Driver information displ ay
Digital speedometer
Fig. 11 Display:
Di gital speedomet er
Current speed appears in the display. Speed is shown in 1 mph incre
ments (USA models) or 1 km/h increments (Canada models).
You ca n sw itch the display from miles to kilometers and vice versa via
the MMI. •
Open door or trunk lid warning
The pictogram alerts you when doors or the trunk lid have
been left open.
Fig. 12 Disp lay : O pen
door- and tr unk li d
w arni ng
The Open Door/Trunk lid warning d isplays if even one door, the hood
or the trunk lid is open. This symbol also shows
which door or lid has
not been closed=> fig. 12.
As soon as the door, the hood and the trunk lid are closed properly, the door and trunk lid warn ing tu rns off and the selected dr iver info r
mation system functions are displayed again .•
Service interval display
The service interval display reminds you when your next
service is due.
Fig. 13 Display:
S ervic e in te rva l d isp lay
The schedule for the next oil change or inspection is calculated auto
matically and displayed accordingly . The disp lay works in two stages :
Service remind er
30 days before the next serv ice is due , a serv ice reminder appears in
the display when you turn on the ignition=> fig. 13.
After abo ut S seconds the d isp lay switches back to norma l. The
distance and time remaining are updated each t ime the ignition is
turned on until the date due for service is reached.
Ser vice due
When the due date for service is reached, the message Servic e due !
appears in the instrument cluster immediately after you turn on the ..,,
ignition. Additionally, a warning tone sounds. After about S seconds
the display switches back to normal.
Calling up the service schedules
If or when an oil change or inspection is due, can be shown in the
radio or MMI* display by selecting the service interval display in the
car menu. Select
I CAR]> Service interval display .
Resetting the service interval display
Your authorized Audi dealer will reset the corresponding service
schedule after performing the appropriate service on your vehicle.
You also have the possibility to reset the oil change schedule after
having performed an oil change according to Audi specifications .
I CAR]> Service interval display > Reset oil change interval.
0 Note
If you disconnect the battery termina ls, no calculat ions can be made
for the serv ice interval display dur ing this time and no service
reminder will appear. Remember that observing the proper service
intervals is vitally important to extending the life of your veh icle,
particularly the engine, and maintaining its value . Even if the mileage
dr iven is low, the maximum period of one year from one service to the
next must not be exceeded.
[ i J Tips
• Do not reset the display between oil changes, otherwise the
display will be incorrect.
• The information in the Service Reminder remains stored even
when the vehicle battery is disconnected .•
Con tro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
Driver information display
On-Board Diagnostic system (OBD)
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Malfunct ion Indicator Lamp (MIL) in the instrument cluster
page 12, fig. 7 is part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD II) system.
Th e warning/indicator light illuminates when the ignition is switched
on and goes out after the engine starts and the idle has stabilized.
This indicates that the MIL is working properly.
If the light does not go out after the engine is started, or illuminates
whi le you are driving, a malfunction may exist in the engine system.
If the light illuminates, the catalytic converter could be damaged.
Continue driving
with reduced power (avoiding sustained high
speeds and/or rapid accelerat ions) and have the condition corrected.
Contact your authorized Aud i dealer .
If the light illuminates, the electronic speed limiter may also be
malfunction ing. For more information=>
page 22, "Electronic speed
An improperly closed fuel filler cap may also cause the MIL light to
=> page 2 76. •
On-Board Diagnostics
Fig. 14 Location of
Data Link Connector
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
_________________________________________________ A_ u_d _ i_ s_id _ e_ a_s _s_ i_s _t __ ffl'II
- Pre ss th e b utton again . Th e ind icator light on the button
goes o ut.
The system works at speeds faster than 19 mph (30 km/h) .
• Improper reliance on the side assist system can cause collisions
and seriou s per sonal injury:
- Never rely only on side assist when changing lanes.
- Alway s check rear view mirrors to make sure that it is safe to
change lanes.
• Side assist cannot detect all vehicles under all condition s
danger of accident!
• Side a ssist cannot detect vehicle s
in time to alert you when
they approach from behind at very high speed , or fall drop bac;k
very quickly .
• The radar sensor's
vision can be reduced o r entirely blocked by
rain, snow, and heavy spray . Thi s can result in side a ssist not
adequately detecting vehicles o r, in some cases , not detecting
them at all. Always keep an eye on the direction you are traveling
and the relevant area around the vehicle.
• Plea se note that side assi st indi cates there are approaching
veh icles, or vehicles in your blind spot, only after your vehicle has
reached a driving speed of at lea st 19 mph (30 km/h).
• Side assist signal does not work around tight corners (turning
radius le ss than 328 feet or 100 m).
• Side assist is no replacement for the driver's full attention. The
driver alone is respon sible for lane changes and similar driving
maneuvers. Always keep an eye on the direction you are traveling
and the relevant area around the vehicle .
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
0 Note
• T
o ens ure t hat you do not adve rsely affec t side assist, do not blo ck
the area on the rear bumper where the radar sensors are located with
foreign obje cts (s uch as stickers or bicy cle ra cks).
• Make s ure that the s ignal light on the outside mirror is not
blo cked by st ickers or o ther ite ms.
W Tips
• Side assist a utoma tically deact iva tes if it de tects that the rada r
sensors are blocked =>
page 143. The indicator light on the button
goe s out.
• Th e area on the bumpe r w here the ra dar sensors are located must
c o nsistent ly remain free of snow, i ce, a nd heavy soiling so tha t side
assist can funct ion p roper ly. Follow the add itiona l notes on
page 1 4 3.
• Additiona l tint ing on the front si de windows can make it ha rder to
see and co rrec tly un ders t and t he sig nal ligh t on the outs ide m irro r.
• F or Declaration of Compliance to United States FC C and Industry
Cana da regulat ions=>
pag e 346. •
Applies to veh icl es: w ith s ide ass ist
Sensor detection area
Vehicle care
Fig . 141 Schem atic
ill ustration: Se nsor
detectio n area
Technical data
____________________________________________ C_l_e _a_ n_ i n--= g=--- a_n_ d----' p,__ r_o _t_ e_ c_ t_ i _o_ n __ _
detergent . Apply the water with a damp cloth or sponge and pat the
fabric dry with an absorbent, dry cloth.
Stains from chocolate or makeup should have detergent paste
rubbed into them. Afterwards, remove the soap with water (damp
Alcohol can be used to treat stains from grease, oil, lipstick or a ball
point pen . Melted grease or dye must be patted off using absorbent
material. It may be necessary to retreat the areas with detergent
paste and water.
I n the case of general soiling of the upholstery and cover mater ial, we
recommend hiring a specialist that has the equipment to clean the
seat covers and other fabric surfaces by shampooing and spray
Always read and heed all WARNINGS and the information
=>page 260.
[ i ] Tips
Open Velcro fasteners on your clothing can damage the seat cover.
Please make sure that Velcro fasteners are closed. •
Plastic parts and instrument panel
Always use a clean cloth moistened in clear water to clean these
areas. For persistent dirt use an Aud i approved
solvent-free plastic
Solvents can change the properties of some plastics and make it
harder for the airbag to deploy .
Safety first
& WARNING (continued)
• Never clean the instrument panel or the surface of airbag
modules with cleaning products that contain solvents.
• Products containing solvents will make the surface of this part
• Serious injuries can result if plastic parts come loose when the
a irba g is deployed.
• Always read and heed all WARNINGS and other information
=>page 260.
0 Note
Cleaning agents containing solvents will attack the material and can
change the way it behaves .•
Applies to vehicles: w ith na tur al leather
Natural leather
Audi makes great efforts to maintain the properties,
natural look and feel of interior leather.
We offe r many different types of leathe r on our veh icles. Most are
different types of nappa leather, which has a smooth surface and
comes in various colors.
Th e intensity of the colo r determines the visual cha racteristics and
appearance. If the surface of the leather has a typica l natural look,
then the leather is a nap pa leather that has been left in a relatively
natural condition. This leather offers particularly good comfort and
breathes well. Fine veins, closed grains, insect bites, skin folds, and
subtle variations in color remain visible. These characteristics demon
strate that the mater ial is natu ral.
Natural nappa leather is not covered by a color finish. It is therefore
more sensitive to soiling and wear, which is something you need to ..,_
Vehicle care Technical data
lffl) __ C_ h_ e_c _k _i _ n _g ~ a_n _d_ f_il _l_in _ g _________________________________________ _
Before you check anything in the engine compartment, always
read and heed all WARNINGS~
& in "Working in the engine
compartment" on
page 280. •
Engine oil
Engine oil specifications
The engine oil used in your Audi needs the right kind of oil.
The engine in your Audi is a sophisticated power plant that was built
to exacting specifications. This engine needs the right kind of engine
oil that meets specifications regarding quality and viscosity so that it
can run smoothly and reliably. Choosing the right oil and changing oil
within the time and mileage intervals printed in your vehicle 's
& Maintenance booklet matters a lot more today than it did
years ago. Audi has developed a special quality standard for engine oil
that will help assure that your vehicle 's engine will get the lubrication
it needs for proper operation .
Modern engine lubrication has taken a quantum leap in the last few
years. Many synthetic oils available today provide better engine lubri
cation that can outlast traditional petroleum-based oils, making
them a smart choice for use throughout the life of your Audi.
Whether you use synthetic or petroleum-based engine oil, the oil that
you use must conform to Audi's oil quality standard VW 502 00 to
help keep your vehicle's engine running smoothly and help prevent
the formation of harmful deposits , sometimes called "sludge", that
over time can lead to expensive repairs.
At the time of printing, engine oils available in the U.S. and Canada
that meet the exacting specifications of Audi oil standard VW 502 00
are synthetic engine oils. This does not mean, however, that every
synthetic engine oil will meet Audi oil standard VW 502 00. So always
be sure that you use an approved oil. To help prevent the formation of harmful deposits
use only oil with
the following specifications printed on the oil container:
Audi oil standard VW 502 00
Oil container labels may carry the specification singly or in combina
tion with other designations and oil quality standards.
Engine oils are graded according to their viscosity. The proper
viscosity grade oil for your engine depends on climactic or seasonal
conditions where you drive. You can use oil with a viscosity grade of
SAE 5W40 across all temperature ranges for normal driving condi
However, if engine oil viscosity grade SAE 5W40 is not available, you
can also use viscosity grade SAE 5W -30 or SAE OW -40 as long as it
meets Audi oil quality standard VW 502 00 specifications.
Because engine oil that meets the Audi oil standard may not be avail
able everywhere when you need it, we strongly recommend that you
always carry with you an extra quart (liter) of oil that expressly
conforms to the VW 502 00 specification, in case you have to top off
the oil while on the road.
Only if the level of the oil is at or below the minimum mark - and no
oil that expressly conforms to Audi oil standard VW 502 00 specifica
tions is available - may you top off with a high quality engine oil, pref
erably synthetic-based, that meets ACEA A3, ACEA AS or ACEA BS or
API SL specifications, but even then, only in viscosity grades SAE 5W-
40, SAE SW-30, or SAE OW-40 . However, during the entire time
between oil change intervals, never top off with more than a total of
0.5 qt/liter engine oil that does not conform to Audi oil specification
vw 502 00.
For more information about engine oil that has been approved for
your vehicle, please contact either your authorized Audi dealer or
Audi Customer Relations at 1 (800) 822-2834 or visit our web site at or www Here you will also find a
current list of oils (manufacturers, brand names etc.) that conform to
Audi oil standard VW 502 00. ._
_____________________________________________ C_h_ e_ c_k _in --= g=--- a_n_ d_ f_ i_ll _i_n __.g=-- -•
Changing the engine oil
The engine oil and oil filter must be changed according to the mileage
(kilometers) and time intervals specified in your vehicle's Warranty
Maintenance booklet. Do not exceed these intervals -harmful
deposits from old engine oil can reduce engine performance and can
lead to expensive engine repairs.
Changing the oil at the recommended intervals is so very important
because the lubricating properties of oil decrease gradually during
normal vehicle use. If you are not sure when you have your oil
changed, ask your authorized Audi Service Advisor .
Under some circumstances the engine oil should even be changed
more frequently. Change oil more often if you drive mostly short
distances, operate the vehicle in dusty areas or mostly under stop
and-go traffic conditions, or when you use your vehicle where temper
atures stay below freezing point for long periods.
Detergent additives in the oil will make fresh oil look dark after the
engine has been running for a short time. This is normal and is not a
reason to change the oil more often than recommended.
Damage or malfunctions due to lack of maintenance
It is essential that you change your oil at the recommended intervals
using only engine oil that complies with Audi oil standard
502 00 . Your Limited New Vehicle Warranty does not cover
damage or malfunctions due to failure to follow recommended main
tenance and use requirements as set forth in the Audi Owner's
Manual and Warranty
& Maintenance booklet. Your dealer will have
to deny warranty coverage unless you present to the dealer proof in
the form of Service or Repair Orders that all scheduled maintenance
was performed in a timely manner. •
Safety first
Engine oil consumption
The engine in your vehicle depends on an adequate
amount of oil to lubricate and cool all of its moving parts.
In order to provide effective lubrication and cooling of internal
engine components, all internal combustion engines consume a
certain amount of oil. Oil consumption varies from engine to engine
and may change significantly over the life of the engine. Typically,
engines with a specified break-in period (see~
page 250) consume
more oil during the break-in period than they consume after oil
consumption has stabilized.
Under normal conditions, the rate of oil consumption depends on the
quality and viscosity of the oil, the RPM (revolutions per minute) at
which the engine is operated, the ambient temperature and road
conditions. Further factors are the amount of oil dilution from water
condensation or fuel residue and the oxidation level of the oil. As any
engine is subject to wear as mileage builds up, the oil consumption
may increase over time until replacement of worn components may
become necessary.
With all these variables coming into play, no standard rate of oil
consumption can be established or specified. There is no alternative
to regular and frequent checking of the oil level, see
If the yellow engine oil level warning symbol in the instrument
cluster _ lights up, you should check the oil level as soon as possible
~ page 284. Top off the oil at your earliest convenience~ page 285.
Before you check anything in the engine compartment, always
read and heed all WARNINGS~
& in "Working in the engine
compartment" on page
Vehicle care Technical data
___________________________________________ C_ h _ e_c _k _ i_n -=g ~ a_n _ d_ f_i _ll _i _ n -=g =--- ......J•
Adding engine oil
Fig . 222 En gin e
c om par tm ent: Oil filler
cap lo catio n
Before you c hec k a nythi ng in th e eng ine co mpart ment ,
always read and heed all WARNINGS=> & in "Working in
the e ngi ne compar tmen t" on
page 280.
- Unscr ew the cap~ to the eng in e oil fillin g ho le
=> fig. 222 .
- Care fu lly top of f wi th th e ap pro priate oil i n 0.5 liter doses.
- Screw the cap back o n the fil ling hole a nd close t he eng ine
hood .
- Check t he oi l leve l agai n after two minu tes=>
page 28 4.
- To p off the oil aga in , if nece ssary.
• While topping off, the oil must not come in contact with hot
engine parts -fire hazard!
• The oil filler cap must be properly secured to prevent oil from
being sprayed on the hot engine and exhaust system when the
engine is running -fire hazard!
• If your skin ha s come in contact with the eng ine oil , you must
s ubsequently cleanse it thoroughly .
Vehicle OP-eration
0 Note
• Chec k the oil leve l using t he radio o r the MMI*. If the message
Please reduce oil level appears, contact yo ur authorize d Au di dea ler
or o ther qual ifie d wo rks hop to have ex cess oil ex trac ted if nece ss ar y.
• Audi does not recommend the use of oil additives. They may
damage the engine and adver se ly affect your New Vehicle
<£' For the sake of the environment
• Under no circumstances can the o il come in contact with the
sewage netwo rk o r the soil.
• Observe and fo llow legal reg ulations when dis pos ing of empty oi l
conta iners .•
Changing the eng ine oil
We recommen d th at have your oil chan ged by an autho
rized Audi dealer or a qualifi ed service stat ion .
Before you check anything in the e ng ine compartment, always read
and heed all WARNINGS~
& in "Wo rking in the eng ine com pa rt
me nt" o n
pag e 280.
The eng ine oil must be changed according to the intervals specified in
your Warran ty
& M ain tena nce book let. This is very import ant beca use
the lubricating propert ies of oil d iminish grad ually dur ing norma l
vehicle use .
U nder som e circumstances the eng ine oil s hou ld be chang ed mo re
frequently. C hange o il more often if you drive most ly short dista nces ,
operate the vehicle in dusty a reas o r under p redom inan tly s top-and
g o traffic conditions, or have your ve hicle where temperatures remain
below freezing for e xtended per iods. .,
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service Technical data
___ C_ h_ e_c _k _i _ n _g ~ a_n _d_ f_il _l_in _ g _________________________________________ _
Det ergent add it ives in the o il w ill make fres h oil look dark a fter the
e n g in e has bee n ru nning for a s hort time. This is n orma l and is not a
reason to cha nge the oil mo re often t ha n recomme nded .
Beca use of the prob lem of proper disposal, a long w it h the s pec ia l
t o ols and n ecessa ry e xper tise req uire d, we stro ng ly recom men d th at
you have your o il changed by an a utho rize d
Audi dealer or a qualified
s erv ice stat ion.
If you choose to change your oil yourself , please note the following
im portant info rmat io n:
To reduce the risk of personal injury if you must change the engine
oil in your vehicle yourself:
• Wear eye protection .
• To reduce the risk of burns from hot engine oil, let the engine
cool down to the touch .
• When removing the oil drain plug with your fingers , stay as far
away as possible. Always keep your forearm parallel to the ground
to help prevent hot oil from running down your arm.
• Drain the oil into a container designed for this purpose, one
large enough to hold at least the total amount of oil in your
engine .
• Engine oil is poisonous . Keep it well out of the reach of chil
• Continuous contact with used engine oil is harmful to your
skin. Always protect your skin by washing oil off thoroughly with
soap and water .
0 Note
Never m ix o il additives w ith your eng ine o il. The se a ddi tives c an
damage your engine and adverse ly affect your Audi Limi ted New
V ehicle Warranty .
W For the sake of the environment
• Before changi ng yo ur oil, fir st ma ke s ure you know w here you c an
pro perly dis pose of the used oi l.
• Always dispose of used eng ine o il prope rly . Do no t dump it on
garden soi l, wooded areas, into ope n streams o r down sewa ge dr ains.
• Recycle used engin e oil by taking it to a used eng ine oi l collect ion
facility in your area, or contact a serv ice station .•
Engine cooling system
The engin e coolan t p erforms two fun ctions: it ke ep s t he
en gine from overheati ng and i t protects the engine fr om
fr eez in g in th e winte r.
Th e cooling system is sea le d and genera lly requ ires lit tle at tention.
Th e cooling system has been f illed at th e factory w it h a p erm anent
coo lant which does not need to be changed. T he coolant cons ists o f a
mix tur e of wa ter a nd the manufacturer's gly co l-basedcoolan t addi
Gl2+ + antifreeze with anticorros ion addit ives (50% for USA
m odels; 60 % fo r C an ad ian models). This mixture both as su re s th e
necessary frost protect ion and protects meta l components in the
eng ine's coolin g sy stem fr om co rrosion and scaling .
It als o ra ises the
boiling point of th e coolant.
Do not re duce the concentration of the coo lant in the summer by
add ing p la in wate r.
The proportion of coolant additive must be at
least 50 % but not more than 60%
to mai ntain antifreeze protection
an d co olin g efficiency . If the co ola nt frost p ro te ct ion i s to o low , the
coo lant co uld freeze and damage the veh icle heating and engine
cooling system.
For year -round drivi ng, antifreeze is added at t he factory for tempe r-
atures down to: .,,