Seats and storage
Seats and storage
General information
Why is your seat adjustment so important?
The safety belts and the airbag system can only
provide maximum protection if the front seats are correctly adjusted .
There are various ways of adjusting the front
seats to provide safe and comfortable support
for the dr iver and the front passenger . Adjust
your seat properly so that :
- you can easily and quickly reach all the switches
and controls in the instrument panel
- your body is properly supported thus reducing
physical stress and fatigue
- the safety belts and a irbag system can offer
maximum protection
¢ page 143.
In the following sections, you will see exactly
how you can best adjust your seats.
There are special regulations and instructions for
installing a child seat on the front passenger's
seat. Always fo llow the information regarding
child safety provided in ¢
page 167, Child safe
ty .
Incorrect seating position of the driver and all
other passengers can resu lt in serious person
al injury .
- Always keep your feet on the floor when the
vehicle is in motion - never put your feet on
top of the instrument panel, out of the win dow or on top of the seat cushion. This ap
plies espec ially to the passengers. If you r
seating pos ition is incorrect, you increase
the risk of injury in the case of sudden brak
ing or an accident . If the airbag inf lates and
the seating position is incorrect, this could
result in personal injury or even death.
- It is important for both the driver and front
passenger to keep a distance of at least 10 inches (25 cm) between themselves and
the steering wheel and/or instrument panel. If you're sitting any closer than this, the air
bag system cannot protect you properly. In
addition, the front seats and head restraints
must be adjusted to your body height so
that they can give you maximum protection.
- Always try to keep as much distance as pos
sible between yourself and the steer ing
wheel or instrument panel.
- Do not adjust the driver's or front passeng er's seat while the vehicle is moving. Your
seat may move unexpectedly, causing sud
den loss of vehicle control and personal in
jury . If you adjust your seat while the vehicle
is moving, you are out of position.
Driver's seat
The correct seat position is important for safe
and relaxed driving .
We recommend that you adjust the driver's seat
in the following manner:
.,. Adjust the seat in fore and aft direction so that
you can easily push the pedals to the floor
while keeping your knees slightly bent¢&.
Why is your seat adjustment so important? on
page 52 .
.,. Adjust the backrest so that when you sit with
your back against the backrest, you can still
grasp the top of the steering wheel.
.,. For adjustable head restraints: adjust the head
restraint so the upper edge is as even as possi
ble with the top of your head. If that is not pos
sible, try to adjust the head restraint so that it
is as close to this position as possible
¢page 55. Move the head restraint so that it
is as close to the back of the head as possible.
Never place any objects in the dr iver's foot
well. An object could get into the pedal area
and interfere with pedal function. In case of
sudden braking or an acc ident, you would not
be ab le to brake or accelerate.
M N <( I.J -
"' N I.O rl
Front passenger's seat
Always move the front passenger seat into the rearmost position .
To avoid contact with the airbag while it is de
ploying, do not sit any closer to the instrument
panel than necessary and always wear the three
point safety belt provided adjusted correctly . We
recommend that you adjust the passenger's seat
in the following manner:
.. Bring the backrest up to an (almost) upright
position .
Do not ride with the seat reclined .
.. For adjustable head restraints: adjust the head
restraint so the upper edge is as even as possi
ble with the top of your head. If that is not pos
sible, try to adjust the head restraint so that it
is as close to this position as possible
c:::> page 55. Move the head restraint so that it
is as close to the back of the head as possible.
.. Place your feet on the floor in front of the pas
senger's seat .
Front seats
Moving the seat forward or back and adjusting
the height, backrest angle and seat angle.
Fig. 48 Front seat: adjusting the seat
@-Moving the seat forward/back: press the but
ton forward/back ¢ .&,.
@ -Moving the seat up/down: press the button
c:::> .&, . To adjust the front section of the
seat, press the front button up/down
c:::> .&, . To ad
just the rear section of the seat, press the rear button up/down
c:::> .&,.
Seats and storage
@ -Turn the massage function* on/off. You can
select the type of massage using the multifunc
tion button
c:::> page 54.
© -Backrest forward/back: press the button for
ward/back ¢.&, .
(D-Lumbar support* : press the button in the
corresponding position
c:::> .&. or multifunction
button*¢ .&.,
c:::> page 54 .
-Never adjust the driver's or front passeng-
er 's seat while the vehicle is moving. If you
do this while the vehicle is moving, you will
be out of position. Always adjust the driver's
or front passenger's seat when the vehicle is
not moving.
- Be careful when adjusting the seat height.
Check to see that no one is in the way, or se
rious injury could result!
- Because the seats can be electrically adjust
ed with the ignition off, never leave children
unattended in the vehicle . Unsupervised use
of the electric seat adjustments may cause
serious injury.
- To reduce the risk of injury in the case of
sudden braking or accident, front passen
gers must never ride in a moving vehicle
with the backrest reclined. Safety belts and
the airbag system only offer maximum pro
tect ion when the backrest is upright and the
safety belts are properly positioned on the
body. The more the backrest is reclined, the
greater the risk of personal injury from an incorrect seating position and improperly
positioned safety belts.
Seats and storag e
Rear head restraints
Fig. 52 Rear seats: Head rest ra in t
Fig. 53 Rear head restra ints: release
If there is a passenger in the rear center seat ing
position* , slide the center head restraint* upward
at least to the next notch
~ ,&. .
Adjust ing th e he ad res trai nts
• To move the head restra int up, hold it at the
sides with both hands and slide it upward until
you feel it lock into place
c:> A in Proper adjust
ment of head restraints on page
• To move the head restraint down, press the
button -arrow-
c;> fig. 52 and slide the head re
stra int downward.
R emo ving the h ead re straint s
• Fold the backrest forward c:> page 64.
• Move the head restra int upward as far as it can
go .
• Press the release
c:> fig. 53 with the mechan ica l
key ~
page 30 and the b utton -a rrow-c:> fig . 52 .
Pull the head restraint out of the backrest at
the same time
c:> .&_ .
Installing the he ad re stra ints
• Slide the posts on the head restraint down into
the guides until you feel the posts lock into
place .
• Press the button -arrow-
c:> fig. 52 and s lide the
head restra int all the way down. You should not
be able to pull the head restra int out of the
So that the driver can have a better view to the rear, the head restraints should be pushed down
completely when the rear seats are not occupied.
- On ly remove the rear seat head restra ints
when necessary in order to install a c hild
seat . Install the head restraint again imme
diate ly once the child sea t is removed. Dr iv
ing without head restraints o r with head re
straints that are not properly adjusted in
creases the risk of serious or fatal neck in
jury dramatically.
- Read and heed a ll WARN INGS
c:> page 129 .
Memory function
Applies to vehicles : with memory f un ction
Us ing the memory function, you can quickly and
eas ily store a pe rsonal seat profi le for the driver
and front passenger and reca ll the settings . The
memory function is control led using the remote
control key and the memory buttons in the driv
er's/front passenger's door* .
The driver's seat profile is stored aga in and as
signed to the remote control key each time the
vehicle is locked. When you open the door, the
seat prof ile is automat ica lly recalled. If two peo
ple use the veh icle, it is recommended that each
person always uses "their own" remote control
Two seat p rofiles can be stored using the memory
buttons in the dr iver's/front passenger's door *.
Once they are stored, these seat profiles can be
selected at any time.
The following sett ings a re stored:
Driving safety
Driving safety
Safe driving habits
Please remember -safety first!
This chapter contains important information,
tips, instructions and warnings that you need to
read and observe for your own safety, the safety
of your passengers and others. We have summar ized here what you need to know about safety
belts, airbags, child restraints as well as child
safety. Your safety is for us
priority number 1. Al
ways observe the information and warnings in
this section - for your own safety as well as that
of your passengers .
The information in this section applies to all
model versions of your vehicle . Some of the fea
tures described in this sections may be standard
equipment on some models, or may be optional
equipment on others. If you are not sure, ask
your authorized Audi dealer.
- Always make sure that you follow the in
structions and heed the WARNINGS in this
It is in your interest and in the in
terest of your passengers.
- Always keep the complete Owner's Litera
ture in your Audi when you lend or sell your
vehicle so that this important information
will always be available to the driver and
- Always keep the Owner's literature handy so
that you can find it easily if you have ques
tions .
Safety equipment
The safety features are part of the occupant re
straint system and work together to help reduce
the risk of injury in a wide variety of occident sit
Your safety and the safety of your passengers
should not be left to chance. Advances in tech
nology have made a variety of features available
to help reduce the risk of injury in an accident.
The following is a list of just a few of the safety
features in your Audi:
-sophisticated safety belts for driver and all pas-
senger seating positions,
- safety belt pretensioners,
- safety belt force limiters for the front seats,
- safety belt height adjustment systems for the
front seats,
- front airbags,
- knee airbags for the front seats*
- side airbags in the front seats and outer rear
- side curtain airbags with ejection mitigation
- special LATCH anchorages for child restraints,
- head restraints for each seating position,
- adjustable steering column.
These individual safety features, can work to gether as a system to help protect you and your
passengers in a wide range of accidents . These
features cannot work as a system if they are not
always correctly adjusted and correctly used.
Safety is everybody's responsibility!
Important things to do before driving
Safety is everybody's job! Vehicle and occupant
safety always depends on the informed and care
ful driver.
For your safety and the safety of your passen
before driving always:
... Make sure that all lights and signals are operat
ing correctly.
... Make sure that the tire pressure is correct.
... Make sure that all windows are clean and afford
good visibility to the outs ide .
... Secure all luggage and other items carefully
~ page 63, ~page 60.
... Make sure that nothing can interfere with the
pedals .
... Adjust front seat, head restraint and mirrors
correctly for your height .
... Instruct passengers to adjust the head re
straints according to their height.
.. Make sure to use the right child restraint cor
rect ly to protect children ¢
page 167, Child
safety .
.. Sit properly in your seat and make sure that
your passengers do the same ¢
page 52, Gen
eral information.
.. Fasten your safety belt and wear it properly . Al
so instruct your passengers to fasten their safe
ty belts properly ¢
page 135.
What impairs driving safety?
Safe driving is directly related to the condition of
the vehicle, the driver as well as the driver's abili
ty to concentrate on the road without being dis
The driver is respons ible for the safety of the ve
hicle and all of its occ upan ts. If your ability to
drive is impaired , safety r isks for everybody in the
vehicle increase a nd you also become a hazard to
everyone else on the road ¢,A .Therefore:
.. Do not let yourself be distracted by passengers
or by using a cellular telephone .
.. NEVER drive when your driv ing ability is im
paired (by medications, alcohol, drugs, etc.).
.. Observe all traffic laws, rules of the road and
speed limits and plain common sense.
.,. ALWAYS adjust your speed to road, traffic and
weather cond itions.
.. Take frequent breaks on long trips. Do not dr ive
for more than two hours at a stretch .
.. Do NOT drive when you are t ired, under pres
sure or when you a re stressed.
Impaired driving safety increases the risk of
serious personal injury and death whenever a
vehicle is being used.
Driving safety
Correct passenger
seating positions
Proper seating position for the driver
The proper driver seating position is important
for safe, relaxed driving .
Fig. 144 Correct se ating position
For your own safety and to reduce the risk of in
jury in the event of an accident, we recommend
that you adjust the driver's seat to the following pos ition:
.. Adjust the driver's seat so that you can easily
push the pedals all the way to the floor while
keeping your knee(s) slightly bent¢,&. .
.,. Adjust the angle of the seatback so that it is in
an upright position so that your back comes in
fu ll contact wi th it when you dr ive .
.. Adjust the steer ing wheel so that there is a dis
tance of at least 10 inches (25 cm) between the
steering whee l and your breast bone¢
fig. 144.
If not possible, see your authorized A udi deal
ership about adaptive equipment.
.. Adjust the steering wheel so that the steering
wheel and airbag cover points at your chest and
not at your face .
.,. Grasp the top of the steer ing wheel with your
elbow(s) slightly bent .
.. For adjustable head restra ints: Adjust the head
restraint so the upper edge is as even as possi
b le with the top of your head. If that is not pos
sible, try to adjust the head restraint so that it
is as close to this position as possible. Move the
head restraint so that it is as close to the back
of the head as possible.
.. Fasten and wear safety belts correctly
¢page 138. IJJ,-
Driving safety
"'Always keep both feet in the footwell so that
you are in control of the vehicle at all times.
For detailed information on how to adjust the
driver's seat, see
¢ page 53.
Drivers who are unbelted , out of position or
too close to the airbag can be seriously in
jured by an airbag as it unfolds. To help re
duce the risk of serious personal injury :
- Always adjust the driver's seat and the
steering wheel so that there are at least
10 inches (25 cm) between your breastbone
and the steering wheel.
- Always adjust the driver's seat and the
steering wheel so that there are at least
4 inches (10 cm) between the knees and the lower part of the instrument panel.
- Always hold the steering wheel on the out
side of the steering wheel rim with your
hands at the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock posi
tions to help reduce the risk of personal in
jury if the driver's airbag inflates .
- Never hold the steering wheel at the
12 o'clock position or with your hands at
other positions inside the steering wheel
rim or on the steering wheel hub. Holding
the steering wheel the wrong way can cause
serious injuries to the hands, arms and head if the driver's airbag inflates.
- Pointing the steering wheel toward your
face decreases the ability of the supplemen
tal driver's airbag to protect you in a colli
- Always sit in an upright position and never
lean against or place any part of your body
too close to the area where the airbags are located .
- Before driving, always adjust the front seats
properly and make sure that all passengers
are properly restrained .
- For adjustable head restraints: before driv
ing, always also adjust the head restraints
properly .
- Never adjust the seats while the vehicle is
moving. Your seat may move unexpectedly
and you could lose control of the vehicle .
-Never drive with the backrest reclined or
tilted far back! The farther the backrests are
tilted back, the greater the risk of injury due
to incorrect positioning of the safety belt
and improper seating position .
- Children must always ride in child seats
page 167 . Special precautions apply
when installing a child seat on the front pas senger seat¢
page 143.
Proper seating position for the front
The proper front passenger seating position is
important for safe, relaxed driving.
For your own safety and to reduce the risk of in
jury in the event of an accident, we recommend
that you adjust the seat for the front passenger
to the following position:
"' Adjust the angle of the seatback so that it is in
an upright position and your back comes in full
contact with it whenever the vehicle is moving.
"'For adjustable head restraints: adjust the head
restraint so the upper edge is as even as possi
ble with the top of your head. If that is not pos
sible, try to adjust the head restraint so that it
is as close to this position as possible
c:> page 129 . Move the head restraint so that it
is as close to the back of the head as possible.
"' Keep both feet flat on the floor in front of the
front passenger seat .
"'Fasten and wear safety be lts correctly
¢ page 138.
For detailed information on how to adjust the
front passenger's seat, see
¢ page 52 .
Front seat passengers who are unbelted, out
of position or too close to the airbag can be
seriously injured or killed by the airbag as it
unfolds. To help reduce the risk of serious per
sonal injury :
- Passengers must always sit in an upright po
sition and never lean against or place any part of their body too close to the area
where the airbags are located.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
-Passengers who are unbelted, out of posi
tion or too dose to the airbag can be seri
ously injured by an airbag as it unfolds with great force in the blink of an eye.
- Always make sure that there are at least
10 inches (25 cm) between the front pas
senger's breastbone and the instrument panel.
- Always make sure that there are at least
4 inches (10 cm) between the front passen
ger's knees and the lower part of the instru
ment panel.
- Each passenger must always sit on a seat of
their own and properly fasten and wear the safety belt belonging to that seat.
- Before driving, always adjust the front pas
senger seat properly.
- For adjustable head restraints: before driv
ing, always also adjust the head restraints
- Always keep your feet on the floor in front
of the seat. Never rest them on the seat, in
strument panel, out of the window, etc. The
airbag system and safety belt will not be
able to protect you properly and can even in
crease the risk of injury in a crash.
- Never drive with the backrest reclined or
tilted far back! The farther the backrests are
tilted back, the greater the risk of injury due
to incorrect positioning of the safety belt and improper seating position.
- Children must always ride in child seats
c> page 167. Special precautions apply
when installing a child seat on the front pas senger seat
c> page 143.
Proper seating positions for passengers in
rear seats
Rear seat passengers must sit upright with both
feet on the floor consistent with their physical
size and be properly restrained whenever the ve
hicle is in use.
To reduce the risk of injury caused by an incorrect
seating position in the event of a sudden braking
maneuver or an accident, your passengers on the
rear bench seat must always observe the follow-
~ 1ng: rl
Driving safety
.,. For adjustable head restraints : adjust the head
restraint so the upper edge is as even as possi
ble with the top of your head. If that is not pos
sible, try to adjust the head restraint so that it
is as close to this position as possible
c>page 129 .
.,. Keep both feet flat in the footwell in front of
the rear seat.
.,. Fasten and wear safety belts properly
c> page 138.
.,. Make sure that children are always properly re
strained in a child restraint that is appropriate
for their size and age
c> page 167.
Passengers who are improperly seated on the
rear seat can be seriously injured in a crash.
- Each passenger must always sit on a seat of
their own and properly fasten and wear the
safety belt belonging to that seat .
- Safety belts only offer maximum protection when the safety belts are properly posi
tioned on the body and securely latched. By not sitting upright, a rear seat passenger in
creases the risk of personal injury from im
properly positioned safety belts!
- For adjustable head restraints: always ad
just the head restraint properly so that it
can give maximum protection .
Proper adjustment of head restraints
Applies to vehicles: with adjustable head restraints
Correctly adjusted head restraints are an impor
tant part of your vehicle's occupant restraint sys
tem and can help to reduce the risk of injuries in
accident situations.
Fig. 145 Head restra int: v iewed from the front
Driving safety
The head restraints must be correctly adjusted to
achieve the best protection.
.,. Adjust the head restraint so the upper edge is
as even as possible with the top of your head.
that is not possible, try to adjust the head re
straint so that it is as close to this position as
c:::> fig. 145. Move the head restraint so
that it is as close to the back of the head as
.,. If there is a passenger on the rear center seat
ing position*, slide the center head restraint*
upward at least to the next notch.
Adjusting head restraints
c:::> page 55.
All seats are equipped with head restraints. Driving without head restraints or with head
restraints that are not properly adjusted in
creases the risk of serious or fatal neck injury
dramatically. To help reduce the risk of injury:
- Always drive with the head restraints in
place and properly adjusted.
- Every person in the vehicle must have a
properly adjusted head restraint.
-Always make sure each person in the vehicle
properly adjusts their head restraint. Adjust
the head restraint so the upper edge is as
even as possible with the top of your head.
If that is not possible, try to adjust the head
restraint so that it is as close to this position
as possible. Move the head restraint so that
it is as close to the back of the head as pos
- Never attempt to adjust head restraint while driving. If you have driven off and
must adjust the driver headrest for any rea
son, first stop the vehicle safely before at
tempting to adjust the head restraint.
- Children must always be properly restrained in a child restraint that is appropriate for
their age and size
c:::> page 167 .
Examples of improper seating positions
The occupant restraint system can only reduce
the risk of injury if vehicle occupants are properly
seated .
Improper seating positions can cause serious in
jury or death. Safety belts can only work when they are properly positioned on the body . Im
proper seating positions reduce the effectiveness
of safety belts and will even increase the risk of injury and death by moving the safety belt to crit
ical areas of the body. Improper seating positions
also increase the risk of serious injury and death
when an airbag deploys and strikes an occupant
who is not in the proper seating position. A driver
is responsible for the safety of all vehicle occu
pants and especially for children. Therefore:
.,. Never allow anyone to assume an incorrect
seating position when the vehicle is being used
c:::> A .
The following bulletins list only some sample po
sitions that will increase the risk of serious injury
and death . Our hope is that these examples will
make you more aware of seating positions that
are dangerous.
Therefore, whenever the vehicle is moving:
-never stand up in the vehicle
- never stand on the seats
- never kneel on the seats
- never ride with the seatback reclined
- never lie down on the rear seat
- never lean up against the instrument panel
- never sit on the edge of the seat
- never sit sideways
- never lean out the window
- never put your feet out the window
- never put your feet on the instrument panel
- never rest your feet on the seat cushion or back
of the seat
- never ride in the footwell
- never ride in the cargo area