2010 AUDI A5 CABRIOLET washer fluid

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Page 5 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Reporting  Safety  Defects  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 185 
Active  rollover  protection  system  187 
Safety  be lts  ................... 190 
General  no tes  ........ .........  190 
Why  safety  belts?

Page 29 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual The ignition  key can  only  be  removed  with  the  selector  in this  posi­
tion.  This  and  other  messages  are  brought  up if a function  cannot  be 
carried  out. 
Driver  messages  and red s

Page 34 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Driver  information  display 
When  a yellow  warning  symbol  appears, one warning  tone  sounds.  A 
dr iver  message  appears  as  well  to  explain  the  ma lfunction  in  more 
detail.  The  driv

Page 36 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Driver  information  display 
Applies to veh icles : w ith  defective  lig ht  bulb warning 
Defective  light  bulb  warning 
The defective  light  bulb  warning  monitors  the  function  of 
the  lig

Page 72 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual Clear  vision 
tion ®· They  are  also  cleaned  every time  you  hold  the  lever  in position 
© for  long er than  2  seconds . 
• The  rain  sensor is only  intended  to  assist th

Page 283 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual _____________________________________________ C_h _ e_ c_ k_in --= g-- a_n _d_ f_i _ll _i_n -=g ::;__ ____.1111 
& WARNING  (co ntinued ) 
-Alway s use  extreme  caution  to  prevent  clothing , jewe

Page 297 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual _____________________________________________ C_h _ e_ c_ k_in --= g-- a_n _d_ f_i _ll _i_n -=g ::;__ ____.lftll 
If  it  is not  poss ible  to  use  a ba ttery  of this  type,  the  new  battery  mu

Page 330 of 364

AUDI A5 CABRIOLET 2010  Owners Manual -Fuses  and  bulbs ..._ __________________________________________  _ 
Fuse  Location,  Instrument  Panel  left 
Fig.  2 45  F use panel 
lay out 
Some o f  the eq uipmen t  items lis ted are op tiona
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