2010 AUDI A5 CABRIOLET air condition

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Page 6 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Vehicl e literatur e 
Vehicle  literature 
In  addition  to  th is  Owners  Manual,  your  Audi  comes  w ith  the 
•  MMI  Operating  Instructions 
•  Warranty 
& Maintenance  booklet . 
If you

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AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Driver  information  display 
On-Board Diagnostics  monitors  the  components  of your  emission 
control system.  Each monitored  component  in your  engine  system 
has  been  assigned  a code . In

Page 74 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Clear  vision 
(I] Tips 
Commercial  hot  waxes  applied  by automatic  car washes  affect  t he 
how easily the  glass  surface  can  be cleaned. • 
Manual  glare-dimming 
Standard  settin

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AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Clear  vision 
Memory  for  exterior  mirrors* 
On vehicles  with  memory  for  the  drive rs seat,  the  curren t sett ing for 
t he  exter io r  mir rors  is automatically  stored  a long  w it h t

Page 90 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Warm  and  cold 
Warm  and  cold 
Deluxe  automatic  climate  control 
Applies  to  vehicles:  with  deluxe  automat ic  climate  cont ro l 
The climate  control  system  can be  used  to

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AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Warm  and  cold 
In recirculat ion mode,  air  is drawn  from  the  vehicle  interior,  filtered 
and  recirculated.  We  recommend  selecting  recirculation  mode  under 
the  following  conditions:

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AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Warm  and  cold 
(I] Tips 
If  the  climate  control  is running in cooling  mode,  air flows  mainly 
from  ve nts @ and @. To  achieve  adequate  cooling,  you  should  never 
close  these  vents  c

Page 97 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Deluxe  automatic  climate  control 
A pplie s to v ehicl es: w ith d elu xe  auto matic  climate  control p lu s 
The air conditioner  is fully  automatic  and  is designed  to 
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