Driver information display
Applies to veh icles : w ith defective lig ht bulb warning
Defective light bulb warning
The defective light bulb warning monitors the function of
the light bulbs in the vehicle.
T he defect ive light bulb war ning moni tors t he f unct io n of the light
bulbs. If a defective light b ulb is detected, or if a light bu lb has
burned o ut, a ye llow sym bol appe ars as we ll as a not ifica tion th at
shows which light bulb is defective .
Defective bulb~
If this symbol I") lights up, a t urn signa l (front or rear), a head lamp, a
bra ke light, t he b ack-up light, a fog l amp o r a rear fog lamp h as
fa iled.
• Light bulbs are unde r pre ssure and can explode when bulbs are
replaced - risk of injury.
• With gas-discharge lamp s* (xenon headlights ), the high
voltage component must be handled appropriately . Doing other
wise poses a risk of death!
[I] Tips
Have an aut horized Audi dealer or other q ualified workshop perform
t he rep lacement or the rep air .•
Windshield washer fluid level too low o
- Plea se refill washer fluid
If the symbo l illum inates, add w indshield washer f lu id to the washer
system and a lso to the headlight w asher system =>
page 295. •
Fuel supply too low )
When the symbol illum inates, this means t here are about 2.1
ga llons (8 l ite rs) of f ue l left in the f uel t ank. T ime to re fuel!
=>page 275.
If the symbol lights up, even when there is ample fue l in the tank, an d
the text
appea rs in the disp lay, there is a fa ult in the system. Contact a quali
fied wo rkshop to have t he fa ult rectified. •
Applies to veh icles: with ba ttery voltage warn ing
Battery voltage 0
If battery powe r d rops into the range where it can lim it the ability of
the engine to start, t his the symbol ~ appears in the i nstr ument
cl uste r d isp lay with the following driver message
battery charge low:
Indicates charging by being driven .
While this driver not ification is displayed, you have to be prepa red for
limited sta rting ca pability.
Driver message appears and goes out again
If th is drive r mess age appears a fter the igni tion i s tur ned o n or whil e
dr iving and it goes o ut agai n after a while, the battery has been
a de qua tely rech arged.
Driver message appears and does not go out again
If th is dr iver no tifi cati on appears after the ign it ion is tu rned on o r
w hil e driving and does not go out again, the battery 's state of charge
is not in th e o ptim al r ange. Startin g cap abili ty is rest ric ted. H ave t he
battery c hecked at an a uth orized A udi dea ler or othe r qua lified work
shop as soon as possible. •
Clear vision
Clear vision
Switching the lights on and off ·'t/..·
Fig. 65 Instrument
panel: Headlight
control switch
Switching on AUTO -Automatic headlight
- Turn the light switch to AUTO=> fig. 65.
Turning on the side marker Lights
-Turn the head light control switch to ~oo~.
Switching on low beams
-Turn the headlight control switch to @:D .
Switching off the Lights
- Turn the headlight control switch to 0.
The low beams only illuminate with the ign it ion turned on.
With the side marker lights or headlights switched on, the symbol next to the light switch illuminates
;o o: .
AUTO -Automatic headlight control*
With the switch in the AUTO position, the low beams are switched on
automatically depending on the ambient light, for example in a
tunnel, at dusk and when it is raining or snowing . When the low
beams are switched on, the
;oo :: symbol comes on. The low beams
remain switched on regardless of the ambient light when you turn on
the fog lights.
When you turn off the ignition, the low beams are automatically
switched off .
On vehicles w ith a rain sensor the headl ights switch on automatically
after a few windshield wiper passes . However, the instrument
lighting will not be switched on.
With automat ic headlight control, you also have the high-beam func
tion available. However, if you have not switched high beams back to
low beams while driving with automatic headlight contro l, only the
low beams come on the next time you turn on automatic headlight
control. In order to return to high beams again, you first have to pull
the high beam lever back to the normal position and then push the lever forward.
Light sensor malfunction
In the event of a light sensor malfunction, the driver is notified in the
instrument cluster display:
Automatic driving lights/automatic wipers defective
For safety reasons, the low beams are turned on permanently w ith
the switch in
AUTO . However, you can continue to turn the lights on
and off using the light sw itch. Have the light sensor checked as soon
as possible at an authorized Audi dealer or other qualified workshop . .,_
Automatic headlights are only intended to assist the driver. They
do not relieve the driver of his responsibility to check the head
lights and to turn them on manually a ccording to the current light
and visibility conditions . For example , fog cannot be detected by
the light sensors . So always switch on the headlights under these
weather conditions and when driving in the dark
tD .
[ i J Tips
• Th e light sensor for head light control is located in the rea r view
m irror mount. You shou ld therefore not app ly any st ickers to the
windshield in th is area in order to prevent m alfunct ions or fa ilure s.
• Th e sensitivity level fo r the light senso r se t a t the factory can be
changed in the MMI menu ~
page 64 in the automatic d riving lights
fu nction .
• When you remove your key from the ign ition wh ile the veh icle's
ligh ts ar e tu rned on, a bu zzer sounds as long as the d river 's door is
• Please obey all laws when using the lighting systems described
here .
• The coming home/ leav ing home fu nction is avai lab le o nly with the
switch in the AU TO position. •
Contro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
Applies to vehicl es: with fog lights
Fog Lights
Clear vision
Fig . 66 Fo g light
s witch
- To t urn o n the fo g lights tD, press butto n (D:::} fig. 66.
- To turn o n the rear fog lights
0$, press butt on @ .
Fog lights
The side marker lights or low beams must be sw itched on . When the
fog lights a re switc hed on, the green check lig ht at the edge of the
switch comes on .
I f automat ic dr iv ing light cont rol AUTO is act ivated , the low beams
a re switched on whe n the fog ligh ts are turned on.
Rear fog lights
Lo w beam s or sid e ma rke r lig hts wi th f og l igh ts mus t be t urne d o n.
Wh en the rea r fog l ights are turned o n, the y ellow check light at the
edge o f the swi tch comes on .
0 Note
The rea r fog lig hts sho uld only be turned on in accor dance w it h traffic
reg ulation, as t he lights are brig ht for fo llow ing traffic .•
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
Clear vision
Adjusting exterior Lighting
The functions are selected in the radio or in the MMI.
- Sel ect: Function button [CARI> E x terior lighting.
Com ing home
The coming home function ensures that after
tu rning off the ignition
and op ening th e driver' s door
the vehi cle periphery is illum inated i n
the dark . In addition, the front fog lights, the ta il lights and the
license p late ligh t are tu rned on. The power-on time can be set for a
per iod from O (off) to 60 seconds .
Leaving home
The leaving home funct ions ensures that
when unlocking , the vehicle
per iphery is illuminated in t he da rk. In addi tion, the front fog l igh ts,
the tai l lights and t he license p late light are turned on . This function
can be tu rned on and off.
Automatic driving ligh ts*
W hen the light switch is in the AUTO=> page 62 position, the switch
on point of the l ights can be changed in the automatic driving light
Daytime running lights*
T he daytime running light s ca n be tu rn ed on o r off using this f unc
tion. If the funct ion is active, the dayt ime runn ing lights are turned
on a utomat ica lly when the ignition is switched on.
In the vers ions for some co unt ries it is not poss ible to switc h off the
daytime running lights or they may not have daytime running lights.
(I) Tips
The coming home/ leaving home f unction is avai lab le only with the
switch in the AUTO position .•
Daytime running Lights (DRL) (USA models)
T he daytime running lights are turned on au tomatically
w hen the ignition is switched on.
On vehicles w ith xenon lights the daytime running lights will come on
autom atically when the ig ni tio n is t urned on and t he lig ht switch
page 62, fig. 65 is in the O position or the AUTO position (only in
d aylig ht co ndit ions). T he
Daytime running light s fu nct ion can be
turned on and off in the MMI menu
E xterior lighting => page 64. On
vehicles wi th
halogen lights there is no dayt ime runn ing lights func
tion .
Neve r use daytime running lights to see where you are going. They
are not bright enough and will not let you see far enough ahead
fo r safety , especiall y at dusk or when it is dark. Be aware of
c hange s in out side light condition s when you are driv ing and
r espond by switching on your low b eams
0 Note
Always be aware of changes in outside light conditions while you
are d riving. Re spond in t ime to fading daylight by tu rning the light
switch to position
~D (or "AUTO" if your ca r is equ ipped with this
to turn on your hea dlights. •
Daytime running Lights (Canada models
When you turn on the ignition the daytime running lights
will come on automatically.
T he d aytime running lights a re a ct ivated only when the light sw itch
page 62, fig. 65 is e it h er at the O or the coo: pos it io n. When the .,_
ignition is switched on, there is a difference between vehicles with bi
xenon lights and halogen lamps:
• On vehicles with b i-xenon lights only the dayt ime running lamps in
the headlights will come on.
• On vehicles with halogen lights the front fog lights, side marker
lights and tail lights come on automatically.
Never u se daytime running lights to see where you are going . They
are not bright enough and will not l et you see fa r en ough ah ead
for safety , espe ciall y at dusk or when it i s dark. Be awar e of
c hanges in out side l ight condit ion s wh en you are dri ving and
respond b y switching on your l ow be am s
tD .
0 Note
• Alw ays be aware of changes in out side light condit ion s while you
are drivin g. Re spond in tim e to fadin g daylight b y turning the light
s witch to po sition
tD (or "AUTO") to turn on yo ur headlight s.
[I) Tips
The daytime running lights function cannot be turned off. •
Contro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
Clear vision
Instrument lighting
The basic brightness of the illumination for the instru
ments, the center console and the display can be
- Press the knob to release it.
-0 0 >< 00
Fi g. 6 7 I nst rume nt
l ighti ng
- Rotating the knob to the right"+" will increase the basic
brightness when it is dark.
- Rotating the knob to the left"-" will decrease the basic
brightness when it is dar k.
- Pressing the knob will prevent unin tentiona l changes .
0 Note
The instrument cluster and center conso le illumination (gauges and
need les) comes on when you switch o n the ignition and the
veh icle
h eadlights are off .
Be aware of the following difference between
mode ls built to US or Canadian specifications:
• USA models : illumination of the inst rument cluste r (gauges and
needle s), da sh and center c onsol e around the gearshift l ever i s
c o ntrolled b y a light senso r lo cated in the instrument panel. The
in strument panel illumination will autom atically be come dimmer
as the day light fades away and eventu all y will go out completel y .,
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
Warm and cold
Warm and cold
Deluxe automatic climate control
Applies to vehicles: with deluxe automat ic climate cont ro l
The climate control system can be used to set a comfort
able temperature inside the vehicle .
The climate control system is a combination of a heating and ventila
tion system as well a cooling system respons ible for dehumid ifying
and cooling the air inside the vehicle.
Th e automatic climate control system automatically maintains a
temperature once it has been set. The temperature of the air from
the vents, fan speed (air volume) and air distribution are a lso auto
matically adjusted . The system also takes into account strong
sunlight so that manual adjustment is not necessary . So in almost all
cases, automatic mode offers the best conditions for the comfort of
the occupants at all times of the year=>
page 90.
Please note the following :
The cooling mode lowers the humidity level inside the vehicle. This
prevents fogging up of the windows.
In the case of high outside humidity and temperatures,
can drip from the air conditioning system evaporator and form a pool
under the veh icle. This is normal and not an indication of leaks!
At low outs ide temperatures, the fan automatically switches to a
higher speed when the coolant reaches a sufficient temperature
except in the defroster position.
When starting with full throttle, the compressor of the automatic
climate control system is temporarily switched off to achieve full
engine power.
T o ensure engine cooling when the engine is under an extreme load,
the compressor is switched off at h igh coolant temperatures.
Pollutant filter
The pollutant filter (particle filter) ensures that impurities in the
outs ide a ir (e.g. dust, pollen) and odors are significantly reduced or
stopped. The air is also filtered in recirculation mode.
Th e pollutant filter e lement must be changed at the intervals speci
fied in the service plan so that the performance of the automatic
climate control system is not impaired.
If the effect iveness of the filter decreases premat urely due to opera
tion of the vehicle in areas with significant pollution, the filter
element must be changed between the specified service dates.
Key recognition
The current climate control settings are automatically stored and
assigned to the key being used. The settings assigned to the key are
restored automatically when the vehicle is started. These settings are
different when the power top is open or closed. Each driver can use
his or her preferred settings witho ut having to man ually adjust them
when using their own key.
If another driver changes the settings while using your key, your
prefer red sett ings will be erased.
Energy management
To prevent the battery from be ing discharged and to restore the
balance of energy, components which require large amounts of
energy are temporarily cut back or switched off=>
page 247. Heating
systems in partic ular require a great dea l of energy. If you notice, for
example, that the rear window heater is not heating , the n it has been
temporarily reduced or switched off by
energy management . These
systems are available again as soon as the energy balance has been
restored. .,,_
Warm and cold
In recirculat ion mode, air is drawn from the vehicle interior, filtered
and recirculated. We recommend selecting recirculation mode under
the following conditions:
When driving through a tunnel or in a traffic jam so that exhaust
fumes and odors cannot enter the vehicle interior .
You should not use the recirculation mode for an extended period
since no fresh air is drawn in. With the air-conditioning switched
off, the windows can fog up, which increases the risk of an
accident! •
Applies to veh icles : w ith deluxe automat ic cl imate contro l
Air distribution .JJ
The automatically preset air distribution can be changed.
-Press the .;J button.
Fig. 97 Air distribu
tion button and regu
- Rotate the regulator to the desired setting.
You can adjust the air distribution so that air flows from specific
vents. In position
0-air flows only to the windows, in position@, it
flows to the driver or passenger, and in position
,0. it flows to the footwell.
There are additional combinations available to adjust air
distribution as needed.
To regulate air distribution automatically, switch to
When the radio or MMI* is turned on, the air distribution setting
appears for a few seconds on the screen .•
Applies to veh icles: wit h deluxe automat ic cl imate control
Defrost [@)
The windshield and side windows are defrosted or cleared
of condensation as quickly as possible.
- Press the button !@)to turn on the defroster.
- Press the button[@) again, or press the [
AUTO I button to
turn it off.
Temperature is controlled automatically. The maximum amount of
air flows mainly from the vents below the windshield.
Pressing the
I@ ) button switches off recirculation mode .•
Applies to veh icles: w ith d eluxe automat ic cl imate contro l
Rear window defogger [CiID)
The rear window defogger clears the rear window of
- Press the (!iiPJ button to turn the rear window defogger on
and off.
The rear window defogger works only when the engine is running. The
ind icator light in the button illuminates when the rear window
defogger is on.
Th e rear window defogger is switched off automatically after 10 to
20 minutes, depending on the outside temperature . ...
Warm and cold
(I] Tips
If the climate control is running in cooling mode, air flows mainly
from ve nts @ and @. To achieve adequate cooling, you should never
close these vents completely. •
Applies to vehicles: wit h deluxe auto mati c climate c ontro l
Economical use of the climate control
Economical use of the climate control system helps save
When the climate control system is working in cooling mode,
engine performance is reduced and fuel consumption is
affected. To keep the time the climate control system is on as
short as possible, you should do the following :
- To save fuel, turn off cooling mode by pressing the [AC]
button (indicator light goes out).
- In addition, if you open the window while driving, turn off cooling mode by pressing the
[AC] button (indicator light
goes out).
- If the vehicle is extremely hot due to the heat of the sun,
briefly open doors and windows.
For the sake of the environment
When you save fuel, you reduce emissions from the vehicle. •
App lies to veh ic les: with del uxe automatic climate control
Automatic recirculation
An air quality sensor detects increased concentrations of
pollutants in the outside air and automatically switches
to recirculation mode.
The basic climate control settings can be adjusted in the
radio or
- Select: Function button [CAR]> Climate control switch.
We recommend that you always keep automatic recirculation ON to
prevent polluted outside ai r from entering the vehicle interior.
If the
air quality sensor located in the climate control system detects
polluted outside air, the sensor decides whether the air pollution can
be reduced by the factory-installed pollutant filter or whether it is
necessary to switch to recirculation . With heavy concentrations of
pollutants, the climate control system is switched automatically to
recirculation mode and the supply of outside air is blocked . As soon
as the concentration of pollutants in the outside air drops, fresh air is
supplied to the vehicle interior again.
In the event tha t the windows fog up during au tomatic recircula tion,
press the[@] button immediately.
Under certain operating conditions, automatic recirculation is
switched off automatically. When outside temperatures are below
about SO
°F ( + 10 °(), automatic recirculation is limited to
30 seconds. When outside temperatures are below about 30
°F (-
1 °(), automatic recirculation is limited to 15 seconds .•