Reporting Safety Defects . . . . . . . 185
Active rollover protection system 187
Safety be lts ................... 190
General no tes ........ ......... 190
Why safety belts? ............. 191
Safety belts .................. 194
Safety belt pretensioners ....... 198
Airbag system ................ 200
Important things to know . . . . . . 200
Front airbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Mon ito ring the Advanced A irbag
System ..................... .
Knee ai rbags ................. .
Side airbags .. ............... .
Child Safety .. .. ....... ....... .
Important th ings to know ..... .
Child safety seats ............ .
Installing a child safety seat ... .
LATCH Lowe r ancho rages and
tethers for children ........... .
Add it ional Information 211
2 19
Vehicle operation ...... 240
Intelligent techno logy ........ 240
Notice abou t data recorded by
vehicle control modules . . . . . . . . 240
E lectronic S tab ili z ati on Program
(ESP) ........................ 240
Braking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
Se rvo tron ic® -advanced power
steer ing system ....... ........ 246
Dr iving wi th your qua ttro® . . . . . . 246
Energy management ...... ... .. 247
Driving and environment . ..... 250
The firs t 1,000 miles (1,500 km)
and af terwards ............... 250
Avoid damaging the veh ic le ..... 251
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
ivi ng th rough w.ater on roads . 251
Ca talytic conve rter . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Operate your vehicle economically
and minimize pollution . . . . . . . . 252
Trailer towing 255
Dr iving wi th a traile r . . . . . . . . . . . 255
T railer tow ing t ips ... .......... 257
Vehicle care .............. 260
Clean ing and protect ion ...... 260
General information . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Care of exterior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Care of interior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Fuel supply and filling your fuel
tank ... ... ............. .......
Gasoline . ............ ........ 274
Fuel tank ..................... 275
Checking and filling . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Engine hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Engine o il . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Engine cooling system . . . . . . . . . 286
Brake fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
Bat tery ......... .... ......... 291
W indshie ld/head ligh t washer
containe r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
Tires and wheels .............. 296
Ti res
Ti re pressure monitor ing system 31 4
Do-it-yourself service . 318
What do I do now ? 318
T runk escape handle ........... 318
Vehicle tool kit ................ 318
Space-saving spare tire (compact
spare tire) . ................... 319
Changing a wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
Table of contents
Fuses and bulbs . ............ .
Fuses ...................... .
Bulbs ......... ......... .... .
Emergency situations ....... .
General ..................... .
S tarti ng by pushing or towi ng ..
Starting with jumper cables ... .
Use of jumper cables ......... .
Emergency tow ing w ith
commercial tow truck ........ .
Lifting vehicle .. ..... .. ...... .
Technical data
General information
Explanation of technical data .. .
Vehicle iden tificat ion ...... ... .
We ights .................... .
Dimensions ............... .. .
Data ......................... .
211 hp, 2.0 liter 4-cyl. engine .. .
Co nsumer Inform ati on ...... .
War ran ty coverages .......... .
Operating your vehicle outside the
U.S.A. or Canada ............. .
Audi Service Repair Manuals and
Li tera ture ................... .
Maintenance ............... . .
Additional accessories,
modif ications and parts
replacemen t ............... . .
Declaration of Compliance,
Telecommunica tions and
E lec tronic Systems ........... .
Alphabetical index ....
3 4 0
3 4 3
3 4 8
Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
Instruments and controls
General illustration
(D Door handle
@ Adjuster control for outside mirrors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
@ Power locking switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
© Memory buttons (driver's seat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
® Button for side assist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
© Light switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
0 Instrument lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
@ Control lever for:
- Turn signal and high beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
® Multi-function steering wheel with:
- Horn
- Driver's airbag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
- Operating buttons for the audio system
- Rocker switches for tiptronic operation ... .. ...... 153, 160
@ SET button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
@ Instrument cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
@ Reset button for trip odometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
@ Switches for:
- Windshield wiper/washer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
- Tr ip computer .. .......... . .. .... .. .. .... ... .
@ Ignition lock ..... .. .................. ... .. ... .
@ Air outlets ........... ... .. ..... ... ........... .
@ Depending on options
- Radio system
- CD changer
@ MMI Display
@ Emergency flasher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
@ Glove compartment (lockab le) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Instruments and controls
@ Front passenger
's a irbag ..... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .
@ Depending on options, sw itches for :
- Audi drive select
- Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP) ... . .... .. .
@ Deluxe automatic climate control . .. ............. .
@ Ashtray w ith cigarette lighter ........ .... .. .. .. . .
@ Se lector lever for automat ic transmission ....... .. .
@ Depending on options:
- MM I control conso le or
- Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP) switch .. .. .
@ !START ENGINE STOP] button ... ............. .
@ Electromechanical parking brake .............. ... .
@ Power top switch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... ...... .. .
@ Central power window switch
@ Adjustable steering column ... ..... .... .. . ... ... .
@ Cruise control ......... ...... .. .. .. .. ......... .
@ Release lever for the engine hood ........ .. .... .. .
@ Data Link Connector for On Board Diagnostics (OBD II)
@ Power window switches ........................ .
[ i ] Tips
240 108
110 52
Operation of the Multi Media Interface (MMI) is described in a sepa
rate manual. •
Vehicle care Technical data
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Warning/indicator lights
The warning/indicator lights indicate different functions
or a possible malfunction.
F ig . 7 Inst rum ent cluster with wa rning/in dicato r lig hts
Your vehicle is equipped with several important warning and indi
cato r lights to he lp yo u moni to r the continued re liable ope ration of
your vehicle=> &.
Dynamic steering *
Electronic power control => page 13
=> page 13
Electronic Stabilization
Program (ESP) => page 14
USA model s:
Airbag system
Canada model s:
Airbag system
Tire pressure too low *
Left t urn s ignal
Safety belt Ma lfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
adaptive cruise control*
D Hi gh beam
/ : Lane assist (system is ready)
Lane assist (system is not ready)
Power top operation
Right turn signal
USA models:
Cruise control activated
Canada model s:
Cruise contro l activated
=>page 14
=> page 1 4
=> page 14
=> page 15
=>page 15
=>page 15
=>page 122
=> page 15
:> page 15
=> page 15
=> page 51
=> page 15
=>page 15
=> page 15
USA models:
Anti-lock brake system => page 16
(ABS) defective
Canada models: Anti-lock brake sys-=>page 16
tern (ABS) defective
PARK USA models: Parking bra ke =>page 16
(® ) Canada model s:Parking br ake
=> page 16
USA models : Brake malfunction :::> page 17
Canada models: Bra ke malfunction
=> page 17
• Failure to heed warning lights and other important vehicle
information may result in serious per sonal injury or vehicle
• Whenever stalled or stopped for repair , move the vehicle a safe
di stance off the road, stop the engine, and turn on the emergency
flashe r
=> page 66.
• The engine compartment of any motor vehicle is a potentially
hazardous area . Before you check anything in the engine compart
ment, stop the engine and let it cool down . Always exercise
extreme caution when working under the hood =>
page 2 72,
" Engine compartment "
(I) Tips
Many funct ions a re mo nitored by the Auto-Check system=> page 26.
Ma lfunctions or faults w ill be identified either with a red symbol
(pr io rit y
1 -Dan ger!) or wi th a ye llow symbo l (priority 2 -War ning). •
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Instruments and warning
/indicator lights
App lies to veh icles : w ith Aud i dr ive select
Dynamic steering
If the ind icator light() illumina te s w hen swi tching on t he ig nition
and goes ou t when the engine starts, dynamic steering is activated.
If the ind icator light
r ill uminates after the engine sta rts, a system
ma lfunct ion has occurred . Yo u can co ntinue to drive caref ully at a
re duced speed to a q ualified workshop. Steering can be more diffic ult
or sensit ive tha n usual. The stee ring w heel may a lso be at an angle
when driving straight.
Have the dynamic steering system malfunction repaired as soon
as possible by an author ized Audi d ealer or any qualified workshop
- risk of accident!
[ i ] Tips
• If the indicator light ~ flashes, dynamic stee ring is being re
initialized. The d river info rmation system display shows the words
"Dynamic steering : initialization" =>
page 32.
• The dy namic steering stab ility systems a re not availab le in the
event of a system ma lfunction .•
Electronic power control '
This warning/indicator Light monitors t he electronic
pow er control .
The C'., warning/indicator light (E lectronic Powe r Cont rol) illumi
nates when you turn o n the ignition as a function check .
Vehicle care Technical data
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
(I] Tip s
If this warning/indicator light illuminates while you are driving, then
there is a malfunction in the engine e lectronics. Have the ma lfunction
co rrected as soon as possib le by you r authorized Audi dealer or qua l
ified workshop .•
Electronic stabilization program (ESP) . />
If the <• indicator lamp b links whi le driving, the ESP or ASR (Anti -Slip
Regu lation) is actively regula ting.
If the
> indicator lamp illuminates, the system has switched the ESP
off. In this case, yo u can switch the ignition off and then on to switch
the ESP on again . The system is functioning completely when the
indicator lamp sw itches off.
If the ind icator lamp illuminates, the ESP was switched off with the
OFF ] button .
ESP/ ABS f ault ! See owner 's manu al
If the indicator lamp and the )ABS indicator lamp illuminate and
the driver message appears, the ABS or e lectronic differentia l lock is
ma lfunction ing. This also interrupts the ESP. The brakes still function
with their normal power, but ABS is not act ive.
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immediately to have the
ma lfunction corrected.
For more information abo ut the ESP::::>
page 240. •
Airbag system
ffl (USA models) l!lr (Canada models)
This warning/indicator light monitors the airbag and the
pretensioner systems .
The I (USA models)/ !.!r (Canada mode ls) warning light illuminates
for a few seconds each time you switch on the ignition.
If the
I (USA models) I !_~ -(Canada models) warn ing light does not go
out, or if it illumina tes while you are d riving, o r if it s tarts to blink,
then there is a malfunction somewhere in the system. If the l ight
does not illuminate when you swi tch on the igni tion, this a lso means
there is a malfunction .
If you ha ve a malfun ction in the airbag system , contact your
a uthoriz ed Audi de aler immediat ely. Otherwi se the airbag or the
belt pr etens ioner m ay not work properly in an accident. •
Appli es to vehicles: with t ire p ress ure mon itor ing system
Tire pressure monitoring system -telltale
indicator lamp )
The warning/indicator light appears in the event of a
significant loss of tire pressure or if there is a malfunc
tion .
The indicator light _) illuminates to check the function when you
sw itch on the ignition.
If the 'symbo l remains on or blinks after you switch on the ign ition,
there is a loss of tire pressure or a system malfunction . If t here is a
system malfunction, see your author ized Audi dealer as soon as
Detailed information on the t ire pressu re monitoring system can be
found in::::>
page 314. •
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Anti-lock brake system (ABS) -- (USA models) /:' (Canada models)
This warning/indicator light monitors the ABS and the
electronic differential lock (EDL).
T he warning/ind icator light will come on for a few seconds wh en the
ign it ion is sw itched on . The light w ill go out after an automatic check
sequence is completed .
There is a malfun ction in the ABS when:
• T he warning/ind icator light does not illuminate when you switch
on the ig nition.
• T he warn ing/ind icato r lig ht does not go o ut a fter a few seconds .
• The warning/ind icator light illuminates while dr iving.
The brake syst em will still re spond even without the a ssistan ce of
th e AB S s ystem . See your authori zed Audi d ealer as s oon as
possible t o restore full braking performance.
For more informat ion
regarding the ABS=>
page 245.
The ABS warning light and the brake warning light come on
together. The ABS will no t work and you will noti ce a change in
brak ing response and performance.
Malfunction in the brake system
If the brake wa rning light => page 17 and the ABS warning illuminate
together there may be a malfu nction in the ABS, and the re may also
be a malfunction in the b rake system itself =>
& -
In the event of a malfunction in the brake system the wa rning/indi
cator light
BRAKE (USA models)/ ((D) (Canada models) in the instrument
cluster flashes . By pressing the
!SE T) button, you can bring up a
dr iver message w hic h explains the malfunct io n in more detail. Please
note =>
page 28. Malfunction in the electronic differential lock (EDL
The EDL works toge ther with the ABS . The ABS warning light will
come on if there is a malfunction in the ED L system=>
page 242 . See
your authorized Audi dea ler as soon as possible.
• If the , ~ .... (USA model s)/ :J (Canada models) warning light
does not go out, or if it comes on while driving, the ABS s ystem is
not working properly . The vehicle can then be s topped only with
the standard brake s (w ithout ABS ). You will not have the p rotec
tion ABS p ro vi des . Cont act your auth orized Audi dealer as s oon as
poss ible.
• USA model s: If the BRAKE warning light and the ~ warning
light come on together, the rear wheel s could lock up first under
ha rd braking . Rear wheel lock-up can caus e lo ss of v ehicle control
and an accident . Hav e your vehicl e repaired immediately by your
author ized Aud i dealer o r a qualified workshop . Drive slowly and
avoid sudden, hard brake application s.
• Canada model s: If the br ake warning light (CD) and the ABS
wa rning l ight 9 come on together , the rear wheels could lock up
first under hard b raking. Rear wheel lock -up can cause loss of
vehicle contr ol and an accident. Have your v ehicle repair ed imme
di ately b y your authorized Audi dealer or a qual ified workshop.
Drive slowly and avoid sudd en, hard brake applicati ons. •
Electromechanical parking brake
~E (USA models) /(®) (Canada models)
The warning/indicator light monitors the electromechan
ical parking brake .
With the parking brake app lied and the ign ition turned on, the
wa rni ng/indicator light i lluminates. Afte r the ignition has been
tur ned off, the warning/ind icator light continues to illum inate for
about 30 seconds. If the par king b rak e is applied with the ignition _,,,,
turned off, the warning/indicator light illuminates for about 30
se conds.
Th e warn ing/ind icator light will go out when the parking brake is
re leased .
If the war ning/indi cator lig ht flashes cont inuo usly
aft er applying th e
park ing brake, braking force is not sufficient to prevent the ve hicle
from roll ing unin ten tio na lly. Please note the following:
• If the s lope of the g round is too steep to park the ve hicle, the addi
tional drive message appears
Caution: Vehicle parked too steep .
• In the eve nt of a pa rking brake malfunction, the yellow ~ symbol
appears in the instrument cl uster disp lay and the drive r message
Parking brake ma lfunction! is displayed. H ave t he malfunction
repaire d as soon as possible by an authorized A udi dea le r or any other
qualified wo rkshop .•
Brake system BRAKE (USA
/ {CD) (Canada models)
The warning/indica tor li ght flashes if brake fluid level is
l ow , if there i s an AB S system malf unctio n or a p arki ng
b rake malfuncti on.
The light illum inates whe n the ignition is turned on. It goes out after
th e engine ha s been sta rted . Thi s indi cates tha t the brake war ning
light is functioning properly .
If the brake warning light doe s not light up when the engine is
cranking, there may be a malfunction in the electrical system. In
this case, contact an authorized Audi dealer.
If the brake system wa rning/ind icator light flashes, there is a brake
system malfunction . By press ing the
[SET ] button, you can bring up a
driver message w hich expla ins the m alfu nct io n in more det ail
=>page 28.
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Instruments and warning
/indicator lights
If the ABS fa ils, the ABS war ning/ indicator light sc-(USA
mode ls)/ (C anada models) fl ashes toge ther w it h th e bra ke system
warning/indicator light=>
(USA mo dels): If the warning light BRAKE and the warning lig ht illu
m inate toge ther, imme dia te ly contac t you r autho rized Audi dealer or
qualified workshop to have all brake pads inspected=>
page 33.
When the ligh t comes on, an audi ble war ning signa l is al so give n.
• USA models: If the BRAKE warning light and the warning
light come on together, the rear wheels could lock up first under
hard braking. Rear wheel lock-up can cause lo ss of vehicle control
and an accident . Have your vehicle repaired immediately by your
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified work shop . Drive slowly and
avoid sudden, hard brake applications.
• Canada model s: If the brake warning light (CD) and the ABS
warning light :: come on together, the rear wheels could lock up
fir st under hard braking . R ear wheel lock -up can cause lo ss of
vehicle control and an accident. Have your veh icle repaired imme
diately by your authorized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop.
Drive slowly and avoid sudden, hard brake applications .
• If the brake warning /indicator light doe s not go out after a few
seconds and the parking brake released, or lights up while you are
driving , the fluid level in the brake fluid reservoir is too low. If you
believe that it is safe to do so, proceed immediately at low speed
to the nearest authorized Audi dealer or qualified repair facility
and have the brake sy stem inspected .
• Always keep in mind that after several brake applications, you
will need greater pressure on the brake pedal to stop your vehicle .
Do not rely on strained brakes to re spond with maximum stopping
power in critical situations. You must allow for increased braking
distances. The extra distance used up by fading brakes could lead
to an accident . •
Vehicle care Technical data
Driver information display
The speed warning symbol '8 (USA models) /8 (Canada models) will
appear briefly in the display when you release the
I SETJ button to
indicate that the maximum speed has been stored successfully .
The maximum speed remains stored until it is changed by pressing
I SETJ button again briefly or until it is deleted by a lengthy push
on the button .•
Speed warning 2: setting a speed limit
The /11/111* or the radio control unit is used to set, change
or delete warning threshold 2.
- Select: Function button I CAR]> Instrument cluster>
Speed warning.
• Speed warning -the warning threshold can be turned on or off .
• Speed warning -a warning tone will sound if you exceed the speed
you have set.
Warning threshold 2 can be set in the speed range starting from
mph to 150 mph (30 km/h to 240 km/h). Settings can each be
adjusted in intervals of 6 mph (10 km/h). •
Auto Check Control
The Auto-Check control monitors the function of certain vehicle
features and components. It simply makes sure these features and
components are working properly. The Auto-Check control works as
long as the ignition is on, as well as whenever the veh icle is driven.
If a component is malfunctioning or if the need for an urgent repair
has been detected, this will appear in the instrument cluster display.
You will also hear an audible warning tone. The displays are color
coded in e ither red or yellow depend ing on their level of priority . A
red symbol means
Danger, a yellow symbol indicates Warning . In
certain situations, information message for the driver appear in addi
tion to the red and yellow symbols.
Th e Auto-Check Contro l will automatically perform a test each time
you switch on the ignition. With the selector lever in
P or N, the
following message appears in the display:
When stationary apply footbrake while selecting gear.
When you a select a different gear (for example: R, D, etc.), the
message will disappear and the Auto-Check function is displayed.
If there is a malf unction, then the malfunction message will appear
about 15 seconds after you start the vehicle. At the same time you
w ill hear a wa rning tone. •
Driver information messages
Driver information messages are shown in the instru
ment cluster display in addition to symbols.
Fig. 20 Instrument
cluster: SET button
For examp le, if the transmission selector lever is not in the P position
when the eng ine is turned off, the following message appears:
Shift to P , otherwise vehicle can roll away. Doors do not lock if
lever is not in P. .,._