ignition. Additionally, a warning tone sounds. After about S seconds
the display switches back to normal.
Calling up the service schedules
If or when an oil change or inspection is due, can be shown in the
radio or MMI* display by selecting the service interval display in the
car menu. Select
I CAR]> Service interval display .
Resetting the service interval display
Your authorized Audi dealer will reset the corresponding service
schedule after performing the appropriate service on your vehicle.
You also have the possibility to reset the oil change schedule after
having performed an oil change according to Audi specifications .
I CAR]> Service interval display > Reset oil change interval.
0 Note
If you disconnect the battery termina ls, no calculat ions can be made
for the serv ice interval display dur ing this time and no service
reminder will appear. Remember that observing the proper service
intervals is vitally important to extending the life of your veh icle,
particularly the engine, and maintaining its value . Even if the mileage
dr iven is low, the maximum period of one year from one service to the
next must not be exceeded.
[ i J Tips
• Do not reset the display between oil changes, otherwise the
display will be incorrect.
• The information in the Service Reminder remains stored even
when the vehicle battery is disconnected .•
Con tro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
Driver information display
On-Board Diagnostic system (OBD)
Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
The Malfunct ion Indicator Lamp (MIL) in the instrument cluster
page 12, fig. 7 is part of the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD II) system.
Th e warning/indicator light illuminates when the ignition is switched
on and goes out after the engine starts and the idle has stabilized.
This indicates that the MIL is working properly.
If the light does not go out after the engine is started, or illuminates
whi le you are driving, a malfunction may exist in the engine system.
If the light illuminates, the catalytic converter could be damaged.
Continue driving
with reduced power (avoiding sustained high
speeds and/or rapid accelerat ions) and have the condition corrected.
Contact your authorized Aud i dealer .
If the light illuminates, the electronic speed limiter may also be
malfunction ing. For more information=>
page 22, "Electronic speed
An improperly closed fuel filler cap may also cause the MIL light to
=> page 2 76. •
On-Board Diagnostics
Fig. 14 Location of
Data Link Connector
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
The ignition key can only be removed with the selector in this posi
tion. This and other messages are brought up if a function cannot be
carried out.
Driver messages and red symbols
If a red symbol appears in the display, a driver message is also
displayed automatically.
For example, the symbol for a problem with engine oil pressure
appears in the display . The message:
Switch off engine ! Oil pressure too low
The driver message in the display goes out after about 5 seconds. The
driver message can be displayed again by briefly pressing the
button~ page 26, fig. 20.
Driver messages and yellow symbols
If a yellow symbol appears in the display, a driver message is also
displayed automatically .
For example, the symbo l appears in the display, ind icating low
windshield washer fluid level. The following message also appears:
Please refill washer fluid
The driver message disappears after a few seconds. The driver
message can be displayed again by briefly pressing the
button. •
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Driver information display
Red symbols
A red symbol means DANCER.
Fig. 21 Display:
Danger symbol
- Pull off the road.
- Stop the vehicle.
- Turn off the engine.
- Check the malfunctioning system . Contact your autho-
rized Audi dealer or a qualified workshop for assistance.
Red symbols ind icate a priority 1 malfunction -Danger!
With a priority 1 malfunction, a red symbol appears in the upper
center area of the display~ fig. 21. A driver message appears as well
to expla in the malfunction in more detail. When this symbol appears,
three warning tones sound in succession. The symbol continues to
flash until the fault has been corrected .
several prior ity 1 ma lfunctions are present, the symbo ls appear in
succession and remain for about 2 seconds.
Th e driver warning goes o ut after about 5 seconds, but it can be
brought up again at any time by pressing the
!SET I button. ~ page 26.,..
Vehicle care Technical data
Driver information display
0 Alternator failure => page 28
USA models: ::::>page28
Brake system malfunction
Canada models: ::::>page28
Brake system malfunction
Engine coolant level too ::::>page29
low/engine coolant temperature
too high
~ Engine oil pressure too low =:>page 30
~,. Refill engine oil now =:> page 30
@-e Steering malfunction => page 31
©-1 Ignition lock malfunction II=> page 31
Alternator malfunction D
If the O symbol in the instrument panel display flashes, then there
is a malfunction in the alt ernator or the vehicle electronics. A warning
to the driver will appear, too. The driver warning goes out after about
5 seconds, b ut it can be brought up at any time by pressing the
button again.
Usually, you can still drive to the next dealership. T urn off all but the
most necessary e lectr ica l consumers, s ince these dra in the vehicle's
0 Note
If the the _ i,_ warning symbo l (coo lant system malfunction) a lso
lights up on the instrument panel during the trip::::>
page 29, then
you have to stop immediately and turn off the engine . The coolant
pump is not work ing anymore- -danger of damage to the engine! •
Brake system malfunction
A malfunction in the brake system must be repaired as
soon as possible .
If the warning/indicator light BRAKE (USA models)/ ((D)
(Canada models) in the instrument cluster flashes, there is a
brake system malfunction. A driver message appears as well
to explain the malfunction in more detail. The driver warning
goes out after about 5 seconds, but it can be brought up at
any time by pressing the
[SET ] button again.
Stop the Vehicle and Check the Brake Fluid
-Stop the vehicle.
- Check the brake fluid level=>
page 290.
-Seek professional assistance if necessary .
Warning ! Fault in brake system. Contact
- Drive carefully to the nearest authorized Audi dealer or
other qualified workshop and have the malfunction
corrected =>,& .
Driver information display
• If your vehicle should break down for mechanical or other
rea son s, park at a safe di stan ce from movin g traffic , turn off the
e ngine and turn on th e hazard warning lights =>
page 66, "Emer
gency fl ashe rs A ".
• Never open th e hood if you see or hear steam or coo lant
es caping from the engine compartment -you ri sk being scalded.
Wait until you can no longer see or hear steam or coo lant
• The engine compartment of any vehicle is a dangerous area .
Before you perform any work in the engine compartment, turn of
the engine and allow it to cool. Follow the warning stickers
=> page 2 72 , "Engine compartment" .
(D Note
Do not continue d riving if the _f_ symbol illuminates . There is a
ma lf u nction in the e ngine cooling system -you co uld damage you r
engine .•
Engine oil pressure malfunction "t::7:
The red engine oil pressure warning symbol r equires
imm ediat e service or repair . Driving with a low oil pres
sure indication is likely to cause severe engine damage.
If the ~ symbo l on the display flashes , th e eng ine o il pres
sure is too low . A driver message appea rs as well to exp lain
t h e malfunc tion in more detail. The driver warning goes ou t
a ft er a bout 5 seco nds, but it can be b roug ht up at a ny time by
p ressin g th e
(SET ] butto n again .
Switch off engine ! Oil pressure too low
-Sto p the veh icl e. - Tur
n the eng ine off.
- Chec k the engi ne oil level=>
page 284 .
-Contact your a uthor ized Audi dealer for assistance if
necessary .
Engine o il level too low
If the eng ine o il level is too low, add engine oil=> page 285 .
Engine oil level correct
If the symbo l~ flashes ev en though the eng ine oil leve l is cor rect,
please seek pro fessional assistance . Do not continue dr iv ing. Do not
leave t he e ngine runn ing
idle, either .
(I] Tips
• The engine oil pre ssure symbol ~ is not an indi cator for a low
engine oil level. Do not rely on it. Instead , check the oil level in your
engine at regular intervals, preferably each time you refuel, and
always before going on a long trip.
• The yellow oil level warning indication "" requires oil refill or
workshop service without delay. Do not wait until the red oil pre s
sure warning ~ starts to flash before you respond to the low oil
level warning ~ . By then, your engine may already h ave suffered
serious damage. •
Fill engine oil now~
~-Please repleni sh oil now
If the ~-symbo l ligh ts up, then t he oil has to be replen is hed right
now =>
page 285. •
Driver information display
When a yellow warning symbol appears, one warning tone sounds. A
dr iver message appears as well to explain the ma lfunction in more
detail. The driver warning goes out after about 5 seconds, but it can
be brought up at any time by pressing the !SET] button again.
Check the function displayed as soon as possible. The yellow symbol
will not go out again until the reason for the malfunction has been
If several priority 2 malfunctions are present, the symbols appear in
succession and remain for about 2 seconds .
Dynamic steer ing*
=:>page 32
'O' I I , Worn brake pads =:>page33
Battery vo ltage => page34
Defective light bulb* =>page34
Check engine oil level => page 35 or
=>page 35
Engine oil sensor malfunction =:>page35
Low fuel leve l =>page34
Windshield washer fluid =>page34
level low
Convenience key*
=>page 33
Key not in vehicle
Light/rain sensor defective
Dynamic headlight range => page 35
control defective
[{] Tips
Battery in remote control key
parking brake
Engine speed limitation*
adaptive light defective
Ignition lock malfunction
Adaptive dampers*
Windshield wiper defective
T ire pressure monitoring sys
Loss of tire pressure
Tire pressure monitoring sys
tem* System not available
=>page 38
=> page 112
=>page 35
=> page 35
=> page 35
=>page 35
=>page 36
=> page 315
=> page 315
The speed warnings warning threshold 1 and warning threshold 2
are also yellow symbols in some models. The warning is a lways
shown as a small symbol in the uppe r area of the display
=>page 25. •
Appli es to vehicles : wit h Au di dr iv e se lec t
Dynamic steering r
Dynamic steering: System malfunction
Check engine oil 1o
Please top off with ma x. ll of o il. You can keep dri ving.
If the ~ symbo l lights up displaying t his drive r message, t hen ad d a
maximum of
1 liter at your earliest opportunity~ page 285. •
Engine oil level i!:r..,
Please check oil level
When the symbol i lluminates, check the engine oi l level as soo n as
poss ible ~
page 284. Top off the oil at your earliest o pportunity
~ page 285. •
Engine oil sensor defective
" Oil level! Sensor defective
If the symbo l illumina tes, contact your author ized A udi dealer and
have the o il sensor inspected. Until you have this done, check the oil
level each tim e yo u refue l ju st to be on the s afe side ~
page 28 4. •
A pplies t o veh icl es: with eng ine s peed lim itat io n
Engine speed limitation 71
Do not e xceed ma x. engine speed of XXXX rpm
Th e ~ symbo l ill uminates whe n there is an engi ne con trol malfunc
t ion . The ind icator light
Er"" in the instr ument cluster also i llum inates .
Th e engine speed is limited to the s peed disp laye d in the driver info r
mation system . Keep in m ind that the engine speed will not exceed
the value disp layed in the driver information system, for examp le
w hen downshifti ng.
Please go to a n author ized Audi dealer or other qualified workshop to
h ave the mal func tion rep aired .•
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Driver information display
• Headlight range control defective
Headlight range control defective !
If the sym bo l ~ ill um ina tes, the dynam ic he adl ight range con tro l is
no lo nger work ing properly . H ave t he system checked and repa ired at
your authorize d Aud i dea ler. •
App lies to ve hicle s: wit h ad apti ve light
Adaptive light defective f:.J
adaptive light defective
When this symbol Ji.., ill uminates, it means that adaptive light is
defective. Go to an author ized Audi dealer to h ave the headlig hts o r
the contro l unit for the adaptive lig ht repa ire d.•
Ignition lock malfunction ..c,
~ Ignit ion lock defective
If the sym bol i n the displ ay comes on, t here is a mal func tion in t he
elect ronic ignit ion lock . Please go to an authorized Audi dealer or
o th er qu alified w orkshop to have the mal func tio n re pa ir ed .•
A pp lies to ve hicl es: w it h Aud i d ri ve sele ct
Adaptive dampers~
Adaptive dampers: system malfunction
If the symbol in the dis pl ay comes on , there is a malfunction in the
adaptive dampers . P lease go to an au thorized Aud i dea le r or other
qualifie d wo rks hop to have t he malfunct io n repaire d.•
Vehicle care Technical data
ffl..__O_ n_ t_h _e_ r_o _ a_ d _________________________________________________ _
Ignition Lock and ignition switch
Starting engine with the key
The ignition is switched on and the engine started with
the ignition key.
F ig. 10 8 Igniti on k ey
-Inse rt the key in to the ig n ition lock.
- Step on th e brake pedal and mov e th e selec tor lev er to th e
P or N posi tion.
- Press the key=> fig. 108 -the engine wi ll start.
By pressing the key without stepp ing on the clutch or the b rake, the
ign itio n is switc hed on and o ff . With the ignition on, the steeri ng
w heel is unlocked.
You can o nly remove the key with the ig nition switc hed off . To do this,
you have to press on the key ag ain. Wi th an a utomat ic transm iss io n,
the selector lever must be in the P pos ition.
W hen s tarting the engine, major electrica l loads a re swi tched off
temporarily .
After startin g a cold engine, there may be a brief period of increased
noise be cause the oil p ress ure mu st firs t b uild up in t he hydr auli c
valve adjuste rs. This is normal and not a cause for concern. If
the eng ine s hould not start immediately, the starting process is
a u tom atically st op ped aft er a sh ort t ime. Re peat sta rtin g p ro cedu re.
Driver message in the instrument cluster display
Press brake pedal to start engine
T h is message ap pears i f yo u do not step on the brake pedal to start
t he engine on a vehicle w ith an au toma tic transmission.
Engage N or P to start engine
This message appea rs when at tempti ng to start the eng ine if the
sele ctor lever fo r the au tomatic t ransm ission is no t in the P or N po si·
t ion. The engine can on ly be sta rted wi th the selecto r in these posi
Shift to P , otherwise vehicle can roll away. Doors do not lock if lever
is not in P .
This message app ears fo r sa fe ty reasons along with a wa rning sig nal.
It appea rs if the selector lever for t he automat ic transm iss io n is not
in the P posi tion af ter the ignition is sw itched off . M ov e t he se lector
lever to the P pos itio n, ot herw ise the vehicle is not secured against
rolling away . You a lso ca nnot lo ck th e ve hi cle u sing the locking
button on the door hand le or us ing the remote key.
• Always take the key with you whenever you leave your vehicle.
Otherwise, the engine could be started or electrical equipment
such a s the power windows could be operated . This can lead to
serious in jury.
• Never leave children or per sons requiring assistan ce unat
tended in the vehicle. The doors can be locked u sing the remote
transmitter, p reventing people from escaping from the vehicle on
their own in the event of an emergency. Depending on the time of
year, people inside the vehicle can be exposed to very high or very low temperatures. ..,
ffl..__O_ n_ t_h _ e_ r_ o_ a_ d _________________________________________________ _
Starting and stopping the engine
with convenience key
A pplies to veh ic le s: w ith conven ience ke y
Starting the engine with the
This button switches on the ignition and starts the
Fig. 109 Convenience
STOP button
-Step on the brake pedal and move the selector lever to P
orN =>& .
- Press onthe[START ENGINE STOP)button::::>fig. 109-
the engine will start .
By pressing the [START ENGINE STOP] button without depressing
the clutch or the brake peal, the ignition is switched on and sw itched
off by pressing it again .
If the engine does not start immediately, stop trying after 10 seconds
and then try to restart the engine about 30 seconds later.
After a co ld engine is started, there may be a brief period of increased
noise because oil pressure must first build up in the hydraulic valve
adjusters. This is normal and not a cause for concern.
Driver message in the instrument cluster display
No key identified
This message appears when the !START ENGINE STOP] button is
pressed if there is no master key ins ide the veh icle or if the system
does not recognize it. For example, the master key cannot be recog
nized if it is covered by an object (e.g. aluminum brief case) which
screens the radio signal. Electronic devices such as cell phones can
also interfere with the radio signal.
Press brake pedal to start engine
This message appears if you press the !STAR T ENGINE STOP)
button to start the engine and do not depress the brake pedal. The
eng ine can only be started if the brake peda l is depressed.
Engage N or P to start engine
This message appears when attempting to start the engine if the
selector lever for the automatic transmission is not in the P or N posi
tion. The engine can on ly be started with the selector in these posi
Key not in vehicle
This message appears along with the.:! symbol if the master key is
removed from the vehicle with the engine running. It is intended to
remind you (e.g. when changing drivers) not to continue the journey
without the master key .
If the master key is no longer in the vehicle, you cannot switch on the
ignition after stopping the engine and you also cannot start the
eng ine again. Moreover, you cannot lock the vehicle from the outside
w ith the key.
Shift to P, otherwise vehicle can roll away. Doors do not lock if lever
is not in P .
This message appears for safety reasons along with a wa rning signal.
It appears if the selector lever for the automatic transmission is not
in the P position when switching off the ignition with the
!START ENGINE STOP] button. Move the selector lever to the P _..