Driver information display
When a yellow warning symbol appears, one warning tone sounds. A
dr iver message appears as well to explain the ma lfunction in more
detail. The driver warning goes out after about 5 seconds, but it can
be brought up at any time by pressing the !SET] button again.
Check the function displayed as soon as possible. The yellow symbol
will not go out again until the reason for the malfunction has been
If several priority 2 malfunctions are present, the symbols appear in
succession and remain for about 2 seconds .
Dynamic steer ing*
=:>page 32
'O' I I , Worn brake pads =:>page33
Battery vo ltage => page34
Defective light bulb* =>page34
Check engine oil level => page 35 or
=>page 35
Engine oil sensor malfunction =:>page35
Low fuel leve l =>page34
Windshield washer fluid =>page34
level low
Convenience key*
=>page 33
Key not in vehicle
Light/rain sensor defective
Dynamic headlight range => page 35
control defective
[{] Tips
Battery in remote control key
parking brake
Engine speed limitation*
adaptive light defective
Ignition lock malfunction
Adaptive dampers*
Windshield wiper defective
T ire pressure monitoring sys
Loss of tire pressure
Tire pressure monitoring sys
tem* System not available
=>page 38
=> page 112
=>page 35
=> page 35
=> page 35
=>page 35
=>page 36
=> page 315
=> page 315
The speed warnings warning threshold 1 and warning threshold 2
are also yellow symbols in some models. The warning is a lways
shown as a small symbol in the uppe r area of the display
=>page 25. •
Appli es to vehicles : wit h Au di dr iv e se lec t
Dynamic steering r
Dynamic steering: System malfunction
Driver information display
Applies to veh icles : w ith defective lig ht bulb warning
Defective light bulb warning
The defective light bulb warning monitors the function of
the light bulbs in the vehicle.
T he defect ive light bulb war ning moni tors t he f unct io n of the light
bulbs. If a defective light b ulb is detected, or if a light bu lb has
burned o ut, a ye llow sym bol appe ars as we ll as a not ifica tion th at
shows which light bulb is defective .
Defective bulb~
If this symbol I") lights up, a t urn signa l (front or rear), a head lamp, a
bra ke light, t he b ack-up light, a fog l amp o r a rear fog lamp h as
fa iled.
• Light bulbs are unde r pre ssure and can explode when bulbs are
replaced - risk of injury.
• With gas-discharge lamp s* (xenon headlights ), the high
voltage component must be handled appropriately . Doing other
wise poses a risk of death!
[I] Tips
Have an aut horized Audi dealer or other q ualified workshop perform
t he rep lacement or the rep air .•
Windshield washer fluid level too low o
- Plea se refill washer fluid
If the symbo l illum inates, add w indshield washer f lu id to the washer
system and a lso to the headlight w asher system =>
page 295. •
Fuel supply too low )
When the symbol illum inates, this means t here are about 2.1
ga llons (8 l ite rs) of f ue l left in the f uel t ank. T ime to re fuel!
=>page 275.
If the symbol lights up, even when there is ample fue l in the tank, an d
the text
appea rs in the disp lay, there is a fa ult in the system. Contact a quali
fied wo rkshop to have t he fa ult rectified. •
Applies to veh icles: with ba ttery voltage warn ing
Battery voltage 0
If battery powe r d rops into the range where it can lim it the ability of
the engine to start, t his the symbol ~ appears in the i nstr ument
cl uste r d isp lay with the following driver message
battery charge low:
Indicates charging by being driven .
While this driver not ification is displayed, you have to be prepa red for
limited sta rting ca pability.
Driver message appears and goes out again
If th is drive r mess age appears a fter the igni tion i s tur ned o n or whil e
dr iving and it goes o ut agai n after a while, the battery has been
a de qua tely rech arged.
Driver message appears and does not go out again
If th is dr iver no tifi cati on appears after the ign it ion is tu rned on o r
w hil e driving and does not go out again, the battery 's state of charge
is not in th e o ptim al r ange. Startin g cap abili ty is rest ric ted. H ave t he
battery c hecked at an a uth orized A udi dea ler or othe r qua lified work
shop as soon as possible. •
-Fuses and bulbs ..._ __________________________________________ _
Fuse Location, Instrument Panel left
Fig. 2 45 F use panel
lay out
Some o f the eq uipmen t items lis ted are op tiona l o r only a vailable on
certain mode l configurations .
Note that the following table is a ccurate at the time of going t o
press and is subject to change. In the event of discrepanc ies , the
label on the inside of the cover always take s pr eceden ce.
The powe r seats are pro te cted by circuit brea kers , which automa ti
cally reset after a few seconds a fter the ov erload has been remed ied.
No. Consumer
Fuse panel (black)
1 Dynamic steering
2 Not used
3 Homelink
4 Lane Assist
5 Climate control
6 R ight head light range adjustment
7 Left headlight range adjustment
8 Vehicl e elect ric al sys tem co ntrol mo dule 1
9 Adaptive Cruise Control 5
No . Consumer Amps
10 Shift gate 5
1 1 Heate r washer fluid no zzles 5
1 2 Climate con trol
13 Cell phone prep 5
14 Airbag 5
15 Terminal 15 25
16 Terminal 15 engine
Fuse panel (brown)
1 Automatic dimm ing in terior rearv iew mir ror
2 Not used
3 Gaso line fuel pump 25
4 Auxiliary water pump 3.2L FSI 5
5 Left seat heati
ng with/witho ut seat heating
6 Electronic Stabiliza tion Program 10
7 Horn 25
8 Left door window regulator motor
9 Wiper motor 30
10 Electronic Stabilization Program 25
11 Driver side doo
r co ntro l modu le
12 Rain and light sensor 5
Fuse panel (red)
1 Not used
2 N ot u sed
3 Lumbar support
4 Dynamic steering