fill up at busy gas stations where the seasonal
adjustment is more likely to be made in time.
(D Note
- Methanol fuels which do not meet these re
quirements may cause corrosion and dam
age to plastic and rubber components in the
fuel system.
- Do not use fue ls that fail to meet the speci
fied criteria in this chapter.
- If you are unable to determine whether or
not a particular fuel blend meets the speci
fications, ask your service station or its fuel
- Do not use fuel for which the contents can
not be identified.
- Fuel system damage and performance prob
l ems resulting from the use of fuels differ
ent from those specified are not the respon
s ibility of Audi and are not covered under
the New Vehicle or the Emission Control
System Warranties.
- If you experience a loss of fuel economy or
driveability and performance problems due
to the use of one of these fuel blends, we
recommend that you switch to unb lended
Gasoline additives
A ma jor concern among many auto manufactur
ers is carbon deposit build-up caused by the type
of gasoline you use.
Although gasol ine grades differ from one manu
facture r to another, they have certa in things in
common. All gasoline grades contain substances
that can cause deposits to collect on vita l engine
parts, such as fuel injectors and intake valves. Al
though most gasoline brands include additives to
keep engine and fuel systems clean, they are not
equally effective .
Audi recommends using TOP TIER Detergent Gas
oline. For more information on TOP TIER Deter-
M gent Gasoline, please go to the official website N
j (www
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
Fuel and Refueling
After an extended period o f using inadequate
fuels, carbon deposit build-ups can rob your en
gine of peak performance .
(D Note
Damage or malfunction due to poor fuel qual
ity is not covered by the Audi New Vehicle
Limited Warranty.
Diesel fuel
Applies to vehicles: with diesel engine
Always use ULSD (Ultra Low Su lfur Diesel) No. 2.
The ULSD No. 2 meets the ASTM 0975.
Diesel fuel with concentrations of biodiese l high
er than 5
% such as Bl 1, B20 or 8100 are strictly
Service station fue l pumps are labeled with the
correct fue l information for easy recognit ion by
the user .
If the d iese l fue l pump is not labe led
ask the station operator what fuel is being dis
pensed before fi lling up your vehicle.
ULSD No. 2 may not be available outside the USA
and Canada . Be sure to check before traveling to
other countries.
ULSD No. 2 can become thicker in very cold tem
peratures, and this can impair the engine's start
ing and running. Depending on the season, gas
stations provide ULSD No. 2 that flows better in
cold temperatures so that you can continue oper
ating your vehicle as usual.
@ Note
- Your vehicle's diesel engine was designed
soley for use with ULSD No. 2. Therefore,
never use gasoline, heating oil, other fuels
or flow improvers. These conta in substances
that will severely damage the fuel system
and the engine . Such damage will not be
covered by your New Vehicle Limited War
- If you put any amount of incorrect fuel in
the fuel tank, do not start the engine under
any circumstances. Immediately contact the
nearest authorized Audi dealer or author
ized Audi Service Facility for assistance.
Checking and F ill in g
areas, into open streams or down sewage
- Recycle used engine o il by taking it to a used
engine oil collection facility in your area, or
contact a service station.
Cooling system
T he engine coolant performs two functions: it
keeps the engine from overheating and it pro
tects the engine from freezing in the winter .
The cooling sys tem is sealed and generally re
qu ires little attention .
T he cooling system has been filled at the facto ry
with a permanent coo lant wh ich does not need to
be changed . T he coolan t consists of a mixture of
specially condit ioned water and the manufactur
er's glycol-based coolant addit ive Gl3 ant ifreeze
with a nticorrosion add itives (50% fo r USA mod
e ls · 60% for Canadian mode ls). Thi s m ix tu re both
assures the ne cessary fros t protection and pro -
t ects meta l components in t he engine's cooling
system from corrosion and scaling. It a lso raises
the boiling point of the coolant.
D o not reduce the concentr ation o f the coo lant in
the summer by addi ng p la in water.
The propor
tion of coolant additive must be at least 50 %
but not more than 60 %
to maintain antifreeze
protection and cooling efficiency .
If the coolant
frost protection is too low, the coolant could
freeze and damage the ve hicle heati ng and en
g ine cooling system .
For year-round driving, antifreeze is added at the
factory for tempera tures down to:
- -3 1 °F (- 35°C)USA
- - 4 0 °F ( - 4 0 °C) Canada.
I f you must add coo lant, use a m ixt ur e of wate r
a nd coolant add it ive. Mixing the coolant additive
w ith d istilled w ate r is recommended.
Before yo u check any thing in t he engine com
par tment, always read and hee d all WA RN -
INGS ~ &. in Working in the engine compart
ment on page 218.
(D Note
- Be fore wi nter sets in, have the coo lant
checke d to see if the coolant additive in you r
vehicle is sufficient to meet the climate con ditions. This is espec ia lly impo rtant if you
live in a region where the winter is extreme
ly cold . If necessary, increase the p roportion
of coolan t addit ive to 60% .
- Whe n adding coolant additive to your cool
ing system, remember:
- We re commend usin g on ly cool ant addi
tive Gl2++ o r Gl3 (chec k the label) fo r
your ve hicle. This coo lant additive is avai l
ab le at aut horized Aud i dea le rs . Othe r
types of ant ifreeze can significant ly re
d uce co rrosion protection. The resulting
corrosion can cause a loss of coolant a nd
serious e ngine damage .
- Do not add any type of rad iator leak sealant
to your vehicle's engine coolant. Adding ra
diator repa ir fl uid may adverse ly affec t the
func tion and perfo rmance of your cooling
system a nd could result in d amage not cov
ere d by yo ur N ew Vehi cle Lim ited War ranty.
Checking the engine coolant level
The engine coolant level can be checked with a
quick glance.
Fi g. 1 91 Eng ine co mpar tmen t: c over on t he coo la nt expa n
sio n tan k
Befo re you check a nyth ing in the eng ine compart
men t,
always read and he ed all WARNINGS
~ A in Working in the engine compartmen t on
page 218. ..,.
M N <( (.J
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
~ Park your vehicle on a level surface.
~ Switch off the ignition .
~ Read the eng ine coolant leve l from the coolant
expansion tank
c> fig. 191, c> page 220,
fig. 188.
With a cold engine, the coolant level
should be between the "min" and "max" mark
i ngs. When the engine is warm, the level may
be s light ly above the "max" marking.
The location of the coolant expans ion tank can be
seen in the engine compartment illustrat ion
To obtain an accurate reading, the engine must
be sw itched
The expansion tank in you r vehicle is equipped
with an electric coolant level sensor.
When the coo lant level is too low, the warning
light in the Auto-Check System
c:> page 15 wi ll il
l uminate unti l you a dd coolant and the level has
been restored to norma l. Even though there is an
e lectric coolant level sensor, we still recommend
you check the coolant level from time to time.
Coolant loss
Coolant loss may i ndicate a leak in the coo ling
system . In the event of coo lant loss , the cooling
system should be inspected immed iate ly by your
author ized Audi dealer. It is not enough merely
to add coolant .
In a
sealed system, losses can occur only if the
boiling point of the coo lant is exceeded as a re
sult of overheat ing.
The cooling system is under pressure and can
get very hot. Reduce the risk of scalding from
hot coolant by following thes e steps.
- Turn off the engine and allow it to coo l
dow n.
- Protect yo ur face, hands and arms from es
caping fluid and steam by cove ring the cap
with a la rge, th ick rag.
- Turn the cap slowly and ve ry carefu lly in a
counte r-clockw ise direct io n wh ile a pplying
light, downwa rd pr essur e on the top of the
c ap.
Checking and Fillin g
-To avo id being burned, do not sp ill anti
freeze o r coolant on the exha ust system or
hot engine parts. Under certa in cond itions,
the ethylene glyco l in engi ne coo lant can
ca tch fire.
(D Note
Do not add any type o f radiator leak sea lant
to you r vehicle 's engi ne coolant . Add ing radia
tor repair fluid may adversely affect the func
tion and pe rformance of your coo ling system
and could r esult in damag e not cover ed by
your New Veh icle Limited Warranty.
Adding coolant
Be very careful when adding engine coolant.
Before you check a nyth ing in the eng ine compart
me nt,
always read and heed all WARNINGS
c> .&. in Working in the engine compartment on
page 218.
~ Requirement: T here must be a residua l amount
of coolant in the expansion tank
c:> (D .
~Tu rnoff the engi ne.
~ Le t the eng ine cool down.
~ Place a thick rag ove r the coo lan t expansion
t ank
c:>page 224, fig. 191 and carefully tw ist
t he cap coun ter- clockwise
c:> .&, .
~ Ad d coo lant mixed in the correc t ra tio
c:> page 224, Coolant up to the MAX marking .
~ Make sure that the fl uid leve l remains stab le.
Add more coo lant if necessary.
~ Twist the cap o n again tightly.
Rep lacement engine coo lant must confo rm to ex
act specifications
c> page 224, Coolant.
We recommend using only coo lant add it ive G1 2+
+ , G 13 or in an emergency G12+. Do
not use a
different additive. In an emergency use p lain wa
ter unt il you can get the correct add itive and can
restore the correct ratio. This should be done as
soon as possib le.
If you have lost a considerab le amou nt of cool
ant, then you shou ld add cold antifreeze and co ld
water only whe n the eng ine is co ld.
Always use
new engine coo lant w hen refilling.
M N <( I.J "". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Brake fluid
Checking brake fluid level
Fig. 192 Engine compa rtment : cove r on the brake f luid
-N ,::
Before you check anything in the engine compart
always read and heed all WARNINGS
¢ A in Working in the engine comportment on
page 218.
.,. Read the brake fluid level from the brake fluid
¢ fig. 192, ¢page 220, fig. 188. The
brake fluid leve l must be between the "MIN"
and "MAX" markings .
The location of the brake f luid reservo ir can be
seen in the engine compartment illustration
¢page 220.
The fl uid level may drop slightly after some time
due to the automatic adjustment of the brake
pads. This is not cause for alarm.
I f the brake fluid level falls
considerably below
the "MIN" mark, the brake warning/indicator
1111 (U .S. models)/ . (Canadian models)
will come on ¢
page 14. Do not cont inue to oper
ate the vehicle . The complete brake system
should be thoroughly checked by an authorized
Audi dealer or other qualified facility and the cause corrected. If the brake fluid level is too low,
the brake warning/indicator light will illuminate.
Contact an authorized Audi dealer
immediately .
Changing brake fluid
Hove the broke fluid changed by on experienced
technician .
Brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air. If the
water content in the brake fluid is too high, cor-
Checking and Filling
rosion in the brake system may result after a peri
od of time. The boiling point of the brake fluid
will also decrease considerably and decrease braking performance .
T herefore, the brake fluid must be changed
two years.
Always use new brake fluid which con
forms to Federal Motor Vehicle Standard "FMVSS
116 DOT 4".
The brake fluid reservoir can be difficult to reach,
therefore, we recommend that you have the brake flu id changed by your authorized
dealer .
Your dea ler has the correct tools, the
right brake fluid and the know-how to do this for
you .
- Brake fluid is poisonous . It must be stored
only in the closed original conta iner out of
the reach of children!
- Brake failure can resu lt from o ld or inappro
p riate brake fluid. Observe these precau
- Use only brake fluid that meets SAE speci
J 1703 and conforms to Federa l
Motor Vehicle Standard 116. Always check
with your authorized Audi dealer to make
sure you are using the correct brake fluid .
The correct type of brake flu id is also ind i
cated on the brake fluid reservoir.
- The brake fluid must be new. Heavy use of
the brakes can cause a vapor lock if the
brake fluid is left in the system too long.
T his can seriously affect the efficiency of
the brakes as well as your safety. This
could result in an accident.
(D Note
Brake fluid will damage the paint of your vehi
@ For the sake of the environment
Because of the problem of prope r disposal of
brake fluid as well as the special tools re
quired and the necessary expertise, we rec
ommend that you have the brake flu id
changed by your authorized Audi dealer.
Technical data
Vehicle identification
F ig. 22 4 Vehicl e Ide ntificat io n Number (VlN) plate: loca ·
t io n on drive r's s id e das h pane l
CD+ ~t :1:: xxxxxxxx xx x xxxxxxxx
T VP /fffl XXX XXX
®i ~:J ·f lfils~~ XXXX XXX XXX
®-+ ~N:a=i~ l xxxx ; xxxx xxx ; xx
E0 A
7D5 4UB 6XM 5SG 5RW
2EH J0Z lLB l
A S lB A
F0A 9G3 0G7
T L6 3KA 8EH Ul A X98 QZ7
l X W 803 908 824 020
7T6 CV7 7K0 4X3 2K2
3L4 4KC 3Y0 413
lSA 7GB 01A 4G0
XX. X XX X XX X xxxx
Fig. 225 T he veh icle iden ti fica tion label -inside the lug ·
g age compart ment
Vehicle Identification Number (VlN )
The Veh icle Iden tifica tion Number is located in
d iffe rent p laces:
- u nder the w indshield on the dr iver's side
¢ fig . 224.
-in the MMI: Select: Funct ion button ICAR I >
(Car )* syste ms> Servi cing & checks > VIN
~ numb er.
i3 -on the vehicle identification label.
"". rl I.O
"' N I.O rl
Technical d ata
Vehicle identification label
The vehicle identification label is lo cate d in the
lu ggage compartment in the spare whee l we ll.
T he labe l¢
fig. 225 shows the fo llowing vehicle
da ta:
(D Vehicle Ident ificat ion Number (VIN)
@ Vehicle type , engine o utp ut, transmission
® Engine and transm iss ion code
@ Paint number and interior
® Optional equipment numbers
T he information of the veh icle identification label
c a n a lso be fo und in your W arranty
& Mai nte·
nance booklet.
Safety compliance sticker
The safety compliance sticker is you r assurance
that your new vehi cle complies w ith all applicable
Fede ra l Mo tor Vehi cle Safety Sta ndards which
were in effec t at the time the vehicle was m anu
fac tured. Yo u can find this sticker on the door
jamb on the driver 's side. It shows the month and
year of production and the vehicle identification number of your vehicle (perforation) as we ll as
the Gross Veh icle Weight Rating (GVWR) and the
Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR).
H igh vo ltage warn ing lab el
T he high voltage wa rning label is located in the
engine compartment next to the eng ine hood re
lease. The spark ign it ion system complies with
t h e Canadian standard ICES-002 .
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
The Gross Vehicle Weight Rat ing (GVWR), and
the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) for front
and rear are listed on a st icker on the door jamb
on the dr iver 's side.
The Gross Vehicle Weight Rat ing includes the
weight of the basic vehicle plus f ull fuel tank, oil
and coolant, pl us maxim um load, which includes
passenger weigh t (150 lbs/68 kg per design ated
seat ing pos ition) and luggage weight ¢.&, . ..,,.