Seats and storage
- Light your cigarette from the red-hot heating co il of the
cigare tte ligh ter .
- Return the cigarette lighter to its socket .
Using the socket
- Remove the cigarette lighter.
- Insert the plug of the electrical device into the cigarette
ligh ter socke t.
The socket o f the ciga re tte lighter may be used for 12-volt appliances
w ith maximum consumption of up to 100 watts, such as a flash light,
small vacuum cleane r, etc.
Before you purchase any accessor ies, always read and follow the
information in =>
page 345, "Additional accessor ies and parts
replacement" .
• Use care wh en u sing the cigar ette lighter . Inattentive or unsu
pervised u se of the cigarette lighter can cause burns -risk of
• The cigarette lighter work s when the ignition is swit ched off or
w ith the ignition key removed . Children should nev er be left unsu
pervised in the vehicle, or there could be risk of fire!
• The po wer outlets and therefore the electrical accesso ries
c onnected to them ope rate only with the ignition on . Improper
use of the outlet s or of electrical acce ssor ies can lead to serious
injurie s or cau se a fire. For this rea son , children should ne ver be
left unatt ended in the veh icle -they could be injured!
0 Note
• To avoid damag ing the socket, only use plugs that fit p roperly . •
Only use the cigarette lighter socket as a power source for elec
t rical accessories for short du rat ions. Use the socke ts * in the vehi cle
w hen a power sou rce is needed for longer durations .
(I] Tips
When the engine is off and accessories a re st ill p lugged in and are o n,
the vehicle battery can sti ll be drained .•
General overview
There are numerous places to store i tems in your vehicle.
Glove compartment => page 87
Storage compartments in the front seats
• Alway s re mo ve object s from the instrument panel. Any item s
not put away could slide ar ound in side the vehicle while d riving or
wh en accelerating or when apply ing the brake s or wh en driving
around a co rner .
• When you ar e driving make sure that anything you may have
pla ced in the center console o r othe r st orage lo cation s cannot fall
out into the footwell s. In case of sudden braking you would not be
able to brake, depress the clutch or accelerate. •
ffl..__O_ n_ t_h _e_ r_o _ a_ d _________________________________________________ _
Ignition Lock and ignition switch
Starting engine with the key
The ignition is switched on and the engine started with
the ignition key.
F ig. 10 8 Igniti on k ey
-Inse rt the key in to the ig n ition lock.
- Step on th e brake pedal and mov e th e selec tor lev er to th e
P or N posi tion.
- Press the key=> fig. 108 -the engine wi ll start.
By pressing the key without stepp ing on the clutch or the b rake, the
ign itio n is switc hed on and o ff . With the ignition on, the steeri ng
w heel is unlocked.
You can o nly remove the key with the ig nition switc hed off . To do this,
you have to press on the key ag ain. Wi th an a utomat ic transm iss io n,
the selector lever must be in the P pos ition.
W hen s tarting the engine, major electrica l loads a re swi tched off
temporarily .
After startin g a cold engine, there may be a brief period of increased
noise be cause the oil p ress ure mu st firs t b uild up in t he hydr auli c
valve adjuste rs. This is normal and not a cause for concern. If
the eng ine s hould not start immediately, the starting process is
a u tom atically st op ped aft er a sh ort t ime. Re peat sta rtin g p ro cedu re.
Driver message in the instrument cluster display
Press brake pedal to start engine
T h is message ap pears i f yo u do not step on the brake pedal to start
t he engine on a vehicle w ith an au toma tic transmission.
Engage N or P to start engine
This message appea rs when at tempti ng to start the eng ine if the
sele ctor lever fo r the au tomatic t ransm ission is no t in the P or N po si·
t ion. The engine can on ly be sta rted wi th the selecto r in these posi
Shift to P , otherwise vehicle can roll away. Doors do not lock if lever
is not in P .
This message app ears fo r sa fe ty reasons along with a wa rning sig nal.
It appea rs if the selector lever for t he automat ic transm iss io n is not
in the P posi tion af ter the ignition is sw itched off . M ov e t he se lector
lever to the P pos itio n, ot herw ise the vehicle is not secured against
rolling away . You a lso ca nnot lo ck th e ve hi cle u sing the locking
button on the door hand le or us ing the remote key.
• Always take the key with you whenever you leave your vehicle.
Otherwise, the engine could be started or electrical equipment
such a s the power windows could be operated . This can lead to
serious in jury.
• Never leave children or per sons requiring assistan ce unat
tended in the vehicle. The doors can be locked u sing the remote
transmitter, p reventing people from escaping from the vehicle on
their own in the event of an emergency. Depending on the time of
year, people inside the vehicle can be exposed to very high or very low temperatures. ..,
ffl..__O_ n_ t_h _ e_ r_ o_ a_ d _________________________________________________ _
Starting and stopping the engine
with convenience key
A pplies to veh ic le s: w ith conven ience ke y
Starting the engine with the
This button switches on the ignition and starts the
Fig. 109 Convenience
STOP button
-Step on the brake pedal and move the selector lever to P
orN =>& .
- Press onthe[START ENGINE STOP)button::::>fig. 109-
the engine will start .
By pressing the [START ENGINE STOP] button without depressing
the clutch or the brake peal, the ignition is switched on and sw itched
off by pressing it again .
If the engine does not start immediately, stop trying after 10 seconds
and then try to restart the engine about 30 seconds later.
After a co ld engine is started, there may be a brief period of increased
noise because oil pressure must first build up in the hydraulic valve
adjusters. This is normal and not a cause for concern.
Driver message in the instrument cluster display
No key identified
This message appears when the !START ENGINE STOP] button is
pressed if there is no master key ins ide the veh icle or if the system
does not recognize it. For example, the master key cannot be recog
nized if it is covered by an object (e.g. aluminum brief case) which
screens the radio signal. Electronic devices such as cell phones can
also interfere with the radio signal.
Press brake pedal to start engine
This message appears if you press the !STAR T ENGINE STOP)
button to start the engine and do not depress the brake pedal. The
eng ine can only be started if the brake peda l is depressed.
Engage N or P to start engine
This message appears when attempting to start the engine if the
selector lever for the automatic transmission is not in the P or N posi
tion. The engine can on ly be started with the selector in these posi
Key not in vehicle
This message appears along with the.:! symbol if the master key is
removed from the vehicle with the engine running. It is intended to
remind you (e.g. when changing drivers) not to continue the journey
without the master key .
If the master key is no longer in the vehicle, you cannot switch on the
ignition after stopping the engine and you also cannot start the
eng ine again. Moreover, you cannot lock the vehicle from the outside
w ith the key.
Shift to P, otherwise vehicle can roll away. Doors do not lock if lever
is not in P .
This message appears for safety reasons along with a wa rning signal.
It appears if the selector lever for the automatic transmission is not
in the P position when switching off the ignition with the
!START ENGINE STOP] button. Move the selector lever to the P _..
ffl..__O_ n_ t_h _e_ r_o _ a_ d _________________________________________________ _
0 Note
If the eng ine has been under heavy load for an extended period, heat
builds up in the engine compartment after the engine is switched off
- there is a risk of damaging the engine. Allow the engine to run at idle
for about 2 minutes before switching it off. •
Electromechanical parking brake
The electromechanical parking brake replaces the hand
Fig. 110 Center
consol e: Par king brake
-Pull on the switch @~ fig. 110 to apply the parking
brake . The indicator light in the switch illuminates.
- Step on the brake pedal or the accelerator pedal and press
the switch at the same time to release the parking brake.
The indicator light in the switch goes out.
Your vehicle is equipped with an electromechanical parking brake.
The parking brake is designed to prevent the vehicle from rolling
unintentiona lly and replaces the hand brake. In addition to the normal functions of a traditional hand brake, the
nical parking brake provides various convenience and
safety functions.
When starting from rest
• The integral starting assist helps you when driving by automati
cally releas ing the parking brake=>
page 111, "Starting from rest".
• When starting on inclines, the starting assist prevents the vehicle
from unintentionally ro ll ing back. The braking fo rce of the parking
brake is not released until sufficient driving force has been built up at
the whee ls.
Emergency brake function
An emergency brake ensures that the vehicle can be slowed down
even if the
normal brakes fail=> page 112, "Emergency braking" .
Indicator lights
• If the parking brake is closed with the ignition switched on the
ind icator lights come on:::, (USA models)/ ®) (Canada models) in the
instrument cluster and the switch.
• If the park ing brake is closed with the ign it ion
switched off the
indicator lights come on
::'l'n (USA models) I © (Canada models) in the
instrument cluster and the switch fo r about 20 seconds.
If a gear or a drive range (automati c transmission ) is engaged
with the vehicle stationary and the engine running , you must in no
instance accelerate or release the clutch carelessly. Otherwise the
vehicle will start to move immediately -risk of an accident.
0 Note
If the symbol ID in the display or the indicator light BRAKE (USA
mode ls)/ ((j)) (Canada models) in the instrument cluster flashes, there
is a malfunct ion in the brake system. By pressing the
! SET] button,
you can bring up a driver message which explains the ma lf u nction in .,
____________________________________________________ T_r_a _ n_ s_m_ i_ s _s_ i_ o _ n __ _
The selector lever must be in Nor P . If one o f the dr iv in g positions is
e n gag ed a saf ety s witch will preven t the engin e from b eing sta rt e d.
S ee also=>
page 106.
Be fore you move t he se lecto r lever from t he P position, yo u m ust
a lw ay s a ppl y the b rake pedal before and while depr ess ing the bu tton
in t he handle of the selector lever.
• Unintended vehicle movement can cause serious injury.
- When the selector lever is
in a driving position, the vehicle
may creep, even at idle speed. Therefore do not release the
parking brake
or foot brake until you are ready to move,
because power is transmitted to the wheels as soon as a driving
position is engaged.
- Do not accelerate while selecting a driving position . At this
time the engine must be at idle speed so that undue stress is
not placed on the clutches in the transmission.
- Remember : · even when stopped briefly with the automatic
in " D", "S" or "R", engine power is being trans
mitted to the wheels. Your vehicle could "creep " forward or
backward. When stopped, keep the brake pedal fully
depressed and use the parking brake if necessary to keep the
vehicle from rolling .
• If the selector lever is unintentionally moved into N while you
are driving, take your foot off the accelerator pedal and wait for
the engine to return to idle speed before selecting a driving posi
• Never shift into "R" or "P " when the vehicle is in motion .
• Never get out of the d river's seat when the engine is running.
• If you must get out of the vehicle , move the selector lever
securely into the P position and apply the parking brake firmly .
• If the engine must remain running, never have any driving
position engaged when checking under the hood. Make sure the
selector lever has securely engaged and is locked in "P " with the
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
cont inued)
parking brake firmly set=> page 272, "Engine compartment ".
Otherwise, any increase in engine speed may set the vehicle in
motion, even with the parking brake applied. •
App lies to vehicles : w it h auto mat ic t ransmiss ion
Selector lever positions
T his s ection d escrib es the s ele ct or l eve r posi tions and
drivin g ran ges.
Fig. 152 Di splay in
the instrum ent cluster:
selector lever In posi
tio n P
Th e sele ctor lever posi tion engaged appe ars ne xt to the se le ct or lever
as well as in the instr umen t cluster display .
P -Park
In this selector lev er position the transmiss ion is mecha nica lly
l oc ked. Engage
P only when the vehi cle is comple tely sto pp ed=> &
in " Driving t he automatic transmiss io n" on page 148.
T o sh ift in o r o ut of position P , yo u must first press an d hold the brake
peda l
and th en press t he r elease b utton in t he se lec to r l eve r hand le
wh ile moving the selector lever to or from
P. Yo u can s hif t out of thi s
posit ion on ly with t he ignit ion on . .,,
Vehicle care Technical data
1111....__T_ r_a _n_ s_m _ i_s _s _ i_o _n ___________________________________________________ _
- Press a nd hold the brake pedal un til the vehicle has come
to a com plet e stop.
- Keep the brake pedal depressed so that the vehicle cannot
roll forward or backward w hile it is idli ng => & .
- Once sto pped,
do not depress t he accelerator pedal to rev
up the engine=> &.
- Press a nd hold th e br ake pedal u ntil th e v ehicle has com e
to a comp lete stop .
- S et the parki ng brakefir mly=>page
111, "Pa rking".
- Press an d hold the re lease button i n th e selector lever
handle, move the selector lever into
P and then let go of
the re lease button ~ & .
Your vehicle is equipped with a starting assist that a llows for eas ier
s t arting on in clines. The sys tem is activa ted w hen the brake ped al is
depressed for a
few seconds . After releasing the brake pedal, the
bra ke powe r is he ld for a moment to prevent the vehicle from ro lli ng
back when starting .
T he selector lever must be in Nor
P. If one of the driving positions is
engaged a safety switch will p reven t the eng ine from be ing started .
See also =>
page 106.
Before you move the selecto r lever from t he P posi tio n, yo u m ust
always app ly the brake peda l befo re and whi le depressing the button
in the handle of the selecto r lever .
• Unintended vehicle movement can cau se serious injury.
& WARNING (c on tinued )
-When the selecto r lever is in a dri ving pos ition, the vehicle
may creep , even at idle speed. Therefore do not relea se the
parking brake or foot brake until you are ready to move ,
becau se power is transmitted to the wheels a s soon as a driving
position i s engaged.
- Do not a ccelerate while selecting a driving p osition. At this
time the engine must be at idle sp eed so that undue stress is
not placed on the clutche s in the transmi ssion.
- Remembe r: • even when stopped briefly with the automatic
transmi ssion in "D ", "S " or "R ", engine power i s being trans·
mitted to the wheels . Your vehicle could "creep " forward or
backward . When stopped, keep the brake pedal fully
depressed and use the parking brake if necessary to keep the
vehicle from rolling .
- If the selector le ver is unintentionally moved into N while
y ou are driving , take your foot off the accelerator pedal and
wait for the engine to return to idle sp eed before selecting a
driving position.
- Never shift into "R " or "P " when the vehicle i s in motion .
- Never get out of the driver 's seat when the engine i s running .
- If you must get out of the vehicle , move the selector le ver
s ecurely into the P position and apply the parking brake firmly.
- If the engine must remain running , never have any driving
position engag ed when checking under the hood. Make sure
the selector lever has securely eng aged and is locked in "P"
with the parking brake firmly set=>
page 272, "Engin e
compartment ". Otherwise, any increase in engine speed may
s et the vehicle in motion, even with the parking brake
applied. •