Instruments and warning/indicator lights
Switching on time , date, temperature display , and
Th e display appears for approx imately 30 seconds w hen you press the
ISE Tj button => page 9, fig. 3 with t he ign it ion off.
Starting the Auto-Check sequence
T he Auto -Check system => page 26 constant ly monitors certain indi
vidua l func tions a nd components of the ve hicle whe n the ign ition is
t u rne d on and w hen the vehicle is mov ing.
Wi th the ignit ion turned o n, you can star t the "A uto -Check sequence"
by pressing the
! SET ] button . You can perfo rm an Auto-Check
sequence when the veh icle is station ary an d the ig niti on i s turned o n
or w hen the veh icle is mov ing slower t han 3 mp h (5 km/h).
Calling up the dr iver information
A ye llow or red symbol appears in the instr ument cluster display,
u su ally wi th a drive r message. T he drive r mes sage disp lay disappea rs
after about 5 seconds. The driver message can be d isp layed aga in by
br ie fl y pr essing the
!S ET ] button.
Setting the speed warning
By press in g t he I SE T] bu tton br iefly, yo u ca n set thres ho ld 1 of the
speed warn ing wh ile yo u are driving =>
page 25. By maintaining pres
su re on t he
!SE TI but ton , you dele te the w arning thres ho ld. •
Digital clock with date display
Digital clock
Fig. 4 Instrume nt
clu ster: t ime an d date
T he date, t ime of day, time and date format can be set in the rad io o r
in the MMI* . You can learn more about this in the MMI manual or in
the radio user's man ual.
[ i ] Tips
• Th e digita l clock turns on for about 30 secon ds w hen the dr iver's
door is opened.
• When the ignition is turned off, the odometer rea ding and the
dig ital clock with date display can be sw itched on for about
30 seconds by press ing the
[ SET I butto n=> page 9, fig. 3. •
Fuel gauge
The f uel gauge wo rks on ly when the ignition is on.
W hen the nee dle rea che s the red a rea, the war ning ligh t in t he ins tru
ment cl uster will illuminate =>
page 34 L.,. Th is means you have
a p pr oxi mate ly 2.1 gallons (8 liters) of f uel left in t he ta nk .
Time to
r efuel!
T he total tank capac ity of yo ur vehicle is liste d in => page 342. .,,
___________________________________________ C_ h _ e_c _k _ i_n -=g ~ a_n _ d_ f_i _ll _i _ n -=g =---......J"'
• -31°F(-35°C)USA
• -40°F ( - 40°() Canada .
You can mix the Gl2+ + coolant additive with other additives (G12+ or
G12). Always check with your authorized Aud i dealer.
Before you check anything in the engine compartment, always
read and heed all WARNINGS =>
& in "Work ing in the engine
compartment" on
page 280.
0 Note
• Before winter sets in, have the coolant checked to see if th e
coolant additive in your vehicle is sufficient to meet the climate
conditions . This is especially important if you live in a region where
the winter is extremely cold .
If necessary, increase the proportion of
coola nt additive to 60% .
• When adding coolant additive to your cooling system, remember:
- We recommend using only coolant additive Gl2++ (check the
label) for your vehicle . This coolant additive is available at autho
r iz ed Audi dealers. Other types of antifreeze can significantly
reduce corrosion protection . The resulting corrosion can cause
loss of coolant and serious engine damage.
• Do not add any type of radiator leak sealant to your vehicle's
eng ine coolant . Adding radiator repair fluid may adversely affect the
function and performance of your cooling system and could result in
damage not covered by yo ur New Vehicle Limited Warranty .•
Vehicle OP-eration
Checking the engine coolant level
The engine coolant level can be checked with a quick
Fig. 223 Engine
compartment: Coolant
expansion tank
Before you check anything in the engine compartment,
always read and heed all WARNINGS ~ & in "Working in
the engine compartment" on
page 280 .
-Turn off the ignition.
- Let the engine cool down .
- Place a thick rag over the coolant expansion tank
~ fi~ . 223 a nd carefully twist the cap counter-clockwise
~& -
- Read the engine coolant level in the open coolant expan
sion tank~ fig. 223 . With a cold engine, the coolant level
should be between the "min" and "max" markings. When
the engine is warm, the level may be slightly above the
"max" marking .
The location of the coolant expansion tank can be seen in the engine
compartment illustration=>
page 281.
To obtain an accurate reading, the engine must be switched off. ~
Vehicle care Do-it-yourselt service iTechnical data
What do I do now ? -_______________ __.PfWII
Taking the wheel off/installing the spare
Follow these instructions step-by-step for changing the wheel
F ig. 242 Changing a
wheel: using the
sc rewdriver handle
(w ith the b lade
r emove d) to turn t he
Fig. 243 Changi ng a
wheel: alignment p in
i nside t he top hole
After you have loosened all wheel bolts and raised the vehicle
off the ground, remove and replace the wheel as follows :
Removing the wheel
- Remove the topmost wheel bolt completely with the
hex agon al sock et in the screwdriver handle (vehicle tool
kit) :=} fig. 242 and set it aside on a
clean surface.
Vehicle OP-eration
-Screw the threaded end of the alignment pin from the
tool kit hand-tight into the empty bolt hole:=} fig. 243.
- Then remove the other wheel bolts as described above .
- Take off the wheel leaving the alignment pin in the bolt
Putting on the inflatabl e spare tir e
-Push the spare tire over the alignment pin.
- Screw on the wheel bolts and tighten them
slightly using
the hexagonal socket.
- Remove the alignment pin and insert and tighten the
remaining wheel bolt slightly like the rest .
- Turn the jack handle counter-clockwise to lower the
vehicle until the jack is fully released.
- Use the wheel bolt wrench to tighten all wheel bolts firmly :=}
page 323 . Tighten them Tighten them in a crisscross
from one bolt to the (approximately) opposite
one, to keep the wheel centered .
- Perform the steps required after changing the wheel :=}
page 321, "After changing a wheel" .
[ i ] Tips
Never use the hexagonal socket in the handle of the screwdriver to
loosen or tighten the wheel bolts.
• Pull the reversible b lade from the screwdrive r before you use the
hexagonal socket in the handle to turn the wheel bolts.
• When mounting tires with
unid irectio nal t rea d design make sure
the tread pattern is pointed the r ight way=>
page 326. _,.
Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service iTechnical data
Alphabetical index -________________ f!:VII
Electronic immobilizer ..... .. .. .. . 346
Homel ink® un iversal remote control . 346
Remote control key .......... ..... 346
Tire pressure monitoring system . .. . 346
Defective light bulb warning ... ... . .. .. 34
Defrost ing the windows . . . . . . . . . . . 92, 99
Deluxe automatic climate control ....... 88
A/C mode ............. ... ........ 93
Air distribution .. .. .. .......... ... 92
Air vents .. .. ... .......... .... .. .. 93
Automatic mode .... .. .. .. .. .... .. 90
Controls .. .. ................. .. .. 89
Defrost ...... ...... .. .. .. .. .... .. 92
Description ........ ....... .. .. .. .. 88
Economical use ................... 94
Fan . ... .................... ..... 91
Rear window defogger ......... .. .. 92
Recirculation mode ................ 91
Temperature ..................... 91
Turning on and off ............ .... . 90
Deluxe automatic climate control plus ... 95
A/C mode ......... ..... .... .... . 100
Air distribution . ... ............... 99
Air vents .. ............. .. .... .. . 101
Air vents (rear) . ............... .. . 101
Automatic mode .... .. .. .. .. .... .. 97
Automatic recirculation ........... . 102
Basic settings ............... ..... 102
Controls .. .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. ... .. 96
Defrost .......................... 99
Description ....................... 95
Economical use .................. 102
Fan .. .. .................... ..... 98
Front seat heating ............ .... 103
Controls and equip
ment Safety first
Rear window defogger
... .. .. .. .. . 100
Recirculation mode ............... . 99
Synchronization ..... .. .. ......... 102
Temperature ..................... 98
Turning on and off . .... ........... . 97
Determining correct load limit ... .. .. .. 305
Digital clock ..... ............. .. .. .. . 10
Digital compass ............... ... ... 75
Digital speedometer ... ............... 20
Dimensions ... .. ................... 341
Doors Emergency locking .............. .. 46
Driver informat ion system .......... ... 18
Defective light bulb warning ......... 34
Digital speedometer ....... ... .. .. . 20
Driver information messages ........ 26
Open door or rear lid warn ing ........ 20
Outside temperature display ........ 19
Sound system display .............. 19
Driver seat
See Seating position .............. 178
Drive r's seat memory
Act ivat ing remote control key .... .. . 81
Driving lights ........................ 62
Driving messages ........... .. ... .... 26
Dr iving safely . .. .... .... .. ... ...... 176
Driving through water ... .. . ... .. .. . . 251
Dr iving time .. .. .... ............. ... 22
Duplicate key ........................ 3 7
Dust filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88, 95
Dynamic shift program .. ............. 159
Dynamic stee ring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13, 32
Easy entry function .......... ......... 79
Electrica l seat adjustment
See Seat adjustment .. ..... .. .. .. .. 78
Electromechanical parking brake
Emergency braking ............ .. . 112
Ma lfunction ..................... 112
Operation ....................... 110
Parking ............ .. .. .. .... ... 111
Releasing and closing ............. 110
Starting assist ...... ... ... .... ... 111
Starting from rest ... .. .... .. . ... . 111
Starting off with a trailer ....... .. . 112
Warning/indicator lights ... .. .. .. .. 16
Electronic differential lock (EDL) How the system works ........... . 242
Warning/indicator lights . .. .. .. .. .. 16
Electronic immobilizer . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 40
Electron ic power control
(EPC) warning/indicator light ........ 13
Electronic stabilization program (ESP)
How the system works ............ 240
Warning/indica tor lights ... .... .. .. 14
Emergency braking . ... .............. 112
Emergency flasher .......... ......... 66
Warning/indicator lights .... ...... . 15
Emergency key ... .. .. ............... 3 7
Starting engine ................... 40
Emergency locking of the doors .. .. ..... 46
Emergency operation
Luggage compartment lid ....... ... 47
Power top .... .................... 56
Vehicle operation Vehicle care Do-it-yourself service Technical data