JauneNoirNoir texte
ENG_UD7223_2Clés / télécommande à radiofréquence (B90 - L90 - F90 - \
U90 - R90 - L90 Ph2 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_1
Note: if an opening element (door or tailgate) is open or not properly closed, the hazard warning lights will not flash.
Note: on certain vehicles, if a door is not opened within approximately
30 seconds of the door being unlocked by remote control, the doors will lock again automatically.
Interference by factors in the immediate vicinity (external installations or the use of equipment operating on the same frequency as the remote control) may affect the operation of the remote con- trol.
The remote control unit
operating range
This varies according to the surround- ings: therefore take care that when handling the remote control you do not inadvertently lock or unlock the doors.
If you lose your keys or remote control unit, or need another set, contact your approved dealer.
– If a remote control is replaced,
it will be necessary to take the vehicle and all sets of keys to your approved dealer to initial- ise the system.
– It is possible to use up to four
remote control units for one vehicle.
Remote control unit failure
Make sure that the batteries are always in good condition: they have a service life of approximately two years.
Refer to the information on “Radio frequency remote control unit: bat- tery” in Section 5.
Door locking/unlocking
Press button 2 on remote control A for approximately one second to lock the
doors and button 3 to unlock them.
– The hazard warning lights and side
indicator lights flash twice to indicate that the doors have been locked.
– The hazard warning lights and side
indicator lights flash once to indicate that the doors have been unlocked.
children .................................................(up to the end of the DU)doors.....................................................(up to the end of the DU)child safety............................................(up to the end of the DU)
ENG_UD5542_1Ouverture des portes (B90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_1
Driver’s responsibility
Never leave your vehi- cle with the key inside and never leave a child (or a pet) unsupervised, even for a short while.
They may pose a risk to themselves
or to others by starting the engine, activating equipment such as the electric windows or by locking the doors.
Risk of serious injury.
Opening manually
from the outside
Depending on the vehicle, the key locks and unlocks the driver’s door or all four doors.
Front: use the key to unlock one of
the front door locks 2. Place your hand
behind handle 1 and pull it towards you.
Rear: lift unlocking button 3 from the inside and pull the door handle.
Opening manually
from the inside
Front: pull the handle 4
Rear: from the inside, lift unlocking
button 3 and pull the door handle 4.
Lights-on reminder buzzer
If you have left the lights on after switch- ing off the ignition, a warning buzzer will sound when a front door is opened (to prevent the battery from discharging, etc.).
engine immobiliser................................(up to the end of the DU)engine immobiliser................................(up to the end of the DU)
ENG_UD5545_1Système antidémarrage (B90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_1
Système antidémarrage
This prevents the vehicle being driven by anyone not in possession of the vehicle’s coded ignition key.
Operating principle
The vehicle is automatically protected a few seconds after the ignition is switched off.
If the vehicle does not recognise the
coded ignition key, tell-tale light 1 will flash continuously and the engine cannot be started.
Any unauthorised work carried out on the engine immobiliser (computers, wiring, etc.) could be dan- gerous. Work must be carried out by qualified personnel.
Indicator light
System operating tell-tale light
When the ignition is switched on, tell-
tale 1 lights up continuously for approx- imately three seconds and then goes out. The vehicle has recognised the code. You can then start the engine. v
ehicle protection tell-tale light
A few seconds after the ignition has
been switched off, tell-tale light 1 will flash constantly.
The vehicle will only be protected after the ignition has been switched off.
Operating fault warning light
After the ignition has been switched
on, if warning light 1 continues to flash or remains continuously lit, there is a system operating fault.
In all cases, it is essential to contact an approved dealer as only they are qual- ified to repair the engine immobiliser.
If the coded ignition key is faulty, use the second key (supplied with the vehicle).
JauneNoirNoir texte
ENG_UD8379_3Dispositifs complémentaires à la ceinture avant (B90 - L90 Ph2 - \
This system is only operational when the ignition is switched on.
If a severe frontal impact occurs, the air bag(s) inflate(s) rapidly, cushion- ing the impact of the driver’s head and chest against the steering wheel and the front passenger’s head against the dashboard. The air bag then deflates immediately so that the passengers are not impeded in any way when they get out of the vehicle.
In addition to the driver ’s air bag system, the passenger air bag system has a front passenger air bag deacti- vation warning light on the instrument panel. This warning light is associated with the front passenger air bag deacti- vation system.
It lights up to indicate that the passen- ger air bag will not be inflated in the event of an impact (for more informa- tion about the operation of this system, refer to the section on “Deactivating the
front passenger air bag” in Section 1).
Operating faults
Warning light 1 will light up on the in- strument panel when the ignition is turned on and then go out after a few seconds.
If it does not light up when the ignition is switched on, or comes on when the engine is running, there is a fault in the system.
In this case, a rear-facing child seat MUST NOT be fitted to the front pas- senger seat.
Allowing any other passenger to sit in that seat is not recommended.
In these two cases, contact your approved dealer as soon as possible.
The airbag system uses py- rotechnic principles. This explains why, when the airbag inflates, it will gener- ate heat, produce smoke (this does not mean that a fire is about to start) and make a noise upon detonation. In a situation where an airbag is de- ployed, it will inflate immediately and this may cause some minor, su-
perficial grazing to the skin or other problems.
rear view mirrors ...................................(up to the end of the DU)
ENG_UD5556_1Rétroviseurs (B90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_1
Door mirrors with adjustment
from the outside
Adjust the door mirror manually.
Door mirrors with adjustment
from the inside
To adjust the mirror, move lever 1.
Door mirrors with electrical
w ith the ignition on, move button 2:
– position
A to adjust the left-hand door mirror;
– position
B to adjust the right-hand door mirror;
0 is the neutral centre position.
Heated door mirrors
The door mirrors are de-iced when the rear screen demisting/de-icing is active.
Interior rear view mirror
Its position can be adjusted. When driv- ing at night, to avoid being dazzled by the headlights of the vehicle behind, depress the little lever located behind
the rear view mirror 3.
rear screendemisting .........................................................(current page)
JauneNoirNoir texte
ENG_UD5557_1Poste de conduite direction à gauche (B90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_1
The presence of the equipment DEPENDS ON THE vEHICLE vERSION AND COUNTRY.
1 Side air vent.
2 Demister outlet.
3 Stalk for:
– direction indicator lights,
– exterior lights,
– front fog lights,
– rear fog lights,
– horn.
4 Instrument panel.
5 Location for driver’s air bag.
6 Steering column stalk for wind- screen and rear screen wash/ wipe.On-board computer information readout control.
7 Centre air vents.
8 Location for passenger air bag or storage compartment.
9 Demister outlet.
10 Side air vent.
11 Passenger air bag activation/deac- tivation switch.
12 Glove box.
13 Location for radio or storage com- partment.
14 Electric window control.
15 Central door locking switch.
16 Hazard warning lights switch.
17 Heating and ventilation controls.
18 Cigar lighter.
19 Handbrake.
20 Rear window electric locking con- trol.
21 Electric door mirror control.
22 Location for ashtray or cup holder.
23 Gear lever.
24 Heated rear screen control.
25 Electric window control.
26 Ignition switch.
27 Headlight beam height adjustment control.
28 Bonnet release.
29 Fuse flap.
control instruments ...............................(up to the end of the DU)instrument panel ...................................(up to the end of the DU)warning lights........................................(up to the end of the DU)
ENG_UD5559_1tableau de bord : Témoins lumineux (B90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_1
JauneNoirNoir texte
Appareils de contrôle
fRear fog light tell-tale
gFront fog light tell-tale
^w ater in the diesel filter warning light
If it remains lit or comes on while driv- ing, it indicates that water is present in the diesel filter. Contact an approved Dealer as soon as possible.
Door(s) open warning
LLow fuel level warning light
It comes on when the engine is started then goes out after three seconds. If it stays on, fill up with fuel as soon as possible.
dDirection indicator tell-tale light
INSTRUMENT PANEL: warning lights
These warning lights, if lit up on in-
strument panel A, require you to stop immediately, as soon as traffic conditions allow.
The presence and operation of the warning lights DEPEND ON THE EQUIPMENT\
If no lights or sounds are ap- parent, this indicates a fault in the instrument panel. This indicates that it is essential to stop immediately (as soon as traf- fic conditions allow). Ensure that the vehicle is correctly immobilised and contact an approved Dealer.
JauneNoirNoir texte
ENG_UD5559_1tableau de bord : Témoins lumineux (B90 - Dacia)ENG_NU_817-2_NU_Dacia_1
INSTRUMENT PANEL: warning lights (continued)
êEngine immobiliser system warning light
This light performs several functions.
Refer to the information on the “Engine immobiliser” in Section 1.
Electronic fault or preheat- ing warning light
Preheating warning light
This light should come on when the ig- nition key is in position M; it indicates that the heater plugs are in operation.
It goes out when preheating is complete and the engine can be started.
Electronic fault warning light
If it remains lit or comes on when you are driving, it indicates an electrical or electronic fault. Contact an approved Dealer as soon as possible.
ÚBattery charge warning light
It should go out as soon as the engine starts.
If it comes on when you are driving, it indicates that the circuit is overcharging or has discharged. Stop and contact an approved Dealer.
ÄToxic Fume Filter System
w arning Light
On equipped vehicles, the light comes on when the ignition is switched on then goes out.
– If it lights up continuously, consult
your approved Dealer as soon as possible.
– If it flashes, reduce the engine
speed until the light stops flashing. Contact an approved Dealer as soon as possible.
Refer to the information “Advice on antipollution, fuel economy and driving” in Section 2.
The presence and operation of the warning lights DEPEND ON THE EQUIPMENT\
ÔCoolant temperature warn- ing light
This goes out as soon as the engine starts. If it comes on when driving, it in- dicates an increase in coolant tempera- ture. Stop and let the engine idle for a minute or two; the temperature should fall. Otherwise, stop the engine, let it cool and check the coolant level.
If the level is normal, the indicator light is being lit by something else. Contact an approved Dealer.
ÀOil pressure warning light
It goes out as soon as the engine starts; if it lights up when you are driving, it is essential to stop and switch off the ignition. Check the oil level.
If the level is normal, the indicator light is being lit by something else. Contact an approved Dealer.