Vehicl e literatur e
Vehicle literature
In addition to th is Owner's Manual, your Audi comes w ith the
• MMI Operating Instructions
• Warranty
& Maintenance booklet .
If you are missing one of these publications, or if you believe that the
information is not complete, contact your autho rized A udi dea le r for
MMI Operating Instructions
contain detailed description of the Audi Mu lti Media Interface (MMI)
including the nav igat ion system, the sound system and the hand held
The Warranty & Maintenance booklet
explains how you can keep your Audi in top driving condition by having
it serviced regularly and contains deta iled informat io n about the
warranties covering your Audi. Always have the booklet with you
when you take your veh icle to an authorized Aud i deale r for serv ice .
Your Audi Service Adviser will record each schedu led service and can
answer any quest ions you may have regard ing how to ma inta in your
vehicle .
In Canada,
the vehicle literature is also avai lable in French. To obtain a copy,
contact yo ur dealer or wri te to:
Au Canada, on peut se procurer un exemplaire en fran~ais de ce docu
ment aupres du concess ionnaire ou de:
Volkswagen Canada, Inc.
Client Ass istance
Assistance a la Clientele
777 Bay ly St reet, West,
Ajax, Ontario LlS 7G7
If you sell your Audi
all literature shou ld be left in the veh icle to make the Warranty terms
as well as all operating , safety and maintenance information avail
ab le to the next owner.
If you change your address or if you bought
this Audi used
be sure to send in a "Notice of Address Change"/ "Notice of Used Car
Purchase" post card. Th is card can be found in the Warranty
& Main
tenance book let or obta ined from your author ized A udi dealer.
It i s in your own int eres t th at we a re a ble to c ont act you should th e
need aris e.•
Driver information display
On-Board Diagnostics monitors the components of your emission
control system. Each monitored component in your engine system
has been assigned a code . In case of a malfunction, the component
will be identified and the fault stored as a code in the control module
memory .
The MIL light may also illuminate if there is a leak in the on-board fuel
vapor recovery system. If the light i llumi nates after a refueling , stop
the vehicle and make sure the fuel filler cap is properly closed
=> page 276.
In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the stored data can only be
displayed using special diagnostic equipment (generic scan too l for
In order to connect the special diagnostic equipment, push the plug
into the Data Link Connector (DLC). The DLC is located to the right of
the hood release
=> page 21, fig. 14.
Your authorized Audi dea ler or qualified workshop can interpret the
code and perform the necessary repair. •
Electronic speed limiter
Your vehicle may be factory equipped with tires that are rated for a
maximum speed of 130 mph (210 km/h). This is less than the
maximum speed of your veh icle. To reduce the risk of sudden t ire
fai lure and loss of control if the vehicle is operated at excessive
speeds, your vehicle also has an electronic speed limiter. The elec
tronic speed limiter prevents your vehicle from going faster than the
tire speed rating. For more information=>
page 307.
If the engine control unit receives faulty vehicle road speed signals,
the Malfunction Ind icator Lamp (M IL) will illuminate. If this
occurs , contact the nearest authorized Audi dealer for assistance .
Always observe the posted speed limits and adjust your speed to
suit prevailing road, traffic and weather conditions. Never drive
your vehicle faster than the maximum speed rating of the tires
installed. •
Trip computer
The trip computer gives you information on current and
average fuel mileage, average speed, fuel range and
driving time.
Fig. 15 Trip computer
display: Fuel range
Fig. 16 Trip computer
display: Average fuel
Clear vision
(I] Tips
Commercial hot waxes applied by automatic car washes affect t he
how easily the glass surface can be cleaned. •
Manual glare-dimming
Standard setting
- Move the small lever (located on the bottom edge of the
mirror) to the front.
Anti-glare setting
- Move the small lever (located on the bottom edge of the
m irror) to the rear .•
A ppli es to vehicl es: w ith automat ica lly dim ming in side m ir ro r
Automatically dimming inside mirror
The automatic dimming function con be turned on and
off if required.
Fi g. 7 7 In sid e re ar
v iew mirr or
Disabling auto dimming
- Press button@=> fig. 77 briefly, -the indicator light ®
goes out.
Activating /reactivating auto dimming
- Press button @ briefly, -the indicator light ® goes on .
Automatic dimming function
The automat ic dimm ing function is act ivated eve ry time t he ig nitio n
is turned on. The green indicator lig ht is lit to indicate auto dimming
is active.
When d imming is activated, the inside mirror w ill darken
in respo nse to the amount o f light s triking the mir ror (suc h as
headlights from rearward approach ing ve hicles). Even in dimming
mode, the mirror surface turns brigh t when:
• the interior light is sw itched on
• reverse gear is engaged .
Broken glass of automatic dimming mirror can cause electrolyte
fluid leak age. Electrolyte fluid can irritate skin, eyes , and resp ira
tory sy stem.
• Repeated or p rolonged e xposu re to electrolyte can cause i rrita
tion to the re spiratory system, especially among people with
asthma or other respiratory conditions . Get fresh air immediately
by leaving the vehicle or , if that is not po ssible , open window s and
doors all the way.
• If electrolyte get s into the eye s, flu sh them thoroughly with
large amounts of clean water fo r at least 15 minutes; medical
attention is recommended.
• If elect rolyte contacts skin , flush affected area with clean
water for at lea st 15 minute s and then wash affected area with
Clear vision
Memory for exterior mirrors*
On vehicles with memory for the drive r's seat, the curren t sett ing for
t he exter io r mir rors is automatically stored a long w it h t he seat posi
tion ~
page 80.
Tilt funct ion for the passenger's mirror* (only with
memory for exterior mirrors)
W hen the reverse gear is engaged , th e mirror su rface t ilts downwa rd
slightly if the setting is for the passenger 's mirror (knob in position
@ ~ page 73, fig . 78) . T hi s allows you to see the curb dur ing pa ralle l
par king .
T he mir ror r etur ns to it s in iti al position as soon as reverse gear is
disengaged and ve hicle speed is above about 9 mph (15 km/h). The
m irro r also retu rn s t o its in itia l pos it ion i f th e swi tch is moved to the
dr iver's outside mirror © or the ignition is sw itched off.
If t he position of t he mir ro r su rface is changed on a ti lted mirror, this
new position will be automatically assig ned to the remote key when
the vehicle is taken out of reverse gear.
0 Note
Curved mirror su rfaces (convex or spherica l*) increase your fie ld of
view. Remembe r th at veh icles o r o the r object s will appear sm alle r
and fart her away than when seen in a flat m irro r. If you use this
m irror to est ima te dis tanc es o f following vehicles when cha nging
lanes, you cou ld estimate incorrect ly and cause an accident .
[I] Tips
If there should be a malfu nction in the electrical system, you can st ill
a djus t the ou ts id e mir rors by pressing the edge o f the m irro r.•
A pp lies to vehicles: with aut omat ica lly adj usting outs id e m irr ors
Automatic dimming for the outside
Th e o utside mirrors dim at the same time as the inside m irror. Whe n
the ignition is switched o n, the mirrors a utomatically dim depending
on the a mou nt of light s triki ng t he m irro rs (su ch as he adlights
shining into the veh icle from the rear) .
W hen the inter io r li ght ing is switche d on and when reverse gear is
engaged, the m irro rs a re switched back to their original brig htn ess
(not dimmed) .
Broken gla ss of automatic dimming mirror can cause electrolyte
fluid leakage. Electrolyte fluid can irritate skin, eyes, and respira
tory sy stem.
• Repeated or prolonged exposure to electrolyte can cause irrita
tion to the re spiratory system, especially among people with
asthma or other respiratory conditions . Get fresh air immediately
by leaving the vehicle or , if that is not po ssible , open window s and
doors all the way.
• If electrolyte gets into the eye s, flush them thoroughly with
large amounts of clean water fo r at least 15 minutes; medical
attention i s recommended .
• If electrolyte contacts skin , flush affected area with clean
water for at lea st 15 minute s and then wash affected area with
soap and water; medical attention is recommended. Thoroughly
wash affected clothing and shoes before reu se.
• If swallowed and person is conscious, r inse mouth with water
for at least 15 minutes . Do not induce vomiting unles s instru cted
to do so by medical professional. Get medical attent ion immedi-
ately .
Warm and cold
Warm and cold
Deluxe automatic climate control
Applies to vehicles: with deluxe automat ic climate cont ro l
The climate control system can be used to set a comfort
able temperature inside the vehicle .
The climate control system is a combination of a heating and ventila
tion system as well a cooling system respons ible for dehumid ifying
and cooling the air inside the vehicle.
Th e automatic climate control system automatically maintains a
temperature once it has been set. The temperature of the air from
the vents, fan speed (air volume) and air distribution are a lso auto
matically adjusted . The system also takes into account strong
sunlight so that manual adjustment is not necessary . So in almost all
cases, automatic mode offers the best conditions for the comfort of
the occupants at all times of the year=>
page 90.
Please note the following :
The cooling mode lowers the humidity level inside the vehicle. This
prevents fogging up of the windows.
In the case of high outside humidity and temperatures,
can drip from the air conditioning system evaporator and form a pool
under the veh icle. This is normal and not an indication of leaks!
At low outs ide temperatures, the fan automatically switches to a
higher speed when the coolant reaches a sufficient temperature
except in the defroster position.
When starting with full throttle, the compressor of the automatic
climate control system is temporarily switched off to achieve full
engine power.
T o ensure engine cooling when the engine is under an extreme load,
the compressor is switched off at h igh coolant temperatures.
Pollutant filter
The pollutant filter (particle filter) ensures that impurities in the
outs ide a ir (e.g. dust, pollen) and odors are significantly reduced or
stopped. The air is also filtered in recirculation mode.
Th e pollutant filter e lement must be changed at the intervals speci
fied in the service plan so that the performance of the automatic
climate control system is not impaired.
If the effect iveness of the filter decreases premat urely due to opera
tion of the vehicle in areas with significant pollution, the filter
element must be changed between the specified service dates.
Key recognition
The current climate control settings are automatically stored and
assigned to the key being used. The settings assigned to the key are
restored automatically when the vehicle is started. These settings are
different when the power top is open or closed. Each driver can use
his or her preferred settings witho ut having to man ually adjust them
when using their own key.
If another driver changes the settings while using your key, your
prefer red sett ings will be erased.
Energy management
To prevent the battery from be ing discharged and to restore the
balance of energy, components which require large amounts of
energy are temporarily cut back or switched off=>
page 247. Heating
systems in partic ular require a great dea l of energy. If you notice, for
example, that the rear window heater is not heating , the n it has been
temporarily reduced or switched off by
energy management . These
systems are available again as soon as the energy balance has been
restored. .,,_
Warm and cold
In recirculat ion mode, air is drawn from the vehicle interior, filtered
and recirculated. We recommend selecting recirculation mode under
the following conditions:
When driving through a tunnel or in a traffic jam so that exhaust
fumes and odors cannot enter the vehicle interior .
You should not use the recirculation mode for an extended period
since no fresh air is drawn in. With the air-conditioning switched
off, the windows can fog up, which increases the risk of an
accident! •
Applies to veh icles : w ith deluxe automat ic cl imate contro l
Air distribution .JJ
The automatically preset air distribution can be changed.
-Press the .;J button.
Fig. 97 Air distribu
tion button and regu
- Rotate the regulator to the desired setting.
You can adjust the air distribution so that air flows from specific
vents. In position
0-air flows only to the windows, in position@, it
flows to the driver or passenger, and in position
,0. it flows to the footwell.
There are additional combinations available to adjust air
distribution as needed.
To regulate air distribution automatically, switch to
When the radio or MMI* is turned on, the air distribution setting
appears for a few seconds on the screen .•
Applies to veh icles: wit h deluxe automat ic cl imate control
Defrost [@)
The windshield and side windows are defrosted or cleared
of condensation as quickly as possible.
- Press the button !@)to turn on the defroster.
- Press the button[@) again, or press the [
AUTO I button to
turn it off.
Temperature is controlled automatically. The maximum amount of
air flows mainly from the vents below the windshield.
Pressing the
I@ ) button switches off recirculation mode .•
Applies to veh icles: w ith d eluxe automat ic cl imate contro l
Rear window defogger [CiID)
The rear window defogger clears the rear window of
- Press the (!iiPJ button to turn the rear window defogger on
and off.
The rear window defogger works only when the engine is running. The
ind icator light in the button illuminates when the rear window
defogger is on.
Th e rear window defogger is switched off automatically after 10 to
20 minutes, depending on the outside temperature . ...
Warm and cold
(I] Tips
If the climate control is running in cooling mode, air flows mainly
from ve nts @ and @. To achieve adequate cooling, you should never
close these vents completely. •
Applies to vehicles: wit h deluxe auto mati c climate c ontro l
Economical use of the climate control
Economical use of the climate control system helps save
When the climate control system is working in cooling mode,
engine performance is reduced and fuel consumption is
affected. To keep the time the climate control system is on as
short as possible, you should do the following :
- To save fuel, turn off cooling mode by pressing the [AC]
button (indicator light goes out).
- In addition, if you open the window while driving, turn off cooling mode by pressing the
[AC] button (indicator light
goes out).
- If the vehicle is extremely hot due to the heat of the sun,
briefly open doors and windows.
For the sake of the environment
When you save fuel, you reduce emissions from the vehicle. •
App lies to veh ic les: with del uxe automatic climate control
Automatic recirculation
An air quality sensor detects increased concentrations of
pollutants in the outside air and automatically switches
to recirculation mode.
The basic climate control settings can be adjusted in the
radio or
- Select: Function button [CAR]> Climate control switch.
We recommend that you always keep automatic recirculation ON to
prevent polluted outside ai r from entering the vehicle interior.
If the
air quality sensor located in the climate control system detects
polluted outside air, the sensor decides whether the air pollution can
be reduced by the factory-installed pollutant filter or whether it is
necessary to switch to recirculation . With heavy concentrations of
pollutants, the climate control system is switched automatically to
recirculation mode and the supply of outside air is blocked . As soon
as the concentration of pollutants in the outside air drops, fresh air is
supplied to the vehicle interior again.
In the event tha t the windows fog up during au tomatic recircula tion,
press the[@] button immediately.
Under certain operating conditions, automatic recirculation is
switched off automatically. When outside temperatures are below
about SO
°F ( + 10 °(), automatic recirculation is limited to
30 seconds. When outside temperatures are below about 30
°F (-
1 °(), automatic recirculation is limited to 15 seconds .•
Deluxe automatic climate control
A pplie s to v ehicl es: w ith d elu xe auto matic climate control p lu s
The air conditioner is fully automatic and is designed to
maintain a comfortable and uniform climate inside the
We recommend the following settings:
- Set the temperature to 75
°F (+23 °C).
- Press the [AUTO] button .
With this setting, you attain maximum comfort in the least amount
of time. Change this setting, as desired, to meet your personal needs.
The climate controls are a combination of heating, ventilation and
cooling systems, which automatically reduce humidity and cool the
air inside your vehicle.
The climate control automatically maintains a temperature once it has been set. The temperature of the air from the vents, fan speed
(air volume) and air distribution are also automatically adjusted . The
system also takes into account strong sunshine so that manual
adjustment is not necessary . So in almost all cases ,
automatic mode
offers the best conditions for the comfort of the occupants at all
times of the year:::::,
page 97.
Please note the following:
Turn on the air conditioner to reduce humidity in the vehicle. This also
prevents the windows from fogging up.
When the outside temperature is high and the air is very humid,
condensation from the evaporator may drip under the vehicle . This is
normal and does not indicate a leak.
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Warm and cold
If the outside temperature is
low, the fan normally only switches to a
higher speed once the engine coolant has warmed up sufficiently .
The air conditioner temporarily switches off when you drive off from
a standstill using full throttle to save engine power.
The compressor also switches off if the coolant temperature is too
high, so that t he engine can be adequately cooled under ex treme
Pollutant filter
The pollutant filter (particle filter) ensures that impurities in the
outside air (e.g. dust, pollen) and odors are significantly reduced or
stopped . The air is also filtered in recirculation mode.
The pollutant filter element must be changed at the intervals speci
fied in the service plan so that the performance of the automatic
climate control system is not impaired .
If the effectiveness of the filter decreases prematurely due to opera
tion of the vehicle in areas with significant pollution, the filter
element must be changed between the specified service dates.
Key recognition
The current climate control settings are automatically stored and
assigned to the key being used. The settings assigned to the key are
restored automatically when the vehicle is started. These settings are
different when the power top is open or closed. Each driver can use
his or her preferred settings without having to manually adjust them
when using their own key.
If another driver changes the settings while using your key, your
preferred settings will be erased.
Energy management
To prevent the battery from being discharged and to restore the
balance of energy, components which require large amounts of
energy are temporarily cut back or switched off=>
page 247. Heating
systems in particular require a great deal of energy .
If you notice, for
example, that the rear window heater is not heating, then it has been
temporarily cut back or switched off by
energy management. These .,_
Vehicle care Technical data