.... N
0 J:
'SI: ....
malfunction corrected.
~ .... Engine oil sensor
• Oil level! Sensor defective
If the symbol illuminates, contact your author
ized Audi dealer and have the oil sensor inspect
ed . Until you have this done, check the oil level
each time you refuel just to be on the safe s ide
¢page 224.
f Request to warm engine by driving
0 Please warm up engine
Fuel has entered the engine oil because of low
outside temperatures or frequent short drives. Drive until the engine is warm so that the fuel in
the engine oil will vaporize. Avoid high engine
speeds, full acceleration and heavy engine load
when doing this.
.Bil Fuel level indicator
ID] Please refuel
If the indicator light turns on for the first time
and the message appears, there are about 4 gal
l ons (15 liters) of fuel left in the tank. Time to re
¢ page 214 .
ID] Tank system malfunction! Contact dealer
If the indicator light turns on and this message
appears, there is a malfunction in the tank sys
tem .
Drive to your authorized Audi dea ler immediately
to have the malfunction corrected.
~ Windsh ield washer fluid level
~ Please refill washer fluid
If the symbol illuminates, add windshield washer
f luid to the washer system/headlight washer sys
¢ page 234 .
<$• Windshield wipers
m Windshield wiper defective
Instruments and indicator lights
T he re is a malfunct ion with the windshield wip
ers .
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immed iate ly
to have the malfunction corrected .
i§il}0/0$ Defective light bulb warning
1:1-If the indicator light turns on, a bu lb has
failed. The message indicates the location of the
fm-if a fog lamp* has failed, the indicator light
turns on to indicate the location on the vehicle.
II-if a rea r fog lamp has failed, the indicator
light turns on to indicate the location on the vehi
Vehicle lights: malfunction
If the message appears, there is a malfunction in
the headlights or light switch .
Drive to your authorized Audi dealer immediate ly
to have the malfunction corrected .
-Light bulbs are pressurized and could ex
plode wh ile they are be ing changed causing
serious personal injury.
- Work w ith due care when handling the high
voltage section of gas d ischarge (xenon)
lights . Failure to do so could result in death
. . . or serious inJury.
(D Tips
Have the bulb replaced or the connection re
paired by your author ized Audi Service depart
~{D Headlight range control
II Headlight range control: defective!
If the symbol illuminates, the headlight range
control is no longer working properly . Have the
system checked and repaired at your Audi dealer.
Instruments and indicator lights
@ Tips
-If the data are deleted in the effic iency pro
gram, those va lues are also reset in trip
- Once you have turned a fue l economy mes
sage off, it will only appear again after you
turn the ign ition on again.
- The fuel economy messages are not dis
played in every instance, but rather in inter
vals over a period of time.
F ig . 11 Instrument cluste r Odometer and reset button
The odometer shows you how many miles (kilo
meters) you have driven. You can switch the dis
play from miles to kilometers and vice versa via
the MMI.
Upper odometer
The trip odometer shows the distance driven
since it was last reset. It can be used to measure
short distances. The last dig it indicates 1/10 of a
mile (100 meters) .
You can reset the trip odometer to zero by press
ing the Reset button~-
Lower odometer
The lower odometer shows the total numbe r of
miles (kilometers) driven.
Malfunction message
If there is a malfunct ion in the instrument clus
DEF w ill appear in the trip odometer display
area . Contact you r a uth orized Aud i dea ler to have
the prob lem corrected .
Time and date display
Fig. 12 Center conso le: a nalog clock
The date and time are shown in the instrument
cluster display ¢
page 23, fig. 4. There is also an
analog clock in the center console <=:>
fig. 12.
When you open the driver's door, the date and
time appear in the instrument cluster display for
30 seconds . When the ign ition is switched on,
the time is always displayed in the status line©
regardless of the current disp lay.
You can set the time on both clocks and the date display in the MMI. Refer to the MMI owner's
manual for instructions .
Service interval display
The service interval display reminds you when
your next service is due .
Fig. 13 Instrument cluster : Service interva l display
The service interval display works in two stages:
-Inspection or oil change reminder: After a
specified number of miles, a message appears
in the instrument cluster display when switch
ing the ignition on or off¢
fig. 13 . The remain-
ing distance or t ime is displayed briefly.
-Inspection or oil change due: If your vehicle is
due for an inspection or o il change or both, a
message appears br iefly in the instrument clus
ter display when sw itching the ignition on or
off :
Inspection due! or Oil change due! or Oil
change and inspection duel.
Checking service intervals
The remaining distance or time to the next oil
change or to the next inspection can be viewed in
the MMI. Select the
ICARI function button > Car
control button > Servicing & checks >
Service intervals .
In new vehicles or after resetting the display , the
display can be viewed after approximately
310 miles (500 km) .
Resetting the service interval display
Your authorized Audi dealer will reset the corre
sponding service schedule after performing the
appropriate service on your veh icle . You also have
the possibility to reset the oil change schedule
after having performed an oil change according
to Audi specificat ions. Select the
ICARI funct ion
> Car systems control button > Servicing
& checks > Service intervals > Reset oil change
@) Note
- Only reset the oil change display when you
have completed an oil change.
- If you disconnect the battery terminals, no
calculations can be made for the service in
terval display during this time and no serv
ice remi nder w ill appear. Remember that
observing the proper service interva ls is v i
tally important to extending the life of your
vehicle, particularly the engine, and main
taining its value. Even if the mi leage driven
is low, the max imum period of one year
from one service to the next must not be ex
ceeded .
(!') Tips
-The information in the Serv ice Reminder re
mains stored even when the vehicle battery
~ i s disconnected .
Instruments and indicator lights
Head-up Display
Applies to: vehicles with Head-up Display
Fig. 14 Exampl e: ind ic a to rs in the Head-up Display
Fig. 15 Instrume nt panel: knob fo r th e He ad- up D isplay
The Head-up Display projects certain warnings or
selected information from the assistance sys
tems* or navigation* on the windshield . The dis
play appears wit hi n the driver's field of vision.
Switching on/off
.,. Press the knob~ to switch the Head-up Dis-
play on/off
c:> fig. 15 .
Adjusting the height
The height of the display can be adjusted to the
individual driver.
.,. Make sure you are sea ted correctly
i::>page 130 .
.,. Turn the knob~ to adjust the display .
Settings in the MMI
.,. Select: !CAR ! function button > (Car)* systems
control button > Driver Assist > Head-up Dis
> Head-up Display content or Display
(!) Windshield/headlight washer con-
(O) ................. . .
@ Jump start point(-) with hex head
screw . ..................... .
@ Jump start point(+) under a cover
© Engine oil filler cap ("t!:r.) ...... .
® Brake fluid reservoir((();) ...... .
® Coolant expansion tank (-L) .... .
0 Oil dipstick .................. . 234
233,271 225
The engine oil filler neck (item@) may be locat
ed in a different area depending on the version of
the engine.
Before you check anything in the engine com
partment, always read and heed all WARN
&. in Working in the engine compart
ment on page 220.
Engine oil
Engine oil specifications
The engine oil used must conform to exact speci
The service interval display in the instrument
cluster of your vehicle will inform you when it is
time for an oil change. We recommend that you hav e your oil changed by an authorized Audi Serv
ice Advisor.
I f you have to top off the oil between oil changes,
use the Audi oi l quality standard specified in the
Audi oil quality standard
VW 502 00 or
engine vw 50400
Diesel vw 507 00
Using the proper engine oil is impo rtant for the
functiona lity and service life of the eng ine. Your
engine was factory-filled with a high-quality oil
;:;:: which can usually be used throughout the entire
~ year.
(D Note
Your Limited New Vehicle Warranty does not
cover damage or malfunctions due to failure
to follow recommended maintenance and use
requirements as set forth in the Audi Owner's
Manual and Warranty
& Maintenance booklet .
- Use only a high quality engine oil that ex-
pressly complies with the Audi oil quality
standard spec ified for your vehicle's eng ine.
Us ing any other oil can cause ser ious eng ine
- Do not mix any lubricants or other additives
into the eng ine oi l. Do ing so can cause en
gine damage.
(D Tips
If you need to add oil and there is none availa
ble that meets the Aud i oil quality standard
your engine requires, you may add a total of no more than 0.5 quart/liter of a high-quality
"synthetic"oi l that meets the following speci
- Vehicles with gasoline engine: ACEA A3 or
API SM with a viscosity grade of SAE OW-30,
SAE SW -30 or SAE 5W-40.
- Vehicles with diesel engine: ACEA C3 or
API C F with a viscosity grade of SAE OW-30
or SAE SW-30.
- For more information about engine oil that
has been approved for your vehicle, please
contact either your authorized Audi dealer
or Audi Customer Relations at
1 (800) 822-2834 or visit our web site at
www.audiusa.com or www.audicanada.ca.
Engine oil consumption
The engine in your vehicle depends on an ade
quate amount of oil to lubricate and cool all of
its moving parts.
In order to provide effective lubrication and cool
ing of internal engine components, all internal
combust ion engines consume a certain amount
of oil. O il consumption varies from eng ine to en
gine and may change significantly over the life of
the engine. Typ ically, engines w ith a specified
break-in period (see ¢
page 197) consume more ""
Check ing and F illing
workshop to have excess oil ext racted if
- Audi does not recommend the use of oil
addit ives. They may dam age the eng ine
and ad ve rs ely affe ct your New Vehicle
W arranty .
@ For the sake of the environment
-Under no circ umstances can the o il come in
contact with the sewage network or the soil.
- Observe and follow legal regu lations when
disposing of empty oil containers.
Changing the engine oil
We recommend that hove your oil changed by on
authorized Audi dealer or a qualified service sta
tion .
Before you check anyth ing in the eng ine compart
a lway s read and heed all WARNINGS¢.&.
in Working in the engine comportment on
page 220.
The engine oil must be changed accord ing to the
i n tervals specified in your Wa rranty
& Mainte
nance booklet . This is very important because the
lubricat ing properties of oi l diminish gradually
during normal vehicle use.
Under some circ umstances the engine oi l should
be changed more frequently. Change oil more of
ten if yo u drive most ly short distances, operate
the vehicle in dusty areas or under predominantly
stop-and-go traffic cond it ions, or have your vehi
cle where temperatu res remain below freezing
for extended periods .
Detergent additives in the oil will make fresh oil
look dark after the engine has been running for a
short t ime. Th is is normal and is not a reason to
cha nge the oil more often than recommended.
Because of the prob lem of proper disposal, along
with the special tools and necessary expertise re
qu ired, we strongly recommend that you have
your oil changed by an authorized
Audi dealer or
a qualified se rvice station .
If you choose to change your o il yourself , please
note the following important information:
To reduce the risk of persona l injury if you
must change the eng ine oil in your vehicle
- Wea r eye protect ion.
- To reduce the r is k of b urns from hot engine
oil, let the engine cool down to the touch.
- When removing the oil drain plug with your
fingers, stay as far away as possible. Always
keep your forearm parallel to the ground to he lp prevent hot oil from run ning down your
- Drain the oil into a container designed fo r
this purpose, one la rge enough to hold at
least the tota l amount of oil in you r engine.
- Engine oil is poisonous. Keep it well out of the reach of children .
- Continuous contact with used engine o il is
ha rmf ul to your skin . Always protect your
skin by washi ng oil off thoroughly with soap
a nd water.
(D Note
Never mix oil additives with you r engine oil.
These add itives can damage your e ngine and
adverse ly affect yo ur Audi Limi ted New Vehi
cle War ranty.
@ For the sake of the environment
- Be fore chang ing your oi l, first make sure
you know where you can p roperly dispose of
t h e used oil.
- Always dispose of used e ngine o il properly .
Do not dump it on gard en so il, wooded
areas, into open streams or down sewage
- Recycle used e ngine o il by ta king it to a used
eng ine oil collect ion fac ility in yo ur area, or
c ont act a servi ce st ation.
Cooling system
The engine coolant performs two functions: it
keeps the engine from overheating and it pro
tects the engine from freezing in the winter .
The cooling system is sealed and generally re
quires little attention.
T he cooling system has been filled at the factory
with a permanent coolant which does not need to
be changed . The coolant consists of a mixture of
specially condit ioned water and the manufactur
er's glycol-based coolant additive Gl3 antifreeze
with anticorrosion additives (SO% for USA mod
e ls; 60% for Canadian mode ls). This m ixture
both ass ures the necessa ry frost protection and
protects metal components in the engine's coo l
ing system from corrosion and scaling .
It also
raises the boiling point of the coolant.
Do not red uce the concent ration of the coolant in
the summer by adding p lain water.
The propor
tion of coolant addit ive mu st be at least 50 %
but not more than 60 %
to mainta in antifreeze
protection and cooling efficiency. If the coolant
frost protection is too low, the coolant could
freeze and damage the vehicle heating and en
g ine cooling system .
For year-round driving, antifree ze is added at the
factory for temperatures down to :
- -31° F(- 3S°C)USA
- - 40 ° F ( - 40 °C) Canada.
If you must add coolant, use a m ixture of water
and coolant addit ive. M ixing the coolant additive
with d istilled water is recommended .
Before you check anythi ng i n t he engine com
partment, always read and heed all WARN
¢ .&. in Working in the engine compart
ment on page 220 .
(D Note
-Befo re winter se ts in, have the coo lant
checked to see if the coolant additive in your
vehicle is sufficient to meet the cl imate con -
Check ing and Filling
ditions. This is especially important if you
live in a region where the winter is extreme
ly cold. If necessary, increase the proportion
of coolant additive to 60%.
- When adding coolant additive to your cool
ing system, remember :
- We recommend us ing only coolant add i
tive Gl2+ + or Gl3 for yo ur vehicle. This
coolant addit ive is avai lab le at aut horized
A udi dealers . O ther types of antifree ze can
significantly reduce corrosion pro tect ion .
The resulting corrosion can cause a loss of
coolant and serious engine damage.
- Do not add any type of radiator leak sealant
to your vehicle's engine coolant. Adding ra
diator repair fluid may adversely affect the
function and performance of your cooling system and cou ld resu lt in damage not cov
ered by your New Veh icle Limited Warra nty .
Checking the engine coolant level
The engine coolant level can be checked with a
quick glance.
Fi g. 2 01 Engin e compar tmen t: cover o n th e coo lant expan
sion t ank
Before you check anything in the engine compart
always read and heed all WARNINGS
¢ A in Working in the engine compartment on
page 220 .
Park your vehicle on a level surface .
.,. Switch off the ignition .
.,. Read the engine coolant level from the coo lant
expansion tank
¢ fig . 201, ¢page 222. With a
cold engine, the coolant level should be be-
tween the "min" and "max" markings. When .,.
Checking and Filling
Brake fluid
Checking brake fluid level
The brake fluid level can be checked with a quick
Fig. 202 Eng ine compartment: cove r o n th e brake flu id
r eservoi r
Before you check anything in the engine compart
always re ad a nd hee d all W ARNING S
¢ A in Working in the engine compartment on
page 220.
., Read the brake fluid level from the brake fluid
<=> fig . 202, ¢page 222. The brake flu
id level must be between the "MIN" and "MAX"
mark ings.
The location of the brake fluid reservoir can be seen in the engine compartment illustration
¢ page 222.
The fluid level may drop slightly after some time
due to the automatic adjustment of the brake
pads . This is not cause for alarm .
If the brake fluid level falls
considerably below
the ' 'MIN" mark, the brake warning/indicator
1111 (U.S. models)/ . (Canadian models)
will come on¢
page 14 . Do not continue to oper
ate the vehicle . The complete brake system
should be thoroughly checked by an authorized
Aud i dealer or other q ualified facili ty and the
cause corrected.
If the brake f luid level is too
low, the brake warning/indicator light will i llumi
nate. Contact an authorized Audi dealer
at ely.
Changing brake fluid
Have the brake fluid changed by an experienced
technician .
Brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air. If the
water content in the brake fluid is too high, cor rosion in the brake system may result after ape
riod of time . The boiling po int of the brake fluid
will a lso decrease considerably and decrease
braking performance.
Therefore , the brake fluid must be changed
eve ry
two y ears . Always use new brake fluid which con
forms to Feder-al Motor Vehicle Standard "FMVSS 116 DO T 4".
The brake fluid reservoir can be difficult to reach ,
therefore, we recommend that you have the brake fluid changed by your author ized
d ea ler . Your dealer has the correct tools, the
right brake fluid and the know -how to do this for
- Brake fluid is po isonous. It must be stored
only in the closed original container out of
the reach of children!
- Brake fai lure can result from o ld or inappro
priate brake fluid . Observe these precau
- Use only brake fluid that meets SAE speci ficat ion
J 1703 and conforms to Federal
Motor Ve hicle Standard 116. Always check
with your authorized Audi dealer to make
sure you are using the correct brake f luid .
The correct type of brake f luid is also indi
cated on the brake fluid reservoir.
- The brake fluid must be new . Heavy use of
the brakes can cause a vapor lock if the
brake fluid is left in the system too long .
This can seriously affect the efficiency of
the brakes as well as your safety. This
could result in an accident.
(D Note
Brake fluid will damage the paint of your vehi-
cle .
eye. For technica l reasons, the pres sure in the
suspension st ruts may change during the
t ra nspo rt a nd this will adverse ly affect vehicle
Raising the vehicle
Lifting with workshop hoist and with floor
T he vehicle may only be lifted at the lifting
poin ts illus trated .
Fig . 237 Front lift ing point
F ig. 238 Rear lift ing po int
.,. Read and heed WARNING¢&_.
... Activate the vehicle jack mode in the MMI:
I CAR I funct io n button> Car system s control
button >
Servicing & checks > Air susp .: jack
mode > On .
... Loc ate lift ing po ints ¢fig. 237 and ¢ fig. 23 8 .
.,. Adjus t lifting arms of wo rkshop hoist or floo r
jack to matc h ve hicle lifting points .
... Inse rt a ru bber pad between t he f loor jack/
workshop hoist and the lifting points.
T h e vehicle jack mode m ust be act ivate d so that
the automatic adjustment of the Adaptive Air
Suspension does not ma ke it more diffic ult to
raise the ve hicle w it h the floor jack .
Emergency situations
If you must lift your vehicle with a floor jack to
work unde rneath , be sure the vehicle is safely
supported on stands intended for this purpose.
Front lifting point
T he li fting poi nt is locate d on the floor p an rein
f o rcement about at the sa me level as the ja ck
mounting point¢
fig. 237 . Do not lift the vehi
cle at the vertical sill re inforcement .
Rear lifting point
T he lif ting point is locate d on the vertical rei n
f o rcement of the lowe r sill for the on-bo ard j ack
¢fig. 238 .
Lifting with vehicle jack
Refer to¢ page 261 .
-- To reduce the r is k of se rious inju ry and veh i-
cle dama ge.
- Always lift the vehicle on ly at the special
w orkshop hoist and f loor jack lift points
lu strated¢ fig. 237 and¢ fig. 238.
- Failure to lift the ve hicle at these points
could cause the veh icle to tilt or fall fr om
a lift if t here is a change in vehicle weight
dist ribution and balance . Th is m ig ht hap
pen , fo r e xampl e, wh en heavy compo
n ents such as the eng in e block o r trans
mi ssion are removed.
- W hen re mov ing heavy componen ts like
t hese, anchor veh icle to hoist or add co rre
s p ondin g weig hts to maintai n the center of
g ra vity. O therw ise, the vehicle mig ht tilt or
o ff th e hois t, c ausing se rious pe rsonal
i njur y.
(D Note
- Be aw are of the fo ll ow ing poi nts before lift
ing the vehicle:
-The vehicle should never be lifted or
jacked up from underneath the engine oil
pan, the transmission housing, the front
or rear axle or the body side members .
This could lead to serious damage .
- To avoid damage to the underbody or
chassis frame, a rubber pad must be