fill up at busy gas stations where the seasonal
adjustment is more likely to be made in time.
(D Note
- Methanol fuels which do not meet these re
quirements may cause corrosion and dam
age to plastic and rubber components in the
fuel system.
- Do not use fue ls that fail to meet the speci
fied criteria in this chapter.
- If you are unable to determine whether or
not a particular fuel blend meets the speci
fications, ask your service station or its fuel
- Do not use fuel for which the contents can
not be identified.
- Fuel system damage and performance prob
l ems resulting from the use of fuels differ
ent from those specified are not the respon
s ibility of Audi and are not covered under
the New Vehicle or the Emission Control
System Warranties.
- If you experience a loss of fuel economy or
driveability and performance problems due
to the use of one of these fuel blends, we
recommend that you switch to unb lended
Gasoline additives
A ma jor concern among many auto manufactur
ers is carbon deposit build-up caused by the type
of gasoline you use.
Although gasol ine grades differ from one manu
facture r to another, they have certa in things in
common. All gasoline grades contain substances
that can cause deposits to collect on vita l engine
parts, such as fuel injectors and intake valves. Al
though most gasoline brands include additives to
keep engine and fuel systems clean, they are not
equally effective .
Audi recommends using TOP TIER Detergent Gas
oline. For more information on TOP TIER Deter-
M gent Gasoline, please go to the official website N
j (www
'SI: ,...., \!) 1.1'1
N \!) ,....,
Fuel and Refueling
After an extended period o f using inadequate
fuels, carbon deposit build-ups can rob your en
gine of peak performance .
(D Note
Damage or malfunction due to poor fuel qual
ity is not covered by the Audi New Vehicle
Limited Warranty.
Diesel fuel
Applies to vehicles: with diesel engine
Always use ULSD (Ultra Low Su lfur Diesel) No. 2.
The ULSD No. 2 meets the ASTM 0975.
Diesel fuel with concentrations of biodiese l high
er than 5
% such as Bl 1, B20 or 8100 are strictly
Service station fue l pumps are labeled with the
correct fue l information for easy recognit ion by
the user .
If the d iese l fue l pump is not labe led
ask the station operator what fuel is being dis
pensed before fi lling up your vehicle.
ULSD No. 2 may not be available outside the USA
and Canada . Be sure to check before traveling to
other countries.
ULSD No. 2 can become thicker in very cold tem
peratures, and this can impair the engine's start
ing and running. Depending on the season, gas
stations provide ULSD No. 2 that flows better in
cold temperatures so that you can continue oper
ating your vehicle as usual.
@ Note
- Your vehicle's diesel engine was designed
soley for use with ULSD No. 2. Therefore,
never use gasoline, heating oil, other fuels
or flow improvers. These conta in substances
that will severely damage the fuel system
and the engine . Such damage will not be
covered by your New Vehicle Limited War
- If you put any amount of incorrect fuel in
the fuel tank, do not start the engine under
any circumstances. Immediately contact the
nearest authorized Audi dealer or author
ized Audi Service Facility for assistance.
Checking and F ill in g
General information
Under no rmal operating conditions, the battery
in your Audi does not need any ma intenance.
W ith
high outside temperatu res or long daily
d rives we recommend that you have the electro
lyte level checked by a service facility . The elec
trolyte level should a lso be checked each time
the battery is charged ¢
page 230.
Have the bat tery checked when you take yo ur ve
hicle in for service . You are we ll advised to re
p lace a battery that is o lder than 5 years .
W ith certa in types of airbag deploymen t, the bat
tery is disconnected from the vehicle electrica l
system for safety reasons ¢
.&. in Repair, core
and disposal of the airbags on page 158.
Disconn ecting the battery t erminal s
Some veh icle funct ions (power window regula
tors, for examp le) are lost if the battery termi
na ls are disconnected. These functions have to be
re learned after the battery terminals are con
nected aga in. To prevent this, the battery shou ld
only be disconnected from the vehicle electrical
system when absolutely necessary for repairs.
Vehicl es not driven fo r long period s
If you do not drive your vehicle over a period of
several days or weeks, e lectrica l components are
gradually cut back or switched off. This reduces
energy consumption and maintains starting ca pability over a longer period¢
page 194. Some
of the convenience funct ions may not operate,
such as the inter ior lights or power seat adjust
ment. The convenience functions will be ava ilab le
again whe n you swit ch on the igni tion and sta rt
the engine.
Winte r operation
During the winter months, battery capacity tends
to decrease as temperatures drop . This is because
mo re power is also consumed w hile starting, and
the head lights, rear w indow defogger, etc ., are
used more often.
Avoid unnecessary power consumption, part icu
larly in city traffic or when traveling only short
distances. Let your authorized Audi dealer check
the capacity of the vehicle battery before winter
sets in
¢ page 230 . A well charged battery will
not only prevent starting problems when the
weather is cold, but will also last longer.
(D Tips
If your vehicle is left standing for several
weeks at extremely low temperatures, the ve
hicle battery should be removed and stored
where it will not freeze . This will prevent it
from being damaged and having to be re
Working on the battery
Be especially careful when working on or near
the battery.
The battery is located in the luggage compart
ment under the floor . Before you check anything
i n the luggage compartment,
re ad and he ed all
Always heed the safety warning s, when working
o n the vehicle battery or the vehicle e lectr ical
system to prevent injury .
The following WARNING S are very important
when working on the battery :
Alw ay s heed the following WARNING SYM ·
BOL S and safety p recaut ions when wo rking on
the batter y.
Alw ay s w ear e ye protection .
Battery acid contains sulfuric acid . Al -
way s wear gloves and ey e protection .
· spark s
· flames
· sm oking.
When a battery is charged , it p roduce s
h yd rogen gas which is e xplosi ve and
could cause per sonal injury .
Always keep the battery well out of
r ea ch of ch ild ren.