Instruments and warning /indicator lights
(I] Tip s
If this warning/indicator light illuminates while you are driving, then
there is a malfunction in the engine e lectronics. Have the ma lfunction
co rrected as soon as possib le by you r authorized Audi dealer or qua l
ified workshop .•
Electronic stabilization program (ESP) . />
If the <• indicator lamp b links whi le driving, the ESP or ASR (Anti -Slip
Regu lation) is actively regula ting.
If the
> indicator lamp illuminates, the system has switched the ESP
off. In this case, yo u can switch the ignition off and then on to switch
the ESP on again . The system is functioning completely when the
indicator lamp sw itches off.
If the ind icator lamp illuminates, the ESP was switched off with the
OFF ] button .
ESP/ ABS f ault ! See owner 's manu al
If the indicator lamp and the )ABS indicator lamp illuminate and
the driver message appears, the ABS or e lectronic differentia l lock is
ma lfunction ing. This also interrupts the ESP. The brakes still function
with their normal power, but ABS is not act ive.
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immediately to have the
ma lfunction corrected.
For more information abo ut the ESP::::>
page 240. •
Airbag system
ffl (USA models) l!lr (Canada models)
This warning/indicator light monitors the airbag and the
pretensioner systems .
The I (USA models)/ !.!r (Canada mode ls) warning light illuminates
for a few seconds each time you switch on the ignition.
If the
I (USA models) I !_~ -(Canada models) warn ing light does not go
out, or if it illumina tes while you are d riving, o r if it s tarts to blink,
then there is a malfunction somewhere in the system. If the l ight
does not illuminate when you swi tch on the igni tion, this a lso means
there is a malfunction .
If you ha ve a malfun ction in the airbag system , contact your
a uthoriz ed Audi de aler immediat ely. Otherwi se the airbag or the
belt pr etens ioner m ay not work properly in an accident. •
Appli es to vehicles: with t ire p ress ure mon itor ing system
Tire pressure monitoring system -telltale
indicator lamp )
The warning/indicator light appears in the event of a
significant loss of tire pressure or if there is a malfunc
tion .
The indicator light _) illuminates to check the function when you
sw itch on the ignition.
If the 'symbo l remains on or blinks after you switch on the ign ition,
there is a loss of tire pressure or a system malfunction . If t here is a
system malfunction, see your author ized Audi dealer as soon as
Detailed information on the t ire pressu re monitoring system can be
found in::::>
page 314. •
turned off, the warning/indicator light illuminates for about 30
se conds.
Th e warn ing/ind icator light will go out when the parking brake is
re leased .
If the war ning/indi cator lig ht flashes cont inuo usly
aft er applying th e
park ing brake, braking force is not sufficient to prevent the ve hicle
from roll ing unin ten tio na lly. Please note the following:
• If the s lope of the g round is too steep to park the ve hicle, the addi
tional drive message appears
Caution: Vehicle parked too steep .
• In the eve nt of a pa rking brake malfunction, the yellow ~ symbol
appears in the instrument cl uster disp lay and the drive r message
Parking brake ma lfunction! is displayed. H ave t he malfunction
repaire d as soon as possible by an authorized A udi dea le r or any other
qualified wo rkshop .•
Brake system BRAKE (USA
/ {CD) (Canada models)
The warning/indica tor li ght flashes if brake fluid level is
l ow , if there i s an AB S system malf unctio n or a p arki ng
b rake malfuncti on.
The light illum inates whe n the ignition is turned on. It goes out after
th e engine ha s been sta rted . Thi s indi cates tha t the brake war ning
light is functioning properly .
If the brake warning light doe s not light up when the engine is
cranking, there may be a malfunction in the electrical system. In
this case, contact an authorized Audi dealer.
If the brake system wa rning/ind icator light flashes, there is a brake
system malfunction . By press ing the
[SET ] button, you can bring up a
driver message w hich expla ins the m alfu nct io n in more det ail
=>page 28.
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Instruments and warning
/indicator lights
If the ABS fa ils, the ABS war ning/ indicator light sc-(USA
mode ls)/ (C anada models) fl ashes toge ther w it h th e bra ke system
warning/indicator light=>
(USA mo dels): If the warning light BRAKE and the warning lig ht illu
m inate toge ther, imme dia te ly contac t you r autho rized Audi dealer or
qualified workshop to have all brake pads inspected=>
page 33.
When the ligh t comes on, an audi ble war ning signa l is al so give n.
• USA models: If the BRAKE warning light and the warning
light come on together, the rear wheels could lock up first under
hard braking. Rear wheel lock-up can cause lo ss of vehicle control
and an accident . Have your vehicle repaired immediately by your
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified work shop . Drive slowly and
avoid sudden, hard brake applications.
• Canada model s: If the brake warning light (CD) and the ABS
warning light :: come on together, the rear wheels could lock up
fir st under hard braking . R ear wheel lock -up can cause lo ss of
vehicle control and an accident. Have your veh icle repaired imme
diately by your authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop.
Drive slowly and avoid sudden, hard brake applications .
• If the brake warning /indicator light doe s not go out after a few
seconds and the parking brake released, or lights up while you are
driving , the fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir is too low. If you
believe that it is safe to do so, proceed immediately at low speed
to the nearest authorized Audi dealer or qualified repair facility
and have the brake sy stem inspected .
• Always keep in mind that after several brake applications, you
will need greater pressure on the brake pedal to stop your vehicle .
Do not rely on strained brakes to re spond with maximum stopping
power in critical situations. You must allow for increased braking
distances. The extra distance used up by fading brakes could lead
to an accident . •
Vehicle care Technical data
This driver message and the symbol,;;:;,. appear when a system
malfunction occurs during travel. You can continue to drive carefully
at a reduced speed to a qualified workshop. Steering can be more
difficult or sensitive than usual. The steering whee l can also be at an
angle when driving straight .
Dynamic steering: initialization
If this driver message appears and the indicator lightl, is flash ing on
the instrument panel, dynamic steering is being reinitialized . Once
you start the engine after this is finished, the steering wheel wi ll be
easy to move. Re -initializat ion might be necessary if the steering
wheel was moved hard to the left and right while the vehicle was not
moving. The display goes out as soon as initial izat io n is complete.
Have the dynamic steering system malfunction repaired as soon
as possible by an authorized Audi dealer or any qualified workshop
- risk of accident!
[I) Tips
The dynamic steer ing stability systems are not ava ilab le in the event
of a system ma lfunct ion .•
Ap plies to ve hicles : w it h c onven ien ce key
Key not in vehicle
Key not in vehicle
This reminder appears along with the symbol if the master key is
removed from the vehicle with the engine running. It is int ended to
remind you (e.g. when chang ing drivers) not to continue the journey
without the master key.
If the master key is no longer in the veh icle, you cannot sw itch off the
ignition after stopping the engine and you a lso cannot start the
engine again. You also cannot lock the veh icle from the outs ide .•
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Driver information display
Light/rain sensor defective
Automatic headlights/automatic wipers defective
If the symbol ill um inates , the light sensor has failed. For safety
reasons the low beams are turned o n permanently with the switch in
AUTO . However, you can continue to turn the lights on and off using
the light switch . In the case of a defect in the ra in sensor, the wind
shield wiper lever functions are still avai lable . Have the light/rain
sensor checked as soon as possib le by an autho rized Audi dealer. •
Worn brake pads ~
Brake pads!
If the warning light illuminates, immediately contact your authorized
Audi dealer or qualified workshop to have all brake pads inspected .
On USA mode ls the warning light comes on together with the
war ning light BRAKE . Both sets of b rake pads on an axle must always
be replaced at the same time.
Driving with bad brakes can cause a collision and serious personal
injury .
• If the warning light and the warning light
BRAKE1> with the
message Brake pads! comes on in the instrument cluster display,
immediately contact your authorized Audi dealer or qualified
workshop to have all brake pads checked or replaced if necessary. •
ll BRAKE : USA mode ls on ly
Vehicle care Technical data
ffl..__O_ n_ t_h _e_ r_o _ a_ d _________________________________________________ _
0 Note
If the eng ine has been under heavy load for an extended period, heat
builds up in the engine compartment after the engine is switched off
- there is a risk of damaging the engine. Allow the engine to run at idle
for about 2 minutes before switching it off. •
Electromechanical parking brake
The electromechanical parking brake replaces the hand
Fig. 110 Center
consol e: Par king brake
-Pull on the switch @~ fig. 110 to apply the parking
brake . The indicator light in the switch illuminates.
- Step on the brake pedal or the accelerator pedal and press
the switch at the same time to release the parking brake.
The indicator light in the switch goes out.
Your vehicle is equipped with an electromechanical parking brake.
The parking brake is designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling
unintentiona lly and replaces the hand brake. In addition to the normal functions of a traditional hand brake, the
nical parking brake provides various convenience and
safety functions.
When starting from rest
• The integral starting assist helps you when driving by automati
cally releas ing the parking brake=>
page 111, "Starting from rest".
• When starting on inclines, the starting assist prevents the vehicle
from unintentionally ro ll ing back. The braking fo rce of the parking
brake is not released until sufficient driving force has been built up at
the whee ls.
Emergency brake function
An emergency brake ensures that the vehicle can be slowed down
even if the
normal brakes fail=> page 112, "Emergency braking" .
Indicator lights
• If the parking brake is closed with the ignition switched on the
ind icator lights come on:::, (USA models)/ ®) (Canada models) in the
instrument cluster and the switch.
• If the park ing brake is closed with the ign it ion
switched off the
indicator lights come on
::'l'n (USA models) I © (Canada models) in the
instrument cluster and the switch fo r about 20 seconds.
If a gear or a drive range (automati c transmission ) is engaged
with the vehicle stationary and the engine running , you must in no
instance accelerate or release the clutch carelessly. Otherwise the
vehicle will start to move immediately -risk of an accident.
0 Note
If the symbol ID in the display or the indicator light BRAKE (USA
mode ls)/ ((j)) (Canada models) in the instrument cluster flashes, there
is a malfunct ion in the brake system. By pressing the
! SET] button,
you can bring up a driver message which explains the ma lf u nction in .,
1111....__0_ n_ t_h_ e_ r_ o_ a _ d _________________________________________________ _
& WARNING (continued)
• Please note that unconsciously "resting" your foot on the
accelerator pedal cau ses cruise control not to brake. This is due to
the control system being overridden by the drive r's acceleration.
[ i J Tips
The brake lights illuminate as soon as the brakes apply
automatically. •
Applies to veh icles: with c ruise contro l
Changing speed
-Press the lever in the direction of the 0 => page 113,
fig. 111 or in the direction of the Qto increase or
decrease your speed.
- Let go of the lever to save that speed.
Change speed in increments of 1 mph (1 km/h) by lightly pressing the
lever. If you keep the lever p ressed down, you will alter your speed in
5 mph (10 km/h) increments .
You can also press the accelerator peda l down to increase your speed,
e .g . if you want to pass someone . The speed you saved earlier w ill
resume as soon as you let off of the accelerator pedal.
If, however, you exceed your saved speed by 5 mph (10 km/h) for
longer than 5 minutes, the cruise control will be turned off tempo
ra rily. The green symbol in the display turns white, the saved speed is
retained .•
A pp lies to veh ic les : wi th cru ise contro l
Pre-selecting speed
You can pre-select your desired speed while the vehicle is
not moving.
- Turn on the ign ition.
- Pull lever into position 1 =>
page 113, fig. 111.
- Press the lever in the
0 or Q direction to increase or
decrease your speed.
- Let go of the lever to save that speed.
This function makes it possible, for example, to save the speed you
want before dr iv in g on the highway. Once on the highway, activate
the cruise contro l by pulling the lever toward
(D. •
App lies to veh icles : w ith c ruise contro l
Switching off
Temporary deactivation
-Step on the brake pedal, or
- Press the lever into position @ (not clicked into place)
page 113, fig . 111, or
- Drive for longer than S minutes at more than S mph
(10 km/h) above the stored speed.
Switching off completely
-Press lever into position @ (clic ked into p lace), or
- Switch the ignition off.
____________________________________________ A_ d_ a.._p _t_ i_ v _e_ c_r_u _ i_ s _e_ c_o_ n_ t_r _o _l __ ffl'II
& WARNING (co ntinued )
• Always turn off adaptive crui se control when entering turn
lanes, highway ex it lanes and con struction zones or similar situa
tions because the vehicle will automatically accele rate to the
stored speed .
• Never rest your foot on the accelerator pedal, especially when
the adaptive cruise control is being u sed because doing so will
override the braking function and prevent the brakes from being
applied by the system when it detect s a situation when the brake s
must be applied.
• Alway s remember that the adaptive cruise control has limits -
it does not react when you drive towards an obstacle or something
else on or near the road that is not moving, such as vehicles
stopped in a traffic jam , a stalled or disabled vehicle .
• Always remember that the adaptive cruise control cannot
detect a veh icle th at i s driving towards you in your traffic lane and
that it cannot detect narrow vehicles such as motorcycles and bicy
cles .
[ i] Tips
• For safety reasons, the stored speed is deleted when the ignition
is turned off.
• The Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP) and the Ant i-Slip Regu
la tio n (A SR) c anno t be de activated when the adaptive cruise cont rol
is sw itched on .
If the ESP and the Anti -S lip Regulation (ASR) has been
de activ at ed an d yo u the n switch on the ad apt ive cruise cont rol, the
ESP fu nction w ill also be activated automatically.
• Dam age cau sed by accide nts (e.g. if the vehicle is dam age d whe n
park ing) can affect the rada r sensor settings. This can cause t he
sys tem to malfunc tion or switch off comple tely.
• The radar sensor cover is heated. In w inter conditions, you should
st ill ch eck befor e dr iv in g to make s ure i t is free of ice and s now. If
necessary, clean the area nea r the rada r sensor carefully=>
page 116,
fig. 113 .
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
To ensure that the radar sensor is not blocked , fore ign objects
(e .g. st ickers, add -on par ts) m ust no t cover the are a ne ar th e radar
page 116, fig . 113 . The area near t he radar sensor must not
be painted, either .
• For Declaration of Compliance to United States FCC and Industry
C an ada regula tions =>
page 34 6. •
App lies to ve hicle s: with adap tiv e crui se contro l
How does adaptive cruise control work?
Vehicles traveling ahead are de tec ted w ith the aid of a
ra dar sens or.
I;= =;. =============== --~
Fig. 114 Radar sen sor
mea sureme nt r an ge
A radar sensor is buil t into the front of the vehicle=> fig. 114, which
is subject to ce rtain system limits =>
page 12 7 . Stationary o bjects are
not taken into cons iderat ion. The system is intended to measure the
distance to reflective s urfaces. The system responds after the
dis tance measuremen t has taken place. If a meas urement is not
poss ible, the system does not respond.
Open road
When the road is clear, the adaptive c ruise contro l works like cr uise
cont rol. It ma inta ins a constant target speed specified by the drive r.
Vehicle care Technical data
lffll.___A_ d_ a,.:.p _ t_ i _v _ e_ c_ r _u _ is_ e_ c_o _n_ t_r _o _l _____________________________________________ _
Driving in traffic
If a vehicle driving ahead is detected, the adaptive cruise control
decelerates (within the limits of the system)=>
page 126, "Driver
intervention prompt" and=>
page 127, "System limitations" to its
speed and after adjusting, tries to mainta in the set distance from the
vehicle ahead. The vehicle may temporarily drive slower than the set
speed wh ile adjusting::::>
& in "Description" on page 116 .
If the vehicle in front accelerates, adaptive cruise control also accel
erates up to the speed that you have set.
Situation requiring driver intervention
In some situations you will have to use the footbrake to slow the
vehicle down in order to keep a safe distance from vehicle in front of
you o r to avoid a rear-end co llision. In this situation, a symbo l
appears and a warning tone sounds=>
page 126.
Passing another vehicle
If you move into the passing lane and no vehicle is detected ahead,
the adaptive cruise control accelerates to the speed you have set and
maintains it .
You can increase your speed at any time by stepping on the acceler
ator pedal. After you release the accelerator pedal, the system
adjusts back down to the speed you previously set .
[ i ] Tips
Please note that the amount of acceleration the adaptive cruise
control uses depends on the Distance setting selected. DISTANCE 1
gives you accelerat ion that is dynamic and sporty. DISTANCE 4, on the
other hand, gives more moderate acceleration . For more information
about the time intervals=>
page 121, "H ow is the distance (time
interval) set?".
• Please note that if the adaptive cruise control has begun braking
the vehicle and the driver chooses to brake the vehicle additionally, the brakes may
feel "hard". This is simply due to the pressure build
up of the initial braking.
• Adaptive cruise contro l is switched off after pressing the foot
brake. The speed saved up this point can be resumed. To resume the
saved speed, release the brake pedal and pull the control lever
page 120, "Tu rning adaptive cruise control off temporarily". •
Applies to veh icles : wit h ad aptive c ru is e cont rol
Switching the system on and off
Switching the system on
- Pull the lever to position
0 => fig. 115.
Switching the system off
Fig . 115 Control
lever: Switching on
and off
- Press the lever to position@ (latched) .•
____________________________________________ A_ d_ a.:.p _t_ i_ v _e_ c_r_u _ i_ s _e_ c_o_ n_ t_r _o _l __ _
Appli es to ve hicl es: wi th a daptive cruise cont rol
System status indicator
The text messages and symbols shown in this area of the
display are not displayed permanently .
Time intervals (such as e::::, ____ e::::,)
Fig. 12 3 System
status indicator
The different symbols for the time intervals appear if you change the
sett ings => fig. 123 .
Th e text message ... (three white dots) appears if a setting cannot be
implemented with the operating lever. The following are possible
• If you pull the control lever towa rds you to resume speed but no
requested speed was set .
• If you push the lever up to increase (or down to reduce) speed
when no speed has been set previously.
• If you push the lever up to increase (or down to reduce) speed and
this speed is outside the range from 20 to 95 mph (Canada mode ls:
30 to 150 km/h) .
ACC functionality Limited
The text message ACC functionality limited appears when the ACC
system does not detect any objects over an extended time period. For
the time being, the d istance to veh icles up ahead is not being
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
. The ACC system is not switched off, so increased alertness
is required. The following may be reasons for the text message ACC
Functionally limited:
• The ACC sensor is dirty. The ACC system is not reacting, or is not
reacting correctly, to vehicles traveling ahead.
• It is possible that you are driving on a road with very light traffic
without anything at the s ide of the road (e .g . guard rails, traff ic s igns,
trees). As soon as a vehicle is detected by the system again, it returns
t o its contro l range and the text message disappears.
The ACC sensor is located in the r ig ht front trim grille
=> page 116,
fig. 113. If there is a loss of operation due to heavy contamination,
this area should cleaned to restore proper operat ion .
ACC not available
The text message ACC not available appears, for examp le, if the
t empe rature of the brakes is excessive. Adaptive cruise control is
temporarily not available. A warning tone sounds as a rem inder .
ACC not available!
The text message ACC not available! appears in the event of a
ma lf unct ion. Adaptive cruise control is turned off. A warn ing tone
sounds as a reminder . Have the system inspected by a qualified deal
ersh ip.
ACC sensor blocked !
The text message ACC sensor blocked ! appears when the ACC System
can no longer guarantee safe detection of objects. Adaptive cruise
control is turned off. A warning tone sounds as a reminder.
To decide whether it is necessary to switch off the ACC (ACC sensor
!) or if it is only a temporary condition (ACC Functionally
limited), the system w ill also takes into consideration the outside
temperature and/or the windshield wiper operation .
Th e ACC sensor is d irty or blocked (e.g. leaves, snow).
The sensor should be cleaned to restore prope r sensor funct ion
=> pagell6,fig.113.
Vehicle care Technical data