2010 AUDI A5 CABRIOLET heater

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Page 90 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Warm  and  cold 
Warm  and  cold 
Deluxe  automatic  climate  control 
Applies  to  vehicles:  with  deluxe  automat ic  climate  cont ro l 
The climate  control  system  can be  used  to

Page 97 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Deluxe  automatic  climate  control 
A pplie s to v ehicl es: w ith d elu xe  auto matic  climate  control p lu s 
The air conditioner  is fully  automatic  and  is designed  to 

Page 282 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual -Checking  and  filling 
Closing  the  engine  hood 
-Pull  the  hood  down  until  the  pressure  from the struts  is 
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