________________________________________________ A_u_ d_i_ d_ r_iv _ e_ s_ e _ le_ c_t __ _
Audi drive select
Driving settings
Applies to veh icles : with Aud i driv e select
Audi dr ive select makes it possible to exper ience d ifferent types of
vehicle set tings in one vehi cle. For ins tance, using the three
COMFORT, AUTO and DYNAMIC modes, the driver can switch from a
sporty to a com fortab le dr iv ing mode with the p ress of a bu tton .
Add itionally, in ve hicles with MMI*, the veh icle se tup for INDI
VIDUAL * mode can be customized by you. This makes it poss ib le to
combi ne sett ings such as a sporty engi ne tuning w it h light stee ring.
• Improper use of the Audi drive select can cause collisions,
other accident s and serious personal injury.
• Never drive at speeds that are too high for traffic , road and
weather conditions. •
Applies to veh icles: wit h Aud i dri ve select
Depending on the mode, the engine and automatic transmission
respond more quickly or in a more balanced ma nner to a ccelera tor
peda l movements.
Ser votron ic (power steering assistance)=> page 246 can also be
adapted to d riving situat ions.
Dynamic steering changes the steering rat io as a function of the
driv ing speed in order to op tim ize t he d river's required steer ing
effort . This sets the steer ing to be less sensitive at highe r sp eeds in
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
r to provid e greate r contro l over the ve hicle. At r educ ed spe eds,
howeve r, steering is mo re direct in order to keep the stee ring effort
as minimal as possible whe n the drive r is maneuve ring the vehi cle. At
low and average speeds, dynamic steering add itiona lly p rovides more
responsive steer ing perfo rm ance. The driver can set the basi c
steering rat io characteristics.
Th e
adaptive damper s use sensors to recor d informat ion regar ding
stee rin g movements, b raking and accele ration ope ra tions by the
dr iver, road sur face , d riving speed, and load. This makes it possib le to
adapt damp ing to t he d riving situat ion virt ua lly in rea l time . Audi
dr ive select a lso makes it poss ible to satisfy the desire for sporty
s us pension (DY NAM IC) and comfort able suspension ( COMFOR T)
without giving up balanced tun ing (AUTO).
Th e followi ng chart prov ides an overv iew of t he char acteristics of
each driving mode .
Engine/gearbox bala nce d b ala nce d sporty
comfortable balanced sporty
Dynamic steering comfort- bal- sporty/d irect
ab le/indirect
anced/direc t
comfortable balanced sporty
Th e Servo tro nic sett in gs are a djusted und er the
Dyn. steering menu
item .
W Tips
• For veh icles with an automat ic tra nsmissio n*, sporty shift ing
characteristics can be set by select ing the
DYNAMIC mode. The S
selector lever position is not available .
Vehicle care Technical data
Transmission Ill _______________ ___.
(]] Tips
• When you shift into the next lower gear, the transmission w ill
downshift only when there is no possibility of over-revving the
eng ine.
• When the kick-down comes on, the transmission will shift down to
a lower gear, depending on vehicle and engine speeds.
• tiptronic ® is inoperative when the transmission is in the fai l-safe
mode. •
Applies to veh icles: wit h tip tro nic -steer ing w hee l
Steering wheel with tiptronic ®
The shift buttons on the steering wheel allow the driver to
shift gears manually.
Fig. 156 Steering
wheel: Shift buttons
-To downshift, touch the button on the left 0-
- To upshift, touch the button on the right G).
The shift buttons are activated when the selector lever is in D, Sor in
the manual shift program (tiptronic).
Of course, you can cont inue to use the manual shift program with the
selector lever on the center console.•
Contro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
App lies to vehicles : wit h auto mat ic t ransmiss ion
Fail-safe mode
If tiptronic® suffers a malfunction, the fail-safe mode
maintains minimum drivability.
In the event of particular system malfunctions, the automatic trans
mission switches to the fail-safe mode. This is signaled by all the
segments in the display illum inating or going out.
You can cont inue to move the selector lever to all positions . The
manual shift program (tiptronic) is switched off in the fail-safe mode.
In selector leve r positions D and Sand in the manual shift program,
the transmission remains in 3rd gear if 1st, 2nd or 3rd gear was
engaged previously. The transmission remains in 5th gear, if 4th, 5th
or 6th gear was engaged previously .
The next time you drive off or start the engine, 3rd gear is engaged.
You can continue to use reverse gear. But the electronic lockout fo r
reverse gear is turned off.
0 Note
If the transmission switches to fail-safe mode, you should take the
veh icle to an authorized Audi dealership as soon as possible to have
the condition corrected. •
App lies to vehicles: with auto mat ic t ransmiss ion
Automatic transmission malfunction ©
In the event of a system malfunction, the automatic transmission
switches to emergency operation mode .
Gearbox malfunction : you can continue driving ~
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
ffl..__T_ r_a _n_ s_ m_ is_ s_io _ n ___________________________________________________ _
You can continue to drive the vehicle. See an authorized Audi dealer
or other qualified workshop at the next opportunity.
Gearbox malfunction: you can continue driving (limited
There is a serious system malfunction:
• The program shifts only into certain gears .
• The engine may stall.
• It is not possible to restart the engine if it has been switched off.
• Continuing to drive could result in subsequent damage .
0 Note
If the transmission switches to fail-safe mode, you should take the
vehicle to an authorized Audi dealership as soon as possible to have
the condition corrected.•
Applies to veh icles: w ith automatic transm ission
Emergency release of the selector lever
If the vehicle's power supply fails, the selector lever can
be released in an emergency.
Fig . 157 Removing
ashtray insert Fig. 158
release for selector
The emergency release is located under the insert for the
- Slide open the cover for the ashtray.
- Release the ashtray by pushing the switch©~ fig. 157
to the right.
- Remove the ashtray insert @ .
- Now you can see a small cover in the ashtray holder on the
front of the ashtray recess.
- Release and remove this cover.
- You now have access to a bolt. Using a screwdriver or
similar, press the bolt down and hold it down~ fig. 158.
Now press the interlock and move the selector lever to the
N position.
The selector lever can only be moved from the P position if the igni
tion key is in the lock and the ignition is turned on. If the vehicle has
to be pushed or towed if the power supply fails (e.g. battery is
discharged), the selector leve r must first be moved to the N position
using the emergency locking device.•
______________________________________________________ T_ r_a _n_ s_m _ i_ s _s_ i_ o_ n _ __.1111
App lies to vehicles : w ith mu lt itron ic® Continuous ly Variab le Transm ission (CVT)
Automatic transmission malfunction )
In the event of a system malfu nction, the automatic transmission
swi tches to emergency opera tion mode.
Gearbox malfunction: you can continue driving
You can continue to drive the vehicle . See an authorized Aud i dea ler
or other qualified workshop at the next opportunity .
Gearbox malfunction: you can continue driving (limited
There is a serious system malfunct ion :
• Th e program sh ifts only into certain gea rs.
• The engin e may s tall.
• It is not poss ible to restart the engine if it has been sw itched off.
• Continuing to drive could result in subsequent damage .
0 Note
If the transmission switches to fail-safe mode , you should take the
vehicle to an authorized Aud i dealership as soon as poss ible to have
the condition corrected .•
Con tro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
Applies to vehicles : w ith mu ltitron ic® Cont inuous ly Va riab le Transm ission (CVT)
Emergency release for selector lever
If the vehicle's power supply fails, the selector lever can
be released in an emergency .
Fig. 1 65 Removing
ashtray inse rt
Fig. 166 Emergency
release for selector
l ever
- To access the emergency release mechanism, remove the
ashtray insert ® using the release switch@=> fig . 165.
- Loosen and remove the cap in the ashtray mount .
- You now have access to a pin . Using a screwdrive r or
similar object , press the pin down and hold it in that posi-
tion => fig . 166. ._
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data