lffll.___A_ u_ d_i_ s_ id_ e_ a_s _s_ i_ s _t _________________________________________________ _
The detection~ page 13 7, fig . 141 of the radar sensor detection
area is made up of:
• the approach area (light green area)
(D, about 230 feet (70 m)
behind the vehicle, and
• the "blind spot" (dark green area)@.
The radar sensors cover the adjacent left and right lanes. Other lanes
not covered by the radar sensors .
rn Tips
Side assist does not measure actual lane width. The system assumes
a fixed lane width. Detection in the left and right lanes is based on
this assumed lane width. When driving on narrow roads or when
driving to the left or right of the center of a travel lane, it is possible
that vehicles will be detected that are
not in the lane next to the lane
you are using~
page 142. •
Applie s to vehic les: w ith s ide a ssist
Side assist compares the distance and difference in speed of detected
vehicles with the speed of your vehicle . Whenever the difference in
speed and distance is registered as notab le if you were to change
lanes , a signa l light appears on the respective mirror .
The signal can light up if you are passed by a vehicle or if you are
passing another vehicle .
If you pass another vehicle slowly (difference in speed less than 9
mph, or 15 km/h), the signa l light will come on as soon as the other
vehicle is in your blind spot and is detected by side ass ist. When the
difference in speed is greater, the signal light will not come on. •
Appli es to vehicles : with si de assist
Informational and alert stage signals
Side ass ist has two signal stages:
• the informational stage signal, and
• the alert stage signal.
Side assist helps you by using the appropr iate signal stage,
depending on whether or not you have activated the turn signal, and
thus have indicated that you are or are not changing lanes.
Informational stage signal
As long as you have not activated the turn signal, s ide assist informs
you of detected vehicles that are reg istered as being in a notable loca
tion if you were to change lanes . Whenever the detected vehicle's
difference in speed and distance is registered by side assist as
notable , the signal light on the respective mirror produces muted
Th e brightness of the informat ional stage signal is designed not to be
as intense, so that it does not interfere with your view of the road
when you are driving and have no intention of changing lanes. When
you look in the outs ide mirror, you can clearly see the informational
stage signal.
Alert stage signal
When you act ivate the turn s ignal , and side assist has detected a
vehicle in a notable location on that particular side , the signal light on
this side mirror flashes brightly. The repeated brief and bright
flashing of the alert stage signal reminds you to carefully check
traffic to the rear in the outside mirror and over your shoulder, so that
you can safely complete the lane change~
& in "Safety tips" on
page 143.
rn Tips
The brightness of the signa l light on the outside mirrors can be
adjusted with the MMI
~ page 141. •
111'..__A_ u_ d_ i_ s_ i_ d_ e _ a_ s_s _i_s _t _________________________________________________ _
(I) Tips
• Side assist is not act ive when the basic br ightness is adj usted. The
signal light comes on briefly to he lp you make the adjustment .
• Your settings are automatically stored and assigned to the remote
cont rol key being used .•
A ppli es to vehic les : w ith si de assist
General information
Side assist has limits and cannot detect vehicles under all road and
weathe r conditions . Please remember system limitat ions and never
re ly on t he system, espec ially w hen:
• driving t hrough curves =>
page 142,
• lanes a re of differe nt widths => page 142. •
Ap plies to veh icles : w it h side ass ist
When driving through curves
Side assist cannot detect vehicles in curves with a turning radius of
less than 3 28 feet (1 00 m).
When driving through a cu rve, it is possible that side assist may
reg iste r a vehi cle two l anes over, and the sign al on the o utside m irro r
wi ll li ght up .•
A pp lies to vehicles : wi th si de assist
Lane width
Fig. 146 L an es of a
norma l width are in
det ection ar ea
Fig . 14 7 Nar row
l a n es : Si de assis t may
dete ct ve h icl es tw o
lane s away
Side assist 's detection area is designed to cover lanes of standard
w idt h to the left and r ight of your travel lane, depend ing on whether
you drive in the center of your lane or closer to the edge.
If you dr ive in narrow lanes, s ide ass is t's detec tion area may also
include other la nes -especially if you tend to drive on the edge of your
lane => fig. 147. Unde r th ese condi tions, ve hicl es can a lso be
detected t hat are two lanes away, and s ide assist the n could switc h
between the info rmationa l and warning stage signals.
When drivi ng i n very w ide la n es, vehicles in the adjacent lane may not
be detected because they are not inside the detection a rea .•
-~_T_ ir_e_ s_ a_ n_ d_ w_ h_e_ e_ ls _______________________________________________ _
means the space between two adjacent tread ribs.
Load rating (code)
means the maximum load that a tire is rated to carry for a given infla
tion pressure. You may not find this information on all tires because
it is not required by law.
Maximum load rating
means the load rating fo r a tir e at the maximum permissible inflation
pressure for that tire.
Maximum loaded vehicle weight
means the sum of:
(a) Curb weight
(b) Accessory weight
(c) Vehicle capacity weight, and
(d) Production options weight
Maximum (permissible) inflation pressure
means the maximum cold inflation pressure to which a tire may be
inflated. Also called "maximum inflation pressure."
Normal occupant weight
means 150 lbs. (68 kilograms) times the number of occupants seated
in the vehicle up to the total seating capacity of your vehicle.
Occupant distribution
means distr ibution of occupants in a vehicle .
Outer diameter
means the overall diameter of an inflated new tire.
Overall width
means the linear distance between the exteriors of the sidewalls of
an inflated tire, including elevations due to labeling, decorations, or
protective bands or ribs.
means a layer of rubber -coated paralle l cords.
Production options weight
means the combined weight of those installed regular production
options weigh ing over 5 lbs. (2.3 kg) in excess of those standard
items which they replace, not previously considered in curb weight or
accessory weight, including heavy duty brakes, ride levelers, heavy
duty battery, and specia l trim .
Radial ply tire
means a pneumatic tire in which the ply cords that extend to the
beads are laid at substantially 90 degrees to the centerline of the
tread .
Recommended inflation pressure
see=> page 297, "Cold tire inflation pressure".
Reinforced tire
means a tire design to operate at higher loads and at higher inflation
pressures than the corresponding standard tire. Reinforced t ires may
be identified as "XL ", "x l", "EXTRA LOAD", or "RF" on the sidewall.
means a metal support for a tire or a tire and tube assembly upon
wh ich the tire beads are seated .
Rim diameter
means nominal diameter of the bead seat . If you change your wheel
size, you w ill have to purchase new tires to match the new rim diam
eter .
Rim size designation
means rim diameter and width.
Rim width
means nominal distance between rim flanges.
________________________________________________ T_ i_ re _ s_ a_ n_d_ w_ h_ e_ e_l _s _ ....... JIII
Unbalanced wh eels must be rebalanced to avoid e xcessive w ear o n
st eeri ng, sus pens ion and tires. A w heel must a lso be re balan ced
w hen a new tire is installed.
Incorrect wheel alignment
Incorrect whee l alignm ent can ca use excessive ti re wea r, impairing
th e safe ty o f the vehicle. If tir es show excessive we ar, ha ve the w heel
alignment checked by a n authorized A udi dealer or qualif ied wo rk
s hop .
All wheel drive
Vehicle s wi th qu att ro ® mus t alw ay s ha ve tires of the sa m e siz e,
construct ion a nd tread type. For details see~
page 246.
Sudden tire failure can lead to loss of control , a crash and serious
personal injury!
• Never drive a vehicle when the tread on any tire is worn down
to the wear indicators.
• Worn tires are a safety hazard, they do not grip well on wet
roads and increase your risk of "hydroplaning " and loss of control.
• Always keep chemicals that can cause tire damage, such as
grease, oil, gasoline and brake fluid away from tires.
• Tires age even if they are not being used and can fail suddenly,
especially at high speeds. Tires that are more than 6 years old can
only be used in an emergency and then with special care and at
lower speeds.
• Never mount used tires on your vehicle if you are not sure of
their "previous history ." Old used tires may have been damaged
even though the damage cannot be seen that can lead to sudden
tire failure and loss of vehicle control. •
Vehicle OP-eration
New tires and replacing tires and wheels
New tires and w heel s hav e to b e brok en in .
Fig. 231 Tire specificat ion codes on the sidewall of a tire
Passenger car tire (where app licable)
Nom inal width of ti re in mil lim eters
Ratio of hei9ht to width (aspect ratio)
jj Rim diameter code
L oa d index and speed rating
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
-~_T_ i_ re _ s_ a_n _ d_ w_ h _e_ e_ ls _________________________________________________ _
U.S . DOT tire identification number
Audi Original tire
Sever snow conditions
Tire ply composition and materials used Ma ximum load rating
Treadwear, traction and temperature grades M axi mum pe rmissib le inflation pressure
The tires and rims are essential parts of the vehicle's design . The tires
and rims approved by Audi are specially matched to the characteris
tics of the vehicle and can make a major contribution to good road holding and safe handling when in good condition and properly
~ & .
We recommend that all work on tires and wheels be performed by an
authorized Audi dealer . They are familiar with recommended proce
dures and have the necessary special tools and spare parts as well as
the proper facilities for disposing of the old tires.
Authorized Audi dealers have the necessary information about tech
nical requirements for installing or changing tires and rims.
Replacing tires and wheels
Tires should be replaced at least in pairs and not individually (for
example both front tires or both rear tires together) .
Be sure to read and heed the information to the tire pressure moni
toring system*.
Always buy replacement radial tires that have the same specifications
as the tires approved for your vehicle by Audi. Replacement tires must
always have the same load rating specification as the original equip
ment or approved optional tires listed in the table~
page 300.
Audi-approved specification tires are specially matched to your
vehicle and its load limits, and can contribute to the important road- holding, driving characteristics, and safety of the vehicle
. The table
(~ page 300) lists specifications of the tires approved for the Audi
models covered by your Owner's Literature.
The tire pressure label located on driver's side B-pillar (~
page 300,
fig. 228) lists the specifications of the original equipment tires
installed on your vehicle at the time it was manufactured.
Federal law requires tire manufacturers to place standardized infor
mation on the sidewall of all tires~
page 307, fig. 231. This infor
mation identifies and describes the fundamental characteristics, the
quality grade of the tire and also provides a tire identification number
for safety standard certification and in case of a recall.
Tire specifications
Knowledge of tire specifications makes it easier to choose the correct
tires . Radial tires have the tire specifications marked on the sidewall,
for example:
P255 / 35 R19 96Y XL
This contains the following information:
P Indicates the tire is for passenger cars (where applicable)
255 Nominal tire width in mm of the tire from sidewall edge to side-
wall edge. In general, the larger the number, the wider the tire
35 Height/width ratio in percent (aspect ratio)
R Tire construction : Radial
19 Rim diameter code (in inches)
96 Load rating code
Y Speed rating letter code
XL (or "xl", "EXTRA LOAD", or "RF" Indicates that the tire is a"Rein
forced" or an "Extra Load" tire
M+S (or "M/S") Indicates that the tire has some mud and snow capa
The tires could also have the information of direction of rotation
~page 296.
___ T_ ir_e_ s _ a_ n _ d_ w_ h_e_ e_ ls _______________________________________________ _
After changing a wheel, the torque must be checked as soon as
possible with a torque wrench -preferably by an authorized Audi
dealer or qualified workshop. •
Low aspect ratio tires
Your Audi is factory-equipped with low aspect ratio tires. These tires
have been thoroughly tested and been selected specifically for your
model for their superb performance, road feel and handling under a
variety of driving conditions. Ask your authorized Audi dealer for
more details.
The low aspect ratio of these tires is indicated by a numeral of
55 or
in the tire's size designation. The numeral represents the ratio of
the tire's sidewall height in relation to its tread width expressed in
percentage. Conventional tires have a height/width ratio of 60 or
The performance of low-aspect-ratio tires is particularly sensitive to
improper inflation pressure. It is therefore important that low
aspect ratio tires are inflated to the specified pressure and that the
inflation pressure is regularly checked and maintained. Tire pres
sures should be checked at least once a month and always before a
long trip=>
page 302, "Checking tire pressure" .
What you can do to avoid tire and rim damage
Low aspect ratio tires can be damaged more easily by impact with
potholes, curbs, gullies or ridges on the road, particularly if the tire is
In order to minimize the occurrence of impact damage to the tires of
your vehicle, we recommend that you observe the following precau
• Always maintain recommended inflation pressures. Check your
tire pressure every 2,000 miles (3,000 km) and add air if necessary.
• Drive carefully on roads with potholes, deep gullies or ridges. The
impact from driving through or over such obstacles can damage your
tires. Impact with a curb may also cause damage to your tires. •
After any impact, immediately inspect your tires or have them
inspected by the nearest authorized Audi dealer. Replace a damaged
tire as soon as possible.
• Inspect your tires every 2,000 miles (3,000 km) for damage and
wear . Damage is not always easy to see. Damage can lead to loss of
air and underinflation, which could eventually cause tire failure. If
you believe that a tire may have been damaged, replace the tire as
soon as possible.
• These tires may wear more quickly than others.
• Please also remember that, while these tires deliver responsive
handling, they may ride less comfortably and make more noise than
other choices.
Reduced performance in winter/cold season
All tires are designed for certain purposes. The low aspect ratio, ultra
high performance tires originally installed on your vehicle are
intended for maximum dry and wet road performance and handling.
They are not suitable for cold, snowy or icy weather conditions. If you
drive under those circumstances, you should equip your vehicle with
all-season or winter tires, which offer better traction under those
conditions. We suggest you use the recommended snow or all-season
tires specified for your vehicle, or their equivalent.
Refer to=>
page 311 for more detailed information regarding winter
tires. •
Tire pressure monitoring system
Applies to veh icles: w ith tire pressure monitoring system
General notes '
Each tire, including the spare (if provided), should be checked
monthly when cold and inflated to the inflation pressure recom
mended by the vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle placard or tire
inflation pressure label. (If your vehicle has tires of a different size .,
___ D_ a_t _a _____________________________________________________ _
Applie s to ve hicle s: with 2 .0 lit er 4- cyl. engin e
211 hp, 2.0 liter 4-cyl. engine
Engine data
Max imum outpu t SAE net
Max imum torque SAE net
No. of cy linde rs
Compression rat io
Fu el
Dimensions (approx .)
Length (with license plate bracket)
Width (with outside mirrors fol ded)
He ight (un loaded)
Turning circle d iameter (curb to curb)
Capacities (approx.)
Fuel tank
- Total capacity
- Reserve (of to tal c apaci ty)
Windshield and headlight * washer fluid container
Engine oil
with filter change hp@rpm
C ID (cm
in (mm)
in (mm) 2
11 @ 4300- 6000
259@ 1500-4200
12 1 (198 4)
3.65 (92.8)
3.25 (82.5)
9 .6 : 1
Premium unleaded (91 AKI) R eco mmend ed for maximum engi ne per formanc e. Fur
ther details ~
page 274, "Gasoline"
in (mm)
in (mm)
i n (mm)
ft (m)
gal (Liters)
g al (Liters)
qua rts (liters)
quar ts (lite rs) 182
.0 (4625)
79 .5 (2020)
54.4 (1383)
36.4 (11. 1)
front wheel drive 17.1 (65.0)
1.8 -2.4 ( 7-9)
4.8 (4 .5)
4.9 (4.6) all whee
l drive
16.8 (64 .0)
1.8- 2.4 (7 -9)
4 .8 (4 .5)
4 .9 (4.6)