Driver information display
Driver information display
General notes
The driver information display inside the instrument
cluster provides you, the driver, with much useful infor
Fig. 8 Instrument
cluster: center display
Information from the driver information system is shown in the
display in the center of the instrument cluster.
When you turn on the ignition and while you are driving, some func
tions and vehicle components are scanned for their operating status. Malfunctions or required service procedures are signaled audibly and
shown by red and yellow lighted symbols and reminders to the driver
in the display.
The driver is also shown information about radio and CD operation
and directions for the navigation system*. You can find additional
information on these subjects in the MMI manual.
The illustrations in the instrument panel display differ in some of the
The driver information system provides the following functions: Sound system display
Outside air temperature
Digital speedometer
Open door- and luggage compartment warning
Service interval display
Auto Check system
Driver information
Speed warning
Trip computer
------- ---.,
::>page 19
=>page 19
=> page20
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=> page26
=> page26
=> page22
_ _.
Gearshift selector positions Automatic transmis-=> page 149
[I] Tips
In the event of a malfunction either a red or yellow icon appears in the
display . Red symbols indicate
Danger=> page 27. Yellow symbols
indicate a
Warning => page 31. •
Driver information display
tion. If the trip is interrupted for more than 2 hours the memory is
reset automatically.
Total-trip memory (Trip computer 2)
Unlike the single-trip memory, the total-trip memory is not reset
automatically. Th is permits you to evaluate your driving data for the
entire pe riod between manual resets. •
The trip computer is controlled by two switches on the
windshield wiper lever.
Fig. 18 Windshield
wiper l ev er : controls
for th e trip comput er
- Pushthefunctionselectorswitchupordown @~fig.18 .
This will cause the five distinct trip computer functions to
be displayed one after another.
The trip computer will not operate unless the ignition is on. When you
turn on the ignition, the function that was in use when yo u last tu rned
the ignition off will be d isplayed.
In addition to information on the on-board computer (on-board
computer 1 or 2), the dig ital speedometer a nd information regarding
the navigation system* can also be displayed. To switch the display
between the different information, tap the Reset button@ briefly.
Setting values to zero
To delete one current value from the trip computer, select the
desired function and press the Reset button @ for at least one
second. The following values can be set to zero
individually using the
Reset button:
• Average fuel mileage
• Average speed
• Elapsed time
• Distance
In addition,
all the values in the single-trip or the total-trip memory
can be deleted simultaneously=>
page 24.
[ i ] Tips
All stored values will be lost if the vehicle battery is disconnected. •
Basic Settings for the trip computer
The MMI* or the radio operating unit is used for setting
the trip computer's basic settings .
-Select: Function button [CARI> Instrument cluster > On-
board computer 1
or On-board computer 2.
Th e values in the single-trip or the total-trip memory can all be reset
to zero at the same time under
Reset in the menu.
In addition, you can determine what information from the trip
computer should be shown in the instrument cluster display. If one
of the pieces of driver information is turned
off , that driver informa
tion will not be shown in the display. The info rmation w ill continue to
be calculated by the trip computer and can be turned back
on at any
time. •
ffl..__A_ d_a_ p,__ t_iv _ e_ c_r _ u _i _ s _e _ c_o _n _ t_ r_ o_ l ___________________________________________ _
Applie s to vehicles : w ith a daptiv e cr uise co ntrol
Display in the instrument cluster
Fig. 12 2 D ispla y in
the instrum ent clu ster
Scroll throug h the available information displays by briefly tapping
[ RESE T] button at the end of the windshie ld wiper lever . You can
select information from the tr ip computer, navigation sys tem * or
adaptive cruise contro l.
@ Vehicle symbol
@ Distance
© Status
© Vehicle symbol
Th e veh icle symbol i ndicates w hether the sys tem has de te ct ed an
object traveling in front .
• Vehicle outline : Open road, no vehicle ahead .
• White v ehicl e: A vehicle is detected ahead.
• Red vehicle : Request for driver to ass ume control.
® Distance
Us ing the a rrows and scale, you can detect how far it is to the vehi cle
in front of you.
• Open road : No arrow appears when the ve hicle is o n an o pen road
and there is no ve hicle ahead.
• Driving in t raffic : If a vehicle is detected ahead, the arrow moves
on t he sc ale. The g ree n area represents the distan ce set . When
approaching slow ly, the arrow moves from the
gray zone to the green
zone on the scale .
• Request for driver to as sume control: When approach ing rapidly,
the arrow serves as an early warning signal. If the distance selected is
exceeded or poss ibly no t reached, t he arrow moves in to the
red z o ne
on the scale. In certain driving s ituations , you as the driver wi ll have
t o take action =>
page 126, "Driver in tervent io n prompt".
@ Status
• T he text ACC OFF appea rs in w hite le tters whe n ad apt ive cr uise
control is turned off.
• T he text
ACC AVAILABLE appears in wh ite lette rs when the
system is turned on but no desired speed has been set .
• T he text
OVERRIDE appears in white letters when you exceed the
desired speed by accelerating .
• T he text
DISTANCE! appears in red letters when the interval to a
vehicle traveling ahead is too short and you have to slow your vehicle
add itionally with the foot brake .
• T he te xt messages
DISTANCE 1 to DISTANCE 4 appea r in green
letters to indicate the time i nterval you have set and adaptive cruise
control is in manageme nt mode .
• If the driving program "standard" is replaced by "comfort" or
"dynam ic" usin g the MM I, the above text message is supp lemen ted
by an appropriate prompt, e .g .
Fuses and bulbs -________________ Ef"I
No. Consumer
6 Rear Seat Entertainment supply
7 Parking system
8 Not used Electromechanical park ing brake switch
1 0 Aud i side assist
11 Rear sea t heating
12 Terminal 15 control modules
Fuse panel E (black)
1 Not used
2 Not used
3 DSP amplifier, radio
4 M MI
5 Radio/navigation/cell phone prep
6 Rearview c
amer a
7 No t used
8 Not used
9 Not use d
10 Not used
11 N
ot used
1 2 N ot used
Safety first
20/ 30
Replacing bulbs
F or your safety, we recommend that you have your autho
ri zed Audi dealer replace any bulbs for you.
It is becoming increasingly more and more diff icult to rep lace vehicle
ligh t bulbs since in many cases, other parts o f the car must fi rst be
removed before yo u are able to get to the bulb . This applies especially
to the light bu lbs in the front of your car which you can on ly reach
throug h the engi ne compartment .
Sheet meta l and bu lb holders can have sharp edges that can ca use
ser ious cuts, parts must be co rrectly t aken ap art and the n properly
put back together to he lp prevent breakage of parts and long term
d am age fro m water t hat c an enter housings that have no t been p rop
erly resea led.
For your safety, we recommend that you have you r authorized Audi
dealer replace any bulbs fo r you, since yo ur dealer has t he p roper
too ls, the correct bu lbs and the expertise.
Gas discharge lamp s (Xenon light s)* :
Due to the high electr ica l voltage , have the bulbs replaced by a qual
ified technicia n. Hea dlights w ith Xenon light are ident ified by the
high voltage sticker .
Changing Xenon lamps w ithout the necessary equipment can
cause serious personal injury.
• Bulbs are pressur ized and can explode when being changed.
Potential risk of injury !
• On vehicles equipped with gas discharge bulbs (Xenon light )*
lif e-threatening injurie s can re sult from improper handling of the
high- voltage port ions of such lamps ! .,_
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data