USA models:
Anti-lo ck brak ing system (AB S) de
fect ive
r=> page 18
Canada models:
Ant i-lock brak ing system (ABS) de
fect ive
r::!> page 18
Worn bra ke pads
r=> page 19
Electromechanical pa rking brake
r=> page 15
Tire press ure mon itoring system ../
r=>page 254
Tire p ress ure mon itor ing system
r=> page 254
Elect ronic power control (a lterna
t ive
to ll )
r=> page 19
Glow plug system
(a lterna tive to
lla )
r::!> pag e 20
Malfunct ion indicator Lamp ( MIL)
r=> page 20
Di ese l pa rt ic ulat e filter* clogged
r=> page 20
Eng ine speed limi ta ti on
r::!> page 20
Eng ine o il level
r::!> page 1 7
Engine oi l sensor
r::!> page 21
Request to warm engine by dr iv ing
r=> page 21
r=> page 15
Tank system
r=> page 21
W indshie ld washer fluid level
r::!> page 21
W indshie ld w ipers
r=> page 21
Instruments and ind icator lights
Ad Blue /9
Ad Blue,/'
Remote contro l key
r::!> page 81
Remote contro l key
r=> page 81
Battery i n remote control key
r=> page 31
Defec tive ligh t bu lb warning
r=> page 21
F og ligh ts*
r=>page 21
Rear fog lights*
r::!> page 21
Head ligh t range cont rol
r=> page 21
adaptive light*
r=> page 2 2
light-/ra in sensor fa ulty
r=> page 2 2
Audi act ive lane assist *
r=>page 100
r=> page 116
r=> page 11 6
Electro nic s teer ing colum n lo ck
r=>p age 17
Engine sta rt syste m
r=>page 17
Brake booster
r=> pag e 18
Electromechanical steering ,dy
nam ic steer ing* ../
r=>page 194
Air suspension*
r=>page 17
Sport d ifferential *
Refi ll Ad Blue*
r::!> page 21 6
AdBlue malfunc tion*
r=> page 216
Removing the mechanical key
Fig. 19 R emote control master key: removing the mechani·
ca l key
• Press the release button @¢fig. 19.
• Pull the mechanical key @ out of the master
Using the mechan ica l key, you can:
- lock and unlock* the storage compartment on
the passenger's side¢
page 73.
- lock and unlock the vehicle manually
¢page 35.
-lock the front and rear passenger doors me
page 36.
-unlock the luggage compartment lid manually
¢page 39.
Check light and battery in the master key
Fig. 20 Remote master key: Remov ing the battery holder
Check light in the ma ste r key
The check light®¢ fig. 20 in the master key
provides information about different conditions.
• The check light turns on briefly once when a
button is pressed, and during an "inquiry" by
the conven ience key system.
Open ing and closing
• If the check light does not come on, the battery
is dead and has to be replaced. In addition,
when the battery is dead the
!I ind icator light
appears in the instrument cluster display as
well as the message
Please change the key
battery .
Ma ster key battery replacement
• Remove the mechanical key ¢page 31.
• Press the re lease button @¢ fig. 20 on the
battery holder and at the same time pull the
battery holder out of the master key in the di
rection of the arrow .
.. Install the new batte ry CR 2032 with the"+"
sign facing down.
.. Push the battery holder carefully into the mas
ter key .
.. Insta ll the mechanical key .
@ For the sake of the environment
Dispose of dead batteries properly so as not
to pol lute the environment.
(D Tips
The replacement battery must be the same
specification as the original.
Electronic immobilizer
The immobilizer helps to prevent unauthorized
use of your vehicle.
A computer ch ip inside your key automatically
deact ivates the electronic immob ilizer when the
key is inside the vehicle. When you remove the
key from the vehicle, the elect ronic immob ilizer
is automatically activated once again .
Always take the key with you when you leave
the vehicle. The key can disarm the electronic
engine immobilizer and permit an unauthor
i zed person to start the engine and enable op
eration of the vehicle systems such as power
window or power sunroof leading to serious
personal injury.
@ Tips
If your vehicle has been standing for an ex
tended period, please note the follow ing:
- The proximity sensors are deactivated after
a few days to save power . You then have to
pull on the door handle once to unlock the
vehicle and a second time to open the vehi
- To prevent the battery from draining and to
preserve your vehicle's ability to start for as
long as poss ible, the energy management
system gradually switches off unnecessary
convenience funct ions. It is possible that
you wi ll not be able to unlock your veh icle
us ing these convenience functions .
- Fo r De claration of Comp liance to Un ited
States FCC and Industry Canada regulations
Operating locks with the key
In the event of a failure of the power locking sys tem , the driver's door can be locked and un
locked at the lock cylinder.
F ig. 23 Key turns for opening and closing.
• Remove the mechan ical key c> page 31.
• Turn the key to the left to unlock the dr iver's
door .
• Turn the key to the right to lock the driver 's
door c>
Read and follow all WARN INGS c> .&. in Gener
al description on page 32 .
Openin g an d clos ing
Locking and unlocking the vehicle from
Fig. 2 4 Driver's door; power lock ing switch
Fig. 25 Rear power lock ing switc h
"' Press the button @to lock the vehicle c> &,,.
"' Press the bu tton crl to un lock the vehicle
c> fig. 24, c> fig . 25.
If you lock the veh icle using the power lock ing
switch, please note the following:
- You cannot open the doors or the luggage com
partment lid from the
outside (increased secur
ity, for example when you a re stopped at a red
light) .
- The diodes in the power locking switches illumi
nate when a ll the doors are closed and locked.
- Front doors: you can unlock and open the doors from the ins ide by pu lling on the door handle .
- Rear doors : pu ll the door handle
once to re
lease the lock . Pull the handle
again to open
the doo r.
- If you have a crash and the airbag is act ivated,
the doors automat ically unlock.
- The power lock ing switch wo rks with the ig
n ition off and au toma tically lo cks the ent ire
veh icle when it is a ctuated.
3 5
Opening and closin g
- You press/release the~ button on the remote
contro l key (vehicles with convenience key*), or
- You press the~ or
CD (vehicles with conven
ience key*) button in the luggage compartment
lid , or
- You push the hand le in the luggage compart
ment lid, or
- You push on the luggage compartment lid with
your hand opposite the direction it is moving,
- When something b locks the luggage compart
ment lid or makes it difficu lt for the lid to
move .
I f you press the hand le or one of the~ or
(vehicles with convenience key*) buttons then,
the luggage compartment lid will either open or
close, depending on how far it was open.
- Read and follow all WARNINGS c> A in Gen
eral description on page 32.
- After closing the luggage compartment lid,
always pull up on it to make sure that it is
properly closed . Otherwise
it cou ld open
suddenly when the veh icle is moving .
- To help prevent poisonous exhaust gas from
being drawn into the veh icle, always keep
the luggage compartment lid closed while dr iv ing . Neve r transport objects larger than
those which fit completely into the luggage
area, because then the luggage compart
ment lid c annot be fully closed .
- Never leave yo ur vehicle unattended espe
c ially w ith the l uggage comp artment l id left
open. A child co ul d crawl into the ca r
through the luggage compartment and pull
the lid shut, becoming trapped and unable
to get out. To reduce the risk of personal in
jury, never let children p lay in or around
you r vehicle. A lways keep the luggage com
partment lid as well as the vehicle doors
closed when not in use .
- Never close the luggage compartment lid
inatten tively or without check ing first . Al
though the clos ing fo rce of the l uggage
c ompartment lid is limited, yo u can st ill se
riously injure yourse lf or others.
- Always ensure that no one is within range of
the luggage compartment lid when it is
mov ing, in particular close to the hinges and
the upper and lower edges - fingers or
hands can be pinched.
- Never try to interfere with the luggage com
partment lid or help it when it is be ing
opened or closed a utomat ically.
(D Tips
- The settings in the MMI determine if the
luggage compartment lid can be opened us
ing the handle
c> page 33
- If there is a mechanical problem with auto
matic closing for the l uggage compartment
lid or the re is an obs truction, it opens again
immediately . Check to see why the luggage
compartment lid could not be closed before
a ttempting to close it again.
- The following applies to vehicles equ ipped
with the Convenience key* feature: if the re
mote contro l key is left in the lugg age com
partment, luggage compartmen t will auto
matically unlock itself after you lock the ve
hicle. This prevents you from unintentiona l
ly lock ing you r key in the l uggage compart
- When the vehicle is locked, the luggage
compartment lid can be unlocked separately
by pressing the button~ on the master
key. When t he luggage compartment lid is
closed aga in, it locks automat ica lly .
- If the vehicle battery charge drops below a
certain level, you can still open or close the
luggage compa rtment lid manually, howev
er, you will need to apply mo re force to
close i t.
-The buttons for the power sun shades * in the
side windows.
- The button for the front passenger's seat ad
- Always take the vehicle key with you when
leaving the vehicle, even for a short period
of time. This applies particularly when chil
dren rema in in the vehicle . Otherwise the
children could start the engine or operate
electrical equipment such as power win
dows. The power windows a re functional un
ti l the driver's door or passenge r's door has
been opened.
- Pay ca reful attention when closing the win
It could cause injury by pinching.
- When locking the veh icle from outside, the
vehicle must be unoccupied since the win dows can no longer be opened in an emer
@ Tips
- Using the switches © and @, the driver can
also operate the power sunshades* in the
side windows.
- After tu rning the ignition off you can st ill
open and close the w indows for app roxi
ma tely 10 minutes. The powe r windows are
not switched off until the driver's door or
passenger's door has been opened.
What to do after a malfunction
The one -touch open and close function must be
reactivated if the battery has been disconnected .
.,. Pull and hold the power w indow switch unt il
the window is fully closed.
.,. Release the switch and then pull it again for at
least one second.
Openin g an d clos ing
Valet parking
The valet parking feature protects the luggage
compartment from unauthorized access.
Fig. 36 Valet parking button
With "valet parking" act ivated, the luggage com
partment lid cannot be opened .
.,. Remove the mechanical key
c::> page 31.
.,. Open the glove compartment and activate
c::> fig. 36 the "valet parking" feature by press
ing the
!VA LE T I button. The indicator light in
the switch illumina tes.
.,. Close the glove compartment and lock it with
the mechanical key.
.,. Leave the master key with the service personnel
for parking and keep the mechanical key with
you .
When the "valet parking" feature is activated:
- the unlocking button fo r the luggage compart
ment lid~ in the driver's door is inactive
- the button~ on the master key is inactive
- the opening handle in the luggage compart-
ment lid is inactive.
The vehicle can be driven and locked and un
locked with the master key . Access to the lug
gage compartment is b locked.
When the valet parking function is switched on,
the message
V ale t p arki ng activat ed appears in
the instrument cluster d isp lay when you switch
the ignition on.
4 1
Sea ts and stor age
@ For the sake of the environment
As a result of the increased wind resistance
created by a roof rack, your vehicle is using
fuel unnecessarily. So remove the roof rack
after using it .
12-volt sockets
Gilt Fahrzeuge 12-volt sockets
Electrical accessories can be connected to every
12-volt socket.
Fig. 78 Sectio n of the trim panel of the luggage compart
ment: 12-vo lt socket
Fig. 79 Rear center console: 12-volt socke t
• Open the socket cover~ fig. 78 or~ fig. 79 .
• Inser t the plug of the elec trical device into the
There is an additional 12 volt socke t in the front
center console~
page 73, fig . 80.
The 12 volt sockets can be used for electrical ac ·
cessories . T he power input must not exceed 120
watts .
Before you purchase any accessories, always read
and follow the informat ion in~
page 283, Addi·
tional accessories and parts replacement.
The sockets and the electrical accessories con·
nected to them operate only when the igni
tion is switched on . Incorrect usage can lead
to se rious injuries or burns . To reduce the risk
of injuries, never leave children unattended in
the vehicle with the vehicle key.
(D Note
To avoid damagi ng the socket, on ly use plugs
that fit p roperly.
- Never connect equipment that generates
electrical current, such as a solar panel or
battery charger, to the 12 vo lt socket. This
cou ld damage the vehicle's elec trical sys
- The 12 volt socket should o nly be used for a
short period of t ime as a powe r sour ce for
electrical equipment . Please use the electri
cal sockets in the vehicle when connect ing
equipment for longer per iods .
@ Tips
When the engine is off and accessories are
still p lugged in and are on, the veh icle battery
can still be drained .
more force to turn or brake if necessary. Be
cause you cannot steer and brake as you
usually would, this could lead to crashes
and serious injur ies.
- For safety reasons, you should a lways park
yo ur vehicle with the selector lever in P.
O therwise, the ve hicle co uld inadverte ntly
r oll away.
- After the engine has been sw itched off , the
rad iator fan can con tinue to ru n for up to 10
mi nutes -even with the ig nition switched
It ca n also swi tc h on again after some
t ime if t he coolant te mperature ris es as th e
resul t of a he at bu ildup o r if the eng ine is
hot an d the engine compartme nt is addi
t iona lly heated by the sun's rays.
([) Note
Do not s top the e ngine immed ia te ly after
h ard o r ex tende d driving. Keep the engine
r u nning for approxima tely two m in utes to
prevent excessive heat b uild- up.
Driver message in the instrument cluster
Turn off ignition before leaving car
This message appears and a warn ing tone sounds
if you open the driver's door when the ignition is
sw itched on.
Press brake pedal to start engine
T his message appea rs if you press the
I START ENGI NE STOP I butt on to st art the engine
and do not depress the brake pedal. The eng ine
can only be started if the bra ke pe dal is de
Ill Is key in the vehicle ?
If the i nd icator light t urns on and the message
appears, the remote co ntro l key was removed
from the vehicle while the eng ine was ru nning. If
the ignition key is no t in the vehicle yo u w ill not
be ab le to sw itch on the ign ition or restart the
engine after it has been switched off . You will a l
so not be able to lock the ve hicle from the out
Shift to P, othe rwi se vehicle can roll away.
Door s do not lock if lever is not in P.
This dr ive r mess age ap pears for safety re a sons if
the tra nsmission has not been shifted to the P
p os it ion when you switch the ignition off . Move
the se lecto r lever to the P position. Otherwise the
vehicle is not p rotected from rol ling and cannot
be locked .
fl Key is not recognized. Hold back of key
against marked area. See owner 's manual.
If the indic ator ligh t turns on and this mes sage
appea rs, there is a ma lfunction
¢page 83 .
Turn off ignition before leaving car . Battery is
This message appears if the driver's door is
opened wh ile the ign ition is sw itched on. Always
swi tch off the ignition if yo u are leav ing the ve hi
cl e. See a lso
¢ page 87.
Shift to P and turn off ignition before leaving
car, otherwise vehicle can roll away
This message appears if the driver's door is
opened wh ile the ignition is switched on and the
selector lever is not in the P position . S hi ft the
selector lever i nto the P posit io n and sw itch off
t h e ign it io n when yo u exit the vehicle . Otherwise
t h e ve hicle co uld ro ll. See a lso
¢ page 87.
Starting the engine if there is a
It may n ot be possible to start the engine under
certain circumstances, for example if the battery
in the vehicle key is drained, if interference hos
affected the key or if there is a system malfunc
tion .
~ ___ ____ !
F ig . 89 Cen te r co nsole/ maste r key: start ing the e ng in e if
ther e is a malfu nct io n
Req uirement: The message Key not re cognized.
Hold back of key against marked area. See own
er' s manual.
must appear and the indicator light
DJ must switch on .
.. Hold the master key ve rtica lly in the location i n
d icated
y >l) ¢ fig. 89 .
.. Press the brake peda l.
.. Press the
engine will star t.
.. Drive to your author ized Audi dealer immed i
ately to have the malf unct ion corrected .
(D Tips
You can view the message again by pressing
parking brake
Operation D
rivi ng
The electromechanical parking broke replaces
t he hand broke.
Fig . 9 0 Cen te r conso le : Parkin g brake
.. Pull on the switch «vl c:> fig. 90 ® to apply the
parking brake. The indicator lights in the switch
and - (USA models)/ . (Canada models)
in the instrument cluster illuminate .
.,. With the ignition switched on, step o n the
brake pedal or the accelerator ped al and press
t he swi tch(® at the same time to re lease the
pa rking bra ke . The indicator lights in the swi tc h
and - (USA models)/ . (Canada mode ls) in
the instrument cluster go out .
Yo ur vehicle is equ ipped wi th an ele ct romechan i
ca l park ing brake . The parking brake is designed
to prevent the vehicle from ro lling unintentional
ly and replac es the hand brake.
In add ition to the normal functions of a trad i
t io na l h and brake, t he e lectrome chanical pa rking
brake provides va rious conveni ence and safety
funct ions .
When starting from rest
-The integra l st art ing assis t he lps yo u when
driving by automa tic a lly releas ing the pa rking
¢ page 8 4, Star ting from res t.
-W hen start ing on incline s, t he s tarting assist
prevents the vehicle from unin ten tionally ro ll
ing back . The braking force of the parking bra ke
is not re leased unti l sufficient driv ing force has
been b uilt up at the wheels. .,.