Seats and storage
General recommendations
Why is your seat adjustment so important?
The safety belts and the airbag system can only provide
maximum protection if the front seats are correctly
adju sted.
Th ere a re various ways of adjusting t he front seats to provide safe and
comfortable support for the driver and the front passenger . Ad just
your seat properly so that :
• you can easily and quickly reach a ll the switc hes and contro ls in the
ins trumen t pa nel
• your body is properly supported thus reducing phys ica l stress and
• the safety be lts and airbag system can offer maximum protection
page 200 .
In the following sections, you w ill see exact ly how you can best ad just
your sea ts .
Th ere are special regulations a nd instr uctions for install ing a child
safety seat on the front passenger's sea t. Always follow the informa
tion regarding child safety p rovided in=>
page 222, "Child Safety ".
Incorrect seating posit ion of the dri ver and all other passengers
can result in seriou s personal injury.
• Always keep your feet on the floor when the vehicle is in
motion -never put your feet on top of the instrument panel, out
of the window o r on top of the seat cush ion. This applies especially
to the passengers.
If your seating po sition is incorrect, you
increase the ri sk of injury in the case of sudden braking or an acci-
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Seats and storage
(con tinu ed)
dent . If the airbag inflates and the seating position is incorrect ,
this could result in per sonal injury or even death .
• It is important for both the dri ver and front passenger to keep
a distan ce of at least 10 inche s (25 cm) between themselves and
the steering wheel and /or instrument panel. If you 're sitting any
closer than this , the airbag system cannot protect you properly. In
addition, the front seats and head restraints must be adjusted to
your body height so that they can give you maximum protection .
• Always try to keep as much distance as possible between your
self and the steering wheel or instrument panel.
• Do not adjust the driver's or front passenger 's seat while the
vehicle is moving. You r seat may move unexpectedly , causing
sudden loss of vehicle control and personal injury . If you adjust
your seat while the vehicle is moving , you are out of position. •
Driver's seat
The correct seat position is important for saf e and
re lax ed driving.
W e recomme nd that you a djust the drive r's sea t in the
f ollowing man ner :
- Ad just the seat in fore and aft direction so that you can
easily pus h the pedals to the floor w hile keeping your
knees slightly bent=>
& in "Why is yo ur seat a djus tme nt
so importa nt?" .
- Adjust the seatback so that when yo u sit with yo ur back
agai nst t he seatback , you can st ill grasp t he top of the
steering w heel. ..,
Vehicle care Technical data
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On the road
App lies to veh icles : w ith manu ally adjusta ble steering whe el
Manually adjustable steering wheel
Th e height and rea ch of th e st eer ing wh eel can b e
a dju sted.
Fir st, adj ust the drive r's s eat co rrec tly.
Fig . 107 Lever under
the steering colum n
-Pull th e lever=> fig. 107 -Arrow-=> &.
- Move the steeri ng w hee l to the des ired pos it ion.
- Pus h the lever aga inst the s tee ring column until it loc ks .
Th ere m ust be at leas t 10 inches (2 5 cm) be twee n you r chest a nd the
center of the steering whee l. If you cannot si t more than 10 inches
( 2 5 cm) from the s teer ing wheel, see if adaptive eq uipment is av ail
able to help you reach the p edals and inc rease t he distance from the
s teeri ng wheel.
F or det aile d info rmation on how to adju st the dr iver's sea t, see
=> page 78.
Con tro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
OP-eration The
steeri ng wh eel ca n be adju sted ev en wh en the ign ition is turn ed
off. For ve hicles with seat memory, the individual positions for the
stee ring wheel c an be st ored al ong wi th t he sea t positi on .
Improper use of steering wheel adjustment and improper seating
position can cause serious personal injury .
• Adjust the steer ing wheel column only when the vehicle is not
moving to prevent loss of vehicle control.
• Adjust the dri ver's seat or steering wheel so that there is a
minimum of 10 inches (25 cm) between your chest and the
steering wheel=>
page 178, fig. 178 . If you cannot maintain this
minimum distance , the airbag system cannot protect you prop
erly .
• If physical limitations prevent you from sitting 10 inches (25
cm) or more from the steering wheel, check with your authorized
Audi dealer to see if adaptive equipment is available.
• If the steering wheel is al igned with your face, the supple
mental driver 's airbag cannot provide as much protection in an
accident . Always make sure that the steering wheel is aligned with
your chest.
• Always hold the steering wheel with your hands at the 9 o 'clock
and 3 o'clock positions to reduce the risk of personal injury if the
driver's airbag deploys .
• Never hold the steering wheel at the 12 o'clock po sition or with
your hands inside the steering wheel
rim or on the steer ing wheel
hub. Holding the stee ring wheel the wrong way can cause serious
injur ies to the hands, arms and head if the driver's airbag
deploys. •
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
........ _A_ i_rb _ a_,g,:;._ s_, y'- s_ t_e _m ________________________________________________ _
Airbag system
Important things to know
Importance of wearing safety belts and
sitting properly
Airbags are only supplemental restraints. For airbags to
do their job, occupants must always properly wear their
safety belts and be in a proper seating position.
For your safety and the safety of your passengers, before
driving off, always:
- Adjust the driver's seat and steering wheel properly
~ page 178,
-Adjust the front passenger's seat properly~ page 78,
-Wear safety belts properly~ page 193,
-Always properly use the proper child restraint to protect
page 222.
In a collision airbags must inflate within the blink of an eye and with
considerable force. The supplemental airbags can cause injuries if the
driver or the front seat passenger is not seated properly. Therefore in
order to help the airbag to do its job, it is important, both as a driver
and as a passenger to sit properly at all times.
By keeping room between your body and the steering wheel and the
front of the passenger compartment, the airbag can inflate fully and
completely and provide supplemental protection in certain frontal
collisions =>
page 178, "Proper occupant seating positions". For
details on the operation of the seat adjustment controls=>
page 78.
It's especially important that children are properly restrained
=>page 222.
There is a lot that the driver and the passengers can and must do to
help the individual safety features installed in your Audi work
together as a system.
Proper seating position is important so that the front airbag on the
driver side can do its job. If you have a physical impairment or condi
tion that prevents you from sitting properly on the driver seat with
the safety belt properly fastened and reaching the pedals, special
modifications to your vehicle may be necessary .
Contact your authorized Audi dealer, or call Audi Customer Relations
at 1-800-822-2834.
When the airbag system deploys, a gas generator will fill the airbags, break open the padded covers, and inflate between the steering
wheel and the driver and between the instrument panel and the front passenger. The airbags will deflate immediately after deployment so
that the front occupants can see through the windshield again
without interruption.
All of this takes place in the blink of an eye, so fast that many people
don't even realize that the airbags have deployed. The airbags also
inflate with a great deal of force and nothing should be in their way
when they deploy . Front airbags in combination with properly worn
safety belts slow down and limit the occupant's forward movement.
Together they help to prevent the driver and front seat passenger
from hitting parts of the inside the vehicle while reducing the forces acting on the occupant during the crash. In this way they help to
reduce the risk of injury to the head and upper body in the crash.
Airbags do not protect the arms or the lower parts of the body.
Both front airbags will not inflate in all frontal collisions. The trig
gering of the airbag system depends on the vehicle deceleration rate
caused by the collision and registered by the electronic control unit .
If this rate is below the reference value programmed into the control
unit, the airbags will not be triggered, even though the car may be
badly damaged as a result of the collision. Vehicle damage, repair _,.
___________________________________________ A_ l::.. p _h _a_ b_ e_t _ic _a_ l_ in_ d _ e_x __ ffllll
Safety belt position ...... .. .. .. .. . 196
Safety instructions .............. . 193
Securing child safety seats ......... 232
Special considerations for pregnant
women ....................... .
Unfastening ........ ...... .. .. .. . 197
Warning/indicator light ...... ..... 190
Why YOU MUST wear them ...... .. . 190
Worn properly ... .. .. .. .. .... .... 193
Safety compliance sticker ............. 340
Safety equipment ................ .. . 176
Safety features for occupant restraint and
protection .. .. .... .. ...... .....
Safety guidelines
Seat adjustment ......... ... .. .. ..
Safety instructions
Engine compartment .............. 280
for using child safety seats ...... .. . 225
for using safety belts ........... .. . 193
Monitoring the Advanced Airbag System .
Seat (upper cabin heating) ....... .. .. . 104
Seat adjustment
Driver's seat .............. .. .. .. ..
Easy entry function .. .. .. .. .. .... .. 79
Front passenger's seat ......... .. .. 78
Front seats .............. ... .. .. .. 77
Head restraints .............. .... 181
Power .. .. .. ....... ..... ... .. .. .. 78
Seat be lts
See Safety be lts ......... .. .... .. . 190
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Seat heating
Front seats . ........ ... ... .. .....
Rear seats . ..................... 1 03
Upper cabin heat ing . .. ... ........ 104
Seat memory .. .. .. .................. 80
Seating capacity . .. ...... .. ......... 190
Seating position
Dr iver ..................... ... ..
17 8
Front passenger ..... .. .. .. ... ... . 179
How to adjust the fir ont seats .. ..... 179
Incorrect seat position ... .. .. ..... 181
Occupants ...................... 17 8
Rear passengers ... . .. .. .........
Number of seats .............. ...
Selective unlock feature ............... 42
Selector lever ... .......... ......... 149
Emergency release ........... ....
Selector lever multitronic ® ....... .. .. 157
Service and disposal
Safety belt pretensioner . ..........
Service interval display .. .............. 20
Service position for windshield wipers .. . 70
Power steering ..... ..............
SET button ...... ........... .. .. .. .. .. 9
Shift buttons .. .. .. ............
153, 160
Side airbags
Description ......... .. .. .. .......
How they work ................ ... 220
S ide assist
Act ivat ing and deactivating ........
Description . .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. . 136
Informational and alert stage signals 138
Messages in instrument cluster display ..
Operation ....................... 138
Safety tips ........ ............ .. 143
Sensor detection area ...... .. .. .. . 137
Setting the signal brightness ...... . 141
Side marker lights ............ ........ 62
Snow chains ..... .. ................ 312
Sockets ... ......................... 85
Soft top
Care and cleaning .. ............. .
Sound system display
Driver information display ..........
Sources of information about child restraints
and their use ... ... ..... ... . ... .
Spare tire ........... ... . .... .... .. . 319
Speed rating le tter code ............ ..
Speed warning system ................ 25
Speedometer .. ..................... 11
Starting engine
Emergency key ............ ...... ..
Starting from rest .... ... . .. .. .... .. . 111
Starting off with a trailer ............. 112
Starting the engine .................. 106
Steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 32
Adjusting the steering wheel ...... . 105
Locking the steering ....... .. .... . 106
Malfunction ........ ...... ...... .. 31
Steering wheel column adjusting ...... 105
Steps for determining correct load limit . 305
Stopping the engine ... .............. 107
Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data