Warning light in the instrument cluster display-1-
If the _L warning light in the i nstrument clus ter display flashes, this
can mean one of two things: either the coo lant
temperature is too
high, or the coolant
level is too low ~ page 29.
If the needle is well in the uppe r area of the gauge, the coo lant
temperature is too high.
Stop the vehicle, switch the engine off, and
allow it to cool.
If th e war ning light comes o n ag ain af ter driv ing a
short distance, contact an author ized Aud i dea ler or othe r qualified
wor ksh o p.
• Alway s observe the warn ing in :::} page 272, "Engine compart·
ment ", before opening the hood and checking the engine coolant
• Never open the engine hood if you see or hear steam, or if you
s ee engin e coolant dripping from the engine compartment. You
could burn yourself . Let the engine cool off first so that you cannot
hear or see any steam or engine coolant .
0 Note
• Mounting add ition al lights o r accesso ries in fron t of the a ir inlets
reduces the cooling effect of the radiator . At high outside tempera
tur es o r high engine load, the eng ine could ove rhe at.
• The front spo iler has been designed to properly d istribute the
c oo lin g air when the vehicle is moving. If the sp oi ler is d amaged, this
co uld reduce the cooling eff ect and the eng ine could then overheat .
Ask your au thor ized A udi dealer for assis tance .•
Con tro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Tachometer (engine rev counter)
The tachomete r in dic ates t he engine RPM (revoluti ons
pe r mi nutes) .
If engine RPM drops below 1,500, you shou ld downsh ift to the next
lower ge ar. T he red area at the end of the s cale i ndi cates max imum
permissible engine RPM after the brea k-in per iod. Before reaching
t his area, move t he selector lever to po sition "D (Dr ive)" or ease yo ur
foot off t he accelerator pedal.
0 Note
T he tachometer needle @~ page 8, fig. 2 should o nly br iefly be in
t he red zone: yo u co uld damage your eng ine! T he beg inning of the red
zone varies depe nd ing o n the eng ine.
~ For the sake of the environment
Upshifting early saves fuel and redu ces engine noise .•
[S ET] button
You c an per form d iffere nt fu nctions with t his but ton.
Fig . 3 SET butto n in
the instrume nt clu ste r
Th e !SE TI bu tto n performs the fo llow ing f unct io ns:
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
Driver information displ ay
Digital speedometer
Fig. 11 Display:
Di gital speedomet er
Current speed appears in the display. Speed is shown in 1 mph incre
ments (USA models) or 1 km/h increments (Canada models).
You ca n sw itch the display from miles to kilometers and vice versa via
the MMI. •
Open door or trunk lid warning
The pictogram alerts you when doors or the trunk lid have
been left open.
Fig. 12 Disp lay : O pen
door- and tr unk li d
w arni ng
The Open Door/Trunk lid warning d isplays if even one door, the hood
or the trunk lid is open. This symbol also shows
which door or lid has
not been closed=> fig. 12.
As soon as the door, the hood and the trunk lid are closed properly, the door and trunk lid warn ing tu rns off and the selected dr iver info r
mation system functions are displayed again .•
Service interval display
The service interval display reminds you when your next
service is due.
Fig. 13 Display:
S ervic e in te rva l d isp lay
The schedule for the next oil change or inspection is calculated auto
matically and displayed accordingly . The disp lay works in two stages :
Service remind er
30 days before the next serv ice is due , a serv ice reminder appears in
the display when you turn on the ignition=> fig. 13.
After abo ut S seconds the d isp lay switches back to norma l. The
distance and time remaining are updated each t ime the ignition is
turned on until the date due for service is reached.
Ser vice due
When the due date for service is reached, the message Servic e due !
appears in the instrument cluster immediately after you turn on the ..,,
Parking brake Please get to a repair shop
- If this symbol appears when the vehicle is stationary or
after the ignition is turned on, check to see if the parking brake can be released. Drive to an authorized Audi dealer
or other qualified workshop as soon as possible and have
the malfunction corrected. If the parking brake cannot be
opened, then take it to an expert at an authorized Audi
- If the symbol appears while you are driving, it is possible
that the traction control or the emergency brake has
malfunctioned . It is possible that the parking brake
cannot be applied. It is also possible that the parking brake cannot be released after it has been applied. Drive
to an authorized Audi dealer or other qualified workshop
to have the malfunction corrected.
If the ABS system malfunctions, the ABS warning/indicator light illu
minates together with the brake system malfunction warning/indi
cator light=>&, .
• Always observe the warnings in=> page 2 72, "Engine compart
ment", before opening the hood and checking the brake fluid.
• Driving with low brake fluid is a safety hazard. Stop the car and
get professional assistance.
• USA models: If the BRAKE warning light and the P warning
light come on together, the rear wheels could lock up first under
hard braking. Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of vehicle control
and an accident. Have your vehicle repaired immediately by your
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop. Drive slowly and
avoid sudden, hard brake applications.
• Canada models: If the brake warning light (Ci)) and the ABS
warning light come on together, the rear wheels could lock up
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Driver information display
&, WARNING (continued)
first under hard braking. Rear wheel lock-up can cause loss of
vehicle control and an accident. Have your vehicle repaired imme
diately by your authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop.
Drive slowly and avoid sudden, hard brake applications. •
Engine cooling system malfunction _t_
A malfunction in the engine cooling system must be
repaired as soon as possible .
If the -~- symbol flashes in the display, either the engine
temperature is too high or the engine coolant level is
too low. A driver message appears as well to explain the
malfunction in more detail. The driver warning goes out after
about 5 seconds , but it can be brought up at any time by
pressing the
(SET] button again.
Switch off engine and check coolant level
- Pull off the road.
- Stop the vehicle.
- Turn off the engine .
- Check coolant level==>
page 287.
-Add coolant if necessary==> page 288.
- Continue driving only after the engine coolant
warning/indicator light goes out .
- Contact your authorized Audi dealer for assistance if
necessary .
If t he engine coolant level is correct, then the radiator fan may be the
cause of the malfunction .
Vehicle care Technical data
Driver information display
• If your vehicle should break down for mechanical or other
rea son s, park at a safe di stan ce from movin g traffic , turn off the
e ngine and turn on th e hazard warning lights =>
page 66, "Emer
gency fl ashe rs A ".
• Never open th e hood if you see or hear steam or coo lant
es caping from the engine compartment -you ri sk being scalded.
Wait until you can no longer see or hear steam or coo lant
• The engine compartment of any vehicle is a dangerous area .
Before you perform any work in the engine compartment, turn of
the engine and allow it to cool. Follow the warning stickers
=> page 2 72 , "Engine compartment" .
(D Note
Do not continue d riving if the _f_ symbol illuminates . There is a
ma lf u nction in the e ngine cooling system -you co uld damage you r
engine .•
Engine oil pressure malfunction "t::7:
The red engine oil pressure warning symbol r equires
imm ediat e service or repair . Driving with a low oil pres
sure indication is likely to cause severe engine damage.
If the ~ symbo l on the display flashes , th e eng ine o il pres
sure is too low . A driver message appea rs as well to exp lain
t h e malfunc tion in more detail. The driver warning goes ou t
a ft er a bout 5 seco nds, but it can be b roug ht up at a ny time by
p ressin g th e
(SET ] butto n again .
Switch off engine ! Oil pressure too low
-Sto p the veh icl e. - Tur
n the eng ine off.
- Chec k the engi ne oil level=>
page 284 .
-Contact your a uthor ized Audi dealer for assistance if
necessary .
Engine o il level too low
If the eng ine o il level is too low, add engine oil=> page 285 .
Engine oil level correct
If the symbo l~ flashes ev en though the eng ine oil leve l is cor rect,
please seek pro fessional assistance . Do not continue dr iv ing. Do not
leave t he e ngine runn ing
idle, either .
(I] Tips
• The engine oil pre ssure symbol ~ is not an indi cator for a low
engine oil level. Do not rely on it. Instead , check the oil level in your
engine at regular intervals, preferably each time you refuel, and
always before going on a long trip.
• The yellow oil level warning indication "" requires oil refill or
workshop service without delay. Do not wait until the red oil pre s
sure warning ~ starts to flash before you respond to the low oil
level warning ~ . By then, your engine may already h ave suffered
serious damage. •
Fill engine oil now~
~-Please repleni sh oil now
If the ~-symbo l ligh ts up, then t he oil has to be replen is hed right
now =>
page 285. •
Power locking system
General description
The power locking system locks or unlocks all doors and
the rear lid simultaneously.
You can lock and u nlock the ve hicle centrally. You have the following
• Remote master key::::>
page 42
• Door hand les with convenience key* => page 43,
• Lock cylinder at the driver's door ::::> page 44, or
• Powe r locking switch inside~
page 45.
Selecti ve unlocking
When they are closed, the door and rea r lid are locked . When
unlocking, you can set in the radio or in the MMI * whether
only the
dr ive r's door or th e entire vehicl e shou ld b e unloc ked::::>
pag e 42.
Automatic Locking
The automat ic lock ing feature locks all the veh icle doors and the rear
lid when you drive faster than 9 mph (15 km/h).
T he car is unlocked agai n once the ignit io n key is removed. I n add i
tion, the vehicle can be un locked if the open ing function in the power
lo cki ng sys tem swit ch o r at one of t he d oor leve rs is a ctuated. The
Auto Lock function can be turned on and off in the rad io or in the
~ page 42 .
Add itiona lly, in the event of a crash w ith a irbag dep loymen t the doors
are automatically u nlocked to allow access to the ve hicle .
Anti-theft alarm warning system
If the anti -theft alarm warning system detects a break-in into the
vehicle, acoustic and visual warning signals are triggered .
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Opening and closing
he anti-theft warning system is activated a utomat ica lly when you
lock the vehi cle. It is dea ctivated w hen unl ocking us ing t he
key ,
with the mechanical key , and when you switch on the ignition .
T he alarm a lso turns off when the alarm cycle has expired .
Turn signals
When you unlock the vehi cle, the tu rn s ignals flash twi ce , when yo u
lock it once . If they do not flash, one of the doors, the rear lid or the
hood is not locked.
Unintentionally Locking yourself out
In the following cases there safeguards to preve nt yo u loc king your
remote master key in the vehicle:
• The vehicle does not lock with the centra l locking sw itch
page 45 if the drive r's door is open.
• On vehicles with convenience key*, if the most recently used
master key is in the luggage compartment, the rea r lid is automati
ca ll y unlo cked again after it is closed;;;> page 46.
Do not lock yo ur vehi cle w it h t he remote m aster key u ntil all doors
and t he rear lid are closed . In this way you avoid locking yourself out
acc iden tally .
• When you leave th e vehicle, alwa ys remove the ignition key
and take it with you. Th is will prevent passengers (children , for
example ) from accidentally being locked in the vehicle should
they accidentally p ress the power locking switch in the front
door s.
• Do not leave child ren inside the vehicle unsupervised . In an
emergency it would be impossible to open the door s from the
outside without the key.
Vehicle care Technical data
- Press button m (@ ) to u nlo ck the ve hicl e=> page 42,
fig. 31 .
- Press button @(@ ) to lock the vehicle=> & in "General
description" on
page 41.
- Press button
- P ush the red
!PANIC] button( @) to activate the panic
funct ion . The horn sounds and the turn signals flash. Push
the red
[PANIC ] button aga in to deactivate the panic func
If the vehicle is unlocked and no door, the rear lid or the hood is
opened wit hin 60 seconds, the ve hicle locks itse lf aga in automat i
cally . This feature prevents the vehicle from being accidentally left
unloc ked over a long pe riod of t ime .
It depends on the set tings in the radio or in the MMI* whether the
entire vehicle is unlocked or on ly certain doors:::,
page 42.
On vehicles with automatic transm ission*, the se lector lever must be
in the P position , otherwise the vehicle cannot be locked .
Read and follow all WARNINGS :::, & in "Gene ral de scription " on
page 41.
[I) Tips
• In orde r to make sure the locking funct ion is wo rking, you should
always keep your eye on the vehicle to make sure it is proper ly locked.
• Do no t use the remo te con tro l if you are inside the car, o therwise
yo u may un inten tionally lock the veh icle, and then you would set
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
ening and closing
the a nti-theft alarm when you try to start the engine or open a door .
In case t his happens any how, p ush t he unlock button
• Use the panic function on ly if you are in an emergen cy si tuat ion. •
App lies to veh icles : w ith conven ience key
Locking and unlocking with convenience
The doors and the rear lid can be unlocked and locked
without operating the master key.
Unlocking vehicle
F ig. 3 2 Convenie nce
k ey: Unlo ckin g vehi cle
doo r
F ig. 33 Co nvenie nce
k ey: loc kin g the
- Take hold of the door han dle . The door is unlocked auto -
matically .
Vehicle care Technical data
-~_C_ le_ a_n_ i_ n_ g=- a_ n_d___. p_ ro_ t_e _c_ t_ i_o _n ___________________________________________ _
& WARNING (conti nu ed )
• Alway s read and heed all WARNINGS and other information
~ page 260 .
0 Note
• N ever try to remove dirt, mud o r d ust if the su rface of the vehicle
is dry . Never use a dry cloth or sponge, since this could scratch your
veh icle's pai nt or windows.
• Never was h your car in bright sunlight . D rops of water act as
magni fyi ng lenses and may damage your pa int.
• When you was h yo ur c ar in the winter: i f you rinse your vehicle wit h
a hose, be care ful not to a im the stream of wate r d irectly at locks, or
at door or hatch openings -they can freeze shut.
• Never use sponges des igned to remove insects, or any kitchen
s co ur ing sponges or s imilar pro ducts. They can damage your paint
fin ish ,
• You shou ld remove debris (s uch as inse cts) from the he adlight
lenses on a regu lar bas is, for example when refuelling yo ur vehicle .
• N ever use a d ry cl oth o r sponge to clean t he he adlig hts . Only use
wet cloths or sponges to prevent scratches. It is best to use soapy
wate r.
~ For the sake of the environment
In the in terest o f th e envi ronme nt, the ve hicl e should o nly be washed
in special wash bays. •
Washing your vehicle with a power washer
Clea ning the ex teri or of y our c ar with a high- pre ssu re
po wer washer is safe as long as y ou obser ve a fe w sim ple
rul es.
- Before using the powe r washer, make su re you have read
a nd unders tood the WARN IN GS=>
& in "General info r
ma tio n" on
page 260.
- Alw ays fo llow t he operat ing i nst ructions fo r the powe r
- Make sure t hat the jet o n the spray hose produces a "fa n
shaped sp ray".
- Do
not ho ld t he spr ay no zz le too close t o sof t ma terials .
Never use a power wa sher to cl ean the powe r to p itself.
When cleaning the vehicle with a powe r washe r
always follow the
operat ing inst ruct ions . T his app lies part icu larly to the
pres sure
and the spraying distance. M ain tain a suff ic ient distance to
soft mater ia ls s uch as rubbe r hoses an d so und/v ibration deaden ing
m ater ials (pa rt icula rly on t he un derside o f th e e ng ine hood). Do not
use a jet which sprays water in a
direct stream or one that has a
rotating j et.
Water temperature s hou ld not exceed 140
°F (60 °().
Never wash tires with a jet that sprays water in a direct stream.
This could cause invisible damage to the tires and weaken them ,
even if the spray is from a relatively long distance and for a short
time . Damaged and weakened tires can fail and cause accident s
and personal injury . .,_
___________________________________________ C_ h _ e_c _k _ i_n -=g .._ a_n _ d_ f_i _ll _i _ n -=g '-- ........
Checking and filling
Engine hood
Releasing the engine hood
The engine hood is released from inside the vehicle.
- Open the driver's door.
Fig. 218 Driver's side
footwell : engine hood
release lever
- Pull the release lever on the left under the instrument
panel ::::, fig . 218 in the direction of the arrow.
The hood pops up slightly under spring pressure. •
Vehicle OP-eration
Opening the engine hood
Fig. 219 Release lever
under the engine hood
Before opening the engine hood, make sure that the wind
shield wipers are flat against the windshield. Otherwise, they
could damage the paint on the hood.
Pull up on the release under the hood::::, fig. 219 . This
releases the catch.
- Open the hood all the way::::,& .
Hot engine coolant can burn you.
• To reduce the risk of being burned, never open the hood if you
see or hear steam or coolant escaping from the engine compart
ment. Wait until no steam or coolant can be seen or heard before
carefully opening the hood. •
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data