Table of contents
Table of contents
Vehicle literature ..... .
About this Owner's Manual .......... ......... .
Controls and
equipment .............. .
Instruments an d contr ols ... .
Gene ral illus tration ........... .
Instruments and
wa rni ng/indi cator Ligh ts ..... .
Instrumen ts ... ... .......... .
Warning/ indicator ligh ts ..... . .
Driver inform atio n dis pla y ... .
Introduction ...... ...... ... . .
On-Board D iagno stic sy ste m
(OBD) . ..... ....... .......... .
T rip comput er ............ ... .
Speed warning system ........ .
Au to Check Co ntrol .. ......... .
Opening and closing ......... .
Keys ............ ............ .
Power locki ng sys tem .... .... .
Opening a nd clos ing rear lid/ tru nk
lid ....... ... ......... ...... .
Emergency unlock ing of the
luggag e compar tm ent lid ... .. .
Power w indows .............. .
Va le t parking ........... ... .. . 4
1 8
2 1
2 S
3 7
4 1
4 7
4 7
49 P
o wer t op ...... ... .......... .
Au toma tic pow er top ......... .
W ind d efl ec to r .. ............ .
Power top emergency ope rat ion
Clear vision .............. .... .
Light s ...... ...... ..... .. ... .
I nterior l igh ts ............... .
Vis ion . ... ....... ..... ...... .
W iper and washer sys tem .... .
Mirror s ................. .... .
D igita l compas s ............ .
Seats a nd storage ........... .
G enera l rec omm endation s .... .
Power fron t seat adjustment .. .
Sea t memo ry ..... ..... ...... .
Head res train ts .............. .
Fron t armre st ... .... ....... . .
Luggage com par tmen t ....... .
Beverage holders ............ .
Ashtray .. ................... .
C igar ette ligh ter ... ...... .... .
S torag e ........ ..... ... .. .. .
Wa rm and co ld .... .......... .
D elux e au toma tic cl ima te c ontrol
D elux e au toma tic c lima te co ntrol
p lus . .................. · · · · · ·
S eat h eat ing .. .. ............ .
On t he road ................. .
S tee ring ..... .. .... ..... .. .. .
Ign it ion l ock and ign it io n swi tch
S tart ing and s topping the eng ine
w ith conv enie n ce ke y ........ . .
E lect romechani cal park ing b rake
69 72
7 5
8 4
1 05
1 05
C ru ise contro l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 A
dap tive cr uise con trol 116
Speed and d istance contro l
system .... .................. .
Dr iver info rma tion .......... ... 122
Sy ste m lim itation s ............ 127
Au di braking guard . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Audi La n e assist ......... ... ... 132
L an e assist . ..... ............. 132
Audi sid e assis t ............. .. 136
Lane change ass istant ...... ... 136
No tes ... ... .... .... .... .... .. 143
Au di dr ive se lect .... .......... 145
Driving settings . .............. 145
T ran smi ssion ........... .... .. 148
A utoma tic transm iss ion . . . . . . . . 148
mult it ro ni c® .. ................ 155
Par k assis t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Park ing syst em . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Park ing sy ste m (r ear) . . . . . . . . . . 163
Parking system (rear, w ith rear-
vi ew cam era) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
H ome link®
Un iv er sal r emot e control
1 7 2
Safety first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
D riving Safely . .. ...... ........ 176
General n otes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Proper occupan t seating
p os ition s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Driver and passenger s ide
f oo tw ell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pedal area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
S towing luggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Warning/indicator lights
The warning/indicator lights indicate different functions
or a possible malfunction.
F ig . 7 Inst rum ent cluster with wa rning/in dicato r lig hts
Your vehicle is equipped with several important warning and indi
cato r lights to he lp yo u moni to r the continued re liable ope ration of
your vehicle=> &.
Dynamic steering *
Electronic power control => page 13
=> page 13
Electronic Stabilization
Program (ESP) => page 14
USA model s:
Airbag system
Canada model s:
Airbag system
Tire pressure too low *
Left t urn s ignal
Safety belt Ma lfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
adaptive cruise control*
D Hi gh beam
/ : Lane assist (system is ready)
Lane assist (system is not ready)
Power top operation
Right turn signal
USA models:
Cruise control activated
Canada model s:
Cruise contro l activated
=>page 14
=> page 1 4
=> page 14
=> page 15
=>page 15
=>page 15
=>page 122
=> page 15
:> page 15
=> page 15
=> page 51
=> page 15
=>page 15
=> page 15
USA models:
Anti-lock brake system => page 16
(ABS) defective
Turn signals ¢ ¢
The indicator light blinks when you use either turn signal .
Whenever you use the left ¢i or the right¢ turn signal, the indicator
light blinks. When you use the eme rgency flashers, both indicator
lights flash .
If one of the turn signa l light bu lbs burn out, the turn signal will blink
twice as fast as normal. •
Applies to veh icles: with la ne assist
Lane assist (system is ready) /:
The indicator light shows that the system is ready to use. A warning
alerts the driver when the vehicle drives over detected lane boundary
lines .
More informat ion about lane assist=>
page 132. •
Applies to v eh icl es: with lan e ass ist
Lane assist (system is not ready) I·
The indicator light shows that the system is turned on but unable to
send a warn ing.
More informat ion about lane assist=>
page 132. •
Safety belts ~
This warning/indicator light reminds you to put on your
safety belt.
The l warning/indicator light illum inates when the ignition is
switched on to rem ind the driver and (on USA mode ls on ly) any fron t
passenger to put on the safety belt . Additionally, an audible warn ing
tone will a lso sound.
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
strum ents and warning /indicator lights
For more Information=> page 190, "Safety belt warning light t". •
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Ma lfunct ion Indicator Lamp (MIL) is part of the On-Board Diag
nostic (OBD II) system. The symbol lights up when the ignition is
turned on and will turn off after the engine has started and has
sett led at a constant id le speed. This indica tes tha t the MI L is working
The warning light illuminates when there is a malfunction in the
engine electron ic system. Contact your author ized Audi dealer and
have the malfunction corrected.
For more information =>
page 21. •
High beam ~D
The aD warning/indicator l ight illuminates when the high beams are
on or when you use the headlight flasher . For more informat ion about
using the h igh beams, see=>
page 67. •
Cruise control CRUISE (USA models) /(,'J2
(Canada models)
T he warning/ind icator lig ht illuminates when the cruise contro l is
activated. •
Vehicle care Technical data
On the road -_______________ __.
matically release the pa rking brake w ith the starting assist
==;, page 111 .
Parking b rake!
Thi s driver message appea rs together wi th t he ye llow J symbol
when there is a parking brake malfunction .
Malfunction starting assi st
Th is driver message appears if there is a starting assist malfunction .
T he automati c re lease of the park ing brake w hen s tarting is malfunc
tioning. You have to release the parking brake manually by pressing
t he swi tch . Have the problem correc ted by an author ized A udi
dealer. •
Cruise control
Applies to veh icl es: w it h cru ise co ntro l
Switching on
The cruise control system makes it possible to drive at a
constant speed starting at 20 mph (30 km/h).
Con tro ls a nd e quip
m en t
Fig.111 Control lever
w ith push -butt on
Vehicle OP-eration
Fig. 11 2 Disp la y:
Se lect ed spee d
-Pull the lever to position ©~fig . 11 1 to sw itch the
system on .
- Drive at th e spee d to be con troll ed .
- Press button @ to set that speed.
The stored speed and the green symbol (CRUISE (US model)/ 0"
(Can ad ian model) are shown in the display ==;, fig. 112. The display
vary, depend ing on the type of display in your ve hicle . The indi
cato r light
CRUISE (US model)/ vf (Canadian model) w ill also light u p
in t he instr ument cluster.
The speed is kept constant by modifying engine power or through an act ive brake inte rvention .
• Alway s pay attention to the traffic around you when th e cruise
c ontrol is in operation . You are alwa ys respon sible for your speed
and th e di st a nce betwe en your vehicle and oth er vehicl es.
• Fo r rea sons of safet y, crui se contr ol should not be u sed in the
city, in stop-and-go traffi c, on twisting road s and when road
c ond ition s are poor (su ch as ice , fog , gra vel, he avy rain and hy dro
planing ) -you could hav e an ac cident.
• Switch the crui se c ontrol off temporaril y when dri ving in
turning lane s, highw ay ex it s or in construction zones .
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
IIII.___A_ d_ a,.:.p _ t_ i _v _ e_ c_ r _u _ is_ e_ c_o _n_ t_r _o _l _____________________________________________ _
The Audi braking guard is active from a speed of approx. 20 mph
(30 km/h) and works within the system limits=>
page 12 7 even when
the adaptive cruise control is deactivated.
A radar sensor is built into the front of the vehicle=>
page 116,
fig. 113. The system is intended to measure the distance to reflective
surfaces. If a measurement is not possible, the system does not
When the measurement has taken place, the system can assess a
hazardous situation, when a vehicle ahead suddenly brakes or when
your own vehicle is dr iving at high speed towards a much slower
vehicle ahead. As soon as the system assumes that a possible colli
sion w ith the vehicle ahead can only be avoided by immediate all-out
braking or by an avoiding maneuver, a warning appears .
Th e system has a pre-set response time to be able to warn in good
time. This system response time is automatically reduced if you accel
erate actively, for example to join a highway. Braking, transverse
acceleration and the steering angle can lead to a reduced system
response time. The warning is deactivated if you begin to overtake
with full accelerat ion.
The system draws your attention to two different hazardous situa
Th e distance wa rning is issued in the event of inadequate distance to
the vehicle ahead a period of more than S seconds. If the distance is
less than 30 feet (9 meters) at SO mph (80 km/h), for example, an
optical display is faded in on the instrument cluster=>
page 129,
fig. 132.
If the vehicle ahead brakes sharply, a collision cannot be avoided,
even in the case of an immediate response. In this case, increase the
distance to the vehicle ahead.
If there is a much slower vehicle ahead in your lane, or if the vehicle
ahead brakes sha rply, the Audi braking guard calculates the point from which a collision can only be avoided by all-out braking or by an
avoiding maneuver. If a warning does sound, a possible collision with
the vehicle in front can be avoided through an evasive maneuver or by
Th e warn ing is given in two stages:
• Pre-warning: An optical display appears in the instrument cluster
and a warning tone sounds.
• Acute warning: If you do not respond to the pre-warning, the
second stage, the acute warning, is issued. A brake jolt reminds you
to concentrate on the road again.
Under heavy breaking, brake assist =>
page 245 also helps you obtain
maximum braking effic ien cy.
Always pay attention to traffic, even when the Audi braking guard
is switched on. You are always resp onsible for
your speed and the
distance between your vehicle and other vehicles.
• Always keep the legally stipulated safety distance between
your vehicle and the vehicle ahead -danger of accident!
• The Audi braking guard does not respond outside the system
limits, for example if you approach a stationary obstacle (end of a
traffic jam or breakdown vehicle).
• Please observe that the Audi braking guard is subject to restric
tions in narrow bends due to the field of vision of the radar sensor.
This may possibly lead to obstacles not being detected.
• The radar sensor's
vision can be reduced by rain, snow and
heavy spray . This can result in vehicles driving ahead being inade
quately detected or, in some circumstances, not detected at all.
Always watch where you are driving.
• Reflecting objects such as e.g. crash barriers or the entrance to
a tunnel may impair the function of the radar sensor.•
IIIIL_!_A~u~d~i~l!:!a~n~e '...:a~s~s:!:is~t ~--------------------------------------------
Aud i Lane assist
Lane assist
Applies to veh icles : w ith lane assist
Lane assist helps you keep your vehicle in your lane.
Lane assist uses a camera to detect lane boundary lines. If the system
detects that your vehicle is about to leave a lane boundary line, the
steering wheel
vibrates to alert the driver. If lane assist detects
boundary lines on both sides o f the veh icle's lane, the system enters
act ive standby mode, which is indicated by t he gree n indicator light
/ : on the instrument cluster .
If the system is in active standby mode and the turn signal is acti
vated before driving over the boundary line , the warning does not
occur sinc e th e system allows for in tention al lane changes.
The system is designed for driving on freeways and expanded high
ways and th us works only at speeds of 40 mph (65 km/h) or more.
• Lane assist will not keep your vehicle in your lane. The system
only warns the driver when the vehicle is leaving the lane. The
driver is always responsible for keeping the vehicle in the lane.
• The camera is not able to detect all lane boundary lines and in
some cases might also detect lane structures or objects as
boundary lines. This can lead to incorrect warnings or warnings
that fail to go off at all.
• The camera's visibility can be impaired by vehicles ahead of
you, for instance, or by rain, snow, heavy spray or light shining
into the camera lens. This can cause lane assist to fail to detect
boundary lines. •
Applies to veh icles: wit h lane assist
Activating and deactivating
Fig. 133 Turn signal
lever: Lane assist
Fig. 134 Windshield:
Lane assist camera
viewing window
-Press the=> fig . 133 button to act ivate or deactivate the
system. The/: ind icator light o n the instrument cluster
will illumi nate or go out.
Instrument cluster indicator light
/:\Ready: The green indicator light shows that the system is ready to
use. A warning alerts the driver when the vehicle drives over detected
lane boundary lines . -.,
Audi lane assist ml
Not ready: The yellow indicator light shows that the system is
turned on but unable to send a warning. This can be due to the
• Th ere are no boundary lines, or there is only one boundary line
• The boundary lines are not detected (e .g . due to snow, dirt, wet
conditions or light shining into the camera lens).
• More than two boundary lines (such as at construction sites) are
located in the vehicle's lane.
• Th e vehicle's speed is below the speed needed to activate it, which
is about 40 mph (65 km/h) .
• Th e lane is narrowe r than about 8
ft. (2.5 m), or wider than about
16 ft. (5 m).
• The curve is too sharp.
Notes on the instrument cluster display
When the lane assist turns off automatically, the instrument cluster
indicator goes out and one of the fo llowing messages appears on the
Audi lane assist not available: currently no sensor vision
This message appears when the camera can no longer function
because it cannot detect the boundary lines. This may be due to the
• Th e exte rior side of the camera viewing window=>
page 132,
fig. 134 is covered with dirt or ice. Clean this part of the windsh ield.
• Th e came ra viewing window is fogged up on the inside. In this
case, wait until the fog disappears before turning lane assist on
• Th e system was unable to detect boundary lines over an extended
period of time due to road conditions (such as snow-cove red lanes).
Do not turn lane assist on aga in until the lines can be more easily
Audi lane assist currently not available
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
A temporary malfunction
is preventing lane assist from operating .
Tr y turning on lane assist again at a lat er time.
Audi lane assist: system fault
The system shou ld be checked by an authorized Audi dealer or other
qualified wo rkshop.
[ i ] Tips
• Make sure that the camera viewing window =>
page 132, fig. 134
is not covered by stickers or similar objects.
• Always keep the camera viewing w indow clean. This can us ually be
done by operating the windshie ld wipers. •
Applies to ve hicles : with lane assist and trip comp ute r
Indicator in the instrument cluster display
Vehicle care
Fig. 135 I nstrument
cluster: lane assist
ac tiva ted and
provid in g warning s ...
Technical data
1111....__A_ u_ d_i_ l_ a_ n_ e_ a_s_ s_ is_t _________________________________________________ _
Fig. 136 Ins trume nt
clu ster : lane assis t
ac tiv ated , bu t n ot
ready to provid e warn
ing s
Press the [ RESET] button in the winds hield wipe r lever repeated ly to
show the lane assist display . For ad ditiona l information, refer to
:::>pag e 24.
When lane assist is activated, two lines appear which show the lanes
t o the le ft and right of yo ur vehi cle.
Version @ : Monochrome display
• Solid red lines: lane ass ist is activa ted and ready to prov ide war n
• One red line bli nks (left or r ight) : lane ass ist warns you abou t
changin g lanes =>
page 133, fig. 13 5.
• Open lines: lane assist is activated, but not ready prov ide warn ings
=> fig. 136 .
Version @: High-resolution display
• Solid whi te lines: lane ass is t i s activa ted and ready to p rovide
wa rnings.
• Solid red line (left o r rig ht): lane ass ist w arns you about changi ng
page 133, fig. 135.
• Ope n lines: lane assist is activated, but no t ready p rovide warn ings
=> fig. 136.
Messages in the instrument cluster display
If lane assis t sw itches o ff automatically, the indicator light in the
ins tru men t cluste r goes ou t and one of the following messages
appears in the disp lay:
Audi lane as sist not available: Currently no sensor vi sion
T hi s message appears if t he camera is unab le to detect the lines. This
c o uld h appen i f:
• Th e came ra field of view=>
page 132, fig. 13 4 i s dirty or covered
in ice. Clean the area on the windshie ld.
• Th e came ra field of vi ew is fogged over . Wait unt il the fog has
disappea red befo re switching lane assist on .
• The system has been unable to detect the lanes for an extended
period of time due to road cond it ions s uch as lanes covere d in snow .
Switch la ne assist back on when the li nes are mo re vis ible.
Audi lane assist not available
Th ere is a temporary lane assist malfunction. Try switching lane
assist on again later.
Audi lane assist: system fault
H ave an au thor ized A udi deale r check the syste m.•