Table of contents
Table of contents
Vehicle literature ..... .
About this Owner's Manual .......... ......... .
Controls and
equipment .............. .
Instruments an d contr ols ... .
Gene ral illus tration ........... .
Instruments and
wa rni ng/indi cator Ligh ts ..... .
Instrumen ts ... ... .......... .
Warning/ indicator ligh ts ..... . .
Driver inform atio n dis pla y ... .
Introduction ...... ...... ... . .
On-Board D iagno stic sy ste m
(OBD) . ..... ....... .......... .
T rip comput er ............ ... .
Speed warning system ........ .
Au to Check Co ntrol .. ......... .
Opening and closing ......... .
Keys ............ ............ .
Power locki ng sys tem .... .... .
Opening a nd clos ing rear lid/ tru nk
lid ....... ... ......... ...... .
Emergency unlock ing of the
luggag e compar tm ent lid ... .. .
Power w indows .............. .
Va le t parking ........... ... .. . 4
1 8
2 1
2 S
3 7
4 1
4 7
4 7
49 P
o wer t op ...... ... .......... .
Au toma tic pow er top ......... .
W ind d efl ec to r .. ............ .
Power top emergency ope rat ion
Clear vision .............. .... .
Light s ...... ...... ..... .. ... .
I nterior l igh ts ............... .
Vis ion . ... ....... ..... ...... .
W iper and washer sys tem .... .
Mirror s ................. .... .
D igita l compas s ............ .
Seats a nd storage ........... .
G enera l rec omm endation s .... .
Power fron t seat adjustment .. .
Sea t memo ry ..... ..... ...... .
Head res train ts .............. .
Fron t armre st ... .... ....... . .
Luggage com par tmen t ....... .
Beverage holders ............ .
Ashtray .. ................... .
C igar ette ligh ter ... ...... .... .
S torag e ........ ..... ... .. .. .
Wa rm and co ld .... .......... .
D elux e au toma tic cl ima te c ontrol
D elux e au toma tic c lima te co ntrol
p lus . .................. · · · · · ·
S eat h eat ing .. .. ............ .
On t he road ................. .
S tee ring ..... .. .... ..... .. .. .
Ign it ion l ock and ign it io n swi tch
S tart ing and s topping the eng ine
w ith conv enie n ce ke y ........ . .
E lect romechani cal park ing b rake
69 72
7 5
8 4
1 05
1 05
C ru ise contro l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 A
dap tive cr uise con trol 116
Speed and d istance contro l
system .... .................. .
Dr iver info rma tion .......... ... 122
Sy ste m lim itation s ............ 127
Au di braking guard . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Audi La n e assist ......... ... ... 132
L an e assist . ..... ............. 132
Audi sid e assis t ............. .. 136
Lane change ass istant ...... ... 136
No tes ... ... .... .... .... .... .. 143
Au di dr ive se lect .... .......... 145
Driving settings . .............. 145
T ran smi ssion ........... .... .. 148
A utoma tic transm iss ion . . . . . . . . 148
mult it ro ni c® .. ................ 155
Par k assis t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Park ing syst em . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Park ing sy ste m (r ear) . . . . . . . . . . 163
Parking system (rear, w ith rear-
vi ew cam era) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
H ome link®
Un iv er sal r emot e control
1 7 2
Safety first . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
D riving Safely . .. ...... ........ 176
General n otes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Proper occupan t seating
p os ition s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Driver and passenger s ide
f oo tw ell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pedal area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
S towing luggage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Instrument cluster and controls
The instrument cluster is your central source of informa
tion .
Fig. 2 O ver view of the in strum ent cluster
© Coolant temperature gauge ......... .. .. ... ..... .
@ Tachometer ........ .... .. ... . .. .... ......... . .
® Warning/indicator light s ... .. .... .. . ... ... .. ... .
© [ SET] butto n ..... .. ... ..... ... ... .... ... . .. .. .
© Display
- Drive r information system .. .. .. ...... ........ .
- Time and da te dis play ... .. ... .... .. .. ... . .. .. .
- Odometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
© Reset button for trip odometer ................. .
0 Speedometer
@ Fu el g auge ...... .. .. ... . .. ... ... . ..... .... .. .
[ i ] Tips
• When swit ch ing the ign ition on, the need les in the instrument
cl uste r sw ing upward briefly .
• The illuminat ion for the instrument clu ster light s up whenever
you switch on the ignition with the
vehi cle headlights off . As the
daylight fades, the instrument cluster illum ination likewise dim s
au toma tic ally and w ill go ou t comple tely when the ou tside ligh t is
very low . Th is feature is meant to remi nd you to switch on the head
lights wh en outside lig ht conditions b ecom e poor .•
Engine coolant temperature gauge
T he e ngine coo la nt gauge ~ fig. 2 © only works whe n the ignition is
on . To prevent damage to your engine, please note the following
important po ints:
Engine cold
If the needle is a t or cl ose to the bottom of the gauge, the engine h as
not yet reached its operat ing temperature. Avoid high eng ine speeds,
heavy eng ine loads, and heavy th rott le applica tions.
Normal temperature
W hen the eng ine has reached its operati ng tem perature, the needle
w ill move to the midd le of the gauge and rema in there. If the engine
is working ha rd at hig h ou tside temperat ures, the nee dle may move
higher on the gauge. Th is is not a cause for concern as long as the-~
wa rning lig ht in t he instr ument clus ter display does not i llumina te. _.,,
Warning light in the instrument cluster display-1-
If the _L warning light in the i nstrument clus ter display flashes, this
can mean one of two things: either the coo lant
temperature is too
high, or the coolant
level is too low ~ page 29.
If the needle is well in the uppe r area of the gauge, the coo lant
temperature is too high.
Stop the vehicle, switch the engine off, and
allow it to cool.
If th e war ning light comes o n ag ain af ter driv ing a
short distance, contact an author ized Aud i dea ler or othe r qualified
wor ksh o p.
• Alway s observe the warn ing in :::} page 272, "Engine compart·
ment ", before opening the hood and checking the engine coolant
• Never open the engine hood if you see or hear steam, or if you
s ee engin e coolant dripping from the engine compartment. You
could burn yourself . Let the engine cool off first so that you cannot
hear or see any steam or engine coolant .
0 Note
• Mounting add ition al lights o r accesso ries in fron t of the a ir inlets
reduces the cooling effect of the radiator . At high outside tempera
tur es o r high engine load, the eng ine could ove rhe at.
• The front spo iler has been designed to properly d istribute the
c oo lin g air when the vehicle is moving. If the sp oi ler is d amaged, this
co uld reduce the cooling eff ect and the eng ine could then overheat .
Ask your au thor ized A udi dealer for assis tance .•
Con tro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Tachometer (engine rev counter)
The tachomete r in dic ates t he engine RPM (revoluti ons
pe r mi nutes) .
If engine RPM drops below 1,500, you shou ld downsh ift to the next
lower ge ar. T he red area at the end of the s cale i ndi cates max imum
permissible engine RPM after the brea k-in per iod. Before reaching
t his area, move t he selector lever to po sition "D (Dr ive)" or ease yo ur
foot off t he accelerator pedal.
0 Note
T he tachometer needle @~ page 8, fig. 2 should o nly br iefly be in
t he red zone: yo u co uld damage your eng ine! T he beg inning of the red
zone varies depe nd ing o n the eng ine.
~ For the sake of the environment
Upshifting early saves fuel and redu ces engine noise .•
[S ET] button
You c an per form d iffere nt fu nctions with t his but ton.
Fig . 3 SET butto n in
the instrume nt clu ste r
Th e !SE TI bu tto n performs the fo llow ing f unct io ns:
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Switching on time , date, temperature display , and
Th e display appears for approx imately 30 seconds w hen you press the
ISE Tj button => page 9, fig. 3 with t he ign it ion off.
Starting the Auto-Check sequence
T he Auto -Check system => page 26 constant ly monitors certain indi
vidua l func tions a nd components of the ve hicle whe n the ign ition is
t u rne d on and w hen the vehicle is mov ing.
Wi th the ignit ion turned o n, you can star t the "A uto -Check sequence"
by pressing the
! SET ] button . You can perfo rm an Auto-Check
sequence when the veh icle is station ary an d the ig niti on i s turned o n
or w hen the veh icle is mov ing slower t han 3 mp h (5 km/h).
Calling up the dr iver information
A ye llow or red symbol appears in the instr ument cluster display,
u su ally wi th a drive r message. T he drive r mes sage disp lay disappea rs
after about 5 seconds. The driver message can be d isp layed aga in by
br ie fl y pr essing the
!S ET ] button.
Setting the speed warning
By press in g t he I SE T] bu tton br iefly, yo u ca n set thres ho ld 1 of the
speed warn ing wh ile yo u are driving =>
page 25. By maintaining pres
su re on t he
!SE TI but ton , you dele te the w arning thres ho ld. •
Digital clock with date display
Digital clock
Fig. 4 Instrume nt
clu ster: t ime an d date
T he date, t ime of day, time and date format can be set in the rad io o r
in the MMI* . You can learn more about this in the MMI manual or in
the radio user's man ual.
[ i ] Tips
• Th e digita l clock turns on for about 30 secon ds w hen the dr iver's
door is opened.
• When the ignition is turned off, the odometer rea ding and the
dig ital clock with date display can be sw itched on for about
30 seconds by press ing the
[ SET I butto n=> page 9, fig. 3. •
Fuel gauge
The f uel gauge wo rks on ly when the ignition is on.
W hen the nee dle rea che s the red a rea, the war ning ligh t in t he ins tru
ment cl uster will illuminate =>
page 34 L.,. Th is means you have
a p pr oxi mate ly 2.1 gallons (8 liters) of f uel left in t he ta nk .
Time to
r efuel!
T he total tank capac ity of yo ur vehicle is liste d in => page 342. .,,
0 Note
Never run the tank completely d ry! An irregular supply of f uel can
cause engine misfiring and fuel could enter into the exhaust system .
T he ca talyt ic conver ter could then overhea t and be damaged .•
The odometer indicates the distance driven.
Fi g. 5 Ins tru m ent
cl uster : odome ter
Fig . 6 Instrume nt
cl uster : reset button
The d isp lay of distance driven is s hown in kilometers "km" or i n
"miles" .
• USA models - Miles
• Canada models -Kilomete rs
Con tro ls a nd e quip
m en t Vehicle
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
The un its of measure (k ilomete rs/miles) can be changed in the MMI
or us ing the [
CAR] button on the r adio con trol.
Odometer /trip odometer
T he odomete r sh ows the tot al number of kilomete rs or mile s tha t
have been driven on the vehicle.
Th e tr ip odomete r shows the distance dr iven si nce it was last reset.
can be used to measure short d istances . T he last d ig it shows
distances of 100 meters or 1/10 of a m ile.
Th e trip odome te r c an be reset to zero by pressi ng the reset bu tton
[O.O )~ fig. 6.
Malfunction message
If there is a ma lf u nction somewhere in the instrument cluster, dEF
will appear in th e trip odomet er and w ill stay on. Conta ct you r au tho
rized Aud i dea le r to have the p roblem corrected.
Whe n the ign ition is switched o n, the data on the ignition key are
scanned automati cally.
If an unauthorized key was used,
SAFE is display ed pe rmanently in
t he o dome ter display field . The vehicle ca nnot be o per ated
~ page 37.
[ i ] Tips
• T he date, t ime, and distance continue to show for about 30
seconds after the igni tion is switched off .
• The odometer turns on for about 30 seconds w hen the driver 's
door is opened .
• The odometer can be turned on for approximately 30 seconds
with the igni tion of f by pres sing the [S ET] button ~
page 9, fig. 3 . •
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
Warning/indicator lights
The warning/indicator lights indicate different functions
or a possible malfunction.
F ig . 7 Inst rum ent cluster with wa rning/in dicato r lig hts
Your vehicle is equipped with several important warning and indi
cato r lights to he lp yo u moni to r the continued re liable ope ration of
your vehicle=> &.
Dynamic steering *
Electronic power control => page 13
=> page 13
Electronic Stabilization
Program (ESP) => page 14
USA model s:
Airbag system
Canada model s:
Airbag system
Tire pressure too low *
Left t urn s ignal
Safety belt Ma lfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)
adaptive cruise control*
D Hi gh beam
/ : Lane assist (system is ready)
Lane assist (system is not ready)
Power top operation
Right turn signal
USA models:
Cruise control activated
Canada model s:
Cruise contro l activated
=>page 14
=> page 1 4
=> page 14
=> page 15
=>page 15
=>page 15
=>page 122
=> page 15
:> page 15
=> page 15
=> page 51
=> page 15
=>page 15
=> page 15
USA models:
Anti-lock brake system => page 16
(ABS) defective
Canada models: Anti-lock brake sys-=>page 16
tern (ABS) defective
PARK USA models: Parking bra ke =>page 16
(® ) Canada model s:Parking br ake
=> page 16
USA models : Brake malfunction :::> page 17
Canada models: Bra ke malfunction
=> page 17
• Failure to heed warning lights and other important vehicle
information may result in serious per sonal injury or vehicle
• Whenever stalled or stopped for repair , move the vehicle a safe
di stance off the road, stop the engine, and turn on the emergency
flashe r
=> page 66.
• The engine compartment of any motor vehicle is a potentially
hazardous area . Before you check anything in the engine compart
ment, stop the engine and let it cool down . Always exercise
extreme caution when working under the hood =>
page 2 72,
" Engine compartment "
(I) Tips
Many funct ions a re mo nitored by the Auto-Check system=> page 26.
Ma lfunctions or faults w ill be identified either with a red symbol
(pr io rit y
1 -Dan ger!) or wi th a ye llow symbo l (priority 2 -War ning). •
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Instruments and warning
/indicator lights
App lies to veh icles : w ith Aud i dr ive select
Dynamic steering
If the ind icator light() illumina te s w hen swi tching on t he ig nition
and goes ou t when the engine starts, dynamic steering is activated.
If the ind icator light
r ill uminates after the engine sta rts, a system
ma lfunct ion has occurred . Yo u can co ntinue to drive caref ully at a
re duced speed to a q ualified workshop. Steering can be more diffic ult
or sensit ive tha n usual. The stee ring w heel may a lso be at an angle
when driving straight.
Have the dynamic steering system malfunction repaired as soon
as possible by an author ized Audi d ealer or any qualified workshop
- risk of accident!
[ i ] Tips
• If the indicator light ~ flashes, dynamic stee ring is being re
initialized. The d river info rmation system display shows the words
"Dynamic steering : initialization" =>
page 32.
• The dy namic steering stab ility systems a re not availab le in the
event of a system ma lfunction .•
Electronic power control '
This warning/indicator Light monitors t he electronic
pow er control .
The C'., warning/indicator light (E lectronic Powe r Cont rol) illumi
nates when you turn o n the ignition as a function check .
Vehicle care Technical data
Instruments and warning /indicator lights
(I] Tip s
If this warning/indicator light illuminates while you are driving, then
there is a malfunction in the engine e lectronics. Have the ma lfunction
co rrected as soon as possib le by you r authorized Audi dealer or qua l
ified workshop .•
Electronic stabilization program (ESP) . />
If the <• indicator lamp b links whi le driving, the ESP or ASR (Anti -Slip
Regu lation) is actively regula ting.
If the
> indicator lamp illuminates, the system has switched the ESP
off. In this case, yo u can switch the ignition off and then on to switch
the ESP on again . The system is functioning completely when the
indicator lamp sw itches off.
If the ind icator lamp illuminates, the ESP was switched off with the
OFF ] button .
ESP/ ABS f ault ! See owner 's manu al
If the indicator lamp and the )ABS indicator lamp illuminate and
the driver message appears, the ABS or e lectronic differentia l lock is
ma lfunction ing. This also interrupts the ESP. The brakes still function
with their normal power, but ABS is not act ive.
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immediately to have the
ma lfunction corrected.
For more information abo ut the ESP::::>
page 240. •
Airbag system
ffl (USA models) l!lr (Canada models)
This warning/indicator light monitors the airbag and the
pretensioner systems .
The I (USA models)/ !.!r (Canada mode ls) warning light illuminates
for a few seconds each time you switch on the ignition.
If the
I (USA models) I !_~ -(Canada models) warn ing light does not go
out, or if it illumina tes while you are d riving, o r if it s tarts to blink,
then there is a malfunction somewhere in the system. If the l ight
does not illuminate when you swi tch on the igni tion, this a lso means
there is a malfunction .
If you ha ve a malfun ction in the airbag system , contact your
a uthoriz ed Audi de aler immediat ely. Otherwi se the airbag or the
belt pr etens ioner m ay not work properly in an accident. •
Appli es to vehicles: with t ire p ress ure mon itor ing system
Tire pressure monitoring system -telltale
indicator lamp )
The warning/indicator light appears in the event of a
significant loss of tire pressure or if there is a malfunc
tion .
The indicator light _) illuminates to check the function when you
sw itch on the ignition.
If the 'symbo l remains on or blinks after you switch on the ign ition,
there is a loss of tire pressure or a system malfunction . If t here is a
system malfunction, see your author ized Audi dealer as soon as
Detailed information on the t ire pressu re monitoring system can be
found in::::>
page 314. •