-~_T_ i_ re _ s_ a_n _ d_ w_ h _e_ e_ ls _________________________________________________ _
& WARNING (conti nu ed )
• Alway s use tire s, rim s and wheel bolts that meet the specifica
tions of original factory-installed tires or other combinat ions that
have been specifically approved by the vehicle manufacturer .
• Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly,
especially at high speed s. Tires that are more than 6 years old can
only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at
lower speeds.
• Never mount used tir es on your vehicle if you are not sure of
their "previous history. " Old used t ires m ay have been damaged
even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
tire failure and loss of vehicle control.
• All four wheels must be fitted with radial tires of the same
type , size (rolling circumference) and the same tread pattern .
Driving with different tire s reduces vehicle handling and can lead
to a loss of control.
• If the spare tire is not the same as the tires that are mounted
on the vehicle - for example w ith winter tires - only use the spare
tire for a short period of time and drive with extra care. Refit the
normal road wheel as soon as safely possible.
• Never drive fa ster than the maximum speed for which the tires
on your vehicle are rated because ti re s that are driven faster than
their rated speed can fail suddenly.
• Overloading tire s cause heat build-up, sudden tire failure,
including a blowout and sudden deflation and loss of control.
• Temperature grades apply to tires that are properl y inflated
and not over or underinflated.
• For technical reasons it is not always possible to u se wheels
from other veh icles- in some cases not even wheels from the same
vehicle model.
• If you install wheel tr im discs on the vehicle wheels , make sure
that the air flow to the brakes i s not blocked . Reduced airflow to
the brakes can them to overheat, increasing stopping distances
and cau sing a collision.
& W ARNING (continued )
• Run flat ti res may only be used on vehicles that were equipped
with them at the factory. The vehicle must have a chassi s designed
fo r run flat tires and a factory-installed tire pressure monitoring
system* that indicates a loss of tire pressure. Incorrect use of run
flat tires can lead to vehicle damage o r accidents. Check with an
authorized Audi dealer or tire speciali st to see if your vehicle can
be equipped w ith run flat tires . If run flat t ires are used , they must
be installed on all four wheels. Mixing tire types is not permitted.
0 Note
• F or tech nical reasons, it is no t gene rally poss ible to use the wheel
r ims from other vehicles . This ca n hold t rue for w heels of the same
veh icle type .
• If the spare tire is different from the tires th at you have mou nted
on yo ur vehi cle (fo r ex am ple w inte r tir es o r wide profile tires), then
use the spa re t ire for a short period of time on ly and d rive with extra
care . Replace t he f lat tire w ith the tire matching the others on your
veh icle as soon as possible.
• N ever dr ive witho ut the valve s te m c ap. The valves coul d get
damaged .
'£> For the sake of the environment
Dispose of old t ires in accordance with the loca l req uirements.
(]] Tips
Tires with t he ident ification "AO" have been specially matched with
your Audi. We recommend us ing only these ti res beca use they meet
t he highest standa rds rega rding saf ety and dr iv ing c ha racteristics
when used correct ly. You r autho rized Audi dealer w ill gladly provide
you with more info rmation. •
What do I do now? Ill ____________ ______;_ __ _
& WARNING (continued)
the ground, placing the Automatic Transmission in "P" (Park) will
not prevent the vehicle from moving.
• Before you change a wheel, be sure the ground is level and
firm. If necessary, use a sturdy board under the jack.
• After installing the inflatable spare tire, make sure that you
replace the flat tire/wheel in its storage area properly and tighten
the knurled retaining screw securely.
0 Note
If you are changing the wheel on a steep incline, use a rock or simi lar
object to block the opposite wheel to prevent the vehicle from
[I] Tips
Obey all laws. •
Changing a wheel
When you change a wheel, follow the sequence described
below step-by-step and in exactly that order.
1. Remove the decorative wheel cover*. For more details see
also =>
page 322, "Decorative wheel covers" .
2. Loosen the
wheel bolts=> page 323.
3. Locate the proper mounting point for the jack and align
the jack below that point=>
page 323.
4. Lift the car with the jack=> page 323.
5. Remove the wheel with the flat tire and then install the
spare tire=> page 325.
Safety first
6. Tighten all wheel bolts lightly.
7. Lower the vehicle with the jack .
8. Use the wheel bolt wrench and firmly tighten all wheel
bolts in a crisscross pattern=>
page 323.
9. Replace the decorative wheel cover*.
Always read and follow all WARNINGS and information~ & in
" Raising the vehicle" on
page 323 and ~ page 326. •
After changing a wheel
A wheel change is not complete without the doing the
- Store and secure the wheel you replaced in the spare
wheel well.
- Replace the tools and the jack in their proper location.
- Check the
tire pressure of the spare tire as soon as
- As soon as possible, have the
tightening torques on all
wheel bolts checked with a torque wrench. The correct
tightening torque is 90 ft lb (120 Nm).
- Have the flat tire
replaced as soon as possible.
[ i] Tips
• If you notice that the wheel bolts are corroded and difficu lt to turn
while changing a tire, they should be replaced before you check the
tightening torque. .,_
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
What do I do now ? -_______________ __.PfWII
Taking the wheel off/installing the spare
Follow these instructions step-by-step for changing the wheel
F ig. 242 Changing a
wheel: using the
sc rewdriver handle
(w ith the b lade
r emove d) to turn t he
Fig. 243 Changi ng a
wheel: alignment p in
i nside t he top hole
After you have loosened all wheel bolts and raised the vehicle
off the ground, remove and replace the wheel as follows :
Removing the wheel
- Remove the topmost wheel bolt completely with the
hex agon al sock et in the screwdriver handle (vehicle tool
kit) :=} fig. 242 and set it aside on a
clean surface.
Vehicle OP-eration
-Screw the threaded end of the alignment pin from the
tool kit hand-tight into the empty bolt hole:=} fig. 243.
- Then remove the other wheel bolts as described above .
- Take off the wheel leaving the alignment pin in the bolt
Putting on the inflatabl e spare tir e
-Push the spare tire over the alignment pin.
- Screw on the wheel bolts and tighten them
slightly using
the hexagonal socket.
- Remove the alignment pin and insert and tighten the
remaining wheel bolt slightly like the rest .
- Turn the jack handle counter-clockwise to lower the
vehicle until the jack is fully released.
- Use the wheel bolt wrench to tighten all wheel bolts firmly :=}
page 323 . Tighten them Tighten them in a crisscross
from one bolt to the (approximately) opposite
one, to keep the wheel centered .
- Perform the steps required after changing the wheel :=}
page 321, "After changing a wheel" .
[ i ] Tips
Never use the hexagonal socket in the handle of the screwdriver to
loosen or tighten the wheel bolts.
• Pull the reversible b lade from the screwdrive r before you use the
hexagonal socket in the handle to turn the wheel bolts.
• When mounting tires with
unid irectio nal t rea d design make sure
the tread pattern is pointed the r ight way=>
page 326. _,.
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service iTechnical data
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• The whe el bolts s hou ld b e cl ean a nd easy to tur n. C heck for dirt
and co rros ion on t he matin g su rfac es of bot h th e whee l and th e hub.
Re mov e all d irt fro m these su rfac es before remounti ng the w heel. •
Tires with unidirectional tread design
Tir es with unidirectional tr ead d esign must b e mounted
with the ir tread patt ern pointed in th e right d ir ec tion .
Using a spare tire with a tread pattern intended for
use in a specific direction
W hen using a spare tire w ith a t read patter n inte nded for use i n a
spec ific di rec tion, please no te the fo llow in g :
• Th e directio n of ro ta ti on is mark ed by an
arrow on the side of the
tire .
• If th e spa re tir e has to be install ed in t he in cor rec t dire ction, use
the s pare t ire only tem porar ily since t he tire w ill not be a ble to
a chi eve it s opti mum perf o rma nce ch aract erist ic s wi th re gar d to
aquap lan ing, no ise and wea r.
• We re co mmen d t hat you pay part icular atten tion to t his fact
dur ing wet weather a nd that you adjust yo ur speed to match road
co ndi tions.
• Rep lace the f lat ti re with a new one and have it insta lled on your
v eh icle as so on as possible to r estor e t he hand ling advantag es o f a
unid irect ional tire .•
Notes on wheel changing
Please read the in formation => page 307, "N ew t ires and rep lacing
t ir es and w heels" if yo u are going to us e a spa re tire which is differ ent
from t he tires on yo ur vehicle .
A ft er y o u change a tir e:
• Check the tire pressure on the spare immediately after installa
tion . •
Have the wheel bolt tightening torque checked with a torque
wrench as soon as possible by your authorized Audi dealer or a qual
ified workshop.
• With steel and alloy wheel rims, the wheel bolts are correctly
tightened at a torque of 90 ft lb (120 Nm ).
• If you notice that the wheel bolts are corroded and difficult to
turn while changing a tire, they should be replaced befo re you check
the tightening torque.
• Replace the flat tire with a new one and have it installed on your
vehicle a s soon as possible. Remount the wheel cover.
Until then, dr ive with extra care and at reduced speeds .
• If you are going to equip your vehicle with tires or rims which
differ from those which were factory installed, then be sure to
read the information =>
page 307, "New tires and replacing tires
and wheels".
• Always make sure the damaged wheel or even a flat tire and
the jack and tool kit are properly secured in the luggage compart ment and are not loose in the passenger compartment.
• In an accident or sudden maneuver they could fly forward,
injuring anyone in the vehicle.
• Always store damaged wheel, jack and tools securely in the
luggage compartment. Otherwise, in an accident or sudden
maneuver they could fly forward, causing injury to passengers in
the vehicle. •