_____________________________________________ E_ m_ e_r-= g ::.. e_ n_c-= y'- s_ i_t _u _a_ t_ i_ o _ n_ s __ _
• To reduce the risk of serious injury and vehicle damage.
-Always lift the vehicle only at the special workshop hoist and
floor jack lift points illustrated=>
page 338, fig. 254 and
=> page 338, fig. 255.
- Failure to lift the vehicle at these points could cause the
vehicle to tilt or fall from a lift if there is a change in vehicle
weight distribution and balance. This might happen, for
example, when heavy components such as the engine block or
transmission are removed .
• When removing heavy components like these, anchor vehicle
to hoist or add corresponding weights to maintain the center of
gravity. Otherwise , the vehicle might tilt or slip off the hoist ,
causing serious personal injury.
0 Note
• B e aw are of the following poi nts b efo re li fting the ve hicl e:
- The vehicle should never be lifted or jacked up from under
neath the engine oil pan, the transmission housing , the front or
rear axle or the body side members . This could lead to serious
- To avoid damage to the underbody or chassis frame, a rubber
pad must be inserted between the floor jack and the lift points.
- Before driving over a workshop hoist, check that the vehicle
weight does not exceed the permissible lifting capacity of the hoist.
- Before driving over a workshop hoist, ensure that there is
sufficient clearance between the hoist and low parts of the
vehicle. •
Safety first Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data
___ D_ a_t _a _____________________________________________________ _
Applie s to ve hicle s: with 2 .0 lit er 4- cyl. engin e
211 hp, 2.0 liter 4-cyl. engine
Engine data
Max imum outpu t SAE net
Max imum torque SAE net
No. of cy linde rs
Compression rat io
Fu el
Dimensions (approx .)
Length (with license plate bracket)
Width (with outside mirrors fol ded)
He ight (un loaded)
Turning circle d iameter (curb to curb)
Capacities (approx.)
Fuel tank
- Total capacity
- Reserve (of to tal c apaci ty)
Windshield and headlight * washer fluid container
Engine oil
with filter change hp@rpm
C ID (cm
in (mm)
in (mm) 2
11 @ 4300- 6000
259@ 1500-4200
12 1 (198 4)
3.65 (92.8)
3.25 (82.5)
9 .6 : 1
Premium unleaded (91 AKI) R eco mmend ed for maximum engi ne per formanc e. Fur
ther details ~
page 274, "Gasoline"
in (mm)
in (mm)
i n (mm)
ft (m)
gal (Liters)
g al (Liters)
qua rts (liters)
quar ts (lite rs) 182
.0 (4625)
79 .5 (2020)
54.4 (1383)
36.4 (11. 1)
front wheel drive 17.1 (65.0)
1.8 -2.4 ( 7-9)
4.8 (4 .5)
4.9 (4.6) all whee
l drive
16.8 (64 .0)
1.8- 2.4 (7 -9)
4 .8 (4 .5)
4 .9 (4.6)