2016 AUDI S8 winter tires

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Page 90 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Driving 
Speed  warning  system 
The speed  warning  system  helps you  to  stay  un­
der a specified  maximum  speed . 
The  speed  warning  system  warns  you  if you  are 

Page 197 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Driving  with  your 
With All  Wh eel Drive , all four  wh eels are driven . 
General  information 
With  All W heel  Drive,  power  is dis tribute d to  all 
four  wheels . This  happens  au

Page 238 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Wheels 
Wheels  and Tires 
General  information 
~check your tires  regularly  for 
damage  (punctures,  cuts,  cracks 
and  bulges).  Remove foreign  ob­
jects  from  the  tire  tread. 
~ If

Page 243 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual -
"XL" "xl" "EXTRA  LOAD" or "RF"      
on  the  sidewall. 
means  a  metal  support  for  a  tire 
or  a  tire  and  tube  assembly  upon 
which  the  tire  beads  are  seated . 
Rim  diamete

Page 245 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Occupant  loading  and  distri­
but ion for  vehicle  normal  load 
for  various  design ated  se ating 
c a pa cit ies 
Refer  to  the  tire  inflation  pres­
sure  label ¢ 
page  246,  fig.  208

Page 253 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual .,.Che ck  th e tir e s idewall 
(c:::> page 2 3 6, fig. 205 ) to  deter­
min e th e des ig nated  load  r atin g 
for  a spec ific tir e. 
Wheel  bolts  and  rims 
Wheel  bolts 
Wheel  bolts  must

Page 255 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual been  damaged,  replace  the  t ire  as  soon  as 
possible . 
- T hese  tires  may  wear  more  q uickly than  others. 
- Please  a lso  remembe r th at,  while  these  tires 
deliver  responsive  ha

Page 260 of 302

AUDI S8 2016  Owners Manual Emerg ency  assis ta nce 
If you  do  have  to  drive  with  snow  chains  and  a 
front  tire fails,  mount  the  spare  wheel  with  tire 
instead  of  a  rear  tire . Install  the  snow  chains  on
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