Opening and closin g
(D Tips
- The vehicle cannot be started if an unau
thorized key is used. The veh icle may not
start if another radio device such as a key
for another vehicle or a transponder is lo
cated on the key ring.
- For Declaration of Comp liance to Un ited
States FCC and Industry Canada regulations
<=> page 284.
Central locking
General description
The power locking system locks or unlocks all
doors and the luggage compartment lid simulta
neously .
You can lock and un lock the veh icle cent rally. You
have the following cho ices:
- Remote master key <=>
page 33,
-Door handles with convenience key*
¢ page 34,
-Lock cylinder at the driver's door<=> page 35,
- Power lock ing switch ins ide <=>
page 35.
Sel ective unloc king
When you lock the vehicle, the powe r locking sys
tem wi ll lock the doors and the luggage compart
ment lid . When un locking, you can set in the
MMI whether only the driver's door or the entire
ve hicle should be unlocked
<=>page 33.
Automatic locking
The automatic locking feature locks a ll the vehi
cle doors and the luggage compartment lid when
you drive faster than 9 mph (15 km/h).
The car is un locked again, when the open ing
function in the power locking system switch or at
one of the door levers is actuated . The Auto Lock
function can be turned on and off in the MMI
<=> page 33.
Ant i-theft alarm warning syst em
If t he anti-theft alarm warning system detects a
b reak -in into the vehicle, acoustic and visua l
warning signals are triggered.
The anti-the ft warn ing system is activated a uto
matically when you lock the vehicle. It is deacti
vated when unlock ing us ing the remote key, w ith
the mechanical key, and when you sw itch the ig
nit ion on.
The alarm also turns off when the alarm cycle has expired.
Turn signals
When yo u un lock the veh icle, the turn s ignals
flash twice . When you lock the vehicle once, the
turn signals flash once. If they do not flash, one
of the doors, the luggage compartment lid or the hood is not locked.
Unintentionally locking yours elf out
In the follow ing cases there safeguards to p re
vent you locking your remote master key in the
- T he vehicle does not lock w ith the cent ral lock
ing switch¢
page 35 if t he d river's doo r is
- On veh icles with co nvenience key*, if the most
recent ly used master key is in the l uggage com
partment, the luggage compartment lid is a u
tomatically un locked again after it is closed .
Do no t lock your ve hicle w ith the
re mote ma ste r
key or conv enienc e ke y*
unti l all doors and the
lu ggage compartment lid are closed. In this way
you avoid locking yourse lf out accidenta lly.
Power s ide door closer *
The vehicle doo rs a re equipped with a power side
door closer. Whe n clos ing a door, you on ly have
to let i t fall lightly into the latch. The door w ill
then a utomatica lly close by itself¢& .
-When you lock yo ur vehicle from outside,
nobody -espec ially children -sho uld rema in
inside the vehicle. Remember, when you
lock the vehicle from the outside the win
dows cannot be opened from the inside.
- When you leave the vehicle, always take the
ign it ion key with you . This will prevent pas
sengers (ch ildren, for examp le) from acci-
dentally being locked i n the vehicle sho uld ..,.
Opening and clo sin g
• Press button@ to unlock the vehicle¢ fig. 21.
• Press button ffl to lock the vehicle ¢ A in Gen
eral description on page 32 .
• Press button C:$ briefly to unlock the luggage
compartment lid.
• Push the red
I PANIC I button to activate the
panic funct ion . The horn sounds and the turn
s ignals flash. Push the red
! PANIC I button again
to deactivate the pan ic function .
If the vehicle is unlocked and no door, the lug
gage compartment lid or the hood is opened
with in 60 seconds, the vehicle locks itself agai n
automatically. This feature prevents the vehicle
from being accidentally left unlocked over a long
period of time.
It depends o n the settings in the MMI whethe r
the entire veh icle is unlocked or only certa in
page 33 .
Read and follow all WARN INGS ¢ & in Gener
al description on page 32 .
@ Tips
-In orde r to make s ure the locking function is
working, you s hou ld always keep your eye
on the vehicle to make sure it is properly
l ocked.
- Do not use the remote contro l if you are in
side the car, otherwise you may uninten
tiona lly lock the vehicle, and then yo u wou ld
set off the anti-theft alarm when you try to
start the engine or open a door. In case this happens anyhow, push the unlock button@.
- The vehicle can only be locked when these lector lever is in the P position.
- Use the panic funct ion only if you are in an
emergency s ituation.
34 Locking and unlocking with convenience
Applies to:
vehicles with convenience key
The doors and the luggage compartment lid can
be unlocked and locked without operating the
master key.
Fig. 22 Co nve nience key : locking t he ve hicle
Unlocking vehicle
• Take hold of the door hand le . The door is un-
locked automatically.
• Pull the handle to open the door .
Locking vehicle
• Sele ct the P selector lever positio n. Otherwise
the vehicle cannot be locked .
• To lock the vehicle, close the door and touch
the sensor in the door handle
once ¢ fig. 22. Do
not reach inside the door handle .
The vehicle can be locked and unlocked at any
door. The master key must be within a range of
about 1.5 m from the appropriate door or the
l uggage compartment lid. It makes no difference
whether the maste r key is in your jacket pocket or
i n your brief case .
It is not possib le to re-open the door for a brief
per iod direct ly after closing it . Th is allows you to
ensure that the doors are properly locked .
It depends on the settings in the MMI whether
the entire vehicle is unlocked or one of the doors
¢ page 33 .
Read and follow all WARNINGS ¢ & in Gener
al description on page 32 .
Checking and Filling
Brake fluid
Checking brake fluid level
The brake fluid level can be checked with a quick
Fig. 202 Eng ine compartment: cove r o n th e brake flu id
r eservoi r
Before you check anything in the engine compart
always re ad a nd hee d all W ARNING S
¢ A in Working in the engine compartment on
page 220.
., Read the brake fluid level from the brake fluid
<=> fig . 202, ¢page 222. The brake flu
id level must be between the "MIN" and "MAX"
mark ings.
The location of the brake fluid reservoir can be seen in the engine compartment illustration
¢ page 222.
The fluid level may drop slightly after some time
due to the automatic adjustment of the brake
pads . This is not cause for alarm .
If the brake fluid level falls
considerably below
the ' 'MIN" mark, the brake warning/indicator
1111 (U.S. models)/ . (Canadian models)
will come on¢
page 14 . Do not continue to oper
ate the vehicle . The complete brake system
should be thoroughly checked by an authorized
Aud i dealer or other q ualified facili ty and the
cause corrected.
If the brake f luid level is too
low, the brake warning/indicator light will i llumi
nate. Contact an authorized Audi dealer
at ely.
Changing brake fluid
Have the brake fluid changed by an experienced
technician .
Brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air. If the
water content in the brake fluid is too high, cor rosion in the brake system may result after ape
riod of time . The boiling po int of the brake fluid
will a lso decrease considerably and decrease
braking performance.
Therefore , the brake fluid must be changed
eve ry
two y ears . Always use new brake fluid which con
forms to Feder-al Motor Vehicle Standard "FMVSS 116 DO T 4".
The brake fluid reservoir can be difficult to reach ,
therefore, we recommend that you have the brake fluid changed by your author ized
d ea ler . Your dealer has the correct tools, the
right brake fluid and the know -how to do this for
- Brake fluid is po isonous. It must be stored
only in the closed original container out of
the reach of children!
- Brake fai lure can result from o ld or inappro
priate brake fluid . Observe these precau
- Use only brake fluid that meets SAE speci ficat ion
J 1703 and conforms to Federal
Motor Ve hicle Standard 116. Always check
with your authorized Audi dealer to make
sure you are using the correct brake f luid .
The correct type of brake f luid is also indi
cated on the brake fluid reservoir.
- The brake fluid must be new . Heavy use of
the brakes can cause a vapor lock if the
brake fluid is left in the system too long .
This can seriously affect the efficiency of
the brakes as well as your safety. This
could result in an accident.
(D Note
Brake fluid will damage the paint of your vehi-
cle .
Check ing and F illing
- spark s
- fl ame s
- smokin g.
Wh en a b att ery is ch arg ed , it produc es
h yd ro ge n ga s which i s explosive and
could cau se per sonal injury.
Always keep the b atter y well out of
r each of child ren.
Whenever work ing on the battery or on the
elect rical system, there is the risk of injury,
accident and
even fire. Read and heed the fol
lowing WARN INGS :
- Always wear eye protection. Do not let bat
te ry acid or any lead particles get on your
sk in or cloth ing . Sh ield your eyes. Explosive
gases can cause blindness or other injury .
- Battery acid con tains su lfu ric acid. Sulfur ic
acid can cause blindness and severe b urns.
- Always wear gloves and eye protection. Do
no t tilt the battery because acid could leak
out of the ventilat ion open ings .
- If you get battery ac id in your eyes or on
your skin, immediately rinse with cold wa
ter for several minutes and get medical at tention .
- If you should ingest any battery acid, seek
medical attention immediately .
- Do not expose the battery to an open flame,
electric sparks or an open light .
- Do not smoke.
- Do not interchange the positive and nega-
t ive cables.
- When working on the battery, be sure not to
short-circuit the terminals with tools or oth
er metal objects. Th is wou ld cause the bat
tery to heat up
very quickly, which could
lead to damage or explosion and personal
injury .
- When a battery is charged, it produces hy
drogen gas which is explosive and could
ca use personal injury.
- Always keep the battery well out of the reach of ch ildre n.
-Before work is done on the electrical sys
tem, disconnect the negative gro und cable.
- Before performing any work on the e lectri
cal system, switch off the engine and ign i
tion as well as any electrical equ ipment . The
negat ive cab le on the battery must be dis
connected . If you are just going to replace a
light bulb, then it is enough to switch off
the lights.
- Before d isconnecting the battery, switch off
the anti-theft alarm system! Otherwise you
will set off the alarm.
- When disconnecting the battery, first dis
connect the negative cab le and then the
positive cable.
- Before reconnect ing the battery, make sure
all electr ica l consume rs a re switched off .
Reconnect the positive cable first and then
the negative cable . Never in terch ange t he
cables -this could sta rt a fire!
- Never cha rge a frozen or a thawed-out bat
tery . It cou ld explode ! If a ba ttery has fro
zen, then it must be replaced. A discharged
battery can freeze over at 32 ° F (0 °C).
- Make sure the
vent hose is always attached
to the opening on the side of the battery .
- Never use batter ies which are damaged.
There is the danger of an exp losion! Always
replace a damaged battery .
Califo rnia Proposition 65 Warning :
- Batte ry posts, te rm inals and related acces
sories contain lead and lead compounds,
chemicals known to the State o f Cali fornia
to cause cancer and reproductive problems.
Wash hands after handling.
(D Note
- Do not disconnect the vehicle battery when
the ignition is on or when the engine is run
ning, otherwise, you w ill damage electronic
components in the electrical system.
- If your veh icle is go ing to stand for a long
period of time w ithout being driven, protect
the battery from "freezing", otherwise it ..,.
Driver side cockpit fuse assignment
Fig . 227 D river sid e cockpit: fuse panel with plastic bracket
Fuse panel @ (brown )
No . Equipment
1 Light switch
2 Emergency start coil (driver iden tification)
3 Left rear door con trol module
4 Head -up display
5 Ho rn
6 Interior lights (headliner)
Steering column lever, m ultifunction
8 steer ing whee l cont ro ls, steering wheel
heati ng
10 Powe r steering column adjustment
1 1 Dr iver door co ntro l mod ule
12 Diagnostic con nector, light/rain sensor
13 Radio rece iver, par king heater
14 Power steering column adjustment
15 Powe r stee ring, A/C comp resso r
16 Brake booster
Fuse panel © (black)
No . Equipment
1 Front seat heating
Fuses and bulbs
Fuse panel © (black)
2 Windshie ld w ipers
3 F ron t ex terior lig hti ng
4 Sliding/tilting s unroof
5 Dr iver power w indow
6 Driver's seat (pneumatic)
7 Pano rama su nroo f
8 Dynam ic steering
9 F ron t ex terior lig hting
10 W indshie ld/head light washer system
11 Left rea r powe r window
12 Panorama su nroof
Front passenger side cockpit fuse
Fig. 228 Front passenge r side cockp it: fuse panel with
p last ic b racket
Fuse panel @ (black)
No . Equipment
1 Ant i-theft alarm system
2 Transmission contro l modu le
3 Front climate control fan
4 Engine supply
6 Engine control module