings in the Infotainment system specify
which windows will open.
Convenience opening
.,. Press and hold the li button on the remote
control key until the windows reach their de
sired position and the sunroof* is tilted open.
Setting convenience opening in the
Infotainment system
.,. Select: the ICARI function button > (Car)* Sys
tems control button > Vehicle settings > Cen
tral locking > Long-press to open windows .
To enable convenience opening of the windows
and the roof*, the
Front windows , Rear windows
and Roof funct ions must be switched On.
For security reasons, the windows and the
sunroof* can only be opened with the remote
control key at a maximum d istance of approxi
mately 6 feet (2 meters) from the vehicle.
Correcting power window malfunctions
After disconnecting the vehicle battery, the one
touch up and down feature must be activated
.,. Pull the power window switch until the window
is completely raised.
.,. Release the switch and pull it again for at least
one second.
Fig. 32 Sect ion from headli ner: sunroof b utton
@ Tilting/sliding
.,. To tilt the sunroof completely, press the switch
briefly to the second level.
.,. To open the sunroof completely, pull the switch
briefly to the second level~.&_ .
.,. To select an intermediate position, press/pull
the switch to the first level until the desired po
sition is reached .
@ Opening/sliding (version 1)
.,. To move the roof into the reduced w ind no ise
position, press the button back briefly to the
second level. The roof will open all the way if
you press the button back to the second level
aga in.
.,. To close the sunroof completely, press the
sw itch forward briefly to the second level~.&_ .
.,. To select an intermedi ate position, press/pull
the switch forward/back to the first level until
the desired position is reached. ..,.
Lights and Vision
The leaving home function illuminates the area
outside the vehicle when you un lock the vehicle.
To turn the function on, select
Lights when un
locking car> On .
The coming home and leaving home functions
only operate when it is dark and the light switch
is in the
AUTO posit ion .
Emergency flasher
The emergency flasher makes other motorists
aware that you or your vehicle are in an emer
gency situation.
F ig. 38 Cente r co nsole: e mergen cy flasher sw itc h
~ Press the switch &, Q fig. 38 to turn the emer-
gency flashers on or off.
When the emergency flasher is on, all four turn
signals blink at the same time . The turn s ignal in
d icator lights
111!1 in the instrument cluster, as
well as the light in the emergen cy flashe r swit ch
&, blink likewise . T he emergency flashers also
wo rk when the ignition is turned off.
The emergency flashers will turn on automatical
ly if you are in an acc ident where the airbag has
(j) Tips
You should turn on the emergency flashers
- you are the last vehicle standing in a traffic
jam so that any other vehicl es coming can
see you, or when
- your vehicle has broken down or you are in
an emergency situation, or when
-your vehicle is being towed by a tow truck or
if you are towing another vehicle behind
yo u.
Interior Lighting
Front and rear interior lighting
Fig. 39 Front head liner: interio r light ing controls
Fig . 40 Rea r head lin er: read ing light
Press the corresponding button ¢ fig. 39:
5:1-Interior lighting on/off
rn-Door contact switch on/off. The interior light
ing is controlled automatically.
~- Reading lights on/off
~* -Switching the rear reading lights on/off
from the cockpit.
Ambient lighting
Applies to vehicles: wit h ambient lig hting
You can adjust the br ightness of the interior
li ght ing .
~ In the Infotainment system, select : the ICA RI
function button > (Car)* Systems control but
> Vehicle settings > Interior lighting >
Brightne ss.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Remote Memory button control key
Driver Driver Front passen-ger
Seat X X X
Stee ring wheel* X X
Both exterior X X
Remote control key
Applies to vehicles: with memory function
driver's seat profile can be assigned to the
remote control key when the vehicle is locked.
• Se lect: the ICARI function button > (Car)* Sys
contro l button > Vehicle settings > Driv
er's seat
> Remote control key > On .
(D Tips
If you do not wish to have the seat profile for
another driver assigned to the remote control
key, switch the memory function off in the In
fotainment system or using the IOFFI button
r=;;,page 57.
Memory buttons
Applies to vehicles: with memory function
Fig. 54 Driver's door: Memory function buttons
The memory buttons are located in the dr iver's/
front passenger's door*.
Switching the memory function on/off
• Press the IOFF i button to switch the memory
function on/off. The
LED in the button turns on
Seats and storage
when the memory function is off. Seat profiles
are neither stored nor recalled.
Storing a seat profile
• Press the lSET I button. When the word SET
lights up, the memory is ready to store set
.. Now press a memory button briefly.
A tone con
firms that the settings were stored .
Accessing a seat profile
• If the driver's door is open and the ignition is
switched off, press the memo ry button.
• If the driver's door is closed or the ignition is
switched on, press and hold the memory but
ton unti l the seat adjustment is complete .
-For safety reasons, the seat setting can on ly
be recalled when the veh icle is stationary
otherwise you risk having an accident.
- If necessary, you can stop the recall process
by pressing the !O FF ! button or any memory
button .
Adjusting the front passenger's seat in the
Infotainment system
Applies to vehicles: with memory function
The driver can move the front passenger's seat
into various positions.
Adjusting the front passenger's seat from
the driver's seat
• Select: the I CAR I function button > (Car)* Sys
control button > Vehicle settings > Seats
> Front passenger's seat > Adjust seat posi
tion .
• Yo u can now adjust the front passenger's seat
using the driver's seat buttons
r::;;, page 53,
fig. 48.
Align with driver's seat
• To transfer the settings from the driver's seat
to the front passenger's seat , select: the I CAR !
function button
> (Car)* Systems control but
> Vehicle settings > Seats > Front passeng-
er 's seat > Align with driver 's seat. ...,