The following information is continuously evaluated by the trip
computer and can be displayed sequentially in the instrument cluster
Fuel range
The estimated cruising range in miles (km) appears in the display .
This tells you how far your vehicle will be able to travel on the current
tank of fuel and with the same driving style . The display changes in
increments of 6 miles (10 km).
The cruising range is calculated based on the fuel consumption for
the last 18 miles (30 km). If you drive conservatively, the cruising
range will increase.
Average fuel mileage
The average fuel economy in MPG (l/100 km) s ince you last cleared
the memory appears in this disp lay. You can use this display to adjust
your dr iv ing techn ique to ach ieve a desired mileage.
Current fuel mileage
The instantaneous fuel consumption in miles per ga llon {l/100 km) is
shown in this display. You can use this display to adjust your driving
technique to achieve a desired mileage .
Fuel consumption is recalculated at intervals of 33 yards (30 meters).
This display switch es to gallons/hour (liters/hour) when the vehicle is
not moving .
Average speed
The average speed in mph (km/h) since the last time the display was
reset appears in the display.
Elapsed time
Th e length of time that you have been driving since you last reset the
memory appears in this display.
The d istance that has been covered since the last time the memory
was cleared appears in the display .
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Driver information display
(I] Tips
Fuel consumptions (average and current), range and speed are
displayed in metric units on Canadian models .
• All stored values will be lost if the vehicle battery is
disconnected. •
The trip computer is equipped with two fully automatic
Radio WXRK
Fig. 17 Trip computer
display: memory level
You can switch between the trip computer 1 and 2 by pressing the
Reset button @=>
page 24, fig. 18 .
You can tell which memory level is currently active by the number in
the display => fig. 17. The data from the single-trip memory (memory
level 1) is being displayed if a
1 appears in the display . If a 2 is shown,
t hen the data from the total-trip memory is being displayed (memory
level 2) .
Single-trip memory (Trip computer 1)
The sing le-trip memory stores the trip information from the t ime the
ignition is turned on until it is turned off. If the trip is continued
within 2 hours from the time the ignit ion was turned off, the new
data will be included in the calculation of the current trip informa-
Vehicle care Technical data
Driver information display
The speed warning symbol '8 (USA models) /8 (Canada models) will
appear briefly in the display when you release the
I SETJ button to
indicate that the maximum speed has been stored successfully .
The maximum speed remains stored until it is changed by pressing
I SETJ button again briefly or until it is deleted by a lengthy push
on the button .•
Speed warning 2: setting a speed limit
The /11/111* or the radio control unit is used to set, change
or delete warning threshold 2.
- Select: Function button I CAR]> Instrument cluster>
Speed warning.
• Speed warning -the warning threshold can be turned on or off .
• Speed warning -a warning tone will sound if you exceed the speed
you have set.
Warning threshold 2 can be set in the speed range starting from
mph to 150 mph (30 km/h to 240 km/h). Settings can each be
adjusted in intervals of 6 mph (10 km/h). •
Auto Check Control
The Auto-Check control monitors the function of certain vehicle
features and components. It simply makes sure these features and
components are working properly. The Auto-Check control works as
long as the ignition is on, as well as whenever the veh icle is driven.
If a component is malfunctioning or if the need for an urgent repair
has been detected, this will appear in the instrument cluster display.
You will also hear an audible warning tone. The displays are color
coded in e ither red or yellow depend ing on their level of priority . A
red symbol means
Danger, a yellow symbol indicates Warning . In
certain situations, information message for the driver appear in addi
tion to the red and yellow symbols.
Th e Auto-Check Contro l will automatically perform a test each time
you switch on the ignition. With the selector lever in
P or N, the
following message appears in the display:
When stationary apply footbrake while selecting gear.
When you a select a different gear (for example: R, D, etc.), the
message will disappear and the Auto-Check function is displayed.
If there is a malf unction, then the malfunction message will appear
about 15 seconds after you start the vehicle. At the same time you
w ill hear a wa rning tone. •
Driver information messages
Driver information messages are shown in the instru
ment cluster display in addition to symbols.
Fig. 20 Instrument
cluster: SET button
For examp le, if the transmission selector lever is not in the P position
when the eng ine is turned off, the following message appears:
Shift to P , otherwise vehicle can roll away. Doors do not lock if
lever is not in P. .,._
Adjusting the curvature of the lumbar support
- Push the switch p late @forward or backward to increase
or red uce the curvature .
Adjusting the height of the lumbar support
-Push the sw itch p late @ up or down to position the curva
ture higher or lower.
Fore-and-aft adjustment
- Push th e switc h® forward or backward~ pag e 78,
fig . 81.
Adjusting seat height
- Pull or push the switch ® up or down.
Front seat cushion up/ down
-Press th e sw itch ® at the fr ont up or down .
Rear seat cushion up / down
- Press t he switch ® at the rear up or down.
Adjusting seat back angle
-Push th e switc h @ forwa rd or backwar d.
Head restraint height adjustment*
-Press the switch © from up to down or t he ot her way.
Lengthening or shortening upper thigh
- Lift the button @ under the seat cus hion . The front sea t
cushion moves fo rward u nder spring force .
Control s and equ ip
m ent Vehicle OP-eration
Seats and storage
-Push the seat c ushion back w hen you have f in ished using
i t.
• Adjust the driver 's seat only when the vehicle is stationary . You
risk an accident otherw ise.
• The power adjustment for the front seat s al so works with the
ignit ion switched off or with the ignition key removed. For this
reason, children should never be left unattended in the vehicle -
they could be injured!
• Exerci se caution when adjusting the seat height . Unsupervised
or careless seat adjustment can pi nch fingers or hands causing
injuries .
• While the vehicle is mo ving , the seat bac ks of the front seats
mu st not b e inclined to o far to the rear bec ause the effectiveness
of the safety belts and the airbag system is se verely compromised
- there is a risk of injury .•
Easy entry function
The easy entry function makes it easier for the rear
passengers to enter and leave the vehicle.
Vehicle care
... N 0
F ig . 82 D riv er 's se at:
C ont ro ls for e asy e ntry
assi st
Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
Driving and environm ent
[I) Tip s
The consumption estimates as published by ENV IRONMEN TA L
PROTECTION AGENCY (EPA) and Transport Canada may not corre
spond to your actual consumption on the road, wh ich w ill vary
depending upon vehicle load and speed, road and weather conditions ,
trip length, etc. •
Drive smoothly :1nd keep a Lookout ahead
Vehicles use the most fuel when they are accelerating .
-Avoid unnecessary accelerating and braking.
Vehicles use the most fuel when they a re accelerating. If you antici
pate what is going to happen next, you will need to brake less and,
thus, accelerate less. Let the vehicle coast whenever possible -for
example when you see that the next traffic l ight is red. •
Avoid full throttle
Driving at moderate speeds saves fuel and improves your
- Try and keep well below your car's maximum speed .
Accelerating gently reduces fuel consumption, engine wear, and does
not disturb the environment .
Fuel consumption, exhaust emissions and engine noise increase
disproportionately at high speeds . If you drive at approx imately three
quarters of top speed, fuel consumption will be reduced by one half.
Never dr ive faster t han the posted speed limit and weather condi
tions permit. •
Controls and equip
ment Safety first Vehicle operation
Reducing unnecessary idling
Even when your car is just idling it burns up fuel.
Shut the engine off when you are not driving the vehicle .
- Do not warm up the veh icle by letting the engine run at
It makes sense to shut off the engine in traffic jams, when wa iting for
trains to pass at railroad crossings, or at traffic lights that have long
wa its on red . Turn ing the engine off for just 30-40 seco nds saves
mor e fuel than is burned starting the engine again .
It takes a long t ime for the engine to wa rm up fully when it is run ning
at idle. However, wear and noxious emissions are espec ia lly high
when the eng ine is wa rming up. So you should dr ive away as soon as
you start the engine and avoid running at hig h rpms while the engine
is still warm ing up.
0 Note
Do not leave engine idling unattended after starting . If warning
lights should come on to indicate improper operation, they would go
unheeded. Extended idling also produces heat, which could result in
overheat ing or other damage to the vehicle or othe r property.
Regular mai n _t_ e_ n_a_ n_ c_e ___________ _
A badly tuned engine unnecessarily wastes a lot of fuel.
-Have your vehicle serviced at regular intervals .
By having you r vehicle regularly serviced by an authorized Audi dealer
helps to ensure that it runs properly and economically . The condit ion
of your vehicle not only affects its safety and ability to ho ld its val ue,
it also affects
fu el con sumpt ion.
C hec k your oil ea ch tim e you fill you r ta nk .
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
Tires and wheels -______________________ Effll
be fitted ove r th e wheel bo lts . These a re available from a uthorized
Au di d eal er s.
Using the wrong snow chains for your vehicle or installing them
incorrectly can increase the risk of loss of control leading to
serious personal injury.
• Snow chains are available in different sizes . Always make sure
to follow the instructions provided by the snow chain manufac
• When driving with snow chains never drive faster than the
speed permitted for your specific snow chains.
• Always observe local regulations.
0 Note
• Remove snow chains befor e driving on roads not covered w it h
snow to avoid dama gin g tir es and wearing t he snow chai ns dow n
unnece ssaril y.
• Snow chains, which come into direct contact with t he wheel rim,
can scratch o r damag e it. Ther efore, ma ke sure th at th e snow cha ins
are suitably covered. C hec k the pos it io n of the snow cha ins afte r
dr iv in g a few yar ds and correct if ne ce ssa ry . Fo llo w the i nstructions
from t he snow chain ma nufact urer w hen doing so.
[ i ] Tips
W here snow c hains are mandatory on certain roads, this no rmally
a lso a ppl ies to vehicl es wi th a ll w hee l dr ive . •
Safety first
Wheel bolts
Whe el bolts must alway s be tight en ed to th e corre ct
to rqu e.
T he design of wheel bolts is matche d to the fac to ry installed rims. If
differe nt rims ar e fitte d, the cor rec t wheel bolts with the r ight length
and co rrectly s haped bolt hea ds must be used. Th is ensures that
w heel s are fitted s ecur ely and that t he brak e sys te m fun ction s
correctly .
I n certai n circumstances, yo u may not use wheel bolts from a
different veh icle -even if it is th e sam e mode l~
page 345.
Improperly tightened or maintained wheel bolts can become
loose causing loss of control, a collision and serious personal
injury .
• Always keep the wheel bolts and the thread s in the wheel hubs
clean so the wheel bolts can turn easily and be properly tightened.
• Never grease or oil the wheel bolts and the threads in the wheel
hubs. They can become loose while driving if greased or oiled, even
if tightened to the specified torque.
• Only use wheel bolts that belong to the rim being installed.
• Never use different wheels bolts on your vehicle.
• Always maintain the correct tightening torque for the wheel
bolts to reduce the risk of a wheel loss. If the tightening torque of
the wheel bolts is too low , they can loosen and come out when the
vehicle is moving. If the tightening torque is too high, the wheel bolts and threads can be damaged and the wheel can become
loose .
0 Note
The sp eci fied tor qu e for th e wheel bolts i s 90 ft lb ( 120 Nm) wi th a
tole rance of ± 7,4 ft lb( ± 10 Nm). Torque wheel bo lts diagonally. .,_
Vehicle care Technical data
___ D_ a_t _a _____________________________________________________ _
Applie s to ve hicle s: with 2 .0 lit er 4- cyl. engin e
211 hp, 2.0 liter 4-cyl. engine
Engine data
Max imum outpu t SAE net
Max imum torque SAE net
No. of cy linde rs
Compression rat io
Fu el
Dimensions (approx .)
Length (with license plate bracket)
Width (with outside mirrors fol ded)
He ight (un loaded)
Turning circle d iameter (curb to curb)
Capacities (approx.)
Fuel tank
- Total capacity
- Reserve (of to tal c apaci ty)
Windshield and headlight * washer fluid container
Engine oil
with filter change hp@rpm
C ID (cm
in (mm)
in (mm) 2
11 @ 4300- 6000
259@ 1500-4200
12 1 (198 4)
3.65 (92.8)
3.25 (82.5)
9 .6 : 1
Premium unleaded (91 AKI) R eco mmend ed for maximum engi ne per formanc e. Fur
ther details ~
page 274, "Gasoline"
in (mm)
in (mm)
i n (mm)
ft (m)
gal (Liters)
g al (Liters)
qua rts (liters)
quar ts (lite rs) 182
.0 (4625)
79 .5 (2020)
54.4 (1383)
36.4 (11. 1)
front wheel drive 17.1 (65.0)
1.8 -2.4 ( 7-9)
4.8 (4 .5)
4.9 (4.6) all whee
l drive
16.8 (64 .0)
1.8- 2.4 (7 -9)
4 .8 (4 .5)
4 .9 (4.6)