Downloaded from manuals search engine Tir,s
When lowing trailers using a dead-weight hitch, inflate tires to the "Cold Tire
Pressure" for ·'Max . Load" show n on the Tire Placard on the left front door.
The allowable passenger and cargo load for this car,
also sh o wn on· the Tire
Placard, is reduced by the trailer tongue weight whenever the trailer is attached
t o the car.
More frequen.t servic e is requi red when using your car to pull a trailer. See Section
A of the Maint enance Schedule folder for Tran saxle Fluid and Engine Oil chang e
requirement~ for traitering.
Now and then. check that all trailer hitch bolts an d nuts are tight. Also see
"the Maintenance Schedule rol_def, and the Index in this manual , for important facts
o n
belts, coo ling system care and brake adjustment.
Break-In Schedule
See the new car break~in instru ctions in this manual. Also,. we recommend you
drive your new car for
500 mil es (800 kilometer s) before trailer tOwing. At the
" end
of this 500 mile (800 kilome te r) break-in period, avoid speeds over 50 mph (80 km/h) and full throttl e start s during the first 500 miles (800 kilometers) of
trailer towing.
If a new engine or transaxle is ins talled in you r car, observe the
Brakes -To help avoid personal injury due to poor braking action:
• Trailer brakes of adequate size are required on trailer s over 450 kilograms
(1,000 pounds) loaded weight.
• If you use trailer brakes with this car, follow the installation and balan ce
instructi ons
of the trailer brake maker.
• Do nol lap into the car's brake system if the trailer brake system uses more than 0.3 cubic centimeter (0.02 cubic inch) of nuid from the ca r's master
cylinder. In this case, the car's brake fluid capacity will not be enough to
both the car and trailer brakes under all kind s, of use.
• All brak e fluid parts must be able to stand 20 685 kPa (3,000 psi). The brake
fluid tap must be made al th e upper rear master cylinder port. Copper tubing is subject to fatigue failure and must no t be used.
• Before going down a sleep or long grade , reduce speed and shift the tran saxle
into a lower gear to control your car's speed.
Try not to hold the brake pedal
down too long or too often. This could cause the brake s to get hot and not
as well.
Hitches -To help avoid personal injury due to sway caused by such things as
c rosswind
s, big trucks passing or road roughn ess, or due to sepa ration of the
trailer :
• Keep the trailer tongue load at 10% of the loaded trailer weight for
dead-w eight hitches. Tongue loads can be adjusted by proper distribution of the load in the trailer. This can be checked by weighing separately the loaded
trailer and then the tongue,
• When you remove a frailer hitch, be sure to seal any mountin g h'oles in the
body . This will help prevent entry of exhaust fumes, dirt or water. (See
"Engine Exhaust Gas Caution (Carbon Monoxide) " at the beginning of "Starting and Operating," Section 2 of this manual.)
Downloaded from manuals search engine NOTICE: Use only trailer hitches which permit normal operation of the Energy Absorbing Bumper System. if so equipped. For example. a rigid fore and .iUt connection between the bumper and any other part.of. the car may increase .damage in the event of II collision.
Getting Started
Before entering traffic with a frailer that has electric brakes, start the car and
trailer moving and apply the trailer brakes
by hand to be sure the trailer brakes
are working and the trailer electrical system
is connected .
. Engine Cooling
When going up long grades, you, can reduce the chance 'of engine overheating by
off the air conditioner, if so equipped.
,See the method for checking the transaxle fluid le ve l. in "Service and
,.;.Maintenance," Section 5 of this manual .
You should not park cars with trailers on a grade (hill). However, if you must
park on a grade, these steps must be followed:
1. Apply the regular brakes.
2. Have someone place wheel' chocks under the trailer wheels.
3. When the wheel chocks are in place, release the regular brakes until the
chocks absorb the load .
4; Apply Ihe parking brake.
S. Shift Ihe transaxle 10 ··P"(Park).
If the car is parked on a grade. don't shift the transaxle 10 "P"(Park) until the
trailer wheels
are chocked and the parkinghrake, is set~ If you do, the weight of . the car and trailer may put so much force on the parking pawl in the transaxle
that it may be hard to shift oul of "P"(Park).
When starting , after being parked ' on a grade:
(; Apply the regular brakes and hold.
2 .
Stan th e engine in ··P"(Park) .
-3. Shift into gear and release the parking brake.
4. Release the regular brakes and drive until the chock s are free.
5. Apply the regular brakes and have your helper remove the chocks.
Downloaded from manuals search engine NOTICE: If the engine runs for a long time (5 minute. or more) without pressing down the accelerator pedal. overheeting cOuld calise damage to the engine end exhaust system.
Do not INve your car unattend4Mt with the engine running . If the engine shoukt overheat you would not be there to react to the temperature warning light or gage. This could r.sult in costly damage to your car and its contents.
• WARM ENGINE -Be ,sur e to follow the instructi ons which apply to your engine . (The Engine Code is 'th e 5th digit on the YIN plate at the lower left
sid e o f yo
ur windshield . (See "Specifications," Secti o n 7 for more details .)
• Engine Code 5 • Press down the accelerator pedal to 1/3 of
its travel and hold. Crank the engine by turnin g the igniti on ke y to "Star .. " Rel ease the key and accelerator pedal when the _ engine s tart s.
• Engine Code 7 . Do not press down the accelerator pedal.
With your foot off the pedal. crank th e engine by turning the
ignition key to ·'Start." If t he engine does no t start after 3 seconds ,o f
. c ranking, press'
down the accelerator pedal to 1/3 of its travel while
c ranking. Release the key ,(ap.d accelerator pedal) when the engine starts .
• Very Cold Weather (Below·' B OC or O °F Or After Car Has Been
Standing Idle Several Days) - Befor e crankin g th e en gine , fully depress
and release the acce le rat or pedal one or two times more than slated fo r your
engine under "Cold Engine" s ta rt ing . Then . with your foot off the accelerator pedal,-cra nk the engine -b y-turnin g the ig nit io n key to "St art ."
Rdease the key when the e ngin e s tarts.
4 . Appl y th e regular brakes and shift into the prop
er g~r. Release the parkin g
b ra k e a nd drive off.
," '. ."
If Engine Fails To Start
t. Fully depr ess and release the acce le rat or pedal severa l times~ then tak e your
foo t ofT th e peda _' and cra nk the e ngine by turnin g the key to ··St art."
2. If th e e ng in e still does not sta rt, press the accele ra to r peda l to the floo r an d
h old it ther e while cra nkin g the· e ng ine. -Thi s sh ould clear the eng in e i f it is
floode d.
3. If th e en gine has been floode d' with too much fuel , it m ay start to run but
n ot h ave enough power to keep running.
In that case, continue cranking with
th e accel erator pedal all th e way to the floor until t he e ngin e clears itsel f of
excess ' gaso line an d run s sm oo thly.
CAUTION: Before going down ,e steep of'long grade . reduce speed and shift the transa.xle into a lower gear or lower range to control vehicle speed . (Do this with either 8n automatic or a manual ,transaxle).Try not to hold the brakcl pedal down too long or too often. This could,cause the brakes to get hO,t and not work as well.
Driving on Slippery Surfaces
Take ca re w he n speedin g up . or when shiftin g into a l ower gear, or lower gea r
r a n
ge w hile drivin g o n slippe ry surf aces. Sudde n acce le ra tio n or en gine bra kin g
a c tion (du e to shifting
to a lower gear) could -ca use the f ron t wheels to s kid .
N orm al
skid correction and cautio us :dr iving are call ed for at these times .
Downloaded from manuals search engine • Holding. vehicle on an upgrade with the accelerator pedal. (Use the regular
brakes to hold car on an uphill grade.)
Column Shift Lever
The PRNDL1L1 pattern is located within the instrument cluster below the
The heavy line in the figure indicates the movement of the shift lever
as it
is lifted to shift into Reverse or Low and into or out of Park position.
The standard 4-speed manual transaxle shift pattern is shown in the figure. This
is designed to be cOinpletely sypchronized in all forward gears and may
be downshifted into "1st" gear at any speed below 20 mph (30 km/h.) Always
depress the clutch pedal
fully before attempting to shift into any gear. In "1st"
and "Reverse " gear --slowly release the clutch pedal while at the same time
pressing down· on the accelerator pedal. In all other gears the clutch may be
released a little faster. This helps to reduce clutch wear.
When shifting into
"Reverse" gear, push clutch pedal in then press in on the
button located on the top of the gearshift lever keeping thehutton depressed until
you have moved the shift
lever into "Reverse" gear.
• Do not ride the dutch pedal; this produces a partly disengaged condition that may result in damage to the clutch.
• Use third gear at slow speeds (less than 30 mph (50 km/h)) when driving
in stop-and-go traffic for improved
car performance during acceleration and
when descending steep grades.
• Shift to the next lowest gear for extremely hard pulls at low road speeds.
• Shift the gears with a moderate effort to allow time for the transaxle
synchronizers to coordinate.
• When stopped on an upgrade, do not hold car with engine. Use your regular
• Do not coast in "Neutral" (i1legal in many states).
• Set parking brake firmly before leaving the car.
Downloaded from manuals search engine CAUTION: Driving thr~gh water deep enough to wet the brakes may cause the brakes not to work as well. As 8 result the vehicle will not slow down at the usual
rate ; and it may pull to the right or left. After checking to the rear for other vehicle., apply the brakes lightly to check whether this has happened. To dry them quickly, lightly apply the brakes. At the-same time, k .. p a safe forward speed, with plenty of clear space ahead, to the rear, and to the side •. 00 this until the brakes return to normal.
The brake system warning light is covered in the "Instrument Panel" section.
Power Brakes
• If optional power assis t is lost because of a stalled engine or other reasons .
the brakes can normally still be applied with power assist at leas t two times
u sing reserv e power.
• Th e system is designed to bring the vehicle to a full stop on reserve power if the brake pedal is applied once and held down . However . the reserve power
is partly used up each time the brake pedal is applied and rele ased. Do not
pump the brakes when ,brake power assist has been lost, except when needed
to maintain steering control on slippery surfaces.
• Without power assist, the vehicle can still be stopped by pushing much harder
o n the brake pedal. However, the stopping distance may be longer. even
though the brakes themselves remain fully operational.
Self-Adjusting Brakes
• The brakes on this vehicle (exc,ept for the parking brake) are self-adjusting.
They have been design ed so
that periodic brake adjustment is not required.
• The drum brakes adjust themselves when the brakes are firml y applied while
the vehicle is moving backwards.
• The disc brakes adjust themselve s each time the brakes are used.
• If the brak e pedal goes down farther than nonnal. it may be due to a lack
of adjustment. To find out if this is the case, drive backward and forward
a few times , applying the brakes firmly when going each way.
• See yo ur dealer if pedal height does not return to normal, or if there is a rapid
increase in pedal travel, which could be a sign of other brake trouble .
• Also see your dealer if the parking brake needs adjustment' .
NOTICE: "Riding the brake" by resting your foot on the brake pedal when not intending to brake can cause overheated brakes. This can waar out the brake linings faster and damage the brakas thamselvas, 85 well 8S waste fuel.
The dimmer switch that controls the headlight high/lo w beam is built into the
turn signal control. See the "Steering Column Controls" Section 2 of this manual.
• To set the parking brake, fully depress the foot pedal at the far left side.
• For better holding power, first press down the regular brake pedal with your
right foot. Then hold it while setting the parking brake with your lefl foo[.
To release the parking brake, pull the "Brake Release" handle located at the
lower left of the instrument panel.
• To help remind you. the brake system warning light is designed to come on if the parking brake control is not fully released and the ignition key is on.
Downloaded from manuals search engine • Never drive-the vehicle _with the parking brake set as this -may overheat the
reaf brakes reducing their effectiveness and causing excessive wear or damage,
Front disc brakes have built-in wear indicators that are designed to make a
squealing or cricket-like warning sound when the brake linings are
worn 10 where -new linings are needed. The sound will come and go, or be heard
all the time
when the wheels are rolling, and when the brake pedal is pu~hed down
firmly . Expensive damage can result
if linings are not replaced when needed.
See also the brake checks listed in the Maintenance Schedule folder.
On models equiPPed with a manual transaxle, a clutch pedal is used to engage
or disengage the clutch, thereby connecting
or disconnecting the engine from the
transaxle and drive1ine to the front wheels. -When the pedal is fully extended the
is engaged, driving the transaxle arid the front wheels.
The instruments, gages and indicator lights conveniently grouped in the
instrument cluster are des igned to
tell you at a glance many important things about
_the perfonnance of your vehicle _, _ The following information will enable you to
more quickly -understand and properly it';:rerpretthese instruments.
The speedometer chand ·indicatt:5 vehicle speed in miles per hour and kilometers
per hour.
The group of six figures . in the speedometer lower center section indicates the
accumulated mileage.
Fuel Gage
The fuel gagewiH register the_APPROXIMATE fuel level in the tank, when the
is in the RUN position.
When the gage registers
EMPTY, some fuel is still available as a reserve. When
the gage registers
FULL. some additional" fuel can"still be added to the tank. The
following conditiqns may be considered normal:
• Gas station _pump may shut off before fuel gage indicates FULL. •
Amount of gasoline required for fill-up may not exactly correspond to gage.
• Needle may not move away from FULL until some time after fill·up.
• Needle may !Dove during turns. stops and-accelerations.
When the ignition switch
is turned to the OFF position, the needle will not
retiJrn · all the way to the EMPTY mark.
Downloaded from manuals search engine • The compact spare .tire and wheel are design ed for use with each
other. The compact spare tire should not be mounted on any other
type of wheel, and the compact spare wheel should not have any
other type of tire mounted on it. Also, do not try to use wheel covers or trim rings on the compact spare wheel since they will not fif" If
s u ch u se is attempted, damage to these items or other vehicle compo~
nent s may occur.
• Do 1I0t use tire chains with your compact spar e tir e. Because of .the smaller lire size, a tire chain will no t fit properly . This could cause damage to the car and result in loss of the cha,in.
Prop er equipment must be used 10 prevent damage to ve hicle s during any towing .
State ,(.,rovincial in Canada) ,and l~~l laws which apply to Cars in tow must be
followed '. Get detailed towing instructions from your deale r.
vehicle may be towed on all fo ur wheels, at speeds less than 35 mph (60
km /h) , for distances u'p 1O 50 miles ( 8 0 kilometer s). pro vided the driveline and
steering are normally operabl
e. For such towing the steering must be unlocked ,
tran saxle in neutral , and the parking brake released . Co
nnec t to main structural
part s of th~ car; Do NOT attach to , bumpers or brackets . Remember also that power assist for brakes and steering will not beavailable ' when the, engine is ofl
If the car' is to be towed by a 'wrecker, use only equipm~nt designed for this
e, following the instru ction s of the wrecker manufacturer.
A safety chain system must
be used forall towing .
Freeing Vehicle from Sand. Mud. Snow or Ice
If your car gets stuck in sa nd , mud , snow or ice , move the s hift lever on aut om atic
tr ans ax le models from "D"(Orive) to "R"(Reverse) in a repeat pattern. (On
manual transaxle models, move the shift lever from First or Second to Rever se.)
Apply a
light pressure to the acce lerator pedal while the transaxle is in gear.
Remove your
foot from the;: accelerator while shifting . Do not race the engine.
For best traction, avoid spinnin g the wheels. Incorrect rocking of your car while it is stuc k may result in damage to vehicle components.
CAUTION: 00 not spin the wh •• ls faster than 20 mph (35 km/ h) . Personal injury end damage (including tire and/Of transexle failure) rna)' result from excessive wheal spinning.
If vehide re mains stuck after several roc king attempt s, s eek other assistan ce.
Also 'see the Notice under
"Automatic Transaxles" i,n "Steering Column
Contro ls" Section 2 of this manu al.
. 3-7
Downloaded from manuals search engine USE Tlltst: SAE VISCOSITY GItotoDH
I , , , cl.
::0';'~ ,.,..~,: , , , ,
lOW , , , ,
I I I I , . , " • '" ,~, ." ., , " " " ~ lVitPl .... 1Ul:( lAN<* YOU ElU'EClltfOll( NUT OIl CHANG(
the oil level at regular intervals (such as every 'o ther fuel stop) and keep it above
th e "Add" line. Rem ember, your engine may use more oil when it is new .
• The best time to check the engine oil level is when the oil is warm, such as
during a fuel stop. First, wait about 5 minutes for the oil to drain back to
the oil pan, Then, pull out the dipstick, wipe
it clean, and push it back down
all the way . Now , pull e dipstick and look at the oil-level on the dipstick.
dipSlicks have "Add" and "Full" lines , Others are marked "Add! Qt"
and "Operaling Range." In all cases, keep the oil level above the
"Add" line. Push· the dipstick back down all the way after taking the
reading. _ A ·dd oil , if needed.
• If you check the oil level when the oil is cold, do no t run the engine first. The cold oil wilJ not drain back to the pan fast enough to give a true oil level.
Engine Oil Additives
There are many extra engine oil additives (or helpers) for sale. Your engine should
not need these extra additives if you use SE-quality or SF·quality engine oil and
it as suggested. If you think your engine has .an oil-related problem, talk
to your authorized dealer.
If needed, your dealer can provide you with a tested
and approved oil additive called "GM Engine Oil Supplement."
Use the Proper Fluid Use only automatic transmission fluid labe led DEXRON-®II. You can buy this
fluid from your Chevrolet dealer or
othe~,'service outlets.
Check the Fluid Level with care Check the automatic transmission fluid level at each engine oil change. Before
checking the fluid level, set the parking brake and then start the engine. AppJy
the regular brakes and then
'mov e the shift lever through all of the gear ranges,
ending in
"P '·(Park). You must check the fluid level with the engine funning at
slow idle and the car level.
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COOL OR WARM -j ""I ,~-