lffll.___A_ d_ a,.:.p _ t_ i _v _ e_ c_ r _u _ is_ e_ c_o _n_ t_r _o _l _____________________________________________ _
Driving in traffic
If a vehicle driving ahead is detected, the adaptive cruise control
decelerates (within the limits of the system)=>
page 126, "Driver
intervention prompt" and=>
page 127, "System limitations" to its
speed and after adjusting, tries to mainta in the set distance from the
vehicle ahead. The vehicle may temporarily drive slower than the set
speed wh ile adjusting::::>
& in "Description" on page 116 .
If the vehicle in front accelerates, adaptive cruise control also accel
erates up to the speed that you have set.
Situation requiring driver intervention
In some situations you will have to use the footbrake to slow the
vehicle down in order to keep a safe distance from vehicle in front of
you o r to avoid a rear-end co llision. In this situation, a symbo l
appears and a warning tone sounds=>
page 126.
Passing another vehicle
If you move into the passing lane and no vehicle is detected ahead,
the adaptive cruise control accelerates to the speed you have set and
maintains it .
You can increase your speed at any time by stepping on the acceler
ator pedal. After you release the accelerator pedal, the system
adjusts back down to the speed you previously set .
[ i ] Tips
Please note that the amount of acceleration the adaptive cruise
control uses depends on the Distance setting selected. DISTANCE 1
gives you accelerat ion that is dynamic and sporty. DISTANCE 4, on the
other hand, gives more moderate acceleration . For more information
about the time intervals=>
page 121, "H ow is the distance (time
interval) set?".
• Please note that if the adaptive cruise control has begun braking
the vehicle and the driver chooses to brake the vehicle additionally, the brakes may
feel "hard". This is simply due to the pressure build
up of the initial braking.
• Adaptive cruise contro l is switched off after pressing the foot
brake. The speed saved up this point can be resumed. To resume the
saved speed, release the brake pedal and pull the control lever
page 120, "Tu rning adaptive cruise control off temporarily". •
Applies to veh icles : wit h ad aptive c ru is e cont rol
Switching the system on and off
Switching the system on
- Pull the lever to position
0 => fig. 115.
Switching the system off
Fig . 115 Control
lever: Switching on
and off
- Press the lever to position@ (latched) .•
________________________________________________ A_u_ d_i_ d_ r_iv _ e_ s_ e _ le_ c_t __ _
Audi drive select
Driving settings
Applies to veh icles : with Aud i driv e select
Audi dr ive select makes it possible to exper ience d ifferent types of
vehicle set tings in one vehi cle. For ins tance, using the three
COMFORT, AUTO and DYNAMIC modes, the driver can switch from a
sporty to a com fortab le dr iv ing mode with the p ress of a bu tton .
Add itionally, in ve hicles with MMI*, the veh icle se tup for INDI
VIDUAL * mode can be customized by you. This makes it poss ib le to
combi ne sett ings such as a sporty engi ne tuning w it h light stee ring.
• Improper use of the Audi drive select can cause collisions,
other accident s and serious personal injury.
• Never drive at speeds that are too high for traffic , road and
weather conditions. •
Applies to veh icles: wit h Aud i dri ve select
Depending on the mode, the engine and automatic transmission
respond more quickly or in a more balanced ma nner to a ccelera tor
peda l movements.
Ser votron ic (power steering assistance)=> page 246 can also be
adapted to d riving situat ions.
Dynamic steering changes the steering rat io as a function of the
driv ing speed in order to op tim ize t he d river's required steer ing
effort . This sets the steer ing to be less sensitive at highe r sp eeds in
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
r to provid e greate r contro l over the ve hicle. At r educ ed spe eds,
howeve r, steering is mo re direct in order to keep the stee ring effort
as minimal as possible whe n the drive r is maneuve ring the vehi cle. At
low and average speeds, dynamic steering add itiona lly p rovides more
responsive steer ing perfo rm ance. The driver can set the basi c
steering rat io characteristics.
Th e
adaptive damper s use sensors to recor d informat ion regar ding
stee rin g movements, b raking and accele ration ope ra tions by the
dr iver, road sur face , d riving speed, and load. This makes it possib le to
adapt damp ing to t he d riving situat ion virt ua lly in rea l time . Audi
dr ive select a lso makes it poss ible to satisfy the desire for sporty
s us pension (DY NAM IC) and comfort able suspension ( COMFOR T)
without giving up balanced tun ing (AUTO).
Th e followi ng chart prov ides an overv iew of t he char acteristics of
each driving mode .
Engine/gearbox bala nce d b ala nce d sporty
comfortable balanced sporty
Dynamic steering comfort- bal- sporty/d irect
ab le/indirect
anced/direc t
comfortable balanced sporty
Th e Servo tro nic sett in gs are a djusted und er the
Dyn. steering menu
item .
W Tips
• For veh icles with an automat ic tra nsmissio n*, sporty shift ing
characteristics can be set by select ing the
DYNAMIC mode. The S
selector lever position is not available .
Vehicle care Technical data
llffl..__A_ u_d_ i _d _r_ i_v _e _ s_e _ l_ e _ c_ t _______________________________________________ _
• The dynamic steering may make noise when starting or stopping
the engine. This does not indicate a problem. •
Applies to ve hicle s: wit h Audi d rive select
Selecting the driving mode
You can choose between COMFORT, AUTO, DYNAMIC and
w, ...,· _ tVT-'O ___. •tiilf
Fig . 148 Shift gate:
Control for Audi drive
Fig . 149 Center
console: Control for
Audi drive select
The control is located on the shift gate~ fig. 148 in vehicles
with a radio, and in vehicles with MMI, it is located in the
center console~ fig. 149.
- Turn on the ignition. -
Press the left or right arrow button until the desired mode
appears in red.
You can change the driv ing mode when the vehicle is stationary or
while driving. If traffic permits , after changing modes, br iefly take
your foot off the accelerator pedal so that the recently selected mode
is a lso act ivated for the eng ine and transmission .
The COMFORT mode provides a comfortable vehicle setting . The
eng ine and automatic transmission* react in a balanced manner to
movements of the acce leration pedal. Steering is light and indirect,
and adaptive dampers provide a soft suspension. The setting is ideal
for driving on long stretches, such as on freeways.
Full use of AUTO provides a comfortable, yet dynamic feel. The
se ttin g is per fect fo r daily use.
DYNAMIC gives the vehicle a sporty feeling. The eng ine responds
quickly to accelerator pedal movements, and steering is sporty and
direct. The adaptive dampers are adjusted to provide a stiffer suspen
sion, and the automatic transmission* sh ift points are set at higher
eng ine speed ranges . The setting is idea l for sporty driv ing.
You can adapt this mode to your personal needs in the MMI.
Pay attention to traffic when operating Audi drive select to
prevent potential risk of an accident.
Driving and environm ent
[I) Tip s
The consumption estimates as published by ENV IRONMEN TA L
PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) and Transport Canada may not corre
spond to your actual consumption on the road, wh ich w ill vary
depending upon vehicle load and speed, road and weather conditions ,
trip length, etc. •
Drive smoothly :1nd keep a Lookout ahead
Vehicles use the most fuel when they are accelerating .
-Avoid unnecessary accelerating and braking.
Vehicles use the most fuel when they a re accelerating. If you antici
pate what is going to happen next, you will need to brake less and,
thus, accelerate less. Let the vehicle coast whenever possible -for
example when you see that the next traffic l ight is red. •
Avoid full throttle
Driving at moderate speeds saves fuel and improves your
- Try and keep well below your car's maximum speed .
Accelerating gently reduces fuel consumption, engine wear, and does
not disturb the environment .
Fuel consumption, exhaust emissions and engine noise increase
disproportionately at high speeds . If you drive at approx imately three
quarters of top speed, fuel consumption will be reduced by one half.
Never dr ive faster t han the posted speed limit and weather condi
tions permit. •
Controls and equip
ment Safety first Vehicle operation
Reducing unnecessary idling
Even when your car is just idling it burns up fuel.
Shut the engine off when you are not driving the vehicle .
- Do not warm up the veh icle by letting the engine run at
It makes sense to shut off the engine in traffic jams, when wa iting for
trains to pass at railroad crossings, or at traffic lights that have long
wa its on red . Turn ing the engine off for just 30-40 seco nds saves
mor e fuel than is burned starting the engine again .
It takes a long t ime for the engine to wa rm up fully when it is run ning
at idle. However, wear and noxious emissions are espec ia lly high
when the eng ine is wa rming up. So you should dr ive away as soon as
you start the engine and avoid running at hig h rpms while the engine
is still warm ing up.
0 Note
Do not leave engine idling unattended after starting . If warning
lights should come on to indicate improper operation, they would go
unheeded. Extended idling also produces heat, which could result in
overheat ing or other damage to the vehicle or othe r property.
Regular mai n _t_ e_ n_a_ n_ c_e ___________ _
A badly tuned engine unnecessarily wastes a lot of fuel.
-Have your vehicle serviced at regular intervals .
By having you r vehicle regularly serviced by an authorized Audi dealer
helps to ensure that it runs properly and economically . The condit ion
of your vehicle not only affects its safety and ability to ho ld its val ue,
it also affects
fu el con sumpt ion.
C hec k your oil ea ch tim e you fill you r ta nk .
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
___ A_ l_. p_ h _ a_b_ e_ t_ic _a_ l_ in_ d_e _ x ____________________________________________ _
Storage .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... ..... 86 Tires ...... ........ ... ... .. .. .. .. . 296 TPMS
Front seats ...................... 87 Service life .................. ... . 306 Tire pressure monitoring system .... 315
Glove compartment ............... 87 speed rating letter code ........... 309
Trailer towing ... .... .. ............. 255
Sun visors .. .................... .... 69 Tire manufacturing date
........... 309
Operating instructions ........... . 255
Switches Tir
e spec ifications ................ 308
Technica l requirements ....... 255, 256
Eme rgency flashers ............... 66 Tread
depth ... ........... ...... . 306
Trailer towing tips .... .. ......... 257
Symbols Red . ................. ... ........ 27 Uniform t
ire quality grading ....... 311
Winter tires ..................... 311 Transmission
automatic transmission® .......... 148
Yellow ......... ............ .. .. . 31 Tires
and vehicle load limits .......... 304
multitronic® ... ................ . 155
Tires and wheels
Transport Canada ................... 186
T Checking tire pressure ............ 302
Tread Wear Indicator (TWI) .......... 306
Tachometer .................... ..... 9
Technica l modifications ............ .. 346
The first 1,000 miles (1,SOO km) and
afterwards .................. .. 2SO
Tie-downs .................. ... . 83, 185
tiptron ic® ...................... ... 148
Automatic Sh ift Lock (ASL) ......... 150
Driving ......................... 148
Dynamic shift program . .. ......... 151
Fail -safe mode ... .. ............. 153
Kick-down ..... .... ............. 151 Cold tire
inflation pressure ......... 300
Dimensions ... .................. 307
General notes ............ .. ..... 296
Glossary of tire and loading terminology .
N ew tires and wheels ............. 307
Replacing ................ .. ..... 308
Snow chains .................... 312
Tires and vehicle load limits . .. .... . 304
Wheel bolts ................... .. 313
Winter tires ..................... 311
Tires/Whe els Trip
Fuel consumption . .. .............. 22
Mileage ............ ...... .. .. .. . 22
Single -trip memory ........ ... ... .. 23
Total-trip memory .. .............. 23
Tr ip odometer .. .. .... .............. 11
See Rear lid .. .. .................. 46
Trunk escape handle ... ............. 318
T urn s ignals ................... .... . 67
Warning/indicator lights . .......... 15
Manual shift program . ............ 152 Low aspect ratio tires . .... . .. .. ... 314
Selector lever ...... ..... .... . ... 149 Tire pressure monitoring system . 14, 314
Tire pressure .... .......... ......... 302 Tool kit .................... .. .. .. . 318
T ire pressure monitoring system ....... 314 Torn or frayed safety belts ............ 193
Loss of air pressure ............ 14, 315 Touch-up paint ... .................. 265 Undercoating .
.. .. .. .. ............. 267
Unfastening safety belts ........... .. 197
Unidirect ional tires .. .. .. .. .. ....... 296
Malfunction ..................... 315 Towing
Resetting tire pressures ...... .. ... 316 Front eyelet ..................... 336
T ire service life .. .. ............... .. 306 Rear eyelet .................... . 337
T ow truck procedures .... .. .. .. ... 336 Uniform t
ire quality grading ... .... ... 311
Unlocking Power locking switch .............. 45
Rear lid/trunk lid . .. .... .......... 46