Instruments and indicator lights
th e e ngine and allow it to coo l. Follow the
warning stickers¢
page 218 .
(D Note
Do not conti nue d riving if the . symbo l ill u
minates. There is a malfunction in the engine
cooling system -you could damage your en
D Battery
This warning/indicator light detects a malfunc
t ion in the generator or in the vehicle's electrical
sys tem.
The . warning/indicator lig ht ill uminates when
you switch on the ignition and must go out after
the engine has started.
• Alternator fault: Battery i s not being charg
If th e i nd ic ator lig ht tur ns on and the message
a ppears, the re is a m alfunction in the genera tor
or ve hicle elec trical system .
D rive to you r autho rized Aud i dea le r o r q ualified
wo rkshop imme dia tely. Because the ve hicl e b at
t ery is d isch arging, t urn off all unne cessa ry e lec
tr ica l equipmen t su ch as the radio. Seek p rofes
sional assistance if the batte ry charge level is too
low .
(•) Low battery : battery will be charged while
I f t he i ndi cator lig ht t urns on and the message
ap pears, t he re m ay be limi ted star ting abili ty.
If t his message turns off after a litt le w hile, the
battery cha rged enoug h wh ile d riving .
If the message does not turn off, have your au
thor ized Audi dealer or qualified workshop cor
rect the malfunct ion .
~ Engine stop while driving
• Engine stopped: No power ste ering and
brake support .
There is a malfunct ion in the engine or in the fuel
supp ly system .
More force is needed to s teer and brake the mov
ing vehicle when the engi ne is stopped.
If the ve
hicle is roll ing, try to stop it caref ully on the side
of the road away from moving traffic . See an au
thori zed Audi dea ler or authorized Audi Serv ice
Fac ility for assistance .
If the engine s tops w hile driving, you will
need to use mo re fo rce t o brake the vehicl e.
T his in cr eases the r is k of an a cc iden t. The re
will s till be powe r stee ring if the igni tion is
switched on while the vehicle is rolling and
there is suff ic ient battery charge. Ot herwise,
you must use greate r force whe n steer ing.
,~ - Safety belts
This warning/indicator light reminds you to pu t
on your safety bel t.
The . war ning/ indica to r li gh t illum ina tes w hen
the ignit io n is swit ched on to rem ind the driver
and any fron t passenger to p ut on the safety belt .
Additionally, an acoustic warni ng (gong) will a lso
sound .
Fo r more Info rm ation ¢
page 135, i Safety belt
warning light.
"t:::r. Engine oil pressure malfunction
The red engine oil p ressure warning symbol re
quires immediate service or repair . Driving with a
low-oil -pressure indication is likely to inflict se
vere damage to the engine.
• Swit ch off engine and check oil level
If th e indicato r ligh t turns on and the message
appea rs, the o il pressure is too low .
.. Pull off the road.
.. Stop the vehicle .
.. Tur n off the engi ne .
.. Check the engine oil level ¢ page 2 2 2 .
"'If the eng ine o il level is too low, add eng ine oi l
page 22 2. Make sure th at the oil press ure
warning symbol. appears no longer in the
disp lay before you start driving again .
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
~ If the engine oil leve l is corre ct and the indic a
tor lig ht st ill tur ns on, tur n th e eng ine off and
do not continue driving . Seek p rofess ional as
s istance .
(D Tips
- The engine oil pressure symbol. is not
an indicator for a low engine oil level. Do
not rely on it. Instead, check the oil level in
your engine at regular intervals, preferably each time you refuel, and always before
going on a long trip.
- The yellow oil level warning indication
requires oil refill or workshop service with
out delay. Do not wait until the red oil pressure warning. starts to flash before
you respond to the low oil level warning
Ill. By then, your engine may already have
suffered serious damage.
'1::1' ., Engine oil
• Please add oil immediately.
Add oil imm ed iat ely Q page 220.
Ill Add oil max. XL. You may continue driving
Add the amount of oi l ind icated in t he display im
c> page 220 .
~- Steering lock
• Do not drive vehicle: Steering defective
There is a malf unct io n in the electron ic steeri ng
lo ck . You cann ot tur n the ign iti on on.
D o
not tow your ve hicle beca use it ca nnot be
steere d. See an a uthorize d Au di dea le r o r auth or
i z ed Audi Service Fac ility for assistance .
11!11 Steering lock: System fault Please contact
T here i s a ma lfu nction in t he ele ctronic st eering
l o ck.
Dr ive to an aut ho rize d Au di dea ler or au th o riz ed
A udi S ervice Fa cilit y imm ediate ly to have t he
m alfun ction co rre ct ed .
Instruments and indicator lights
Do not tow yo ur ve hicl e when ther e is a mal
f u nctio n in the electronic st ee rin g l ock -th is
in creas es th e ris k of an acci dent.
©-Engine start system
• Engine start system fault. Please contact
Do not switch the igniti on off because yo u may
not be abl e to switch it on again .
Drive to an auth orized A udi dealer or au tho rized
A udi Se rv ice Facility imme diately to have th e
malfu ncti on corrected .
II! Engine start system fault . Please contact
T he re is a mal func tio n in the e ngine st art ing sys
Dr ive to an au thor ized A udi de aler or au tho riz ed
A udi Se rv ic e Fac ility im me diate ly to h ave the
malfu nction co rre cted .
0 Air suspension
• Air suspension: System fault You can drive
slowly (max . speed 60 km/h)
The re is a m alfunc tion t hat can re sul t in res trict
ed drivi ng stabi lity .
C are full y dr ive at a m ax im um spee d of 3 5 m ph
( 60 km /h ) to your au thor ized A udi d ealer o r
qualifie d wo rksh op to have the m alfu nct ion co r
r ecte d.
• Air suspension: Service mode. Vehicle can
only be moved with restri ctions
Car efu lly dr ive to your aut hor iz e d Audi d ealer or
qualifie d wo rksh op i mm edia tely to hav e the s erv
i c e mo de dea cti vate d .
rl Air suspension: System fault
The re is a system mal function that can res ult in
rest ricted d riving stability o r reduced gr ound
clea rance. .,..
Instruments and indicator lights
Drive to an authorized Aud i dea ler or authorized
Audi Service Faci lity immediately to have the
malfunct ion corrected .
II Air suspen sion : Vehicle too low Ground
clearance reduced
The gro und clea rance is very low due to a system
malfunct io n. Wait unt il t he air suspension sys
tem has res tored norma l ground clearance. Oth
erwise, conditions such as an uneven road sur
face can lead to vehicle damage .
~/ !f Safety systems
The JI (USA models)/ E,I (Canada mode ls) indi
cator light monitors the safety systems (e.g. air
bags, pretensioners) and illuminates for a few
seconds each time you switch the ignition on .
If the
r.l (USA models)/ E,I (Canada models) in
d icator light does not go out, or if it illum inates
while you are driving, or if it starts to blink, the n
there is a malfunction somewhe re in the system .
If the light does not ill uminate w hen you switch
the ign ition on , this also means the re is a mal
function .
If you have a mal func tion in the safety sys
t ems, contact your authorized A udi dealer im
mediately . Othe rwise the safety systems may
not work properly in an acci dent .
& Brake booster
U Brake servo : limited functional ity . You can
con tinue d riv ing. Con tact workshop
There is a malfunction in the brake booster. The
brake booster is availab le, but its effectiveness is
red uced. Braking behavior may be different from
how it normally functions and the brake peda l
may vibra te.
Drive to an a uthorized Audi dea ler or a uthorized
Aud i Service Fac ility immediately to have the
malfunct ion corrected.
r;. I[/; Electronic Stabilization Control (ESC)
If the ffl ind icator light blinks while driving , the
E S P or ASR (ant i-slip reg ulation) is act ively reg u
l ati ng .
If the
ffl ind icator light turns on, the system has
switched the ESC
off . In this case, you can switch
t h e ign it io n
off and t hen on to sw itch the ESC on
again. The indica tor ligh t turns
off when the sys
tem is functioning fu lly.
If the . indicator light tu rns on, ESC was
swi tched
off using the I~ OFF I bu tto n
~page 188 .
Stabilization control (ESC /ABS ) malfunction!
See owner' s manual
If the DJ ind icator light and the ABS indicator
li ght
fn:) (USA models) ;ti] (Canada models)
turn o n and the message appears, the ABS or
e lectronic differe ntia l lock is malfunc tioning. This
also ca uses the ESC to mal function. The br akes
sti ll fu nct ion with their no rma l powe r, b ut ABS is
not active.
D rive to your au thori zed A udi dealer or qualified
workshop immedia tely to have the mal func tion
corrected .
If the 1111 (USA models) ;II (Canada mod
e ls) b rake system indicator light turns on to
gether with the ABS and ESC ind icator lights,
the ABS/ESC regulat ing funct ion may have
failed. Functions that stabilize the vehicle are
n o longer availab le. This could cause the vehi
cle to swerve and increase the risk of slidi ng.
D rive ca refully to the nea rest authorized Audi
dealer o r othe r qualified workshop and have
the ma lf unc tion correc ted.
(D Tips
Fo r additional informat ion on ESC and ABS,
r efer to
~ pag e 188.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) ..,.,
N \!) ,....,
@ Tips
For additional information on the diesel par
ticulate fi lter, refer to ¢
page 198.
!?) Engine speed limitation
App lies to vehicles: with e ngin e speed limitat ion
Ill Engine speed maximum XXXX RPM
The engine speed is automatically limited to the
speed displayed in the instrument cluster. This
protects the eng ine from overheating.
The engine speed limitation deactivates once the
engine is no longer in the critical temperature
range and you have released the accelerator ped
If the engine speed limitation was activated by
an engine control malfunction, the
Im indicator
light also turns on. Make sure that the speed
does not go above the speed d isplayed. Drive to
an authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility immediately to have the malfunc
tion corrected .
.., Engine oil sensor
• Oil level! Sensor defective
If the symbol illuminates, contact your author
ized Audi dealer and have the oil sensor inspect
ed. Until you have th is done, check the oil level
each time you refuel just to be on the safe side
¢page 222.
f Engine warm-up request
n Please warm up engine
Fuel has entered the engine oil, either from low
outside temperatures or frequent short d rives.
Drive until the engine is warm so that the fuel in
the eng ine oi l wi ll evaporate. Avoid high eng ine
speeds, full accelerating and heavy engine loads
when doing this .
Bil Fuel tank system
Ii] Please refuel
Instruments and indicator lights
If the indicator light turns on for the first time
and the message appears, there are about 2.6
gallons (10 liters) of fue l left in the tank.
Ii] Fuel tank system malfunction! Contact deal
T he re is a malfunction in the fuel tank system.
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Serv ice Facility immediately to have the
malfunction corrected .
{!) Tips
More information on refueling is available on
¢ page 212.
• Washer fluid level
m Please refill washer fluid
Fill the washer fluid for the windshield washer
system and the headlight washer system* when
the ignition is switched off ¢
page 231.
• Windshield wipers
m Windshield wiper defective
There is a malfunction with the windsh ield wip
ers .
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
Audi Serv ice Facility immediately to have the
malfunction corrected .
~/0$ Defective light bulb warn ing
If the J:!1 ind icator light turns on, a light has
failed. The message ind icates the location of the
light. If the
[tD indicator light a lso turns on, then
a rear fog light has failed. The position of the in
dicator light corresponds with the location on the
Drive to an authorized Audi dealer or authorized
A udi Service Facility immed iately to have the
malfunction corrected.
Vehicle lights: Malfunction
There is a malfunction in the headlights or the
light switch.
Instruments and indicator lights
Drive to an authorized Aud i dea ler or authorized
Audi Service Faci lity immediately to have the
malfunct ion corrected .
~(D Headlight range control
El Headlight range co ntrol: defe cti ve !
If the symbo l illuminates, the headlight range
control is no longer working properly. Have the
system checked and repaired at your A udi dealer .
1aO Adaptive Light
Applies to veh icles: with Adapt ive Light
mi Aud i adapti ve light: system fault
If the indicator lig ht t urns on and this message
appears, there is a malfunction in the adaptive
light system . The headlights still f unction.
Go to an a uthorized dea le rship to have the head
lights or the control unit for the Adaptive Light
~ o Light/rain sensor
El Automatic headlights / automat ic wipe rs:
System fault
The light/rain sensor is malfunctioning.
F or safety reasons , the low beams are turned on
permanen tly with the switch in
AUTO. However,
you can continue to turn the lights on and off us
ing the light switch . You can still control a ll func
tions that are independent of the rain sensor
t hrough the windshield wiper lever.
D rive to an a uthorized Audi dea ler or a uthorized
Aud i Service Faci lity immediately to have the
malfunct ion corrected.
!-- : Sport differential
Applies to veh icles: w ith sport different ia l
II) Sport di fferential : system fault
There is a malfunction with the sport differentia l.
Drive to your aut ho rized Aud i dea le r i mmedia tely
to have the ma lfunction co rrec ted .
II) Sport differential: overheating
The transm ission temperat ure has increased s ig
nificantly d ue to the sporty driving manner. Drive
i n a less sporty manner unt il the temperature re
turns to the normal range and the indicator light
switches of.
Contact your author ized Audi dealer or a
qualified workshop if the spo rt differential is
fa ulty o r malfunctioning . The repa ir must be
performed by trained pe rsonnel using the cor
rect o il in order to ens ure s afety.
¢ ¢Turn signals
The indicator light blinks when you use either
turn signal.
Wheneve r you use the left B or the right B
turn s ignal, the indicator light blinks . When you
use the eme rgency flashers, bot h indicator lights
If one of the turn signa l light bulbs burn out, the
turn s ignal will bli nk twice as fast as normal.
Carefully dr ive to your author ized Audi dealer im
med iate ly to have the malfunction cor rected. The
i ndica tor l igh t does not ind icate a ma lf u nction if
a turn signal on the tra iler or on the vehicle fails
i n tra iler towing mode.
(D Tips
Fo r more informa tion on the turn s ign als , re
fer to<=>
page 44.
CRUISE 1• 0 Cruise control
The warning/indicator lig ht (ij;(l)~14 (USA mode ls)/
l'I (Canada mode ls) illuminates when the cruise
control is activated <=>
page 83.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Driver information
Fig. 4 Driver information system in th e instr ument cluster
Fig. 5 Display: example of the informat ion line
The driver information system conta ins informa
tion @ that is disp layed on tabs@¢
fig. 4 . The
following content is possible depending on vehi
cle equipment:
Tab C o ntent
1 Veh icle functions:
On-board computer ¢ page 24
Efficiency program* ¢ page 25
Digital speedometer
Cruise control *¢
page 83
Adapt ive cruise control and braking
¢ page85
Audi active lane assist*¢ page 94
Display darkened Ins
trument s and indi cator ligh ts
Tab Content
2 Ind icator lights and messages
Warning when a door, the hood or the rear lid is not closed
Service interval display¢
page 26
Speed warning system ¢ page 82
3 Night vision assistant* ¢page 104
4 Audio/video
s Telephone*
6 Navigat ion*
T he second and third tabs are only visible if at
least one indicator light or message is shown or if
that system is switched on.
The status line© is located in the bottom part of
the display ¢
fig. 4. It displays the exterior tem
perature, time, selector lever position, tripod
ometer and odometer .
For some vehicle functions, you can access the
trip information from the temporary memory
¢ page 25 in the line(!)¢ fig. 5.
-Never rely exclusively on the outside tem
perature display to determine if a road sur
face is icy or not. Keep in mind that road sur
faces, especially bridges and overpasses,
could be ice covered and slippery even at an
outside temperatu re above 4 1 °F (+S
- Always remember, even if the "snowflake"
symbol (ice warning) does not appear in the
d isp lay, black ice cou ld be on the road.
- Always reduce your speed and drive with
specia l care in cold weather cond itions when
the chance of encountering icy road surfaces
i n creases.
(0 Tips
- If the vehicle is stationary, or if you are driv
ing at a very low speed, the temperature
shown in the display might be slight ly high
er than the actual outside temperature. This
is caused by the heat being radi ated from
the engine . .,..
Instruments and indicato r Lights
Economy tips
In certain situat ions, economy tips appear auto
matica lly for a short time in the efficiency pro
gram ~
fig. 10. If yo u follow these economy tips,
you can reduce your vehicle's fuel consumption.
To turn an economy tip off immediately after it
appears, press any button on the multifunction
steering whee l.
(D Tips
-If you e rase the data in the efficiency pro
gram, the values in the on-board computer
will a lso be reset.
- Once you have turned an economy tip off, it
will on ly appear again after you turn the ig
nition on again.
- The economy tips are not displayed in every
instance, but rather in intervals over a peri
od of t ime .
Fig . 11 Instrum ent cluste r: o dom eter an d res et butto n
The display of distance driven is shown in m iles
"mi" or kilometers "km". The units of measure
ment (kilometers/miles) can be changed in the
Infotainment system.
Upper odometer
The trip odometer shows the distance driven
since it was last reset . It can be used to measure
short distances. The last digit shows distances of
100 meters or 1/10 of a mile .
The trip odometer can be reset to zero by press
ing the reset button~-
Lower odometer
The lower odometer shows the total number o f
kilometers or miles that the vehicle has driven.
Malfunction indicator
If there is a malfunction in the instrument clus
ter ,
DEF will appear in the tr ip odometer display .
Have the malfunction corrected as soon as poss i
Time/date display
Fig. 12 Ins trumen t cl uster : T im e and dat e
The date, time of day and time and date format
can be set in the Infotainment system. Refer to
the Infotainment system operating manual fo r
When you open the dr iver's door, the date and
time appear in the instrument cluster display for
30 seconds .
Service interval display
The service interval display detects when your ve
hicle is due for service .
Fig. 13 Instrume nt cluster d ispl ay: service interv al displ ay
The service interval display works in two stages: ..,.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
-Inspection or oil change reminder: After a cer
tain distance driven, a message appears in the
instrument cluster display each time the igni
tion is switched on or off
c> fig. 13. The remain
ing distance or time is displayed briefly .
-Inspection or oil change due : If your vehicle is
due for an inspection or oil change or both, a
message appears br iefly in the instrument clus
ter display when switching the ignition on or
Inspection due! or Oil change due! or Oil
change and inspection due! .
Checking service intervals
You can check the remaining distance or time un
til the next oil change or next inspection n the
Car menu. To do th is, select: the ICAR !function
> (Car) * Systems control button > Service
& control
> Servi ce intervals .
Resetting the indicator
Your authorized Audi dealer or authorized Audi
Service Facility will reset the service interval dis
play after performing service .
If you have changed the oil yourself, you must re
set the oil change interval.
To reset the indicator, select: the ICARI fu nct ion
> (Car)* System control button > Service
& control > Service intervals. Turn the control
knob downward to
Reset oil change interval and
press the control knob.
(D Note
- Only reset the oil change indicator if the o il
was changed.
- Fo llowing the service intervals is critical to
maintain ing the service life and value of
your vehicle, especially the engine. Even if
the mileage on the vehicle is low, do not ex
ceed the time for the next service.
- Calculating the time to the next oil change
i s interrupted when the vehicle battery is
disconnected. If the vehicle is not driven for
a long period of time, check the mainte
nance schedule so that you can follow the
maintenance interva ls.
Instruments and indicator lights
Head-up display
Applies to vehicles: wit h Head-up disp lay
Fig. 14 Examp le : Indicato rs i n th e Head -up dis play
Fig . 15 Instrument panel: head-up display knob
The Head-up display projects certain warnings or
selected information from the assistance sys
tems* or navigation* on the windsh ield . T he dis
play appears w ith in the dr iver's field of vision.
Switching on/off
... To switch the head-up d isplay on or off, press
the knob~
c> fig. 15.
Adjusting the height
The height of the display can be adjusted to the
individual driver.
... Make sur e you are seated correctly
r=!)page 127 .
... Tur n the knob~ to adjust the disp lay .
Settings in the Infotainment system
... Sele ct: the I CARI function button > (Car)* Sys
control button > Driver assistance > Head
up display > Head-up display contents or Dis-
play brightness. ..,