Driver information display
Applies to veh icles : w ith defective lig ht bulb warning
Defective light bulb warning
The defective light bulb warning monitors the function of
the light bulbs in the vehicle.
T he defect ive light bulb war ning moni tors t he f unct io n of the light
bulbs. If a defective light b ulb is detected, or if a light bu lb has
burned o ut, a ye llow sym bol appe ars as we ll as a not ifica tion th at
shows which light bulb is defective .
Defective bulb~
If this symbol I") lights up, a t urn signa l (front or rear), a head lamp, a
bra ke light, t he b ack-up light, a fog l amp o r a rear fog lamp h as
fa iled.
• Light bulbs are unde r pre ssure and can explode when bulbs are
replaced - risk of injury.
• With gas-discharge lamp s* (xenon headlights ), the high
voltage component must be handled appropriately . Doing other
wise poses a risk of death!
[I] Tips
Have an aut horized Audi dealer or other q ualified workshop perform
t he rep lacement or the rep air .•
Windshield washer fluid level too low o
- Plea se refill washer fluid
If the symbo l illum inates, add w indshield washer f lu id to the washer
system and a lso to the headlight w asher system =>
page 295. •
Fuel supply too low )
When the symbol illum inates, this means t here are about 2.1
ga llons (8 l ite rs) of f ue l left in the f uel t ank. T ime to re fuel!
=>page 275.
If the symbol lights up, even when there is ample fue l in the tank, an d
the text
appea rs in the disp lay, there is a fa ult in the system. Contact a quali
fied wo rkshop to have t he fa ult rectified. •
Applies to veh icles: with ba ttery voltage warn ing
Battery voltage 0
If battery powe r d rops into the range where it can lim it the ability of
the engine to start, t his the symbol ~ appears in the i nstr ument
cl uste r d isp lay with the following driver message
battery charge low:
Indicates charging by being driven .
While this driver not ification is displayed, you have to be prepa red for
limited sta rting ca pability.
Driver message appears and goes out again
If th is drive r mess age appears a fter the igni tion i s tur ned o n or whil e
dr iving and it goes o ut agai n after a while, the battery has been
a de qua tely rech arged.
Driver message appears and does not go out again
If th is dr iver no tifi cati on appears after the ign it ion is tu rned on o r
w hil e driving and does not go out again, the battery 's state of charge
is not in th e o ptim al r ange. Startin g cap abili ty is rest ric ted. H ave t he
battery c hecked at an a uth orized A udi dea ler or othe r qua lified work
shop as soon as possible. •
Power top
Power top
Automatic power top
General information
The soph isticated des ign of the fab ric power top allows you to
operate it eas ily and quickly. You can open and close the power top
w hile dr iv ing as long as the vehicle is t raveling below 30 mph. When
open, the power top is stored in a specia l compartment which is
equipped wi th a cover.
Under normal cond it io ns, t he power top is wi nd- and waterproof. In
ra re cases, small droplets o f water may form under extreme weather
condi tions such as tor rential o r prolonged ra in. That is norma l and no
cause for concern.
Follow t he main tenance ins truct ions to main tain t he attra ctive
appea rance of the convert ib le and to ensu re t hat it does not leak
~ page 2 63, "P ower top care". A lso obse rve the follow ing :
• Only o pen and close t he power top when it is clea n. Shar p-edged
part icles of d irt ca n scratch the rear window when the power top is
folde d and can c ause abras ion th at resul t in damage to the p ower top
over time . You should a lso remove ice and snow before opening the
powe r top.
• Never remove snow and ice w ith sharp-edged ob jects. Yo u can
remove ice fr om the re ar w indow with a st and ard i ce s crap er.
• You shou ld only open the powe r top when it is comp lete ly dry.
Ope ning the power top and stow ing i t in the compartmen t when it is
wet can cause marks on the top that detract from its appearance.
Mi ldew can als o fo rm if the power top is s towed for an exte nded
period of time when it is wet.
• Do not leave the powe r top open fo r seve ral weeks at a t ime .
Always close it between uses to prevent disco loration and creases
fr om f orming. Thi s is especi ally impo rtan t if it was not comple tely dry
w hen stowed. •
Ope ning or clos ing the power top in temperatures be low 32 °F
(0 °C) is not recommended because the flexib ility of the fabr ic
decreases is sub- zero tempe ratu res.
• When operating the power top, make sure the function is not
affe cted by wind or other factors and that it does not interfere
with other drivers .
• Never drive when the power top is not lo cked correctly . The
wind from driving could cause the power top to open . This can
result in injuries and damage to the vehicle.
• When opening and closing the power top, make sure no one
will be injured by the supports and other moving part s.
• Ope rating the power top reduces the headroom in the rear of
the vehicle. Make sure there is enough clearance between the rear
passenger and the power top when opening and closing it.
• When operating the power top, visibility to the rear is limited.
Avo id operating the top while driving in reverse.
0 Note
• Always make sure there is enough clearance above the vehicle so
t he power top is not dam age d when opening a nd clos ing it .
• Do not store any objects in the power top compartment to avoid
damage whe n open ing the to p.
[ i ] Tips
• T o prevent the batte ry from d ischarging, do not o pe n or close the
power top repeatedly when the engine is sw itched off . .,
__________________________________ F_ u_ e _ l_s _u ..., P....:- P .... LY =-- a_ n_ d_ f_ i_ l _li _n _,g:...:::; y_o_ u_ r_f_ u _ e_ l_ ta _ n_k __ ,n
To avoid fuel s pillin g or evapo ra ti ng from t he f uel tank a lways clos e
f ue l cap pr oper ly and compl etely.
Improper refueling or handling of fuel can cause fire, explosion
and severe burns.
• Fuel is highly flammable and can cause severe burns and other
• Failure to shut the engine off while refueling and/or to insert
the pump nozzle fully into the fuel filler neck could cause fuel to
spray out of filler neck or to overflow. Fuel spray and overflowing
fuel can cause a fire.
• Never use a cellular telephone while refueling. The electromag
netic radiation can cause sparks that can ignite fuel vapors and
cause a fire.
• Never get back into your vehicle while refueling. If in excep
tional circumstances you must get back in your vehicle while refu
eling, make certain that you close the door and touch metal to
discharge static electr icity before touching the filler nozzle again .
Static electricity can cause sparks that can ignite fuel vapors
released during refueling.
• Never smoke o r have an open flame anywhere in or near your
vehicle when refueling or filling a portable fuel container.
• For your safety , we strongly recommend that you do not travel
with a portable fuel container in your vehicle. The container, full or empty may leak and could cause a fire, especially in a crash.
• If, under except ional circumstances, you must transport a
portable fuel container , please obser ve the following:
- Never fill a portable fuel container while it is anywhere in or
on the vehicle (for example, in the luggage compartment, or
on the trunk ). Static electricity can build up while filling and
can ignite fuel vapors causing a fire.
- Always place a portable fuel container on the ground before
Safety first
& WARNING (co ntinued )
-Alw ays keep the filler nozzle completely inside the portable
container before and during filling.
- If filling a portable container made of metal, the filler nozzle
must always be in contact with the container . Th is will help
prevent static electricity from discharging and cause a fire.
- Never spill fuel inside the veh icle or luggage compartment .
Fuel vapors are highly flammable.
- Always observe local and state/provincial laws regarding the
use, storage and transportation of fuel containers.
- Make certain the fuel containe r meets industry standards
(ANSI/ ASTM F8S2-86).
0 Note
If any f uel has spilled onto the ca r, it should be remove d immed iate ly
to prevent damage to the paint.
As soon as the co rrectly operated nozzle switches off a utomat ica lly
for t he firs t time, the tan k is full. Do no t try to ad d mo re fuel because
fue l may spill ou t. In addi tion, the ex pansion space in the fuel tank
will be fi lled - causing the fue l to overf low w hen it becomes warm and
poll ute the enviro nmen t.
(I] Tips
• Runn ing your engi ne while re fuelling may c ause vapors to es cape
or even cause f uel to spill out of t he tank. This would then shut off the
fue l no zzle before the tank is full.
• Do not ref ue l your veh icle with t he ignit io n turned on . T he fuel
gauge may o therwise no t ind ica te t he correct f ue l level af ter refuel-
ling . .,_
Vehicle care Technical data
___________________________________________ C_ h _ e_c _k _ i_n -=g .._ a_n _ d_ f_i _ll _i _ n -=g '-- ....... JIII
& WARNING (continued)
• Before disconnecting the battery, switch off the anti-theft
alarm system! Otherwise you will set off the alarm.
• When disconnecting the battery, first disconnect the negative
cable and then the positive cable.
• Before reconnecting the battery, make sure all electrical
consumers are switched off. Reconnect the positive cable first and
then the negative cable. Never interchange the cables -this could
start a fire!
• Never charge a frozen or a thawed-out battery. It could
explode! If a battery has frozen, then it must be replaced. A
discharged battery can freeze over at 32°F (0°C).
• Make sure the vent hose is always attached to the opening on
the side of the battery.
• Never use batteries which are damaged. There is the danger of
an explosion! Always replace a damaged battery.
California Proposition 65 Warning:
• Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead
and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of California
to cause cancer and reproductive problems. Wash hands after
0 Note
• Do not disconnect the vehicle battery when the ignition is
switched on or when the engine is running, otherwise, you will
damage electronic components in the electrical system.
• If your vehicle is going to stand for a long period of time without
being driven, protect the battery from "freezing", otherwise it will be
damaged and will then have to be replaced. •
Vehicle OP-eration
Battery charging
Starting the engine requires a well charged battery.
Fig. 225 Engine
compartment: Connec
tors for charger and
jumper cables
Always read and heed all WARNINGS below::::;, & and::::;, &
in "Working on the battery" on
page 292.
-Turn off the ignition and all electrical consumers.
- Make sure the area is well ventilated when you charge the
battery .
- Open the engine hood ::::;,
page 2 79.
- Remove the cover over the positive terminal in the plenum
- Open the red cover on the positive pole::::;, fig. 225.
- Connect the charger connectors according to the instruc-
tions to the jump start bolts . (Bolts under the red cover=
"pos itive", Bolts with hex head = "negative").
- Only now plug the mains lead for the charging equipment
into the wall outlet and turn it on::::;, &.
- Make sure the charging rate is not over 30 arnps/14.8
Volt. ....
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
lffll __ C_ h_ e_c _k _i _ n _g ~ a_n _d_ f_il _l_in _ g _________________________________________ _
- When the battery is fully charge d: T urn th e charg ing
equ ipment off an d remove the ma ins lea d from t he wall
ou tle t.
- Now remove the clamps for th e ch ar ging equip men t.
- Close the red cover o n the posit ive po le.
- Close the hood
=:> page 280 .
A discharged battery can freeze at tempe ra tu res of only 3 2 °F ( 0 °C) .
Allow a froze n battery to thaw comp lete ly before attempt ing to
charge it~ & . H owever, we recommend not using a thawed batte ry
again because the battery casing can be c rack ed d ue to ice format ion
and can lea k battery acid.
Battery charging (Maximum charging rate of 30
amps/14.8 Volt)
Wh en charging a t /ow voltages (e.g. with a trickle charger), t h e
battery cables do not have to be disconnected first. The battery caps
should not be opened w hen c ha rging a ba ttery.
It is not necessary to remove the battery from the luggage compart
me nt.
Fast charging the battery (charging rate above 14.8
For technical reasons do not use a battery cha rger that uses voltage
grea ter than 14.8 Vol ts to cha rge yo ur vehicle's batte ry.
Charging a battery can be dangerous .
• Always follow the operating instructions provided by the
battery charger manufacturer when charging your battery .
• Never charge a frozen battery . It may explode because of gas
trapped in the ice. Allow a frozen battery to thaw out first.
& WARNING (c on tinued )
• Do not reuse batteries which were frozen. The battery housing
may have cracked and weakened when the battery froze.
• Charge the battery in a well ventilated area. Keep away from
open flame or electr ical spark . Do not smoke . Hydrogen gas gener
ated by the battery is explosive .
• To reduce the danger of explosion, never connect or disconnect
charger cable s while the charger i s operating.
• Fast charging a battery is dangerous and should only be
attempted by a competent technician with the proper equipment .
• Battery acid that may spill during charging should be washed
off with a solution of warm water and baking soda to neutralize
the ac id.
0 Note
N ever use a fast charger as a booster to start the engine. This w ill seri·
ously d amage sens it ive e lec tronic components, suc h as con trol units,
re lays, rad io, etc., as well as t he battery charger. •
Battery replacement
Th e ne w batt ery m us t hove the s ome speci fic ati ons and
d imensio ns as the origi nal e quip ment battery.
Inte lligent e ne rgy management in yo ur vehicle is respo nsib le for
dis tribu ting the elec trical energy througho ut yo ur vehicle
~ page 247. The intelligent energy management system will keep
t he e ngine bat tery ch arged bette r then vehicles wi thou t this syste m.
T o make sure the addi tional e lectr ica l energy is available once aga in
after you have changed the batte ry, we recommend that yo u inst all
batter ies of the same type a nd m anuf actu re only ( the same as t hose
installed at the time yo ur vehicle was delive red). Specificat ions are
listed o n the batte ry hous ing . You r a utho rized Audi dealer w ill then
code the battery management control unit. .,_
,..,___E_ m_ e_r -=g :.. e_ n_c -=y '-- s_i_t _u _a _ t_ i_ o _ n_ s ____________________________________________ _
& WARN ING (con tin ue d)
• Before you che ck anything in the engine compartment, always
read and heed all WARNINGS~
page 272, "Engine compart
ment ".
0 Note
• App lying a higher vo ltage booster battery will cause expens ive
damage t o sens it ive e lec tron ic compone nts, such as contro l units,
re lays, rad io, etc.
• The re must be no elect rical contact between the veh icles as othe r
w ise current could already start to flow as soon as the pos it ive( +)
t erminals a re connected.
[ i ] Tips
Th e d ischarged ba ttery mus t be p roper ly connec ted to t he veh icle's
electrical system. When jump starting or charging the battery , never
conne ct the negative grou nd ca ble to the ba ttery negative post
because the battery manager system must be ab le to detect the
ba ttery's state of charge. A lways connec t the negat ive g round cable
to the negative ground post of t he battery manager cont rol un it .•
Use of jumper cables
fvf ake sure t o con nect the j umpe r ca ble clam ps i n ex a ctly
the order describ ed belo w!
Fig. 248 Engine
comp artment : Co nnec
t o rs f or jump er cabl es
a nd c harger
Fig . 249 Jump
sta rtin g with the
b at tery of another
ve hicle :@ disc harge d
v ehicle battery ,©
bo oste r battery
The procedure descri bed below for con nec ting ju mper cables
is i nten ded to prov ide a jump start for your veh icle .
Vehicle with discharged battery:
-Turn off lights and accesso ries, move l ever of au to m atic
tra nsmi ssio n to
N (Ne utr al) or P (Park) an d se t parking
bra ke .
___________________________________________ A_ l::.. p _h _a_ b_ e_t _ic _a_ l_ in_ d _ e_x __ _
Auto Lock .. .. ... ..... ... ... ... .. .. .. 41
Auto Safety Hotline ... ... ... . .. ..... 185
Auto-Check Control .. ..... ... .... ... .. 26
Automatic belt retractor .......... ... 195
Automatic car wash See Washing ......... .... .. .... . 261
Automatic climate control . . . . . . . . . 88, 9S
Automatic driving light control ......... 62
Automatic power top ..... .. .. .. .... .. SO
Automatic Shift Lock (ASL) ... .. .. 150, 158
Automatic transmission 6-speed automatic transmission ... . 148
Automatic Shift Lock (ASL) .... 150, 158
Driving ...... ...... .. .. .. .. .. .. . 148
Dynamic shift program ... .... .. ... 151
Emergency release ............. .. . 154
Emergency release for selector lever
(mu ltitron ic®) ............... .. . 161
Fail-safe mode .............. 153, 161
Kick-down ...................... 151
Manual shift program ............. 152
multitronic ® ..................... 155
Selector lever ........... .. .. 149, 157
Shift buttons ....... .. .. .... 153, 160
Steering wheel with tiptronic ® . 153, 160
Automatic wipe/wash system .......... 69
Average speed .. ....... .... .. .. .. .. .. 22
Avoid damaging the vehicle .. .. .. .. .. . 251
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
... .. ... ... ................. 291
Charging . .. .. .. .... .. .. ... ... .. . 293
Important warnings when work ing on the
battery ..... ........... ...... .. 292
Jump starting . ........... ........ 333
Low ... .. .. .. .... .... .. ......... 247
Replacing the battery .. .. .. .... ... 294
State of charge ..... .. ... ...... .. 247
Winter operation ..... ..... ....... 291
Working on the battery .... .... .... 292
Battery voltage .. ........... ...... .. . 34
Before driving .. ... .... .. .. .. .. ..... 177
Belt positioner .. .. .... .. ... ... ..... 194
Blended gasoline ................ ... 27 4
Body cavity sealing . ................. 267
Booster seats ... .. ...... .. ......... 230
Brake assist ..................... ... 245
Brake booster . ........ ... .......... 244
Brake fluid
Changing the brake fluid ........... 290
Checking the brake fluid level ..... .. 290
Reservoir .. .. .. .... .... ......... 290
What is the correct brake fluid level? . 290
What should I do if the brake fluid warning light comes on? . ... ... .......... 290
Brake system .. .. .. ..... .... ........ 290
Anti-lock brake system . .. .......... 16
Brake fluid ... .... ............... 290
Brake fluid specifications for refill and
replacement ................... 290
Brake light defective ....... .... ... . 34 Brake pads
.. .. .... ..... .... .... . 251
Electromechanical parking brake .... 110
General information .............. 243
How does moisture or road salt affect the
brakes? ... .... .............. .. 243
Malfunction .............. .... .. .. 28
Warning/indicator lights ....... .. .. 17
Worn brake pads symbol ........... 33
Braking guard
See Audi braking guard ............ 129
Break-in period ... .. .. .............. 250
Brake pads .. ...... ........... .. . 251
Tir es ... .. .. ................. .. . 250
Bulbs ................ .. .... .... .. . 331
California Proposition 65 Warning .. ... 281
Battery specific .................. 293
Capacities ......................... 342
Car care .. .... .............. ...... . 260
Interior ............ .. .. .. .. .. .. . 268
Plastic and vinyl .... ............. . 264
Weatherstrips ............ .. .. .. . 266
Care of exterior ... .... .. . .. .. .. .. .. . 260
Cargo area
See Loading the luggage compartment ..
Catalytic converter .. ..... ........... 251
Certification ......... .............. 346
Changing a flat tire .. ................ 320
Changing a wheel ...... ...... .... .. . 320
Changing engine oil ... .. .. ......... . 285
Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data