2010 AUDI A5 CABRIOLET brakes

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Page 16 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Instruments  and  warning /indicator  lights 
(I] Tip s 
If this  warning/indicator  light  illuminates  while you are driving, then 
there  is a malfunction  in the  engine  e lectronics.  Have the

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AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual turned off, the  warning/indicator  light  illuminates  for  about  30 
se conds. 
Th e  warn ing/ind icator  light  will  go  out  when  the  parking  brake  is 
re leased . 
If  the  war ning/indi c

Page 35 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual This  driver  message  and  the  symbol,;;:;,. appear  when  a  system 
malfunction  occurs  during  travel.  You can  continue  to  drive  carefully 
at  a  reduced  speed  to  a  qualified  workshop

Page 112 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual ffl..__O_ n_ t_h _e_ r_o _ a_ d _________________________________________________  _ 
0 Note 
If the  eng ine has  been  under  heavy load  for an extended  period,  heat 
builds  up  in the  engine

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AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual 1111....__0_ n_ t_h_ e_ r_ o_ a _ d _________________________________________________  _ 
& WARNING  (continued) 
• Please  note  that  unconsciously  "resting" your foot  on the 
accelerator  pedal

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AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual ____________________________________________ A_ d_ a.._p _t_ i_ v _e_ c_r_u _ i_ s _e_ c_o_ n_ t_r _o _l __ fflII 
& WARNING  (co ntinued ) 
• Always turn  off  adaptive  crui se control  when  ent

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AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual lffll.___A_ d_ a,.:.p _ t_ i _v _ e_ c_ r _u _ is_ e_ c_o _n_ t_r _o _l _____________________________________________  _ 
Driving in  traffic 
If  a vehicle  driving  ahead  is detected,  the  adaptiv

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AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual ____________________________________________ A_ d_ a.:.p _t_ i_ v _e_ c_r_u _ i_ s _e_ c_o_ n_ t_r _o _l __  _ 
Appli es  to ve hicl es: wi th  a daptive  cruise  cont rol 
System  status  indicator
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