2010 AUDI A5 CABRIOLET brake

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Page 5 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Reporting  Safety  Defects  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 185 
Active  rollover  protection  system  187 
Safety  be lts  ................... 190 
General  no tes  ........ .........  190 
Why  safety  belts?

Page 9 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Instruments  and  controls 
General  illustration 
(D Door handle 
@ Adjuster  control  for  outside  mirrors . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . .  73 
@ Power locking  switch  . . .  . .  . . . . . . . . .

Page 14 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Instruments  and  warning /indicator  lights 
Warning/indicator  lights 
The warning/indicator  lights  indicate  different  functions 
or a possible  malfunction. 
F ig . 7  Inst rum ent  c

Page 15 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Canada models: Anti-lock  brake  sys-=>page 16 
tern  (ABS) defective 
PARK USA models: Parking  bra ke =>page 16 
(® ) Canada model s:Parking  br ake 
=> page 16 
USA models : Brake

Page 16 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Instruments  and  warning /indicator  lights 
(I] Tip s 
If this  warning/indicator  light  illuminates  while you are driving, then 
there  is a malfunction  in the  engine  e lectronics.  Have the

Page 18 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Instruments  and  warning /indicator  lights 
Anti-lock  brake  system  (ABS)  -- (USA  models)  /: (Canada  models) 
This warning/indicator  light  monitors  the  ABS and  the 
electronic  different

Page 19 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual turned off, the  warning/indicator  light  illuminates  for  about  30 
se conds. 
Th e  warn ing/ind icator  light  will  go  out  when  the  parking  brake  is 
re leased . 
If  the  war ning/indi c

Page 28 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Driver  information  display 
The  speed  warning  symbol 8 (USA models) /8  (Canada  models)  will 
appear  briefly  in the  display  when you release  the 
I SETJ button  to 
indicate  that  the  m
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